Chapter 222 Special Medal!

"Get up~
People who don't want to be slaves!

把 我们 的 血肉 , 筑 成 我们 新 的 长城!

中华民族 到 了 最 危险 的 时候 ,
每个 人 被迫 着 发出 最后 的 吼声。

stand up!


At 10 o'clock in the morning, a commendation meeting for earthquake relief was held in the Great Hall of the People.

In the solemn national anthem, everyone present stood up and sang the national anthem, and the commendation ceremony began!
Then, a moment of silence!

In the solemn atmosphere, whether it was in the Great Hall of the People or in the videos and pictures spread through CCTV, everyone had tears in their eyes.

“…This huge earthquake is the most destructive, the most widespread, and the most severe earthquake since the founding of the People’s Republic of China… We organized and carried out the earthquake relief struggle with the fastest rescue speed, the widest mobilization scope, and the largest investment in resources. , saved the lives of the affected people to the greatest extent, and reduced the losses caused by the disaster to the greatest extent..."

"...The National Earthquake Relief Summary and Commendation Conference held today is to comprehensively summarize the earthquake relief work and commend the collective earthquake relief heroes and earthquake relief models..."

Speeches followed.

After the speech, the awards began, and representatives spoke after the awards.

"Today, the earthquake incident has truly turned a corner~"

Zhao Mo sighed sadly.

He knew that his large model team was the hero of this earthquake relief effort, and he himself was rated as a model for earthquake relief, but compared to the losses caused by this earthquake, these were actually insignificant.

Afterwards, the earthquake relief heroes walked collectively to the stage to receive commendations.

Model representatives of earthquake relief came to the stage one by one to receive commendations.

Those who took to the rostrum include soldiers, grassroots cadres, people's teachers, medical and health workers, journalists, scientific and technological workers, project builders and volunteers.

The deeds of these people in this earthquake relief work are all touching. If made into a movie, they would all be great characters like superheroes.

Zhao Mo saw the peasant rescue team from Shandong Province among the heroic collective.

After a long journey, I just rode a tricycle and set off. I didn’t know how much hardship I suffered along the way. I was reluctant to eat and wear clothes. The few supplies I had were donated to the disaster area. After arriving at the front line, I worked non-stop. All the bonuses received afterwards were donated to local schools. Honesty and greatness show the best qualities of the Chinese people for thousands of years!
Everyone who knows them is moved by them.

Now that Zhao Mo thought of their deeds, tears almost fell out of his eyes.

What he knew even more was that these ten farmer brothers were not proud of themselves after this incident. They quickly hid their achievements and fame and returned to their original selves, as if they had never been rescued.

The red certificate and the shining gold medal are commendations for the collective and exemplary efforts in earthquake relief.

As representatives of the big models, Zhao Mo and Professor Yao came on stage to receive the medals of the "Heroic Collective" and were not treated specially.

But neither Zhao Mo nor Professor Yao could only be moved by this.

Looking at the eight eye-catching characters "Earthquake Relief, United as One" on the round golden commemorative medal, Zhao Mo was filled with emotions. He felt that this commemorative medal was heavy and full of power.

All in all, this is the second medal he has received due to this earthquake.

The first medal was the "Saving Life Medal" awarded by the system, which truly saved his life. He is still wearing it at this time.

However, this commemorative medal is still too big to be worn everywhere and can only be displayed at home as a "memorial".

In a way, this can be considered a family heirloom!
The conference has ended successfully, but this conference and the content and spirit displayed by this conference have not ended. Instead, they will exist forever and will be passed down forever and become a part of the Chinese nation.

After the meeting, everyone dispersed.

Zhao Mo and Professor Yao were about to leave, but were kept until everyone else dispersed, leaving only the old man and his team, as well as necessary confidentiality personnel and high-level photographers.

"Professor Yao, Professor Zhao, I have wronged you~"

The old man called Zhao Mo and Professor Yao back to the rostrum, shook hands with them first, expressed his apology, and then said: "Your great contribution will not be forgotten by the country! After research and decision, we will award you a special medal for earthquake relief~ "

Two special gold medals were taken out by the remaining staff on the side, and then the old man awarded them to Zhao Mo and Professor Yao, one each.

Needless to say, this is in recognition of their huge contribution in developing large models.

Zhao Mo and Professor Yao received the medals in silence. Any words at this time were unnecessary.

Although I am humble, I dare not forget about my country, even if no one knows me~
But actually, who doesn’t want everyone to know?

At this moment, Zhao Mo is full of emotions. The world does not know me, but the old man and the country remember me. This is enough. I will have no regrets in this life!
Professor Yao was even more excited than Zhao Mo. He felt that after a lifetime of research, this research was the most valuable!

After taking photos as souvenirs, these were sealed and I don’t know if they will ever be declassified.

