You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 287 is awesome! What a monster!

Chapter 287 is awesome! What a monster!


The huge water resistance prevents every movement of the human body. Even a small movement of raising a hand is very strenuous.

Once or twice was fine, but after three or four times, my arms began to feel sore and weak, making it difficult to lift them up.

The Astronaut Training Center is training underwater activities today.

Zhao Mo trained with the same batch of astronauts, wearing a spacesuit weighing more than 100 kilograms and diving ten meters underwater.

Yes, more than a hundred kilograms, not more than a hundred kilograms!

This kind of weight is a nightmare.

Anyone who has ever been in the water knows that the more clothes you wear, the heavier the load. Once underwater, the heavy feeling can make you unable to move. A spacesuit weighing more than 100 kilograms weighs as much as a mountain on the body on land, let alone in water. Ordinary people cannot move it.

Not to mention diving ten meters underwater and facing the constant pressure of water.

For every meter you sink, the pressure under the water increases exponentially.

Despite Zhao Mo's strong physical fitness at LV8, after training for the first time, less than ten minutes after entering the water, he was so tired that his breathing began to become unstable and he was a little tired.

This training is called "underwater weight bearing". One is to simulate outer space activities, and the other is to enable self-rescue if the return capsule falls into the sea when it returns.

"As expected, this level of astronaut is not that easy to achieve~"

Zhao Mo thought to himself, then put aside his distracting thoughts and started activities and assignments according to the procedures and specifications explained in the course.

In front of him is a space capsule placed underwater, which is built one-to-one according to the real design of the space capsule. He has to work around this space capsule, opening and closing doors and operating various instruments.

Lanyard, unlock...

Next to Zhao Mo, there were two professional diving instructors wearing professional swimming suits and carrying oxygen tubes on their backs. They were also aerospace talents. They were there to assist him in training and to save him just in case.

The two of them were in a much more relaxed state. They were just diving normally. There was no burden on them and their dive was very smooth.

When you concentrate on one thing, time passes quickly, and you don’t feel too much physically or mentally.

Soon, when Zhao Mo put aside his distracting thoughts, his unsteady breathing and slight fatigue quietly disappeared. Instead, his hands kept moving, and his body moved accordingly. The weight of more than 100 kilograms on his body seemed to be gone.

The only sounds that came to my ears were the guidance of two diving and aerospace instructors.

The sound was intermittent and unstable, like a network with poor signal. Zhao Mo needed to listen carefully to hear what the two of them were saying.

Unknowingly, time passed quietly.

When Zhao Mo completed a set of procedures and the diving instructor said it was OK and started to do it a second time, Zhao Mo suddenly came out of his concentration and immediately felt exhausted all over his body.

This fatigue is not only the fatigue of the hands, from the arms to the elbows and wrists, but also the fatigue of the whole body, especially the lower back, which feels like the lumbar disc is about to break.


Zhao Mo couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

He immediately remembered his "weak" body in his previous life. At that time, because he had been sitting in an office after graduation, coupled with high work pressure and no exercise, the intervertebral discs in his waist were protruding, and he often felt sour and heavy. Once I finish working, my waist is almost useless, any movement becomes extremely difficult, and I want to lie down immediately.

Now, he felt that way.

"Professor Zhao, Zhao, half of the time and four hours have passed now, and there is still half of the time. Come on~"

The voice of the diving instructor came intermittently.

Only then did Zhao Mo realize that the set of moves had taken four hours!

Zhao Mo was surprised and lamented that underwater weight-bearing activities were really time-consuming.

Under normal circumstances, a set of movements on the ground would take no more than an hour at most, but this time it took four hours to carry weight underwater, four times the time, which shows how difficult it is to carry weight underwater.

Of course, this is just the first training session.

Zhao Mo believes that with continuous training, he and other astronauts can shorten this time to only a little slower than action on the ground.


Zhao Mo shook his head slightly and said in a deep voice.

He threw away his distracting thoughts again and started training for the second time.

After another four hours, the second training session was over.

When the diving instructor gave the "end" command, Zhao Mo finally breathed a sigh of relief. Then with the help of two people, he surfaced and took off his more than 100 kilograms of spacesuit.

As soon as the suit was taken off, Zhao Mo's feet felt as soft as stepping on cotton, and he was about to fall to the ground.

Zhao Mo was taken aback and quickly tried to steady himself.

With this exertion, his feet suddenly felt a stinging pain, and an extremely sour feeling instantly flowed through his body, so much so that he couldn't help but grin.

At this time, Zhao Mo also felt the weakness of his two hands. With a thought, his hands slowed down for a while before they responded. Then he slowly made a fist and moved his fingers.

"Professor Zhao, how do you feel?"

Wang Yaping, who had not yet conducted this training, came over and asked.

"Professor Zhao, are you okay? You are in such good health, these eight hours of training should not be a big problem."

Liu Yang also came over to ask, but his face was filled with "I believe you" trusting look.

Zhao Mo: "..."

Good guys, hurry up and you are just ignoring my reaction of grinning and stepping on cotton.

"Ahem, the problem is not big, but I have no strength. This training is very tiring, even more tiring than the centrifuge. It should be the most tiring of all trainings." He coughed and said with a wry smile.

