Chapter 46 Proof? (Thanks to QAQ students for their tip support, thank you!)
"The reward of 1000 attribute points, why is it so awesome this time?"

After returning to the dormitory, Zhao Mo immediately closed the door and took out his notepad, ready to use this reward.

The number of attribute points surprised him.

However, looking at the four zeros behind each attribute, the attribute values ​​of these three zeros are far from enough to upgrade.

He now feels that the wisdom of LV7 is far from enough.

Zhao Mo thought about his "crazy" state during this period, reflected on himself for a while, and quickly shook his head: "There is progress, but it is basically useless and there is no fundamental improvement. There are only three months left." There are less than ten days left. No matter how hard you study, I believe you won’t be able to improve much. Moreover, if you want to successfully publish a high-factor SCI paper, you must submit it now, otherwise there will be no time and the task will fail by then!”

Indeed, LV7 is one level higher than LV6, the learning efficiency is an order of magnitude higher, and the acceptance and understanding of knowledge is also an order of magnitude higher.However, in the face of world-class problems such as mathematical conjectures, we are still unable to do what we do, and many parts are difficult to understand.

Therefore, this resulted in him having to work hard in a "crazy" state, firstly to see if he could improve his knowledge even more, and secondly, to try to trigger the system mechanism.

So far, the completion rate of the former can only be said to be about 20%, while the latter is simply empty.

The current reward comes from the design of the etching ion source that was completed some time ago.He knew that at this time, Zhongwei Company should have verified his plan and confirmed that it was successful.

Therefore, he decided to come out of his "madness" state and start to prove this conjecture.

"Let's use the answer first~"

Thinking like this, Zhao Mo received a clear message the next moment: "There is...rad(abc)1+...>c), the certificate is obtained!"

This information is the answer to the ABC conjecture.

However, as he expected, the answer was very simple. It was just a "correct" judgment, which showed that the ABC conjecture was true and could be upgraded to a theorem.

What surprised him a little was that the answer to the proof actually left a short formula at the end.

The formula is short, but significant.

"Now that we have the formula, let's deduce it according to this formula!"

Zhao Mo did not hesitate to use the only opportunity for inspiration.

He seemed to hear an extremely low buzzing sound, as thin as a mosquito.

Then, he felt as if his brain had been opened, and all kinds of endless information spewed out.

This feeling is a thousand times more powerful than the refreshing pills.

At this moment, his spirit soared infinitely, and his energy filled the air, as if he was going to explode;
His memory suddenly increased to the extreme, and he remembered all the information he had seen in his two lives. Everything he had seen, browsed, and received could be traced back to the information he received when he was born, and even Information received when brain development is complete in the mother's womb;

His wisdom also suddenly increased to the extreme. The questions and problems he had encountered for a long time melted instantly like ice and snow meeting the sun. The ABC conjecture in front of him proved that he also had an idea and could start to prove it.

"This inspiration ~ this increase ~ the wisdom level is at least LV9 or above!"

Like the Big Bang of the universe, Zhao Mo felt that he was more powerful than ever before, surpassing 99% of the people in the world!

The next moment, his hands moved and he began to write furiously on the notepad.


The gel pen keeps leaving words, numbers, and symbols on the notepad. The secrets of mathematics are clearly visible at this moment, and there are no more doubts.

He didn't pause at all, and the road to proof was smooth.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the sky gradually darkened.

Zhao Mo didn't realize anything. The information pouring out of his mind made him unable to notice any information from the outside world. He enjoyed this state and was very happy with it.

His body did not send out any fatigue, hunger, thirst or other information to disturb him at this time. Adrenaline surged out in large quantities, a large amount of sugar was decomposed and supplied to the brain, and all information feedback from other parts was strongly suppressed.

Before I knew it, it was late at night.

After the trio in the dormitory came back, they were not surprised to see Zhao Mo in this state and did not disturb him.

Lu Cheng curiously leaned over and took a look. When he saw the large number of numbers and symbols written on Zhao Mo's notebook, his eyes were dazzled. He couldn't help but took a breath of air and murmured to himself: "Good guy, this is written What is it?"

He could understand the numbers and symbols on the notebook individually, but when combined, they were the most complex and profound mathematical expressions in the world, completely beyond his comprehension.

Even though he has a cheerful and open-minded personality, he felt a huge gap at this time and thought to himself: "We are in the same dormitory and enrolled at the same time. Now reading his things is like reading a book from heaven. When did the gap between us become so big? "

Seeing his absent-minded look, Liu Zhirong and Wang Chao also came over curiously.


Liu Zhirong was dumbfounded and got stuck because he couldn't understand anything.


Wang Chao glanced over and felt that his mind was filled with questions.

who am I?
where am I?
What am I going to do?
The three of them dispersed with different thoughts and couldn't sleep well that night.

Then, in a daze, they kept seeing Zhao Mo writing furiously, with no intention of stopping.

The next day, the three of them got up with severe breathlessness, and Zhao Mo was still writing.

Then, when the three of them went out, they took a closer look and realized that something was wrong with Zhao Mo's state. His face was pale, his eyes were red, and he was very excited. The light in his eyes made people dare not look directly, as if he was trying to get out. Breathing is also more rapid.

"What should I do? Do you want to call him?"

Lu Cheng hesitated for a while and asked Wang Chao and Liu Zhirong.

Wang Chao frowned and said, "It's best not to call him. He should be at the critical moment of solving the problem now."