When they came out, Zhao Mo and Professor Yao looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

Professor Yao then whispered to Zhao Mo: "Professor Zhao, this medal is awarded to you, we just benefited from your glory. Thank you~"

Zhao Mo was startled and was about to speak to refute, but Professor Yao didn't give him a chance. He waved his hand before he spoke and said, "You don't have to say too much. The thank you I say is not for myself, but for the hundreds of thousands of people in Sichuan Province." Wan ordinary people said it. Without your ideas, the death toll would have definitely increased ten times or even dozens of times!"

Zhao Mo sighed slightly and said: "I just did what I should do~"

No one knew that what he said was true.Of course Professor Yao didn't know. He only thought that Zhao Mo was being humble, so he patted Zhao Mo on the shoulder and said nothing more.

"Professor Zhao, wait a moment~"

At this time, a person from the relevant department chased behind him and stopped Zhao Mo.

Zhao Mo: "Who are you?"

The visitor smiled and said: "Hello, Professor Zhao, I am Jiang Weimin from the General Office of the Propaganda Department."

Zhao Mo said "Oh", shook hands with him, and then asked: "Hello, hello, what's the matter?" He didn't know this person.

Jiang Weimin said: "Professor Zhao, I heard that you refused to apply for the selection of people who moved China this year. Do you have any concerns?"

"Moved China?"

Zhao Mo thought about it and immediately knew why this person was here. He couldn't help but shook his head slightly and said, "I don't have any worries. I just don't want to participate in the selection. There are many other people who are more qualified than me."

Some time ago, the school approached him and said it would submit him to participate in the selection of the top ten people who moved China in 2008, but he refused.

Unexpectedly, people from the Propaganda Department came to him specifically for this matter.

"It's probably due to the influence of the two awards just now~"

Zhao Mo thought secretly.

He has to admit that the selection of the top ten people who moved China has indeed promoted a wave of excellent Chinese spirit and allowed people across the country to see great figures from all walks of life.

However, more great figures were not actually rated.

He didn't know what the people who were selected were thinking, but he felt that he had nothing that could move the whole of China's advanced deeds, so why should he participate in the selection?

"Professor Zhao, many of your achievements have shocked the whole world, greatly promoted the development of science and technology, and boosted the confidence of the people. You are fully qualified..."

Jiang Weimin quickly persuaded: "...If Professor Zhao runs for the election and wins the award, you can inspire more young people to embark on the path of science..."

There are a lot of people, and the implication is that he must go and win the prize.

Zhao Mo did not interrupt him, but waited for him to finish, and then refused again: "No! I believe that even if China is not moved, I believe that as long as I am here, I can still inspire more young people to embark on the scientific journey. Road, fall in love with science.”

Jiang Weimin: "..."

Good guy, is it okay as long as I'm here?
He didn't know whether to say that Zhao Mo spoke too loudly or too confidently, and then he could only watch Zhao Mo and Professor Yao walk away together in confusion.

"Professor Zhao, this is well said!"

In the distance, Professor Yao gave Zhao Mo a thumbs up, his face full of appreciation.

Zhao Mo coughed and smiled sheepishly: "Professor Yao, you'd better call me Xiao Zhao or Zhao Mo. If you call me Professor Zhao, I feel so scared~"

Professor Yao suddenly burst out laughing: "Don't be so panicked, you have to learn to adapt, Professor Zhao!"

Zhao Mo: "..."

Okay, you have the mouth, you can say whatever you want~
Afterwards, the two of them left separately.

Professor Yao returned to Wudaokou.

Zhao Mo took a car to the Bureau of National Defense Science and Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and handed over copies of the application report and part of the rocket engine design plan.

The Bureau of Science and Industry is under the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and seems to be under the full jurisdiction of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. However, it is actually a dual-management unit because it has a special nature and involves the military.

Any department involving the military is very special and cannot be simply treated as an ordinary department.

"Hey, Professor Zhao?"

When he went out, Minister Liu saw him, immediately greeted him and asked, "Did you encounter difficulties at the Sixth Aerospace Institute?"

"Minister Liu~"

Zhao Mo smiled and nodded as a greeting, and then replied: "I didn't encounter any difficulties. I came here to submit a report. I plan to develop a high-thrust rocket engine."

Minister Liu: "..."

Good guy, how long have you been at the Sixth Aerospace Academy?It hasn't even been two months, and you dare to build a rocket engine independently?
If you stay a little longer, do you want to build a rocket?

"Ahem, so that's it~"

He looked calm on the surface, but coughed twice slightly, and then asked: "How much thrust?"

If it's just a small push, it's not incomprehensible. Maybe it's to verify a new solution?Zhao Mo is an all-rounder in materials, computers, physics, mathematics, etc., and cannot be judged by common sense.

Zhao Mo replied casually: "I'm planning to build one with a thrust of 1000 tons~"

Minister Liu: "Ahem..."

He couldn't hold himself any longer~
(End of this chapter)
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