Chapter 150 Ark CPU Project
"Zhao Shen~"

"Hello God Zhao~"

"Zhao Shen, have you eaten?"


On the way to the Computer Science Department, all the students and even some young teachers I met greeted me with smiles and warm words.

Zhao Mo could feel that the enthusiasm he gained was hotter and more intense than before.

There is no doubt that this was achieved after he won the Chung Jiaqing Mathematics Award, and even more after he released the blockbuster proof of the ABC conjecture.

On the Wudaokou intranet, the school affairs office published a special congratulatory report, highly praising his achievements. It included not only comments from classmates, comments from teachers from the School of Mathematics, but also praise from the principal, Academician Gu.

Zhao Mo responded with a bit of embarrassment at first, but gradually he became numb and his smiling face became a little stiff.

Yang Chan laughed "chichichi" on the side, and playfully called him "Zhao Shen" a few times to tease him.

Zhao Mo could only ignore her, otherwise she would be even more enthusiastic.

Yang Chan has this kind of character. The more familiar she is, the more arrogant she becomes.

I don’t know if both male and female friends are like this. Zhao Mo doesn’t know much about love this time.

Seeing that he ignored this, Yang Chan stopped teasing him and asked about the question he had just asked: "Just because the ABC conjecture was proved, Director Zhou directly let you graduate with a doctorate?"

Apart from this reason, she could not think of any other reason.

You know, this is a PhD graduation!
Zhao Mo didn't hide anything, and immediately nodded and replied: "Yes, for this reason. In addition, not only did they approve my Ph.D. graduation, but they also prepared to hire me to stay at the school to teach."


Yang Chan was surprised.

Zhao Mo smiled and said, "That's it? What if I say that the school will directly promote me to professor?"


Yang Chan couldn't hold back at all. She was so shocked that her mouth opened into an O shape, with a confused expression on her face.

After a while, she stammered: "Professor Zhao~Zhao~Zhao?"

Zhao Mo: "..."

Yang Chan's sudden address almost stunned him.

Good guy, I've been called "Professor" before this even started, and it's my girlfriend who calls me that, not to mention how weird it feels.

"You'd better call me by my name."

Zhao Mo coughed and said.

Yang Chan's eyes were more inexplicable than before. She nodded and replied: "Oh, okay."

The voice was unnaturally lower than before.

Zhao Mo smiled helplessly and said to himself: "This news hasn't broken out yet. Once it does, I'm afraid there will be overwhelming discussion."

After a while, the two arrived at the computer department.

Zhao Mo was still thinking of going to the office to find Professor Yao, but Professor Yao was waiting under the office building in advance, followed by several project personnel from the large model team.

As soon as he saw them arriving, Professor Yao immediately greeted them and said, "Zhao Mo, are you free now? Let's go to the Computer Research Institute together."

Zhao Mo was startled for a moment, then realized what Professor Yao was talking about, and couldn't help but said with joy: "Is the big model ready?"

Professor Yao replied: "How can it be so fast? Today is the trial run of the program."

Zhao Mo immediately said: "I have time now, is it over now?"

"Yes, let's go."

Professor Yao nodded, then glanced at Yang Chan and smiled: "Is this your girlfriend? Do you want to go there together?"

Yang Chan glanced at Zhao Mo and said to Professor Yao: "Professor, I won't go and I won't disturb your work."

Zhao Mo understood her thoughts and said, "Wait until I come back." Then he went out in the car with Professor Yao and others.

Professor Yao is doing nothing wrong, and it doesn't actually matter whether Yang Chan goes or not.

On the way, Professor Yao naturally asked about the ABC conjecture, asked Zhao Mo what he thought, and his words were full of praise.

Zhao Mo was naturally humble.

However, something that Professor Yao said casually made him pay attention. Professor Yao said that the Minister of Science and Technology specifically asked him about relevant matters, and also said that his reputation had spread to the higher authorities.


Zhao Mo was pleasantly surprised and thanked Professor Yao again.

More than an hour later, the group arrived at the Computer Research Institute. This was Zhao Mo's second visit.When he entered, a familiar figure appeared in Zhao Mo's sight again, it was the white-haired Academician Ni.

Just like last time, Academician Ni's old face was full of exhaustion and sadness.

"Academician Ni~"

Professor Yao and others were also familiar with Academician Ni and greeted each other one after another.

Zhao Mo is no exception.

However, he was helpless about Academician Ni's experience, so after saying hello, he prepared to leave with Professor Yao and others.

"Classmate Zhao Mo, please wait~"

However, this time Academician Ni's eyes brightened obviously after seeing him, and he took the initiative to say hello to him and said, "Can we chat for a while? It won't take long."

Zhao Mo was confused and glanced at Professor Yao.

Professor Yao waved his hand and signaled: "Zhao Mo, let's go there first. You can come over by yourself later."

