You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 33 Apply What You Learned

Chapter 33 Apply what you learn~
"I'm not dreaming, am I? I'm not dazzled. Is he a high school student?"

Chen Haihua came back to his senses with an expression of disbelief.

According to his understanding, Zhao Mo's family situation is relatively difficult. Not to mention buying a computer for his family, it is difficult to afford the Internet fees even for going to an Internet cafe.

As for No. [-] Middle School, it's not that Chen Haihua looks down on it, it's that the teaching facilities are so poor that he can't complain about it.

As a provincial key high school, ranked among the top in the province, there are between 4000 and [-] students from the first to the third year of high school, but the number of computers it owns is less than [-], and they are all sealed away like treasures.He had seen it and learned that the microcomputer classes given to students in No. [-] Middle School were just about learning how to turn on and off the computer. At most, they were taught how to type Wubi, and then nothing more.

Under such conditions, unless students from No. [-] middle school go to an Internet cafe to surf the Internet at their own expense, they are not very good at using a computer, let alone some special industrial design software.

Chen Haihua's family still has money. When he was in college, he spent money to take training courses outside to learn a little bit. In addition, he bought a computer for himself, so he learned it.

As you can imagine, he was shocked when he saw that Zhao Mo, a student who had just finished the college entrance examination, was so proficient in using the design software on his computer, and he was able to use many of them!
"...No wonder it can't be worked out. It turns out that the plan was tangled from the beginning~"

While Chen Haihua was scratching his head in shock, Zhao Mo carefully read all the information. After comparing the mature plans for the future, he roughly figured out his thinking.

The wireless charging product of Vertex Electronics is relatively complex in design, and many areas that can be optimized have not been optimized.

The most important thing is that Futai Electronics still adopts the design ideas of this period, which are far less concise and efficient than the design ideas of the future.

During a period when there have been no major breakthroughs in scientific theories for a long time, technological products seem to be exploding, and productivity seems to be exploding. In fact, it is just innovation at the scientific application level, including design solutions, processes, etc.

Zhao Mo ignored Chen Haihua's reaction. He put the meat he was holding aside, then used both hands, typing on the keyboard with one hand and dragging the mouse with the other, and began to quickly make drastic changes to the design plan in the computer.

Make a copy of the backup and make changes to the backup.

He came from a design background. Although there were differences between the design software at this time and later design software, the functions were basically the same, so after getting a little familiar with it, he regained his ability to use the later software.

In less than half an hour, a brand new plan came out.

After finishing, Zhao Mo stood up, pointed to his new plan and said to Chen Haihua: "These are some of my ideas, take a look~"

After saying that, he put the meat aside in his hand again, then turned and left.

"Uh uh uh……"

Before Chen Haihua realized what was going on, Zhao Mo had already gone out.

By the time he realized what had happened, he had no time to chase Zhao Mo, but bent down to look at the computer screen.Next to the original plan, a backup plan is edited there.

Click to open, and the backup plan contains a brand new design plan.

When he opened the original plan for horizontal comparison, Chen Haihua found that the new design plan was more than one-third simpler than the original plan and had less content.

"Is this~ okay?"

Chen Haihua couldn't believe that this plan was feasible.

He thought about it for a while, but he didn't evaluate it in the end. He just felt that Zhao Mo's new plan seemed very logical, at least it made sense logically.

Later, he sent the plan to his father, Chen Yongtai.

After a while, Chen Yongtai called him: "Where did this plan come from?"

Chen Haihua said: "It's Zhao Mo."

Chen Yongtai was surprised: "What?"

"It's him~"

Chen Haihua was still a little unbelievable when he said it: "I just saw him on the street, so I chatted with him for a few words. While we were chatting, he took the initiative to ask about wireless charging products, so I showed him the information, and then He operated the computer in front of me and edited a new plan."

At this time, Chen Yongtai was in his own office at Futai Company. Listening to what his son said, he couldn't help but have a look of disbelief on his face.

"Isn't there really a genius?"

Chen Yongtai murmured, then hung up the phone: "I'll show the plan to the people in the R&D department."

Soon, he called the person in charge of the R&D department, pointed to this information and said: "Go and verify this solution. I just looked at it. The performance and reliability have more than doubled, but the cost has also been reduced." One-third. Be quick, I hope I can get the results within these three days.”

The person in charge of the R&D department was confused after hearing this. He secretly complained that he didn’t know where the boss saw the messy plan. However, he still agreed quickly and sincerely: "Okay, boss~"

So, after going down, he immediately opened the information and started studying it.

He had to give the results within three days and at least make a prototype, but there was no time for him to waste.

"Who is it? Isn't this a fool's errand to design it like this?"

When he saw it for the first time, he complained in dissatisfaction because this plan was very different from the existing plan.

However, when he forced him to continue looking down, his expression quickly changed: "Hey, this seems to work~ Wait, can this place be designed like this?"

Not long after, a look of shock appeared on his face, and he kept screaming in surprise.

