You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 284 Transformers or 6th generation fighter?

Chapter 284 Transformers or sixth-generation fighters?

"Professor Li Yang, Professor Li Yang~"

Vaguely, Li Yang heard a voice calling him from a distant place.

When he was in a daze, Academician Jiang, who was sitting next to him, knocked on the big conference table in front of him and woke him up: "Hey, Lao Li, I'm calling you~"


Li Yang finally came to his senses, and then looked in the direction of the sound. It was the leader sitting in the main seat calling him.

"Leader, tell me~"

Li Yang smiled sheepishly and said.

The leader sitting in the chair was speechless: "..."

It's so disrespectful to him to skip a meeting.

But there is no way. Although he is a leader to this group of scientists, he is actually of no use at all. Firstly, he cannot control them. Secondly, even if he can control them, he cannot control them due to his status. He can't force a scientist with status and influence to listen to him and do whatever he says, right?

This is unrealistic!

Therefore, he was speechless. He could only skip this "deserting" thing and continue to the topic: "Professor Li, you are an expert in the field of detonation engine research and development. What do you think of this report on rotating detonation engines?" ?”

Li Yang was silent for a moment, sighed and said, "I don't have any opinion. Professor Zhao is much better than me."

Although rotational detonation and the pulse detonation he studied both contain detonation, they are actually two very different things.

But even so, Li Yang was still amazed by Zhao Mo's detailed report. He really couldn't fault it much.


What do you mean, a report convinced you?

So can we use this report to build a rotating detonation engine? Or do we still need to study it?

"Professor Li, do you mean that this rotating detonation engine can be realized?"

He then asked.


Li Yang shook his head and explained: "I am just referring to this report. I think Professor Zhao is much better than me in the research of detonation engines. It is not just me. I am afraid that there are no research teams and scientists in any country in the world." Not Professor Zhao. However, I don’t know whether it is possible to build the rotating detonation engine proposed by Professor Zhao. This is very different from the pulse detonation engine I studied.”

The leader suddenly looked disappointed: "That's it~"

Li Yang nodded and replied: "Yes, I think only Professor Zhao himself knows this plan."

The leader gave a wry smile and said, "Professor Zhao has clearly replied that he does not have time to conduct this research."

As soon as these words came out, except for Academician Jiang and Academician Li, everyone else sitting there, including Li Yang, looked speechless: "..."

Boy, how busy is this?

Don’t even have time to study the engine development of the future fighter jet, which is the most important weapon of the country?

Is there any other job that is more important than this?

Looking at all fields, I believe that no work in any field is more important than the development of engines for future fighter jets!

This is a weapon that can protect the country, deter enemies, and allow all Chinese people to live and work in peace and contentment. Its importance cannot be overstated.

"Professor Li, everyone just discussed it and felt that the rotary detonation engine proposed by Professor Zhao has detailed arguments and sufficient theory, so they all recommended that it be studied. Now you also think that the plan is very good, and you are an expert in the field of domestic detonation engines. , I suggest that you be the person in charge of this research project..."

Seeing that they were silent, the leader continued to speak.

"No, no, absolutely not!"

Before he finished speaking, Li Yang quickly waved his hand and refused, adding: "Professor Zhao must come to this research project. If he doesn't come, no one can handle it."

Leader: "Professor Li, Professor Zhao has other important tasks~"

Li Yang said with a look of disbelief: "Other important tasks? No, isn't his one-thousand-ton thrust engine project coming to an end soon? I haven't heard that he has other more important projects on hand than this one. Yes."

The leader said helplessly: "In addition to finishing the rocket engine project, Professor Zhao also has many key mathematical research projects to do, including the last study of the N-S equation."

Li Yang didn't believe this and immediately retorted: "It doesn't matter whether you do mathematics research earlier or later. This project is related to our country's national defense~"


Yes, they are all stubborn, and it is difficult to change things they have determined.

After thinking about it, he didn't force it. Instead, he considered the opinions of everyone present and finally announced that the meeting was adjourned.

Li Yang, like Academician Jiang and others, wanted to leave as soon as the meeting ended, but the leader did not let him slip away. As soon as he announced that the meeting was adjourned, the next moment he shouted, "Professor Li Yang will stay here."

"Leader, I told you everything..."

Li Yang and the leader were the only two people left in the conference room, and Li Yang suddenly had no choice but to refuse again.

The leader waved his hand and interrupted him: "Professor Li, don't refuse in a hurry. Letting you be responsible for the research of this project is actually not just my opinion, but also the opinion of the organization. If you have If you have any questions, let’s invite Professor Zhao over and let’s sit down and talk together. What do you think?”


Li Yang hesitated immediately. The organizational opinions were really irresistible.

Seeing him like this, the leader knew that he agreed, so he immediately said: "Okay, then it's settled. You set a time and we will go find Professor Zhao."     "..."

