You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 285: Brought by the Moon Base Paper

Chapter 285 Brought by the Moon Base Paper~

America, NASA!

"Charles, is this the conclusion you're talking about? There are core design problems with the Ares

"Shit! Charles, you are a piece of shit!"

"Get out of class right now, Charles, I never fucking want to see you again."

"Charles, my greetings to my mother-in-law! The day before yesterday, you were still saying that the test launch of the Ares X rocket was a complete success. Now you are telling us that the Ares X rocket is a failed design?"

"You son of a bitch Charles, I should have brought the Chicago Typewriter and beat you on the ground here!"


The management team, including the upper echelons of America, many leaders of the military-industrial complex, and CIA Director McKinsey, originally came to listen to NASA's report on the work of the Ares X rocket. By the way, NASA explained why two of the three parachutes were broken. Only one is working properly.

As a result, NASA Administrator Charles gave them a huge "surprise."

This surprise is really a surprise. The Ares X rocket is a failed design. NASA thinks it should abandon it and develop another new heavy-lift launch vehicle?

Suddenly, saliva was flying in the NASA conference room, and all kinds of "friendly" and "sincere" greetings were sent to Charles.

Among them, McKinsey had the most greetings. His face was livid. While greeting him, he kept touching his body to find the "Chicago Typewriter". He was going to fuck Charles, that son of a bitch.

McKinsey still clearly remembers what Charles said to him at that time, such as "of course", "successful", and "you don't understand", which made him trust Charles very much.

As a result, now, I was shaken directly, my waist was hit, and I almost fell to the ground.

However, in the face of everyone's "greetings", Charles did not have any fear, shrugged and said: "This is normal, science is like this, there is only a thin line between success and failure."

At this moment, he seemed to be a lone warrior fighting against all the bad guys!

Everyone who heard what he said, including McKinsey, was dumbfounded: "..."

He who rides a horse, even if God comes, he probably won’t be able to defeat him!

When something goes wrong, just say science and that's it?

"Charles, you son of a bitch, don't even think about using such incompetent words to make excuses for your incompetence. I'm telling you, I'm going to impeach you and have you step down!"

One of the congressmen reacted first and immediately pointed at Charles and cursed.

His anger was clearly visible to everyone, for his neck was red with rage.

"Yes, that's right, get off the stage!"

"Stand down!"

"Stand down!"


Soon, there was a cry of resignation in the conference room, and everyone asked Charles to step down.

Charles's face finally changed, but he still said forcefully: "This is just a small scientific failure. We are still the country with the most advanced aerospace technology in the world. Developing a new generation of heavy-lift rockets to meet the constellation plan will be completed in time." There will be no problems, it will not cause the plan to be delayed, and our plan can still proceed smoothly."

As soon as these words came out, the scene fell silent for a moment.

McKinsey was also a little hesitant, because Charles, the son of a bitch, had been performing very well over the years, and his words were indeed very reassuring.

ding dong~

At this time, his cell phone rang and someone sent him a message.

McKinsey subconsciously turned on his phone and looked at it.

The next moment, his eyes widened, and he immediately raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

Then, he raised his mobile phone and said loudly while reading: "Guys, let's take a look at the latest plan of a certain Eastern country on the other side. Their magical professor has published a paper to demonstrate the rationality of building a moon base, and they The most authoritative "Xinwen Lianbo" also confirmed this, and their space director confirmed that they will complete the moon base construction mission before 2030..."

In an instant, there was silence in the conference room.

Everyone was shocked by this sudden news.

A few days ago, Zhao Mo's Aite China Space Administration incident on Weibo became a hot topic. Everyone was shocked because this was Zhao Mo.

More importantly, China Space Administration also responded with "received", which showed that it was really going to do it.

They were naturally shocked and had a sense of urgency.

However, as the heat subsided and NASA Administrator Charles announced that their Ares X rocket was successfully launched, they naturally put the matter behind them.

According to their understanding, since the popularity has dropped and there is no further content, it means that this is just Zhao Mo's idea. He is not an official and cannot count. Coupled with the successful launch of the Ares

We'll get it done before you do, and then we'll use any means to block you, so what are you afraid of?

but now?

How to do?

China has made an official announcement. The director of the dignified space agency went to "Xinwen Lianbo" for an interview and said that he expected to complete the construction of the lunar base in 2030. This horse-riding thing turned out to be serious!

