You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 301 The shock of the successful launch of Chang 5!

Chapter 301 The shock of Changwu’s successful launch!

“Thunder on the ground!

While we slept, the Chinese accomplished a feat!

Just a few hours ago (at 4:10 on April 4, US time), China’s mad scientists launched the Long March 40B super rocket built with the world’s most powerful super engine.

When the booster rocket returned to the earth and dropped directly, the scene was so shocking.

This moment will be forever remembered in human history. It is so cool, so burning, and so touching.

This success of the China Space Administration not only allowed the world to see the powerful carrying capacity of a thousand-ton thrust super engine, but also unprecedentedly sent a red BYD new energy vehicle into space!


This Chang 150B rocket is just their basic model, and there are also super-thrust Chang 50A and Chang 30S rockets. It is estimated that the carrying capacity of Chang A has reached an astonishing level, with the carrying capacity of low-Earth orbit exceeding tons, the carrying capacity of geosynchronous orbit exceeding tons, and the carrying capacity of Mars orbit exceeding tons...

The Chinese say they want to build a moon base. If they wanted to, I think they could launch a lunar rover and their astronauts to the moon now with their Chang 5 rocket...

This is undoubtedly unbelievable. In just one year, their technology has advanced to such a terrifying level, far surpassing the great America..."

This was the front-page report of the New York Times, America's largest newspaper, the next day, published after the Chang-5B test launch was successful.

The shock was obvious, and he was obviously frightened by the Changwu Rocket.

It turns out that the big thrust is real!

It turns out that the Chinese were not joking when they said they wanted to build a moon base, it was true!

"The Washington News": "...China has built the most powerful rocket in mankind. They have unprecedentedly sent a special car weighing 10 tons into space. This is the first rocket to break away from the universe in human history. A car that has overcome the gravity of the earth... If nothing happens, this car can exist in the solar system for more than billion years. Perhaps after the disappearance of human civilization, this car will still drive in the universe..."

"Daily News": "China successfully tested their most powerful rocket, the Long March 1000. It is equipped with a YF- engine. Its thrust is astonishing, reaching an unprecedented one thousand tons, far exceeding the international level. All rocket engines currently in service are the most powerful rocket engines in mankind..."

Hans Cat "Bild": "China Space Administration conducted an important rocket test flight at the Wenchang Launch Center in Xinjian Town. They sent a new energy vehicle from BYD Automobile Company as a payload into space. This move is unprecedented. , aroused worldwide attention and heated discussion... More importantly, the Long March 5 is a highly recyclable launch vehicle, and its booster and first-stage rocket can automatically fly back to the earth..."

"My country is awesome!"

"Break history! Create myths!"

"That's awesome! An unprecedented high-thrust engine! An unprecedented recyclable rocket! An unprecedented launch of a car into outer space..."

"I am the Rabbit Space Agency: Just asking who else?"

"Our journey is across the stars and the sea. It turns out we are not joking, we are serious!"

"Hahaha~ Moon base, waiting for us!"

"My Rabbit: The moon has been China's inalienable territory since ancient times, and Chang'e testifies!"

"My rabbit: Eagle-chan, I'm going to build a moon base. Eagle-chan: Ah, are you serious?"


That night, the domestic Internet was abuzz!

The next day, the whole world went crazy!

No one expected that our country’s Chang 5B rocket would succeed in just one test flight!

Prior to this, despite the fact that the YF-1000 rocket engine had become popular for a long time, and despite Zhao Mo's interaction with the space agency saying that he wanted to build a lunar base, most people were actually hesitant.

The citizens have not been confident for too long. A large amount of information seen on the Internet is from various sources saying that we cannot compare with the America of Lighthouse. Therefore, we have questions about whether the YF-1000 will work and whether the Chang super-heavy launch vehicle will work. , it’s hard to believe it all at once. It's even worse abroad. For the distant eastern country, it is really too far away. The distance brings beauty but also huge strangeness, as if we are in two worlds.

Now, Chang 5B has soared into the sky and successfully recycled, telling everyone with irrefutable facts that we Chinese people mean what we say!

For a time, the country was elated and the national spirit was high.

Suddenly, various foreign countries that aspired to become a major space nation or a powerful space country felt uncomfortable. Even if they are congratulated or praised, their words are full of sourness and resentment. They are angry that China, the former aerospace younger brother, has suddenly surpassed them; they are angry that their own country's aerospace development has suddenly failed?


Nelson, the new administrator of NASA, had a livid face all day long, just saying "Keep strangers out".

When he was at work, many media came to surround him and asked him how he thought the Eastern country that had stolen NASA technology made it even more advanced than NASA. Could it be that the technology was stolen and immediately updated? So why didn't NASA do it?