Li Yang came to his senses, and in desperation, he quickly grabbed the leader: "The leader should take me to find Professor Zhao."

The leader was startled.

Li Yang coughed and explained: "There is no priority in learning, and the master is the teacher. Professor Zhao is much smarter than me, so why would he come to me? Of course I will go to him."

The leader chuckled and said, "That's okay~"

When they went out, the conversation between the two was already chatting and laughing.

In the evening, when Academician Jiang and Li Yang were sitting together for dinner, Academician Jiang couldn't help laughing and asked about this: "You looked reluctant at the meeting. You just said a few nice words, Old Li, and you agreed? That's not cool." It’s a principle~”

Li Yang knew he was teasing him, so he wasn't angry. Instead, he said disdainfully: "You can't say the grapes are sour because you can't eat them. When I find Professor Zhao and build the detonation engine, you will envy some of them."

Academician Jiang said "Bah~" and said, "I'm not envious. I already have an Emei engine."

While joking, Mr. Yang, who designed the "Vyron", happened to come over for dinner. After serving the food, he looked left and right and saw the two of them sitting together, so he came over and sat down.

"What are you two talking about?"

Chief Yang took a mouthful of food and asked with a smile.

Academician Jiang replied: "We didn't talk about anything. I just talked to Lao Li about his detonating engine."

Li Yang snorted and said, "Don't listen to his nonsense, we didn't talk about anything."

Academician Jiang suddenly laughed.

Chief Yang, who didn't get the answer, didn't care. He smiled slightly and said to Li Yang: "Professor Li, the higher-ups intend to let you take the lead in the development of detonation engines. Maybe we will work together in the future~"

He came here to connect with Professor Li Yang.

Among the three, General Master Yang is the youngest, Academician Jiang is the oldest, and Li Yang is the second. But because of the Veyron fighter, he and Academician Jiang are very familiar with each other. Academician Jiang's Emei engine is used in the Veyron fighter. The two have cooperated sincerely for many years.

"This is inevitable."

Li Yang glanced at the young Veyron fighter designer, comparing him with Zhao Mo in his heart, and said at the same time: "But the performance of the detonation engine is too violent, I'm afraid the sixth generation fighter will have to be an artificial intelligence fighter. Only then can you fly.”

After a while, before Chief Master Yang could speak, he came up with the results of the comparison.

Both of them are excellent, but Zhao Mo is still much better.

"I think so too."

Chief Yang agreed very much, and then added: "Artificial intelligence is a must, and so is the intelligent skin of the outer warehouse. In addition, I think it must be able to deform according to flight altitude and space changes, and be able to break through traditional space and cross the atmosphere. Combat, conduct space or suborbital bombing operations."

Li Yang: "..."

Academician Jiang: "..."

Good guy, we are just chatting, are you telling us this?

Smart skins are out, fighting across the atmosphere?

Still deformed?

Are you talking about the sixth-generation fighter?

We very much doubt that you are talking about Transformers, not some sixth-generation fighter!

Li Yang looked at Master Yang with a strange look in his eyes and thought to himself: "I take back what I just said, you are no worse than Zhao Mo!"

When Academician Jiang came back to his senses, his eyes shone and he laughed loudly: "Mr. Yang, I think you should be able to chat with Professor Zhao Mo. You are both young heroes full of ideas and daring to think and do. .”

General Master Yang waved his hand and said: "I don't dare to compete with Professor Zhao. I am also old. I am two rounds older than him, but my achievements are far behind."

Li Yang's mouth twitched, and he didn't even bother to complain.

Compared with Commander Yang, shouldn't he, an older man who has not created a pulse detonation engine entity, be said to be "old-fashioned" and about to be eliminated?

"...Today, Science Times published a paper demonstrating the feasibility assessment of a lunar base. The author of the paper is Zhao Mo, a famous Chinese scientist. Once the paper was published, it immediately triggered heated discussions at home and abroad. Our reporter interviewed Ruan Ruan of the National Space Administration Chief Civilian, please listen to the report~"

In the cafeteria, the large color TV hanging on the wall was playing "News Network". At the eighteenth minute, the host broadcast a piece of news that shocked the three people who were eating.

The screen switched, and Ruan Min, the director of the space agency, appeared on the screen, and a female reporter in front of him was interviewing with a microphone.

"Director Ruan, do you think this plan of building a moon base is feasible?"

"Of course, I have no doubt!"

"Then can you give us a prediction on when we can start the construction of the lunar base? When can we complete it?"

"This depends on the development of our domestic science and technology. For some reasons that everyone knows, our aerospace technology development is all independent. At present, it is still relatively weak compared to the world's first-class level. We need to continue to work hard... As for time According to the prediction, I personally think it will be no later than around 2030~"


"Did we hear correctly just now? The construction of the lunar base will be completed around 2030?"

Li Yang's face showed an expression of disbelief, and he subconsciously looked at Academician Jiang and Chief Master Yang.

(End of this chapter)

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