You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 151 Large Model Pre-Testing

Chapter 151 Large Model Pre-Testing
"I don't know, but I think you're the one most likely to make this project happen!"

Facing Zhao Mo's question, Academician Ni answered with emotion.

Zhao Mo's question didn't come close to telling me directly why you were looking for me. We're not familiar with each other.

However, after looking at the domestic situation, Academician Ni believes that Zhao Mo is the most likely one.

This is the conclusion drawn from his investigation.


Zhao Mo still wanted to know the answer. He himself felt that he could solve Academician Ni's "Ark CPU" problem, which was currently unsolvable.

Before the arrival of the mobile Internet, the PC side was dominated by Intel and Microsoft. If you wanted to compete with each other in any field, it was difficult to compete alone. It had to be a two-pronged approach, CPU and operating system together, or even a multi-pronged approach, various hardware, ecological applications They all need to be matched. This task is so complex and large that it is simply impossible.

It may still be possible to pour out the power of the country, but it is really not necessary!

Facing his in-depth inquiries, Academician Ni hesitated for a moment, and then honestly explained the reason: "I have learned about you specifically. Once you have capital, whether it is BYD or a certain company, they are your potential partners. They also have a deep cooperative relationship with you; secondly, you also have to make achievements in the chip field. I heard that you have a share of the credit for the development of etching machines at China Microelectronics. Of course, the most important thing is that you are extremely talented... "

"Cough cough..."

Hearing this, Zhao Mo couldn't help but cough.

These words came from the mouth of an academician. Although his vanity was indeed overwhelming, it was still a bit too much. So he quickly waved his hand and said, "You are exaggerating. I only work a little harder than ordinary people."

Academician Ni: "..."

When you say this, do you believe it yourself?
But then I thought about it, how could it be that Zhao Mo was so open-minded?
So, he looked at Zhao Mo with more and more satisfaction, and continued: "...Ark CPU is a RISC architecture developed based on the Linux system. It is not a general-purpose high-performance CPU like Intel. Intel uses a complex instruction set CISC. Ark CPU uses reduced instruction set RISC, which has simple instructions, strong processing power, fast speed, low power consumption and other advantages. I now think that this CPU is used in the wrong direction. It should not be used in computers, but should be used in other applications. Electronic products field.”

Zhao Moran, good guy, waiting here.

However, when talking about reduced instruction set RISC, he couldn't help but ask: "Is it the arm one?"

Academician Ni shook his head and said: "Of course not. Arm company's arm is a closed source ISA (instruction set architecture) based on RISC. How can we say that RISC is from Arm company?"

"Closed source?"

Zhao Mo's eyes moved, and he suddenly thought of the news that came later. Arm was listed on America. It soared as soon as it was listed, with a market value of more than 4000 billion yuan. It is a giant in the chip field and the Qualcomm among Qualcomms.

To put it bluntly, Qualcomm is the "core father" of many mobile phone manufacturers, and Arm is the "father" of Qualcomm, Apple, and Kirin. They all bought Arm's architecture.

Of course, what Zhao Mo cares about is not this matter. What he cares about is that after this news, another news report followed. Arm was listed on the market. Qualcomm, Apple, and Weibo all felt threatened, so they all felt threatened. Turning our attention to another architecture.

Zhao Mo didn't remember the English name of this architecture, but after thinking about it, it seemed to have the letter V at the end.

So, he couldn't help but ask Academician Ni: "Who is the company that made the open source ISA?"

Academician Ni was stunned by the question. After thinking for a while, he slowly shook his head and replied: "No one."


Zhao Mo was a little confused, and after a while he asked: "What do you mean there is no one?"

Academician Ni hesitated and said: "Is there any company that makes open source ISA? I haven't heard of it. Is it a new company? Is it domestic or foreign?"

As soon as he said this, Zhao Mo understood, good guys, there is no open source ISA company based on RISC yet.

"Unfortunately, I am not an expert in this field~"

Zhao Mo felt sorry.

Seeing that he fell silent, Academician Ni thought he was thinking about that open source company, so he said, "Forget it if you can't remember it. I'll just find out more about it later."

Zhao Mo came back to his senses and smiled. When he was about to speak, a middle-aged man trotted over from outside.

Before anyone arrived, a voice came over: "Mr. Ni, you are here, I was just looking for you~"

Turning around, I saw a very strange person.

Zhao Mo didn't say anything. He glanced at Academician Ni and found that the smile on Academician Ni's face disappeared and was replaced by a calm tone with a little indifference.

"Liu Qiang?"

Academician Ni said hello with a suspicious tone, and then said nothing.

Liu Qiang was completely unfazed. He nodded to Zhao Mo with a kind smile, and then said to Academician Ni with a serious face: "Mr. Ni, please believe me, I am not Li Delei, and I am serious about making chips! "

Zhao Mo: "..."

