Chapter 32 Let me do it~
When Zhao Mo was immersed in learning again, he was in the R&D Department of Futai Electronics Company, the county seat of Pingfu County.

"...Boss, regarding this wireless charging module, there are only two problems left in customer feedback. One is that the charging speed is not fast enough and needs to be improved by more than 50%; the second is that the stability is not strong and must be improved to at least Double the amount. We have made various plans, but none of them are currently up to the mark.

Charging too fast will sacrifice safety performance, shorten the life, and be prone to problems, and the cost will also increase.The stability part also involves cost. The BOM of using better materials completely exceeds the standard. There is no point in doing this project. If you do one, you will lose one..."

The boss of the R&D department was giving the final project report to his boss Chen Yongtai, with a look of helplessness on his face.

Chen Yongtai, who was listening to the report, also looked helpless.After his subordinate finished reporting, he couldn't help but ask: "Is there no other way?"

The boss of the R&D department hesitated: "The competing products have the same design as ours, but they use better materials. If we want to meet the customer's requirements, should we consider supporting the customer on this project?"

Chen Yongtai categorically denied: "Definitely not! The other party's supply chain has an advantage over ours, and the parts buyers can get preferential prices, so they can be cheaper than us. We eat this part of the price difference ourselves and make a loss-making business. With our small arms and legs, we will collapse soon.”

Then, he put forward an idea: "Have you ever talked with the customer again and lowered some technical requirements?"

The boss of the R&D department smiled bitterly and shook his head: "We have had several rounds of talks with the customer, and the customer has never let go."

"That's it~"

Chen Yongtai pondered for a while, waved the other party out, and then wondered if he should come forward to talk to the other party's boss?

After thinking for a long time, after getting off work in the afternoon, Chen Yongtai finally made up his mind and planned to call his boss to invite his boss out for dinner tomorrow.

After get off work, I went home for dinner. Only my wife and daughter were at home, and my son Chen Haihua didn't know where he was.

Chen Yongtai asked his wife while eating: "Where is Haihua? Why haven't you come back yet? I don't know what he is busy with outside all day long."

His wife rolled her eyes at him angrily and said, "Of course I'm busy with business, what else can I be busy with?"

Chen Yongtai's face tightened, and he was about to refute her when the sound of someone pushing the door in came from outside the door, and then his son Chen Haihua's voice came in: "Dad, Mom, I'm back~"

"Are your small shops that busy? You can't see anyone around all day~"

Chen Yongtai said rather dissatisfied.

Chen Haihua was not angry, but instead smiled playfully: "The market situation must be investigated, right? Investigation takes time and is not that easy."

As he spoke, he sat down at the dining table and took a bowl to eat.

Chen Yongtai said angrily: "Then what did you find out in your investigation?"

"I've done a lot of research, but I don't see any problems with the PHS business. The sales volume has been very good and hit new highs repeatedly. By the end of the year, the number of domestic users should exceed [-] million. I believe it will only get better and better."

Chen Haihua said with a smile, looking full of confidence.

Chen Yongtai asked: "What about 3G technology and 3G mobile phones?"

"It's not very good. Not many companies are doing it. I asked around, but I didn't know much about it. They only said it was available abroad."

Chen Haihua shook his head, then looked at him and said seriously: "Dad, you have troubles at the company. Please don't bring them home. We can't solve your company's problems."

Chen Yongtai was still thinking about what he had said before. When he heard this, his face suddenly dropped, and he said dissatisfied: "Your uncle Zhou, his son Zhou Yan has graduated from university and knows that he will go to the company to help his father. What about you? A little bit. I can’t help you, but you’re still making sarcastic remarks here, do you still have any filial piety?”

Chen Haihua had a smile on his face and said, "Is it that the wireless charging project has not been completed yet? Have you thought about looking for foreign help?"

"foreign aid?"

Chen Yongtai was stunned: "Do you know anyone in this field?"

"I don't know~"

Chen Haihua shook his head again, but then suddenly said: "Why don't you find Zhao Mo? He said he has researched wireless charging products."

Chen Yongtai felt that the name was familiar, but he didn't remember it for a while, so he asked hesitantly: "Who is Zhao Mo, do I know him?"

Chen Haihua smiled and said, "I know him. You even funded him 2 yuan."

Chen Yongtai immediately remembered it and said in surprise: "A high school student is still studying this stuff?"

He had an impression of Zhao Mo. He had a chat with him at the dinner party. He was not at all like an ordinary high school student. Instead, he looked like a senior talent who had been working for many years.It's just that it's been a long time since the last time, and there are too many things going on in the company, so I gradually forgot about it.

However, he was surprised again when he heard from his son that Zhao Mo still understood this stuff.

"What a high school student? Now I'm a college student at Wudaokou."

Chen Haihua smiled and said: "Don't underestimate me, what if it works? Even if it doesn't work, it's okay to ask. At least I gave him 2 yuan, and I have a friendship."

Chen Yongtai thought for a while, and finally rejected the suggestion: "Forget it! If you ask, others will think that we have requirements for funding these funds. When the time comes, we will not tell you, and we will hurt them. It is not worth the gain."

"Okay, it's up to you~"

Chen Haihua thought so, so he stopped talking.