He didn't expect that the seemingly far-fetched design plan turned out to be perfectly logically self-consistent. He didn't encounter any obstacles when thinking about the plan. In many places, he even had an eye-opening feeling, as if someone was thinking about it. Pulling him out of a closed environment, he jumped out and could look inside from the outside.

He watched it until early in the morning, and finally finished it.

The moment he read it, he couldn't help but burst into laughter: "Awesome, so awesome! Who designed this? His mind is so bright, his innovation is so innovative!"

In his excitement, he didn't even care if it was too late and immediately called his boss on his landline: "Boss, I'm Zheng Qing. I've read the new plan. It's amazing. Who made this plan? I I have a hunch that this plan will be effective and will definitely solve our current problems.”

Chen Yongtai was woken up from his sleep and was about to get angry and curse. When he heard what he said, his anger suddenly disappeared and he became excited instead.However, Chen Yongtai controlled his emotions very well. He said calmly: "Since the plan is feasible, let's quickly build the product and verify it. It has been delayed for too long!"


Zheng Qing calmed down and hung up the phone after answering.

Two days later, prototype samples were produced, and Zheng Qing tested them himself immediately.

When he saw that the prototype produced according to the new design was 1.5 times faster in terms of charging speed and stability than the originally planned product, he was shocked: "The performance has doubled. Or I’m being conservative! A master is a master, you can’t compare to him~”

Next to him, Chen Yongtai, who came over to see the results immediately, was also shocked and murmured to himself: "He actually did it. How is it possible? Is it so magical for people to be admitted to Pudaokou University? ?”

Zheng Qing vaguely heard the name "Wudaokou", and he subconsciously asked: "Boss, what did you just say?"


Chen Yongtai came back to his senses, smiled and said: "Let's arrange all the tests that need to be done. Then we will issue a formal report and discuss it with the customer."

As he said this, he was thinking in his heart: "It seems that I owe a big favor this time!"

Afterwards, he returned to his office and dialed the phone number left by Zhao Mo.

beep beep...

There were bursts of blind calls, and he called for the first time every once in a while. He called until the evening, but no one answered.

"Shouldn't it be?"

Chen Yongtai was a little puzzled, so he called the teacher of No. [-] Middle School and asked Qiu Wenjie about Zhao Mo.

Qiu Wenjie answered him: "He should have gone to Pudaokou University to register, right?"

Hearing this, Chen Yongtai glanced at the calendar on his desk. It was only August 8th.

Qiu Wenjie said: "School starts early at Wudaokou, it seems to start on the 18th~"

Chen Yongtai was stunned for a while: "Okay!"

Having never studied in such a high-end institution as Wudaokou, he really didn't know the rules of Wudaokou.

Qiu Wenjie was right. At this time, Zhao Mo did get on the train to the capital, taking his family with him.

"The capital city, I have never been to it in my life~"

On the train, after finding their berth and sitting down, Zhao Weiguo looked at the dark night scene outside the window with an excited smile on his face.

Although Hu Ying did not speak, the unstoppable smile on her face also showed her happiness.

As for the younger sister Zhao Lan, she couldn't sit still at all. She ran around in the carriage and looked at everything around her curiously.

Grandpa Zhao Yunchun also had a happy smile on his face, and followed Zhao Weiguo and said: "I haven't been there either. This time I go, I must go to Tiananmen Square to pay homage to the Chairman!"

Grandma Hu Mei nodded quickly and said: "I want to go."

"After we register at school, we will go to Tiananmen together."

Zhao Mo smiled.

This trip was possible because of his strong request. Originally, they didn't want to go, or they wanted to go but said they wouldn't go.Looking at it now, I still have to be tougher, otherwise such a meaningful trip will not be possible.

I took my parents, grandparents, sister and other family members to sign up. When I think back on it in the future, I will realize how meaningful it was and will be deeply missed for the rest of my life.

Judging from their reactions, they were obviously very happy, and he expressed his relief.

"Classmate, are you a college entrance examination candidate this year?"

A voice sounded from the next door.

Zhao Mo looked up and saw a family sitting next door. They looked like a family of four, parents, a son and a daughter. The voice was spoken by the girl. She was tall and had a curious expression on her round and delicate oval face.

Zhao Mo nodded and replied: "Yes, are you too?"

The girl smiled and said, "Yes, my name is Yang Chan. I am a sophomore at Wudaokou University. What about you?"

Zhao Mo raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "What a coincidence, I was admitted to Pudaokou University. My name is Zhao Mo, majoring in mathematics."

Yang Chan glanced at him in surprise and laughed: "What a coincidence, I major in computer science."

After saying that, she introduced the other boy and said, "He is my cousin Deng Hui. He is a freshman at Yenching University. He is also a major in mathematics. He was recommended for the Mathematical Olympiad."

Zhao Mo smiled and was about to speak.

A clear and sweet voice suddenly sounded in his mind: "Ding, congratulations to the host for completing a persistent research on applying what he has learned, and he will be rewarded with a lottery opportunity. Please confirm whether you want to draw a lottery?"

 I haven’t recommended it yet, but I still ask for support from favorites and recommendation votes.


(End of this chapter)

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