You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 14 The world is uncertain, you and I are both dark horses

Chapter 14 The world is uncertain, you and I are both dark horses (please bookmark and recommend)

"On the first day, I didn't solve the problem. My old classmate came to supervise me after class again. I was speechless~"

"The next day, I still haven't solved it. This question is too difficult. What the hell is this question? My old class came to supervise me after class again. That's enough."

"Today is the third day. I feel dizzy. I wonder if I can get rid of it?"

Zhao Mo is a serious person. He has no habit of writing a diary. He is complaining.

When it was time for evening self-study again, Zhao Mo threw away all the calculation drafts, listed all the ways to fail, and then went outside to wash his face with cold water before coming back in.

After rubbing his hands, Zhao Mo started to flip through the math textbook, trying to see if there were any similar exercises that could be used for reference, so as to get some inspiration from them.

When you are immersed in learning, your perception of the outside world will be relatively weakened.

When his deskmate Li Shijie was studying in the evening, he greeted him: "Zhao Mo, there is a mock exam tomorrow. Why don't you go back and rest early?"

Zhao Mo didn't react much. When he realized that someone was talking to him, a "rumbling" noise began to sound in the entire classroom.

When I looked up, I saw that the students were starting to move tables and stools.

"What are you doing moving the table?"

Zhao Mo asked Li Shijie.

Li Shijie glanced at him in surprise: "You don't know? There is a mock exam tomorrow!"

"Huh? So fast?"

Zhao Mo suddenly realized that tomorrow is April 4th, the last mock test before the college entrance examination.

He shook his head with a wry smile, had to stand up, and began to organize them together.

For every mock exam, the classroom must be set aside as the exam room, and arrangements must be made the night before, otherwise it will be too late to make arrangements on the day of the exam.

He looked up at the time, 08:30, still early.

"Have you heard that Wang Ying, who is in the top class, is planning to apply for a university in Hong Kong~"

"Which university in Hong Kong?"

"Hong Kong? Tsk, my family is really rich~"

"Who makes people do well in studies?"

"Wang Ying's English scores have always been the first in her grade, and she can communicate with teachers in English. There will be no problem in applying for the University of Hong Kong."

"Hey, you still have to have good academic performance and your family has to be rich. I heard that you can get 30 to [-] yuan to study in Hong Kong for one year."

"Hiss~ So many!"

"If I had the conditions, I would also take the University of Hong Kong exam. This is much better than domestic universities, and even worse than Wudaokou and Yanda."

"Who told you that Wudaokou and Yenching University can't compare? Nonsense! How can universities in Hong Kong be comparable to Wudaokou and Yenching University?"

"I'm too lazy to tell you. Just go online and check it out for yourself. How can universities in the mainland compare to universities in Hong Kong?"

"What about you? Which university do you want to go to?"


Various voices were noisy, but the gossipy voices of the classmates continued to reach Zhao Mo's ears. The most talked about topic was the college entrance examination.

Although mock exams are important, they are taken more often and everyone treats them calmly. After all, it is not a college entrance examination, so it will not have any impact on them.

Listening to these discussions about which university Wang Ying was going to be admitted to, whether Wang Ying was going to be admitted to the University of Hong Kong or the mainland university, Zhao Mo couldn't help but glance at Li Shijie.

Few people in the class knew about Li Shijie's family background, because apart from playing basketball, Li Shijie sat in the back row at other times, his grades were low, and he didn't have a high sense of presence.Therefore, few people know that Li Shijie's family background is actually one of the top few in their generation.

In his previous life, Li Shijie was sent to study in Germany by his parents directly after failing the college entrance examination, and he came back with a thick layer of gold.

At this time in 2006, although we were already one of the top ten economies in the world, our foundation was weak and our infrastructure was relatively weak. Therefore, Chinese people still felt somewhat inferior about their status in the world. This inferiority was reflected in the education sector, that is, The strength of domestic universities is not very good, but "Turtle" is very powerful!

Yes, the moon abroad is relatively round.

Zhao Mo knows better that even by 2024, our economy will already be the second in the world, and we will actually become G2 with the United States, ushering in a new era with various high-tech blowouts and aircraft carrier battle groups. Across the Pacific, there are still a large number of people with implants in China, who all look down upon the country.

Therefore, he just laughed off the comments made by his classmates.

"Wang Ying? Is it because that circle of friends later was full of white-bone spirits who served all kinds of afternoon tea in English?"

Zhao Mo thought about it for a moment, and the "Wang Ying" friend circle that was screenshotted by some classmates in the WeChat high school alumni group of Class [-] emerged in his memory, and he couldn't help but shake his head.

"Zhao Mo, you have been studying so hard recently, which university do you want to go to?"

While working together to move the table, Li Shijie couldn't help but ask Zhao Mo about this topic.

Zhao Mo came back to his senses, smiled and said, "You won't know which university you can go to until you take the exam. I also want to take the exam at Wudaokou and Yenching University."

Li Shijie complained: "Just you? You have been working hard for two months and you want to take the Wudaokou and Zhongguancun exams? Why don't you go to heaven?"

