Chapter 221 Results
General Armament Department!

Super battery project group!
The first super battery R&D and production line in history is launched!

After nearly a year of hard research and development, on this day, everyone is nervously waiting for the birth of the world's first real "super battery".

Including the head of the General Armament Department, the head of the super battery project team, and the head of the military, they all gathered in this fully automated production workshop that had been carefully built for nearly a year. Everyone's face was either solemn or solemn. It's an expression of anticipation.

As the main persons in charge, Feng Xin and Li Gang personally followed up and even operated on the front line.

The research and development of super batteries, even one or two samples, is not easy to create. Behind it is the adjustment and progress of a large number of industrial chains, including raw materials, manufacturing processes, and even manufacturing equipment.

It took one year to build the super battery production line in front of us, but it was still driven by the power of the state. Otherwise, it would be unimaginable in three to five years with the power of private enterprises alone.

Even so, the country has paid a huge price for this, with the investment exceeding 052 million, which is nearly the cost of a Type [-] destroyer!

As for the investment of resources other than funds and the intangible human costs, they are even more immeasurable.

This is a production line that adheres to a modular design. When necessary, it can be easily modified to produce super batteries of various structures and types.

At [-] o'clock in the morning, a "super battery" successfully came off the assembly line. It was a big thing, and it was obviously a power battery for cars.

Feng Xin arranged the test immediately.

"What's the energy density?"

General Zhang Wenfeng, the person in charge of the military, couldn't wait to ask.

Su Yaohua, the head of the General Equipment Department, smiled helplessly and said, "Lao Zhang, don't worry, aren't they testing?"

Zhang Wenfeng coughed and said nonchalantly: "Aren't I anxious?"

Feng Xin did not answer him, but started testing with Li Gang and other researchers.

It didn't take long for the results to come out.

Feng Xin's face suddenly showed an unexpected look, and he loudly reported: "1800Wh/kg!"

This data exceeded his prediction, because in theory, the energy density limit of super batteries is around 2000Wh/kg, and the theoretical design value of the actual solution is around 1500Wh/kg.

As soon as the super battery was produced, the energy density reached 1800Wh/kg, which was 20% higher than the theoretical value of the design plan, which is really amazing.

"How many?"

Both Zhang Wenfeng and Su Yaohua were stunned.

Even though they knew in advance that the energy density of the "super battery" was astonishing, they were still shocked when they heard this value.

You know, the energy density of all types of batteries currently in the world is basically around one or two hundred. ND Era and BYD use the battery technology granted by Zhao Mo, and the energy density will not exceed [-], and It is still calculated as a whole, not a single battery.

The energy density has increased nearly ten times. Such amazing performance is beyond imagination!

"That's the number, no error reported!"

Feng Xin took a deep breath, said, and then continued to test other parameters.

Zhang Wenfeng and Su Yaohua looked at each other and didn't even bother to pay attention to other performance parameters. Just this energy density parameter, they had already imagined many scenarios where this "super battery" could be used, as well as various military equipment. , Crazy scenes of facility performance soaring.

"Old Su, I don't care about other places. The tanks and tanks I have there need to be renovated as soon as possible~"

After coming back to his senses, Zhang Wenfeng quickly started chatting with Su Yaohua. Although his voice was low, it was full of unquestionable affirmation.

Su Yaohua: "..."

Good guy, this hasn’t even started yet, and you’re thinking of hitting me in the autumn wind?

"It's a pity that Professor Zhao didn't come~"

Su Yaohua looked away and said something else, but did not answer his question.


Zhang Wenfeng was speechless for a moment, and then exposed him unceremoniously: "Professor Zhao hasn't been here for a long time, hasn't he? For Professor Zhao, his mission ended long ago after the design was completed."

Su Yaohua coughed, smiled nonchalantly and said, "That's true. I'll call Professor Zhao later to tell him the good news."


Wudaokou, Department of Computer Science.

"Is this structure considered complete?"

Academician Ni and members of the open source instruction architecture team looked at this 150-page document on the computer. There were only more than 40 basic instruction sets, and with other extended instructions, there were no more than a hundred instructions. The remaining The documents below are all standard documents, and everyone has a look of joy and loss on their face.

I am delighted that the results of one year have finally been born. The open source instruction architecture they studied is very streamlined, and it can even be said to be incredibly streamlined.

Whether it is the X86 architecture or the ARM architecture, the specification documents are often hundreds or thousands of pages long.

Now, their instruction set specification document is only more than 150 pages, less than 160 pages, streamlined dozens or hundreds of times, how can they not be surprised?Feeling disappointed, naturally the results of research have been produced, just like being unable to adapt to the birth of a child after ten months of pregnancy.