"Mom, I'm going to the county town~"

The next day, Zhao Mo stopped reading and came out of quarantine. After shouting, he took the family's ID cards and took the bus to the county seat to buy train tickets.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Zhao Weiguo asked from behind.

Zhao Mo said without looking back: "I'm not a three-year-old child, don't worry."

Hu Ying asked again: "Son, I see that others have bought mobile phones and computers. Do you want to give you money and you can go to the county to buy them yourself?"

Zhao Mo waved his hand back: "No, the ones here are so expensive. I went to the capital to buy them. Computers and mobile phones there are much cheaper than here."

An hour later, he took the bus to the county bus station, and then took the bus for more than half an hour before arriving at the train station. He walked around and felt a little dizzy.

The bus station is located in the center of the county seat. It is very narrow and dilapidated. It will not be moved outside the county seat until five or six years later. It will continue to be relocated outside the county seat after 2020. As the county seat continues to expand, a tall bus station was finally built on the outermost edge of the county seat. new bus station.

The train station is also very dilapidated, and the ground is still uneven with gravel roads. When it rains, the road becomes muddy and it is impossible to walk. All kinds of bad smells can be smelled from a distance.

Zhao Mo looked at these two places and thought about the future situation. The changes in the world are just like this, "Speaking of which, you can get rich by buying a house in these two places, no, anywhere in the county. As for the capital, if you have money Buying more properties will make you rich~”

There was news in a previous life. A student who had passed the examination at Beijing University was crying and threatening his parents to buy a house in Beijing. At that time, the Internet was still laughing at and criticizing this student for being too ignorant.Later, when housing prices continued to skyrocket, netizens came to their senses. It turned out that it was not others who were ignorant, but their own short-sightedness.

Including his grandfather Zhao Yunchun and his grandmother Hu Mei, there were a total of six members of the family. Zhao Mo bought all train tickets to the capital and sleeper berths, and then bought sleeper berths for the five of them for the return trip on the third day.

By the time I bought the tickets, it was almost eleven o'clock.

Zhao Mo walked around the busy streets of the county town for a while, then went to the vegetable market to buy some meat, and then prepared to go back.

"Zhao Mo~Zhao Mo~"

Suddenly a voice called him from a shop on the street.

Zhao Mo turned around and saw an acquaintance, Chen Haihua, the owner of a PHS store. His store happened to be on the street here.

Zhao Mo smiled and said hello and was not going to go over. Unexpectedly, Chen Haihua waved to him and motioned for him to go over.

"Mr. Chen, do you have anything to care about?"

Zhao Mo walked over and asked with a smile.

Chen Haihua said: "Zhao Mo, you said before that PHS won't be sold. In the future, it will be mobile phones and 3G communications. But the news I heard is that this is not done in China?"

Zhao Mo suddenly realized that this was the reason.

He thought for a while and did not answer immediately, but asked: "Mr. Chen, do you know about Huawei Company?"

"Hua Wei?"

Chen Haihua was startled, then quickly shook his head and said: "I have some impression, but I can't remember it at the moment. Is it a domestic company?"

"It's a domestic company, located in Pengcheng."

Zhao Mo nodded and then said: "If you ask around, you will know that this company launched their 3G mobile phone last year. Although it is not very good, it is still listed abroad, but in China, this company has been selling To promote the 3G standard, mobile operators in our country are also asking this company to provide technical support for the development of 3G mobile phones. If my prediction is correct, 3G will be fully rolled out in the next two years, and PHS will be sold out this year. Can’t sell it.”

Chen Haihua was shocked when he heard this, and Zhao Mo's eyes were even more shocked.

This is the second time I heard Zhao Mo talk about this, and the information this time was more detailed than last time, and it seemed like there was information from the inside.

Without any investigation, he is [-]% convinced now.

"I'll look into it."

After coming back to his senses, Chen Haihua said quickly.

Zhao Mo smiled slightly, changed the topic, and asked about the last time his company developed wireless charging products: "Is it successful now?"

Chen Haihua shook his head and said: "Successful ass, you're still hanging there~"

Zhao Mo smiled slightly and suddenly said: "One person is short-witted, and three people are wise. If you don't mind, can you tell me what problem you are facing now?"

Chen Haihua said nonchalantly: "Okay, my dad also sent me the information and asked me to find a solution for him, or find foreign help~"

As he spoke, he sat next to the computer. After operating it for a while, he pointed at the computer screen for Zhao Mo to see and introduced it.

On the computer screen is a pile of engineering drawings and 3D drawings.

"Do you understand this information? Can you use the software? This is..."

Chen Haihua was a little worried that Zhao Mo wouldn't understand, so after explaining the situation, he quickly explained.

Zhao Mo interrupted him and said with a smile: "I'll do it~"

As he spoke, he walked up to Chen Haihua and started operating this antique desktop computer. The system was Microsoft XP, the most classic operating system in Microsoft's history.Once he got started, he quickly became proficient in using various design software opened on the screen.


Chen Haihua stood aside and watched, dumbfounded.

 Thank you for your monthly ticket support of "Looking for Arctic Penguins" and "Universal Mage"!

(End of this chapter)

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