You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 15 Non-Chief or European Emperor

Chapter 15 Non-Chief or European Emperor
"Lottery? Uncle System, I have always been a non-chief, and I have never been a European emperor. Aren't you kidding me?"

Zhao Mo, who was relieved, heard the "ding" sound of the system and immediately heard the sound.

But after hearing the next words, half of his energy immediately dissipated.

After graduation, I bought two-color balls for several years in a row, but I never won any prizes, and I never won five yuan. It was such a bully.

When he went to work at the company, there was a lottery at the year-end party. Others would either win tens of thousands of dollars in cash from colorful TVs and motorcycles, or hand-held small fans, air conditioners, and quilts. He could also win some paper towels or something if he ordered again, but he had nothing. He was a spectator every year, and the luck of the draw was poor. There is no one left, it is an absolutely non-chief system.

He felt that the system was playing a trick on him.

"It's here now, just smoke it. What if it happens?"

Zhao Mo could only comfort himself like this, and then confirmed his participation in the lottery.


As a crisp voice sounded in his mind, a large colorful wheel appeared in his mind, with nine grids divided into them, and each grid was filled with corresponding prizes.

One bottle of energy drink (550ml);
A mysterious drawing;
One refreshing pill;
Exercise at night and you will become stronger with a BUF experience package;
A set of Mathematical Olympiad test papers and answer analysis;
A set of mobile phone wireless charging equipment;
500 attribute points;
300 attribute points;
Thank you for your patronage!

Looking at these prizes, Zhao Mo couldn't help but scratch his head: "...Um, what are these? Only 500 attribute points seem to be relatively affordable. Forget it, let's get started!"

With a thought, the pointer on the large colored turntable began to rotate, from fast to slow, whirring around among the nine kinds of prizes, whizzing by.

When Zhao Mo was still thinking about whether to recite the blessings of the Patriarch of the Sanqing Dynasty or the blessings of the Jade Emperor Monkey Brother, the pointer quickly stopped and pointed at one of the grids.

Thank you for your patronage!


Zhao Mo couldn't help but get up from the bed. As expected, he was still a non-chief.

"go to bed!"

He soon fell asleep.


It was a rare occasion that he didn't study until midnight and went to bed early. Zhao Mo got up early the next morning, even earlier than Kang Hongyi, who always ranked first.

Taking a deep breath of the fresh morning air, it felt cool to his heart and lungs, lifting his spirits.

Then, Zhao Mo started morning exercises.

After clocking in for seven consecutive days, he began to like this feeling. He felt that although the "exercise in the morning buff" was gone, exercising in the morning was always good for the body, so he chose to continue.

After running and sweating, I waited for the hot blood in my body to cool down, then went back and took a shower to wash away the dust and sticky feeling. Then I went to have breakfast feeling refreshed, and then Shi Shiran put on the exam equipment. Went to the examination room.

This time's mock exam is not just the No. [-] Middle School's own exam, but the joint exam for key middle schools in the province.

As a key high school in the province, Pingfu No. 50 Middle School is very famous throughout Jiangnan Province, and its strength is also ranked high.This strength is determined by the annual admission rates of PBC University, Zhongguancun University, and IJNU.The first-class admission rate of Pingfu No. 5 Middle School is more than 36% every year, and more than 13 students are admitted to Pudaokou and Zhongguancun University. This is undoubtedly the case in Jiangnan Province where the undergraduate enrollment rate is only [-]% and the first-grade admission rate is only [-]%. It is a manifestation of strength.

The examination room was disrupted. Zhao Mo was assigned to the examination room of the next class, surrounded by students from other classes.

Of course, there are also classmates in the examination room of this class. Li Shijie is in this examination room, as well as Li Yunxia, ​​Liu Zheng, Yang Jing and others.

"It's quite a coincidence~"

Outside the examination room, when Zhao Mo arrived, they were gathering together and chatting. Like other classmates, they were divided into groups here and there.

Seeing his arrival, Li Shijie greeted happily: "Zhao Mo, here~"

Zhao Mo walked over, smiled at them, nodded, and asked, "What are we talking about?"

Li Shijie said: "Guess how many points you can get in this test."

Zhao Mo smiled and teased him: "How many points can you get in the test?"

Li Shijie shook his head and said seriously: "How many more tests can I take? If I can pass [-] points, I will be considered Amitabha."

Li Yunxia on the side asked with a smile: "Zhao Mo, everyone said that you will definitely get a good score this time. Can you get [-] points?"

As soon as these words came out, it was Li Shijie's turn to tease Zhao Mo: "Five hundred points? You are looking down on Zhao Mo too much. People who don't know think that Zhao Mo doesn't work hard enough. 520 points! It must be more than 520 points! Do you think so? No, Zhao Mo?"

Yang Jing said with a smile: "Li Shijie, is there a difference between 520 points and [-] points?"

Liu Zheng, who was always shy and introverted outside class, said: "Li Shijie, just be poor. The teachers said that Zhao Mo has made great progress during this period, and I believe he can get good grades. On the contrary, you are not doing anything right all day long. Yes, the college entrance examination will be in more than a month, I will see what you will do then."