Zhao Mo laughed and said: "I can only say that the world is still uncertain, and you and I are both dark horses!"

Li Shijie was stunned: "What do you mean?"

"What else does this mean? He means that everything is possible!" Yang Jing's voice came from behind the two of them. She looked at Zhao Mo with a strange look in her eyes: "Zhao Mo, what did you say? It’s pretty good, where did you see it?”

Zhao Mo smiled calmly: "I don't remember, I forgot~"

Yang Jing said "Oh" and walked away expressionlessly.

"She's angry~"

Li Shijie looked at Yang Jing's back, leaned next to Zhao Mo and whispered.

Zhao Mo glanced at him: "What then?"

Li Shijie was stunned: "What then?"

Zhao Mo smiled and said nothing.

Li Shijie reacted and looked at him in astonishment: "Zhao Mo, don't you like her and write her a love letter? What's your attitude when people ask you? Don't tell me that it's only a few days." Soon you will change your mind and fall in love with someone else."

Zhao Mo: "What are you talking about? What you said makes me want to be a scumbag. I used to like her, but I have woken up now. Now all I have to do is study and get into a good university in the college entrance examination. Woman?" It will only affect my grades!”

"Scumbag? What do you mean?"

Li Shijie was shocked again, and he couldn't understand his deskmate for no reason. What happened today?Always saying things that are incomprehensible and unexpected.

Only then did Zhao Mo realize that the word "scumbag" only became popular on the Internet around 2015. It was the result of the re-deconstruction of Chinese vocabulary in the Internet era.

But he didn't explain, he just smiled and said, "It's nothing."

"Fuck, come again~"

Li Shijie's face showed a look of disdain, and he added: "I tell you, you have to be persistent when chasing girls. If you just give up after being rejected once or twice, that would be too insincere."

"Go away~"

Zhao Mo waved his hand and told him to get out.

"Who chases girls?"

A classmate next to him heard it and came over and asked curiously.

Li Shijie coughed twice: "Ahem, it's nothing, you heard wrong~"

An hour later, the classroom was transformed into an examination room. Qiu Wenjie, the senior classmate, came over to see the environment, expressed satisfaction, and then asked everyone to go back, while he went last and locked the doors and windows.

Zhao Mo took paper, pen and math textbook and returned to the dormitory, preparing to continue working hard to solve the problem at night.

"Cousin, please wait while I wait. I have a math problem that you can help me with~"

When we went down to the first floor, Liu Zheng's voice came from the front.

Zhao Mo looked up and saw that on the road leading to the dormitory next to the teaching building, Liu Zheng was holding a book and calling out to a person in front of him. He was tall and thin and looked very familiar.

When he walked in, Zhao Mo was surprised for a moment to see that it was Kang Hongyi.

"Kang Hongyi is Liu Zheng's cousin? What happened before? Yes, I had already gone to play basketball with Li Shijie at this time. How could I care about this?"

Although he was surprised, he was soon relieved.

"Which question?"

"That's it~"

"Here~ for this question, you can make assumptions first, and then adjust these numbers and inequalities. You see, this is more pleasing to the eye and more familiar, right? Then, you start to set the limiting conditions. Under these limiting conditions If you try to solve it, you will find that many limiting conditions cannot be connected, and we can determine that these limiting conditions are incorrect, and finally..."

Standing under the streetlight, Kang Hongyi calmly answered math questions for Liu Zheng without any distractions. The classmates walking around him had no influence on him at all.

The same goes for Liu Zheng.

Zhao Mo admired it for a while, without any thought of watching too much, and quickly walked past the two of them like other students.

When he was almost walking downstairs in the dormitory, Zhao Mo, who was still thinking about solving the problem, suddenly had an idea: "...Wait a minute, make assumptions first, then adjust, and then set restrictions and then explain in detail. This method seems to work. Use it to solve my problem?"

He suddenly became excited, cheered, ran into the dormitory, climbed into bed, and started a new round of problem solving on the iron frame bed.

“…In order to make the proved formula meaningful, at most one of the three numbers X, Y, and z is 0. According to the symmetry, we might as well assume that X≥Y≥Z≥0, then 0, adjust the positive numbers X and Y...

When X=Y, the conditional expression...

Satisfied with all..."

Thanks to three consecutive days of detailed explanations and constant trial and error, this time, when inspiration came, Zhao Mo found that he was like a god. All the formulas and theorems were at his fingertips, all wrong lines were avoided, and he solved the problem extremely smoothly. , without the slightest pause.

After a while, in just 5 minutes, he finished answering all the questions, wrote down the four words "I obtained the proof from this", and then felt relaxed all over his body.

"It's not easy~"

Zhao Mo let out a long breath, lay down on the bed, and looked at the ceiling above his head. His eyes soon lost focus, and his mind was completely empty.

Compared to solving math problems, he would rather work in the fields for three days.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for answering the correct answer. You have achieved an effort beyond yourself in solving a mathematical problem. You will be rewarded with a lottery. Please confirm whether you want to participate?"

(End of this chapter)

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