Chapter 45 Thinking too much

{Iron Will System:

Host: Zhao Mo

Wisdom: LV7(0/10000)
Strength: LV7(0/10000)
Agility: LV7(70/10000)
Endurance: LV7 (70/10000)

Attribute Points: 1271
Prizes: a chance for inspiration; a bottle of refreshing pills (8 pills); a damaged laser gun; a wireless charger; and the answer to a question.

Main mission: Become a great scientist on the level of Qian Xuesen and Einstein!

Side task: Complete a high-factor SCI paper within three months. }
Opening the properties panel and looking at the updated data, Zhao Mo couldn't help but rub his eyes. Did he feel sleepy? Did someone bring a pillow?

But, the answer to a question is too general?
Just as Zhao Mo was thinking this, a piece of information was introduced into his consciousness.

It turns out that "a question" here refers to any question.

"Any one?"

Zhao Mo was immediately shocked.

Good guy, is it such a bug?

Think about Goldbach's Hypothesis, Riemann's Hypothesis, controllable nuclear fusion for 50 years, room temperature superconductivity... and a series of other problems, can't they all be solved using this?

However, just as he was about to be overjoyed, he suddenly thought about it. In fact, many of the questions here actually have answers. It is just a matter of how to get the answers.For example, mathematical conjectures are used to prove whether the conjecture is true; as for controllable nuclear fusion, it is actually the expansion of the nuclear fusion formula, a super project that makes nuclear fusion controllable...

If you think about it this way, being able to guide the answer is actually just equivalent to judging whether it is correct or not.

Then he came to his senses.

Yang Jing, Yang Chan, and Gu Rong all looked at him with strange expressions. They didn't understand why he was deserting while he was talking.
Zhao Mo coughed and said, "Teacher, I have some inspiration. I'm going back first."

Then he picked up the book and ran towards the dormitory like flying.


All three of them were filled with question marks by his actions.

"Inspiration? What inspiration? Inspiration for ABC's guess?"

Yang Jing was startled and muttered to herself in a somewhat pretentious manner: "No way?"

Inspiration is a very mysterious thing, science does not believe it, but it is actually very important.When inspiration comes, many previous problems will be solved.

Zhao Mo said inspiration came, and what she thought of was that Zhao Mo had inspiration on the ABC conjecture.

However, it has been less than four months since the beginning of the school year. Excluding the 20 days of military training, the actual time for classes is no more than three months!How could a high school student grow up to the point where he could prove the ABC conjecture in less than three months?Even if you think about it, you know it's impossible.

Otherwise, wouldn’t all the mathematicians in the world become just idlers?
including herself.

So, she shook her head, threw this absurd idea behind her, laughed, and turned around to leave.

Gu Rong and Yang Chan looked at each other, shook their heads, and left.

Gu Rong went home, while Yang Chan went to Yanda alone to see her cousin.

When I met Deng Hui, Deng Hui was carrying a bag, reading a book, holding a big bun in his hand, and eating the bun as he walked.


Yang Chan stopped him, then glared at him and said, "That's all you want to eat? Didn't your parents give you money? Don't tell me that you spent it all."

Seeing that it was his cousin coming over, Deng Hui's face showed a hint of surprise at first, but when he heard Yang Chan's accusation, the surprise immediately turned into embarrassment, and he stammered: "No~ no, just~ just~ convenient."

Yang Chan snorted and looked at the math book in his hand: "Then why are you still reading while walking? Don't you know this is dangerous? What if something happens to you?"

Deng Hui scratched his head, looked around again, grinned and said, "No, no, the school is very safe."

"I'm telling you, if you want to read, sit down and read, and pay attention to your safety."

Yang Chan said with an unhappy look, and then asked about his current situation.

"Very good~"

Deng Hui said.

The two then found a shady place to sit and talk.

We chatted about life and study, and also chatted about some interesting things about school.

Yang Chan talked about Zhao Mo and asked him: "Do you remember the Zhao Mo we met on the train when we came to register?"

Deng Hui smiled and nodded: "Remember, what happened to him?"

Yang Chan didn't feel surprised to see that he remembered it. After all, those who studied mathematics had good memories.

"He, I suspect that this guy didn't tell us the truth on the train. You don't know, this guy has become a celebrity in our school now. Not only is he valued by the teachers in the mathematics department, but he was also valued not long ago , and he also helped computer class Yao solve a difficult task."

Yang Chan said angrily, but her face was beaming with joy.

After saying that, he looked at Deng Hui and asked, "By the way, I heard that this mission problem was developed by your school and Wudaokou together. Do you know about this?"