Dr. He Jun from a certain company breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "It can only be said that it is roughly completed. The foundation and frame have been laid. The rest needs to be painted and decorated. It is estimated that it will take a long time to complete. .”

As a representative of a company on this project, He Jun has contributed a lot. At this moment, he feels that he has gained a lot and thinks: "I can finally do business with the company."

Academician Ni nodded, and then his face showed an eagerness to try, and said: "Now that it's almost done, let's make chips next~"

As soon as these words came out, not only He Jun was dumbfounded, but also everyone present was dumbfounded.

As the only person in charge of a private company to participate, Liu Qiang was dumbfounded and looked sideways, thinking: "It has to be Academician Ni, who is obsessed with making chips."

Making chips has become Academician Ni’s obsession.

"This is a must~"

He Jun nodded in agreement at first, but then said: "But I think this matter cannot be rushed. We should follow Professor Zhao's plan to establish the foundation first, launch the website, and promote our structure to the world. Let people from all over the world come together to perfect it.”

In the team, there was someone from the chip department and someone from the newly established "Fuyao" UAV company's chip division. They looked at each other and said with a smile: "That's your business, we are only responsible for designing ours." chip."

Academician Ni immediately cheered with joy on his face: "If you need my help, just ask~"

He has seen hope~
So, when the time came to the first Sunday in October, Wudaokou joined forces with many companies and groups such as Xingwei, Xing, Fuyao, and Xin to hold a large-scale press conference to announce the establishment of an open source fund specifically responsible for open source. The operation of the instruction architecture is open to the world, allowing everyone to use it completely freely and for free, and even allows everyone to add their own instruction set extensions without having to share them openly to achieve differentiated development.

This press conference did not cause much repercussions, and it was very calm both at home and abroad.

Because the instruction architecture is too professional and far away from ordinary people, only professionals and many companies interested in developing in the chip field paid attention to it, and then discussed it for a while, and then nothing happened.

Only with the passage of time can people see clearly what these are and what role they will play.

For now, no one knows what the press conference represents.


October 10th.Wudaokou, Department of Mathematics.

At Wudaokou in the early morning, I woke up from the silence at five o'clock.

If anyone looks from a distance, they will find that the lights are always on in Zhao Mo's office.

"It's not easy. Finally, we have completed the preliminary design~"

At this time, Zhao Mo, who had been "in seclusion" in school for nearly half a month, finally stopped the pencil in his hand and looked at the patterns and dense numbers, symbols, and words on the A4 paper. His thin face was full of exhaustion. , but his grinning mouth and bright eyes showed that he was in a very good mood at this moment.

Yes, he completed his overall rocket engine design, hand-drawn stroke by stroke!
There is no doubt that this is a very large project.

Even with his LV8 wisdom and LV8 physical fitness at this moment, it took more than half a month of "retreat" and even borrowed the design scheme of the Changwu rocket engine to finally complete it.

If there was no design plan for the Chang [-] rocket engine and he had to design it from scratch, Zhao Mo estimated that it would take at least three months to complete, and it would also require three months of "reclusion."

Of course, even so, Zhao Mo's speed is amazing.If it were other aviation designers, they wouldn't have to think about it for a year or so.

Of course, Zhao Mo also knew that it was one thing to have the plan designed, but it was another thing to be able to achieve the goal of the design plan. Therefore, it was still early for success, and it was just a beginning.

After a quick check and seeing that there were no major problems, Zhao Mo quickly wrote an application report, then stood up and stretched to relax his body and relieve the fatigue caused by staying up all night.

After that, he quickly collected all the manuscript papers and put them in a large document bag, ready to hand them in.

After doing this, Zhao Mo raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was already past seven in the morning.

The growling sound in his stomach kept reminding him that he was hungry and it was time to have breakfast.

This was the second time he had stayed up all night, but he didn't feel much discomfort. There was no problem with attending classes and studying, so he planned to come over after breakfast and not go back to catch up on his sleep.

bang bang bang~
Just as he was about to go out, his assistant Cai Bin knocked on the office door and said, "Professor~"

"Come in~"

Zhao Mo said.

Cai Bin then pushed the door open and came in, holding a steaming breakfast in his hand. He said with a smile: "Professor, this is your breakfast. It has been packed. Go to the car to eat it. The car that picks us up has already arrived." arrive."

Zhao Mo was stunned for a moment and asked: "The car that will pick us up?"

"Professor, today is October 10th, the day of the earthquake relief commendation ceremony."

Cai Bin said with a smile, feeling helpless: "Okay, I must be so busy that I forgot~"


Zhao Mo was surprised and then suddenly realized.

(End of this chapter)
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