Li Shijie smiled and touched his nose, not knowing how to answer this.

Zhao Mo spoke. He smiled calmly and said, "Li Shijie, I'd like to lend you some good advice. I'll try to get a score of 520 or above this time."

With that said, he walked into the examination room first.

Li Shijie was startled and didn't react. He didn't know whether he was joking or serious.

Li Yunxia was also startled for a moment, and then murmured to Yang Jing on the side: "Yang Jing, do you think Zhao Mo is stupid? Do you really think that you can improve your score from over 300 points to over 500 points in just a few days of hard work?"

Yang Jing shook her head and said, "Don't talk like that. He has really worked hard these days and should have made great progress."

Liu Zheng said nothing and followed Zhao Mo into the examination room.When passing Zhao Mo's position, she whispered: "Come on", and then walked to her position and sat down.

Zhao Mo, who had already sat down and was placing pen and paper, was startled when he heard this. He looked at Liu Zheng's profile and thought to himself: "This little girl Liu Zheng has a good heart."

Looking at her in profile, Liu Zheng's little face is still pretty, but she has some baby fat and her skin is a bit darker. If it were whiter and the baby fat was reduced, she would still be quite cute, with a profile that makes her look killer.

"Stop, what am I thinking?"

Zhao Mo quickly shook his head, gathered his emotions, and prepared to start the exam.

The first test is Chinese, which is always the case.

The Chinese test tests the original text writing, article appreciation, and final composition. Among them, article appreciation and composition are relatively difficult.

Needless to say, the original text was written silently. In the past ten days of strong assault, Zhao Mo was able to recite this part of the article by pinching a snail with ten fingers, and he was very sure of it.After reading the test paper, the first step is to finish all the written questions, including multiple-choice questions and fill-in-the-blank questions.

Then, article appreciation is a bit difficult because it involves the literal meaning of the article, the time when the article was formed, the resume of the author of the article, and other factors.However, this is not a problem for Zhao Mo. He has attended many idiom conferences.

Composition was difficult. He could only write according to the technique of tiger head, pig belly, leopard tail, and then he wrote a satisfactory article.

Zhao Mo wanted to be an essay copywriter, but the only essay he had read that got a perfect score for the college entrance examination was "The Death of the Red Rabbit". However, "The Death of the Red Rabbit" was written in 2001, so he had no chance.

The second test is mathematics.

Without a doubt, this is the most difficult exam.

Adhering to the flexible application method, Zhao Mo first solved the questions that could be answered quickly, and then dealt with the questions that could not be answered quickly.

Soon, he finished the test paper from beginning to end, but he only completed two-thirds of it, and there were still nearly one-third of the questions that he could not answer quickly.

"Huh? Isn't the last answer question the one rewarded by the system?"

However, when he saw the last answer question, which was also the big question of "twenty points", he was stunned for a moment, with a look of disbelief on his face.

It turns out that the system said it was a reward, but it was really a reward!

Until he finished the exam and walked out of the examination room, he still couldn't believe it.

"Ah, math is too difficult, especially the last question, I can't even understand it~"

As soon as Li Shijie came out, he started howling miserably.

Li Yunxia said with a bitter look on her face: "I only wrote one solution."

Yang Jing looked at Liu Zheng and asked her, "Liu Zheng, have you answered?"

Liu Zheng shook his head and said, "No, I just wrote half of it, and I didn't have enough time."

Yang Jing said "Oh" and said: "I didn't answer it either. This math question is really difficult. I don't think my score will exceed 110 points this time."

Zhao Mo on the side could clearly see that Yang Jing's face relaxed after hearing Liu Zheng's answer.

"It seems she just wrote an explanation."

Zhao Mo was secretly amused. He didn't realize that Yang Jing had a strong desire to win, even compared to Liu Zheng, who was number one in the math class.Liu Zheng didn't even answer it, so it's normal that she didn't answer it.

"Zhao Mo, what about you?"

Liu Zheng suddenly asked Zhao Mo in a low voice.

Li Shijie also asked: "Zhao Mo, how did you do in the exam? How many points did you get on the math test this time?"

Yang Jing and Li Yunxia also looked at him.

Zhao Mo smiled slightly: "It's not bad, I should be able to get a score of 110 or above."


As soon as he said this, all four of them had questions.

Good guy, your math scores are usually much worse than Yang Jing's. It's hard to get a passing score of 96. Now Yang Jing says it won't exceed 110, but you actually say you can score more than 110?
After he came to his senses, Li Shijie coughed twice, patted his shoulder and said, "Okay, that's great~"

Liu Zheng forced a smile: "It seems that Zhao Mo has made great progress during this period."

"Congratulations then~"

The corner of Yang Jing's mouth twitched slightly, and she thought to herself: "Although she has changed a lot, she is still so childish."

Li Yunxia was speechless, and then pulled Yang Jing away.

"Thank you!"

Zhao Mo had a smile on his face, as if they were sincerely congratulating him.

Around 110 points was his true estimate. The last big question was 20 points, and he was sure of it.

(End of this chapter)

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