"It sounds familiar~"

Deng Hui thought about it for a while, finally remembered it, and said in surprise: "Ah, I know, I heard from the seniors in the Department of Science that there was a question that was preempted by people from Wudaokou, and they also said that they must go there if they have time. Let’s see who the other party is. It turns out to be him, and he is so powerful?”

Deng Hui is the kind of person who is a showman. On the surface, he looks ordinary and even a little stupid, but on the inside, his IQ is surprisingly high.At this moment, his inner emotions were far less calm than he appeared on the surface.

It has to be said that the news brought by his cousin surprised him.

He still clearly remembered how Zhao Mo said that he was not capable and that his academic performance was not as good as his on the train.

Unexpectedly, when he turned around, in less than four months, Zhao Mo could actually challenge difficult problems and beat many outstanding seniors from Yan University, including one from Wudaokou. Dear seniors.On the other hand, he himself is still an unknown freshman.

The gap is really big!
There is no doubt that he is emotionally frustrated.

Yang Chan hummed, and then said: "Not only that, this guy is still challenging the ABC conjecture. When I first came here, he said he had an inspiration, but I don't know whether it is true or not..."

Deng Hui couldn't listen to what she said next.

When he heard "Challenging the ABC Conjecture", Deng Hui's brain and ears immediately buzzed. He was confused and his entire consciousness became chaotic.

Deng Hui had only one thought in his mind: "How is it possible?"

Yang Chan is not a math major, so he may not know what the ABC conjecture is, but he knows very well that it is one of the most difficult problems in mathematics.So far, no one has been able to prove this conjecture, even remotely close to it.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Mo was already confident enough to challenge ABC's conjecture?
Any more inspiration?
Is the gap between me and him so big?
Deng Hui's absence was quickly noticed by Yang Chan. She didn't understand what was wrong with her cousin. Why did he act like this when talking about mathematics-related problems?

"Hey, Xiaohui, are you okay?"

Yang Chan waved her hand in front of him, signaling him to come back to his senses.

Deng Hui didn't respond. He couldn't hear what she was saying.

Yang Chan had no choice but to reach out and shake him awake, and then asked with concern: "What's wrong with you? You didn't rest yesterday, okay?"

"No~ I'm fine."

Deng Hui stood up and shook his head to wake himself up.

Yang Chan asked: "What about you just now?"

Deng Hui did not answer her, but asked: "Cousin, is he really that powerful?"


Yang Chan didn't react for a moment.

Deng Hui said: "Zhao Mo!"


Only then did Yang Chan come back to her senses, and immediately laughed out loud, and then laughed so hard that she was out of breath: "Hahaha~ I can't help it~ It turns out that you were~ jealous just now..."

Good guy, I just heard her say how powerful Zhao Mo was. Her cousin had an unbalanced mentality, so he reacted that way.

This made her happy.

This was the first time she saw her cousin, a "super academic", react like this.

"Sister, can you~ stop laughing?"

Deng Hui's face turned red with embarrassment and he quickly requested.

"Haha, okay~ okay, I won't laugh~"

Yang Chan said she was not smiling, but the smile on her face and the red face showed that she was still laughing inside, and then said: "Now you know that there is a sky outside the world, and there are people outside the world, right? Don't underestimate anything. People, maybe someone will surpass you at some point. So, you must be humble as a person, and the same is true for learning."


Deng Hui was speechless for a while and then said: "I understand~"

After Yang Chan left, Deng Hui was still in a daze for a while.

When he returned to the dormitory, he almost bumped into someone, which scared him and immediately made him energetic.

"I'm sorry, Professor~"

Deng Hui looked up and saw that the person he almost bumped into was his mathematics professor, so he quickly apologized.

To the left and right of the mathematics professor, there were several other people who looked like they were also professors from the school.

"Deng Hui? Are you feeling unwell? It seems to me that you are weak."

The mathematics professor recognized him as one of the few young students that the school's new mathematics department was focusing on. Seeing that he was distracted, he did not blame him, but asked with concern.

Deng Hui hesitated for a while, then told him what Yang Chan had just said to him, and then asked: "Professor, do you think I am bad? I am still recommended!"

Only then did the mathematics professor understand the situation and couldn't help but smile: "Why do you think so? As academics, the most important thing is to be practical, not to look at others. You just think too much and don't have enough study pressure. . In this way, you can find me tomorrow and I will assign you some more topics."


Deng Hui was suddenly speechless.

This time I am really trapped in a cocoon.

After he left, several professors looked at each other with some changes in their expressions.

 Thank you OKBuios classmates for your rewards and monthly votes, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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