Nelson said "no comment" with a righteous expression, hurriedly walked into his office, and then closed the door with a bang.

According to a senior employee within NASA who did not want to be named, Director Nelson had not left the office all day. Someone heard a series of "FUCK" sounds when passing by the office door. They should be exchanging friendly greetings with friends. Absolutely It is not a matter of success for the first launch of the Chang-5B from the Eastern power.

In fact, Nelson is of course not just "FUCK", he is experimenting with the SLS rocket, putting pressure on the horse leader, and calling the black horse of the same party to urge funds.

After the successful launch and recovery of Chang 5B, who in the world is under the most pressure?

The horse leader thinks he is ranked second, but no one dares to be ranked first!

The reason is very simple. Leader Ma successfully obtained technology and contracts from NASA because of his focus on cost-effectiveness. It is not an exaggeration to say that Leader Ma’s Space Exploration Technology Company is a small account opened by NASA.

Nelson immediately urged the Ma leaders to hurry up and build their Falcon Rockets.

There is no way. Since the selling point is cost-effectiveness, any rocket they build must be cost-effective, including the Falcon rocket they are building, which is their main super-heavy launch vehicle in the future. Now, the Chang-5B, the first of the Chang-5 series of super-heavy launch vehicles of the Eastern powers, has been successfully test-fired and recovered, but their Falcon has not yet been built. How can Master Ma not feel Alexander?

"FUCK, how is this possible?"

After hanging up the phone that was full of swear words, Leader Ma looked at the news reports on his phone with a look of shock and anxiety on his face.

The success of Chang 5B greatly exceeded his expectations, which was inconsistent with his consistent judgment on China's aerospace technology.

She had always been much weaker than America, so why did she suddenly fly?

Soon, he turned his attention to the mention in one of the news reports that "the person in charge of YF-1000 R&D is China's youngest professor Zhao Mo. He is known as the magic professor in China" and murmured to himself: "Yes, it must be him! I had a hunch long ago that he is a scientist who can subvert today's science and technology, and now it has really happened~"

He had a hunch that his previous efforts to lobby for blockades and sanctions might be completely undermined by this young professor and would have no effect.

"No! We won't lose!"

Leader Ma shook his head violently, looked stern, and immediately dialed a phone number: "I am Leader Ma. I think there is no need for our Falcon rocket to be tested on the ground test bench. We should ignite it directly and launch it. During the launch process To test our technology..."

The other end of the phone: "..."


People are completely numb!

Is the boss crazy?

This is a thing that costs nearly 100 million U.S. dollars. It is launched directly without a test run?


Editorial Department of "Chronicles of Mathematics".

Editor-in-chief James still has panda eyes when he goes to work. In fact, he was dizzy after watching Watanabe Shinichi's "Alien Theater" mathematical theory yesterday.

If you can understand it, that's fine.

The key is that I can’t understand it, and more than 99% of the people can’t understand it!

When it was almost eleven o'clock, he couldn't hold it any longer, so he quickly stopped and went home from get off work.

"Alien theater theory? Are you sure that little book is not here to tease us?"

James cursed secretly in his heart and decided to send this paper to his mathematical colleagues for review.

"Well, China test-fired their super-heavy reusable launch vehicle, and it was a huge success?"

After sitting down in the office, James saw today's hot news with a happy smile on his face, feeling happy for the progress of aerospace development.

Compared with politicians, people in academia are relatively simple. James is this kind of person. He never cares about politics. He always looks at the progress of these technologies from a human perspective.

Then, he looked carefully for a while, and then saw a familiar name "Zhao Mo".

A hint of regret suddenly appeared on his face that originally had a happy smile, and he murmured to himself: "Why did a good mathematician go to engage in aerospace engineering? What a pity, this is a complete waste of talent!"

Aerospace engineering is indeed important, but in the final analysis it is just an engineering problem, not basic science or groundbreaking research.

In his opinion, this is completely incomparable to mathematical research.

A genius mathematician who can prove the ABC conjecture goes to work on engineering. He thinks it is a waste!

Thinking of this, he suddenly thought of Watanabe Shinichi's alien theater theory, and a wicked smile of interest crept up the corner of his mouth: "Haha, I can send this theory to Professor Zhao for review. Recovering a lost genius for mathematical research~"

Just do what he said, he immediately opened the computer and drafted an email, then filled in Zhao Mo's email address.

ding dong~

At this moment, a new email popped up, and the title was Zhao Mo's email address that he had just filled in.

Open it subconsciously.

"Huh? Bounded distance between prime numbers?"

James was suddenly stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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