Why does this sound a little familiar?

He took a look at Liu Qiang again and found that this man's face was so fleshy that even the disciples with the Chinese character face turned into a round shape, and he looked at it with a sense of joy.But now he looks serious again, which is really a bit of a contrast.But what I have to say is that although the contrast is huge, the temperament appears to be very sincere and does not look like a showy person.

Unfortunately, Academician Ni was obviously not too cold and could not comment on this. He just said: "You can go. I am still pleading guilty to the relevant departments and have no intention to make any chips anymore."

Liu Qiang suddenly became speechless, unable to answer these words.Zhao Mo glanced at Academician Ni and thought to himself: "I didn't expect Mr. Ni to be able to lie to others, and it's completely invisible when he deceives people. It seems like you need to study more to do anything~"

Later, Liu Qiang really refused to give up and pestered Academician Ni for a few more words, but he was blocked by Academician Ni and finally had to leave in frustration, which lasted only 5 minutes.

After Liu Qiang left, Academician Ni gave a brief introduction: "He used to be the vice president of R&D at Ark Company, and he also worked here. Li Delei used to be a member of the business team of Motorola and Hitachi. Li Delei ran away, and he stayed. Next, I plan to set up a new company to continue R&D of Ark CPU."

Zhao Mo nodded. He turned out to be a top student at the Institute of Computer Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He then smiled and said, "Then he still has a lot of heart. Why doesn't Mr. Ni support him?"

Academician Ni shook his head and said: "I am alone~"

"Well, Mr. Ni, this matter is too big. I'll give it some thought before I get back to you~"

Zhao Mo saw that the conversation had been taking a long time, and it was hard to talk about it for a while, and he was not specialized in CPU, so he took the initiative to end the conversation and gave this reply.

Academician Ni did not hear a positive answer, and a look of regret suddenly flashed across his face, but he soon became happy and asked: "When can you give me an answer? Can you do it tomorrow?"

No matter what, Zhao Mo did not refuse directly, which means there is hope.

Zhao Mo thought for a while and replied: "In three days~"

Academician Ni quickly said: "Okay, I'll wait for your good news."


When they went to the large model team, Professor Yao and others were already working intensively.

Looking at the massive data on the big screen, Zhao Mo said nothing and stood silently behind and watched carefully.

"See if there is any problem."

Professor Yao saw his arrival while he was busy, and immediately pointed to the big screen and said.

Zhao Mo smiled and said "Okay", but didn't speak for a long time.

After half an hour, Professor Yao seemed to have finished his work. He took a few steps back and came to Zhao Mo's left side. While looking at the screen, he asked him: "It seems that there is nothing wrong with our large model, even you." No problems found.”

Zhao Mo smiled sheepishly and said, "I don't dare to take this seriously~"

Professor Yao turned to look at him and said, "Don't you dare to be a professor? You are already a professor, what else can you not dare to be?"

Zhao Mo: "..."

Good guy, this news is spreading everywhere, and Zhou Zuojian told me to keep it a secret and not to leak it?

He coughed and said: "I don't see any problems for the time being, but whether there is any problem with this large model, we still have to put it into trial operation to find out."

Professor Yao smiled, knowing what he meant, so he stopped teasing him.

After another 10 minutes or so, everything was ready, all researchers in the large model team were no longer busy, and the first model prediction began.

As Professor Yao's order was issued, a researcher entered the verification set, that is, a large amount of data, and the big screen began to refresh, and a series of results appeared.

The large model is very complex, and it is the first time to do it, so many problems are unimaginable.

Of course, the most important work is data, including data collection, storage, sorting, cleaning, preprocessing, annotation, quality inspection, training, etc.

At present, they have completed all the previous processes and have reached the verification stage.

Yes, the model prediction work is just a verification stage, followed by finalization, testing, and final online and deployment links. It is still very early to apply it to actual production and life.

"...The data this time is the earthquake data that occurred in Caiyunnan on June 6 in the first half of the year. It was a 3-magnitude earthquake. It was the closest in time and the data collected is also the latest..."

Professor Yao introduced the prediction to Zhao Mo.

Zhao Mo nodded and stared at the big screen with curiosity and expectation.

They didn't wait too long, it seemed like it only took a moment. When the data input was completed, the prediction results were immediately updated on the big screen.

Zhao Mo looked at one of the data at first glance: "The time difference between the next earthquake is 8.46 years, and the next earthquake is expected to be between 2013 and 2014."

I couldn't help but think: "This gap~"

"This gap is a bit big!"

Professor Yao on the side spoke, his expression very calm.


It can be said that this gap directly makes the prediction results useless.

(End of this chapter)

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