You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 300 Mathematics Conference? It’s boring, I won’t go!

Chapter 300 Mathematics Conference? It’s boring, I won’t go!

"it is good!"


clap clap clap...

At the same time, while the people eating melons on the beach were lively and joyful, they were at the command site at the Wenchang launch site, at the remote control command center in Beijing, and at remote control centers across the country...

Wait, wait, etc., the entire launch team cheered, applauded warmly, and was extremely lively.

Compared with the masses who simply eat melons, the launch team has been in a tense atmosphere from preparation to now, especially the launch process and the final recovery process.

Like the people who eat melons, the final recycling process also held their breath.

Zhao Mo, who has a strong heart, had his heart beat wildly several times just now, and was extremely worried about failing to recover and falling into the sea.

It wasn't until the moment of successful recovery that Zhao Mo's pounding heart returned to normal, and a happy, even excited smile appeared on his face.

Compared with the launch and successful recovery of the rocket, the BYD new energy vehicle hitting outer space is a trivial matter that is not worth paying attention to. Because this is not the focus of this test launch mission, even if it does not fire out in the end, explodes or does something else on the way, it will not affect the success of this launch.

Therefore, soon after the recovery was successful, before the BYD new energy vehicle was successfully thrown out, the commander-in-chief of the launch mission stood up and announced loudly with a smile on his face: "... This launch mission was a complete success!”

BYD boatman brother: "..."

Guys, my car is still flying in the sky, and you declare it a complete success?

Can you wait until I get my car to the scheduled location first?

The boatman came to watch the scene as a partner, but he was always out of tune.

The words spoken by the people next to me are all very professional in nature, which is really difficult for the boatman who studies lithium batteries and builds cars. Only Director Ruan Min and Minister Liu whom he knew would talk to him about topics other than aerospace, especially Minister Liu, who was not an expert in this field.

Brother Boatman subconsciously glanced at Zhao Mo, who was congratulating each other with Academician Long, Academician Li Dong and other senior figures in the center of the team, and had a strange thought in his mind: "How does Professor Zhao manage to be proficient in so many fields?"

No one knows what the boatman is thinking, and no one needs to know.

Not long after the commander-in-chief announced "a complete success," someone on the scene stood up and reported the latest situation: "The car has been successfully ejected~"

Bang bang bang~

The scene burst into applause again.

The boatman's applause was the warmest. Now it was his turn to be happy and excited.

Zhao Mo looked at Academician Li Dong and said with some regret: "It's a pity that the fairing is lost. It would be better to recycle it anytime."

Li Dong: "..."

Are the requirements so high?

You have to look forward to Shu!

But this is normal. After all, if you can recycle it, you must find a way to recycle it to further reduce costs. The reason why the fairing was discarded this time was because the technology was not perfected. Now that the rocket has been recovered, it is already very lucky.

"I need to verify it a few more times~"

Li Dong then nodded and said.

The test launch was a complete success. The next step is to continue the test launch and test launch the Chang 5A and Chang 5S super-heavy launch vehicles at the same time. We strive to put the Chang 5 series rockets into normal use as soon as possible to provide the next step for the Tiangong Space Station and manned moon landing. support.

After the show, Zhao Mo returned to the capital with Ruan Min and Minister Liu.

On the way, Ruan Min said happily: "Professor Zhao, the success of this test launch has greatly boosted the spirit of the Chinese people and pushed our aerospace industry to a new height. If the next work goes smoothly, we will be able to The Tiangong Space Station will be built, and then our astronauts can be stationed in the sky to carry out various types of scientific experiments~"

Minister Liu was also very happy and praised the significance of this launch.

Zhao Mo smiled and asked another question: "Bureau Ruan, I mentioned before that a manned mission will be launched within this year and next, and I will be sent to heaven for an experiment. How is the assessment within the bureau? Already?"

Ruan Min: "..."

Minister Liu: "..."

The two of them were speechless for a moment, with an indescribable meaning on their faces.

Good guy, why do you keep bringing this up?

Everyone is so happy today, does it have to be said at this time?

After the two looked at each other, Ruan Min coughed and replied: "Professor Zhao, this matter is of great importance. The bureau needs to evaluate it carefully. If there is no rush, I will tell you if there is good news."

Zhao Mo smiled slightly, nodded and said: "I understand, but the matter is very important, so we still need to speed up the progress. As you just said, now that the Chang 5 series has successfully made its first flight, the Tiangong Space Station should be built very quickly, so It’s not difficult for us to send people up to do experiments.”

Ruan Min's mouth twitched slightly: "...Okay~Okay."

Well, if you use his words to hit him, you really can't refute it.

Minister Liu smiled and stopped talking about the matter. Instead, he asked Zhao Mo: "Professor Zhao, are you really not going to the four-year mathematics conference this time?"

Aerospace is a systematic project, so let Ruan Min worry about this specific thing.

He was quite interested in following the events of this math conference, because the academic community was saying that Zhao Mo would win this year's Fields Medal in Mathematics, which would be officially awarded at the mathematics conference.