Zhao Mo nodded, walked to the side with Academician Ni, and found a place to sit down.

Zhao Mo asked: "I wonder if Mr. Ni is looking for me?"

Academician Ni smiled slightly and said: "Classmate Zhao Mo, I heard that you are engaged in drone research, which should use CPU, right?"

Zhao Mo was still a little confused, but he still replied: "Yes, we are currently using chips from Intel and Qualcomm."

A look of helplessness flashed across Academician Ni's face, and then he said: "That's right, I wonder if you have heard of Ark CPU?"

Zhao Mo shook his head and said, "I've never heard of it."

He had indeed never heard of this chip, but he soon realized that Academician Ni must have a purpose in asking this question, so he asked tentatively: "Did you, Mr. Ni, take the lead in developing it?"

Academician Ni nodded quickly and said: "Yes, I took the lead in developing the chip. Let me introduce this chip to you..."

He seemed a little afraid that Zhao Mo wouldn't listen to him, so he couldn't wait to explain before Zhao Mo could answer.

Zhao Mo listened really, and couldn't help but feel a little helpless in his heart, and then his aversion to a certain idea increased even more.How amazing must this be to make a dignified academician so depressed and cautious now?

Following Academician Ni's explanation, Zhao Mo also roughly knew what the Ark CPU was.

To put it simply, this is a computer CPU independently designed by Ark Company, developed based on Linux system, and came out in April 2001.At that time, Academician Ni attracted more than 4 million yuan in sponsorship to Ark Company and introduced many customers. For this reason, he also listed "Ark CPU" as a key project and received strong support from top to bottom.

However, the result was a mess.

After the Ark CPU came out, the design was applied to the computer field. As a result, the computer field was not only dominated by Intel, but also Microsoft!
In the years when Microsoft dominated the world, there was a lack of ecological software to support this chip, so in the end there was no market. Even if the government intervened and supported it, it was of no avail.

What's even more outrageous is that the founding team saw no hope and actually kicked Academician Ni away and went to engage in real estate.

"This is riding a horse..."

Zhao Mo wanted to curse after hearing this, and his blood pressure began to soar.

He immediately thought of what Mr. Ren said in an interview later: "... When people come to visit our company, they see that the stock hall downstairs of our company is in full swing. Many people are trading stocks, but our company The people upstairs are unmoved and are still engaged in research and development, so others trust us and think we can do it..."

In a materialistic society, in an era when stocks and real estate speculation make people rich overnight, how many people can really concentrate on technology and R&D?

How many people who are really engaged in technology and R&D are lucky enough to meet a certain company?
Looking at Academician Ni again, he was kicked out by a certain person in the past, and his enthusiasm for making Chinese chips was kicked aside by the founder of Ark. This tragic situation can only be described as unbearable to witness.

However, when I think about it again, even though this is the case, Academician Ni has not extinguished his desire to make Chinese chips, and even came to him, a junior, to talk about chips. I can only say that Academician Ni is a persistent person, and he has truly never forgotten his original intention!

There is no doubt that when Academician Ni came to him to talk about this, he definitely didn't say it casually. He had the idea of ​​​​supporting China's core research.

Zhao Mo couldn't help but feel in awe, and even more admired in his heart.

"...At that time, Yongzhong Integrated Office was very supportive of Ark, and they even organized scientific researchers across the country to work together on Linux desktop systems to match Ark, but the result was that there was still no way. Last year, Ark Company came up with a trick, and that guy Li Delei He threw away his hands and ran back to Maple Leaf Kingdom, and Ark fell down like this."

Academician Ni described the situation calmly, and then said: "To sum up, we have been too hasty. Surrounding the Wintel Alliance are countless self-circulating business ecosystems. All components except the CPU in terms of hardware and software. The underlying operating system and various application software are all very mature, and there is really no place for us to get involved. How can we not fail if we declare war on an entire industry?"

Zhao Mo nodded repeatedly after hearing this. This summary was quite accurate.

Speaking of which, this is all part of America's technological hegemony.

When Zhao Mo just graduated in his previous life, he was a young man. He was a little ashamed that he used pirated versions of Microsoft. Later, he saw an interview with Academician Ni, saying that the piracy was intentional by Microsoft, and he was horrified.

High-end business wars are often as holy as a white lotus, but the impact of their actions is indeed extremely vicious.

There is indeed no pie in the sky!
If it falls, be careful if there is poison on it!

"I am talking so much this time because I want to ask Zhao Mo if he is interested in taking over the Ark CPU project?"

Academician Ni finally stated his purpose.


Even though Zhao Mo was mentally prepared, he couldn't help but be surprised when he heard Academician Ni say the purpose himself. He couldn't help but ask: "Do you think I can successfully complete this project?"

(End of this chapter)

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