Liu Zhirong shook his head and said: "Don't call him, he is crazy these days. He probably got inspiration on the ABC conjecture problem, and now he may be proving it. If it disturbs him and the inspiration is gone, then we But it’s too much of a sin.”

Seeing that he said so many words in one go, Lu Cheng chose to believe him, and then smiled excitedly: "If the third child can figure out the ABC conjecture, that would be awesome!" "Put some chocolate next to him. , I’m afraid he will lose his strength!”

Liu Zhirong said, quietly placing some of the food he had saved next to Zhao Mo.

"Let's go, let's talk so much! Go and ask for leave from the instructor~"

Wang Chao said calmly and took the lead in pushing the door open and going out.

Lu Cheng smiled, and then he and Liu Zhirong followed out.


"It's finally done!"

When he wrote the last two words "certified" and saw that the final formula of the proof was exactly the same as the answer prompted by the system, Zhao Mo let out a sigh of relief.

The next moment, the endless inspiration disappeared, and the whole brain became much duller, as if it was suddenly blocked, followed by a feeling of dizziness.

He quickly supported the desk with his hands to relieve himself.

However, before he could react, the right side of his nose suddenly felt slightly warm, and a stream of heat fell intermittently, falling on the notebook, making a slight "snap" and "snap" sound.

When his eyes glanced over, what was dripping was clearly blood, and it stained the notebook in circles of brownish red.

Zhao Mo was startled and quickly covered his nose with his hands, then raised his head.

"I went and I got a nosebleed. What's going on?"

Zhao Mo was a little confused.

When the nosebleeds poured back into the nasal cavity, and some even flowed into the mouth, he quickly released the hand covering his nose. Regardless of whether his hands were stained with nosebleeds, he took out several tissues, rolled them into a ball, and stuffed them into his right nose. inside.

Ever since he had a nosebleed due to a developmental disorder in junior high school, he hasn't had a nosebleed in many years, even if he was too angry, or even when he fainted from exhaustion after being reborn.

He looked at the book full of certificates. Fortunately, there wasn't much nosebleed that fell off. After being absorbed by the paper, the mark turned into a light brownish red. The characters covered underneath could still be seen, otherwise he would have cried to death.

At the same time, he felt extremely hungry, and his whole body seemed to be coming from famine. The strong hunger made his body shriveled and dizzy.

After waiting for a while, he saw the food placed next to him, including chocolates, candies, etc. He quickly chewed five or six pieces, which relieved his body's hunger slightly, and then slowly stood up.

He could feel it. This was caused by the excessive load on his body in order to prove this question.

"The burst of inspiration is too harmful to the body!"

Zhao Moxin smiled bitterly, then opened the attribute panel, refreshed the attributes, and allocated all the saved attribute points.

{Iron Will System:

Host: Zhao Mo

Wisdom: LV7(371/10000)
Strength: LV7(370/10000)
Agility: LV7(370/10000)
Endurance: LV7 (370/10000)

Attribute Points: 0
Prizes: a bottle of refreshing pills (8 pills); a damaged laser gun; a wireless charger;
Main mission: Become a great scientist on the level of Qian Xuesen and Einstein!

Side task: Complete a high-factor SCI paper within three months. }
He thought about the period after his rebirth, when he fainted twice in a row due to studying all night, but after passing the "Morning Exercise BUFF", the three attributes of strength, agility and endurance increased by 70 points each, and he did not faint after that. After that, I was always in good spirits.

Looking back now, he overlooked many details.

He has reason to believe that the numerical value behind the attribute is affecting him. Although it is not very obvious, it is potential, just like the foundation of a house. It may not seem important, but in fact the entire house exists because of the foundation.

As he expected, after the attribute points were allocated, he did not immediately feel any changes in his body, just like before.

"It should be useful, but it's a pity that there is no chance for a second burst of inspiration, otherwise we can verify it~"

Thinking like this, Zhao Mo looked at the time. It was already eleven o'clock, almost noon.

Go eat first!

After Zhao Mo washed his tired body, he took his notebook and went to the No. [-] canteen to eat a steaming meal of rice, but the stuffy nose on the right side was particularly eye-catching.

"Hey, Zhao Mo!"

While eating and watching the proof process, a voice suddenly came from behind.

Zhao Mo turned around and saw that it was Kang Hongyi whom he hadn't seen for a long time. He couldn't help but smile and said: "Long time no see, old classmate, you come to dinner so early?"

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Do you have a nosebleed?"

Kang Hongyi looked at him like this, the muscles at the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he felt funny in his heart.

Zhao Mo coughed and said, "Yeah, I've been feeling angry lately."


Looking at the large plate of food in front of Zhao Mo, the portion was almost twice as big as his own, and then listening to what he said, Kang Hongyi was speechless.

Good guy, you're going to eat so hard when you're angry, you're going to add fuel to the fire!
However, Kang Hongyi didn't mind other people's business, so he nodded to show his understanding, and then said: "I just finished a project, and my instructor asked me to go back and think about it to see if I can write an SCI article. I think the time is almost up. I ordered it, so I went out to eat it first, and unexpectedly I happened to see you."

"That's it~"

Zhao Mo nodded, smiled slightly and said, "Congratulations, I hope the paper goes well."

Kang Hongyi nodded: "It should be no problem, I already have an idea."

"Still so arrogant~"

Zhao Mo heard the confidence and pride in his tone and couldn't help but chuckle to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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