If Zhao Mo really gets it, it will be the first time that a Chinese has won this award, which is of extraordinary significance.

Chinese people such as Tao Zexuan and Professor Qiu have also won awards, but they are only Chinese, not Chinese, let alone talents trained in China. The meaning of their awards and Zhao Mo's awards are completely different, and there is no comparison at all.

There is no doubt that it will greatly boost the spirit of the Chinese people and boost the morale of our country!

Unfortunately, Zhao Mo chose not to go. He asked his assistant to push the invitation to the International Mathematics Conference before setting off from the capital, which would have made him feel "sad". Of course, he knew about the secret assassination, so he could understand Zhao Mo's choice.

"Don't go, there's no point~"

Zhao Mo shook his head simply and replied.

Ruan Min was speechless: "..."

If you are really talented and willful, this is a grand event that many people dream of attending, but they actually refuse to go.

What’s even more outrageous is that it’s meaningless?

However, what made him completely speechless was that Minister Liu's expression only changed slightly when he heard this, and then he said with a smile: "Okay, if you don't go, I won't go. Everyone understands."

It’s not like no one has refused the Fields Medal, and Zhao Mo’s refusal is not an earth-shattering event.

In comparison, Zhao Mo's own safety is more important. If you don't want a Fields Medal, just don't want it.

understand? Understand the hammer!

Is there any better reason not to go to such an event to make people understand?

Ruan Min felt depressed: "So, everyone doesn't include me in this?"

He was curious and wanted to ask, but seeing that both Minister Liu and Zhao Mo looked calm and obviously didn't want to say more, he had no choice but to hold back and start thinking about the follow-up space launch mission.

After the plane landed in Beijing, the two sides separated.

Zhao Mo returned to Wudaokou.

"Professor, the Mathematics Alliance has sent another letter, saying that you must participate this time. They would like to ask you to give a forty-five-minute report on the ABC conjecture~"

As soon as he returned to the office, Cai Bin came over to report the situation, with a happy and proud smile on his face.

Needless to say, this is Professor Zhao’s arrangement. Even after being rejected by the International Mathematical Union, he still lost face and invited him again!

As Professor Zhao's assistant, he was honored.

Zhao Mo asked: "Am I not firm enough in refusing?"

"Cough cough~"

The corner of Cai Bin's mouth twitched slightly, he coughed and said, "The main reason is that you have great influence, Professor!"

Zhao Mo shook his head and said with a smile: "Don't say that these are some or not. Go and reject them quickly. I won't go abroad."

Cai Bin hesitated for a moment, said "Okay", and then went to send the rejection email.

He originally wanted to say whether he should not reply so harshly or discuss it, but Zhao Mo was so determined that there was obviously no need to say anything more.

After Cai Bin left, Zhao Mo looked at the paper that he had completed not long ago and had been converted into a PDF file. After thinking about it, he sent it to Mathematics Chronicle.

"It's still not quite ready, let's add some more fire~"

After delivering it, Zhao Mo murmured to himself.

In terms of the influence of ideological and academic propaganda outlets, Europe and the United States currently control the world, and we are still operating under European and American rules.

If you want to start a new business, it is not the time yet.

America, Editorial Board, Chronicle of Mathematics.

It was night at this time, and James had not yet gotten off work. He was busy with the work at hand, checking the mathematics papers he had recently received.

Although his face was calm as usual, there was always regret in his heart: "It's been a long time since there has been such a major breakthrough as "ABC Conjecture"~"

It has been two or three years since the ABC conjecture came out. Although many results have been published during this period, their influence and importance cannot be compared with that of the ABC conjecture.

Of course, he also knew that this idea was wrong. Progress in mathematics has been extremely difficult until now. Every step forward is a major achievement, even a great achievement. Both of them require the hard work of a large number of mathematicians. And a bit of "inspiration" of a fantasy nature.

"Hey, the paper from Professor Shinichi Watanabe~"

Suddenly, one of the papers caught James' attention and he looked at the title: "A new mathematical theory?"


James had a question mark on his face, what the hell?

He then looked at the text of the paper, and frowned at first glance, because the header showed that the paper was extremely long, nearly two hundred pages.

James couldn't help but take a breath.

Looking at the content again, he read it carefully for a while before he realized that it was Professor Watanabe Shinichi who proposed a brand new mathematical theory that he named "Alien Theater". He believed that it was extremely groundbreaking and had great influence on mathematics. development and future.

In this brand-new mathematical theory, Professor Watanabe Shinichi also used it to demonstrate its effectiveness. The example is to use this brand-new theory to prove the ABC conjecture.

Everyone in James was shocked. Is he so awesome?

He quickly collected himself and started reading the paper with 120% concentration. If true, this is a blockbuster in the world of mathematics and the most important result this year, bar none.

Although it was only April this year, he was already sure.

However, an hour later, it was almost early in the morning, James rubbed his blurred eyes and stiff face, and cursed: "God, this is simply alien knowledge!"

(End of this chapter)

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