Wang Yaping's mouth twitched slightly: "Is that so?"

Among their group of astronauts, Zhao Mo's physical fitness is very strong, which is obvious to all. Now, Zhao Mo said that carrying weight underwater is very tiring, so this training must be very tiring, which is not good news for them.

Liu Yang said with a look of disbelief: "Isn't it? The centrifuge training is very difficult. Everyone has runny noses and tears, and their facial features are all scattered. Is this underwater weight-bearing more difficult than the centrifuge? I think Zhao Professor, your current condition is not bad~"

Zhao Mo smiled and said, "You'll know when you get married in person."

Liu Yang suddenly fell silent.

If you don’t believe it, don’t believe it, but that’s just for the comfort in your heart.

She believed it in her heart, Zhao Mo never lied.

Soon, a coach came over and wanted to help Zhao Mo to rest on the edge.

Zhao Mo raised his hand to stop them, then walked to the edge alone and lay down.

In this short time, he had recovered a lot of strength and could act independently.

Zhao Mo knew in his heart that this was the effect of strengthening the endurance attribute. Last time, the system gave an exclusive endurance reward of 10000 points, which was very impressive. Considering his physical condition before the reward, he believed that he would not be able to recover much strength, let alone act independently.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing an eight-hour underwater load-bearing mission. The level of firmness of will has increased. The host will be rewarded with 100 exclusive strength attribute points. Please keep up the good work!"

"Huh? Another exclusive reward?"

Zhao Mo felt a little strange. This was the second time. Last time it was an exclusive endurance attribute. He couldn't help but think to himself: "Is it possible that all the following are exclusive attributes? System, is there anything special about this?"

The system didn't answer him.

Zhao Mo suddenly felt something in his heart and had a rough idea, but before confirming it he could only look at it and then refresh the attribute panel.

{Iron Will System:

Host: Zhao Mo

Wisdom: LV8(92999/100000)

Strength: LV8(170/100000)

Agility: LV8(0/100000)

Endurance: LV8 (10000/100000)

Attribute points: 0

Prizes: a bottle of Qingning spray (80ml); one chance for inspiration; 3 mysterious fragments; 1 rescue medal.

Main mission one: Become a great scientist on the level of Qian Xuesen and Einstein!

Main mission two: Lead mankind to the stars and the sea!

Side mission: Take a spaceship to outer space to conduct research, valid for 5 years!

Active side mission: Complete the high-thrust liquid rocket engine mission, the mission period is two years! }

Looking at the attribute panel, Zhao Mo immediately looked at the last active side mission and thought: "It should be completed in the first half of next year. Then let me see how to upgrade the wisdom attribute~"

Attribute points are getting less and less now.

The same thing happened when he got his diploma last year, but he didn't have it. Apparently the system judged that these two things were not too difficult for him.

By the time of dinner, Zhao Mo had already recovered half of his body, and his stomach was growling, so he went to eat with other astronauts talking and laughing under the eyes of the trainers and coaches in amazement. .

"Awesome! What a monster!"

Coach Wu Jie looked at Zhao Mo's figure in front of him with an expression of admiration on his face. This was the first time he had seen an astronaut with such strong resilience.

Liu Yang smiled and asked: "Coach, is this underwater weight-bearing really that powerful?"


Wu Jie glanced at her sideways and chuckled: "You'll know how powerful it is when you try it yourself."

After that, he left.

Behind him, Liu Yang glanced at Wang Yaping, and the two looked at each other a little bit.

It wasn't until the next day, when Liu Yang volunteered to participate in the underwater weight-bearing training as the second person, that Liu Yang finally understood what Zhao Mo and Wu Jie said. This training was not difficult, it was indeed very difficult.

Coming out of the water, Liu Yang was all wet, as if he had been fished out of the water.

This is the state after she sweats many times, not just one sweat. In the spacesuit, she was so tired that she sweated, then sweated again, and then sweated again, and so on.

But this is not the point, and Liu Yang doesn't care.

What Liu Yang was concerned about was that she was completely exhausted. She couldn't even stand, let alone walk. She could only rely on the support of the staff to lie down next to her and rest.

"How are you? Are you okay?"

Wang Yaping, who had just gone through the centrifuge training with tears and runny noses, dragged her exhausted body over and squatted next to her and asked with concern.

Liu Yang: "..."

She doesn't want to talk. Doesn't her appearance explain everything?

Fortunately, it was Wang Yaping who was a good friend. If it had been anyone else, maybe she would have been like the landlord of "Kung Fu" and slapped Jiang who came over to ask "Are you okay?" to the ground.

And when it was time to eat in the evening, Liu Yang couldn't eat because she couldn't even pick up a spoon, let alone chopsticks!

"Where is Professor Zhao? I would like to ask how he recovered so quickly?"

Liu Yang lowered his head and ate liquid food with an embarrassed look on his face, and then asked coach Wu Jiedao.

Wu Jie smiled slightly and explained patiently: "Professor Zhao went to confinement training, and he was also training to do handstands and pee!"

Liu Yang: "..."


(End of this chapter)

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