The upper echelons of America know the nature of "News Network". They also know who the director of the space agency of the great Eastern country is and how credible his words are. In a big Eastern country, everything the dignified director says is basically true, not to mention it is said on a very serious news platform like "Xinwen Lianbo", the credibility is 100%.

What about them?

Son of a bitch Charles actually said at this critical moment that God of War X Rockets is not good!

Tolerable or unbearable!

"Charles, you bitch, get off the stage!"

Soon, the angry crowd all stared at Charles with angry eyes and shouted curses.

Charles: "..."

Others are numb!

Horse riding, rabbit, are you serious?

On the same day, NASA's official Twitter account stated that Director Charles resigned due to personal health reasons and was replaced by a Democratic congressman named Nelson, nominated by BlackBama.


Beijing, Wudaokou.

At noon.

"We still have to guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and we cannot take it lightly. America is ahead of us in all aspects. It will take us at least thirty years to catch up with others, and this has to be under the premise that America herself has been stagnant. . But is this situation possible? I personally think it is impossible, so we must maintain a sense of awe and learning at all times, awe and learn from America..."

Zhong Yangxia, who had just finished class, was walking on campus with a few proud students. When they were talking about the relationship between my country and America, Zhong Yangxia said this.

One student chimed in: "That's what the instructor said."

Another student said: "What the instructor said are all wise words, and this is the real situation. I think there is a very bad phenomenon in our aerospace field recently. This high-thrust engine has only been successfully tested, but it is far from meeting the investment." To the extent that it is used, it is announced that a moon base will be built. This is completely the mistake of the Great Leap Forward in the 1960s and 1970s, and it is unacceptable."

Another student said with approval: "I only realized this bad situation after seeing what my instructor said in an interview with the media. It was a revelation after reading it~"

"I'm very pleased that you have this knowledge."

Zhong Yangxia was very happy to hear this, but he did not forget to tell them: "After all, this matter involves Professor Zhao from our school. I will come forward and say yes, so you don't need to talk about it outside. We still have to pay attention to the impact and don't affect it." Go to school."

Several students nodded and said, "Okay, instructor."

The group of people walked out while talking. They usually went out to eat at noon. Either Zhong Yangxia entertained these students, or the students took turns treating their instructors to dinner.

When they arrived at the reserved hotel, the hotel receptionist saw them and took them to their usual private room in a familiar voice.

The receptionist invited them to sit down, arranged tea and pre-dinner snacks, and turned on the air conditioner and TV. He also asked them if they wanted to turn on the mahjong table as well.

"The mahjong table is no longer needed. Hurry up and serve the food. We have activities to attend in the afternoon~"

Zhong Yangxia, who usually likes to touch a few things, refused this time.

The TV was turned on, it was CCTV, and the midday news was being broadcast.

"...NASA has changed its leadership, and a new director has taken office..."

At the beginning, the host summarized a lot of information and then explained it one by one.

One of the messages attracted Zhong Yangxia's attention, and also attracted the attention of his students.

"NASA has a new coach?"

Zhong Yangxia felt strange, so he asked everyone to be quiet, and he wanted to take a serious look at the news.

Naturally, the students did not dare to say anything and sat down one after another. They all stared at the TV and watched the news without making a sound.

Soon, this briefing was explained in detail by the host, accompanied by a large number of pictures and some on-site interview videos: "...It is reported that NASA Administrator Charles resigned due to personal health reasons, and his successor was nominated by President BlackBama Nelson, the Democratic congressman, is a soldier and an astronaut. He is the second American congressman to go into space... Everyone is very surprised about this situation, because Charles is 63 years old and is older than Nelson. He is still young and has only been in office for less than a year...

Immediately after Nelson was sworn in, a press conference was held. At the press conference, Nelson announced that the completion time of the return to the moon plan would be adjusted from 2017 to 2020, extending it by three years. At the same time, he also announced an important plan. NASA will develop a new generation of heavy-lift launch vehicles, codenamed SLS..."

When he first started watching the news commentary, Zhong Yangxia smiled, with a "That's it" expression on his face. He understood why NASA suddenly changed its manager. It turned out to be a physical reason.

As for what the host said was "strange", the fact that Charles is younger than Nelson is nonsense!

What's wrong with being young?

Isn't it possible to have physical problems at a young age?

What a nonsense explanation!

But the next moment, when he saw the video of Nelson holding a press conference in the news broadcast, announcing in public that his return to the moon would be postponed for three years to build a new SLS heavy-lift launch vehicle, Zhong Yangxia was startled for a moment, and then fell into deep confusion. In deep sluggishness.

(End of this chapter)

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