You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 115 You Are Really a Genius

Chapter 115 You Are Really a Genius

“…So far, the top supercomputers are America’s, first, second and third.

Last year, this record was set by IBM's Deep Blue supercomputer, which reached 280 trillion floating-point calculations per second. The runner-up was Cray XT4/XT3 developed by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory under the American Department of Energy. It has 101.7 trillion floating-point calculations per second. The third is America’s Red Storm, which reaches 101.4 trillion times...

As for the fastest one here, it is Sugon 4000A, which was deployed a few years ago and has 10 teraflops of computing power. The difference is huge.However, the Academy of Sciences is developing a faster supercomputer, with the goal of surpassing Deep Blue’s computing power. The current progress is quite good, and it is expected to be launched next year~"

Faced with Zhao Mo’s consultation on supercomputing issues, Professor Yao patiently explained it.

"That's it~"

Zhao Mo listened thoughtfully.

The future era is the era of artificial intelligence, and even more so, the era of computing power. Without computing power, everything is empty talk.

Computing power relies on supercomputers, advanced theoretical design and hardware support.

In terms of supercomputers, China's development is not slow. He has heard many reports that a certain model surpassed America and won the first place. The most famous ones are the Tianwen series and Sunway series supercomputers.However, this was all after 2010, and after 2015, China’s supercomputer development was a bit unable to meet its expectations.

This was also the main reason why Tianwen later switched to Shenwei. Shenwei used self-designed chips.Of course, the weak performance of independent chips makes it difficult for the Sunway series to reach the top of the world's computing power, which is another problem. At least it will not be stuck.

Seeing his appearance, Professor Yao couldn't help but smile and asked, "Why are you suddenly interested in this area?"

Zhao Mo said without thinking: "Professor, you also know that I recently organized a team to develop drones. During this process, Gu Rong and Yang Chan helped me design the flight control system, which involves the artificial intelligence part."

"I know this. Gu Rong came to me for help during this period."

Professor Yao smiled slightly, and then praised him: "I have to say, you are really a genius. Although you only study mathematics, your knowledge and ideas about artificial intelligence are better than any student I have ever taught. It is a very big innovation to use NVIDIA's GPU chips used in game consoles to support deep learning. I think NVIDIA themselves may not have imagined that their GPUs can be used in this way."

Zhao Mo smiled sheepishly, coughed first, and said, "I just provided an idea." Then he returned to the topic: "In the field of artificial intelligence, I have an idea, that is, can it be done? Use hundreds of millions, tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions of parameters to train and build a very large model, and then use this model to guide or even replace problems in our lives and work? For example, to reshape the weather forecasting industry and earthquake prediction Industry, etc.~"

As soon as these words came out, even Professor Yao, who was well-informed, was confused.

"Wait a minute, let me explain. Are you talking about making a real artificial intelligence?"

Professor Yao asked hesitantly. He didn't quite understand what Zhao Mo said.

Zhao Mo touched his nose and explained it again, in more detail.

Only then did Professor Yao understand, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face: "This is a great idea!"

He quickly understood Zhao Mo's idea. It must be said that this is a very forward-looking research in the current computer field, and it is vaguely foreseeable that it will have a huge impact on production and life.

But soon, he became serious and said solemnly: "No wonder you came here to ask me about the supercomputer. The large model you mentioned needs to be truly built, with tens of billions of parameters. Without a supercomputer, it is very difficult." It’s unimaginable.”

Zhao Mo nodded and said: "Yes~"

"Besides, do you have other ideas?"

Professor Yao suddenly looked at him with a half-smile.

Zhao Mo coughed and smiled sheepishly: "Apart from Professor Yao, I can't think of anyone who is so capable of organizing and completing this research project~"

Yes, he came here to ask questions on the surface, but the actual main purpose was to ask Professor Yao to come forward and find a tall man to support him.

Now that it's been seen, I might as well stop pretending and show off my cards.

After hearing what he said, Professor Yao was not angry. Instead, he laughed loudly, then pointed at him and said, "You, you are such a naughty little guy."

Seeing his reaction, Zhao Mo was immediately overjoyed. Knowing that the matter was done, he quickly asked: "Professor, did you agree?"

Professor Yao chuckled, nodded and replied: "This topic is very good. It can't be justified without studying it. I can't wait."

"That's great!"

Zhao Mo clapped his hands with a smile on his face.

Professor Yao glanced at him sideways and added: "Don't be lazy. You brought up this topic. You have to take responsibility. You still have to do the core work."


Zhao Mo was speechless for a moment, then readily agreed: "Okay, Professor!"

Good guy, the one who raises the problem is the one who solves it. Professor Yao has learned the essence of this.

When Professor Yao saw that he had agreed, a happy smile appeared on his face again. He patted him on the shoulder and said, "There are many units involved in this matter. It will take some time for communication and coordination. I will find a solution for this. In addition, I will file a report with you." When it comes to applying for state funds, I apply in my name, but it’s up to you to write the report.”

Zhao Mo: "...Okay~"


That afternoon, Zhao Mo began writing the report.

Thanks to several previous reports and the previous application report templates given to him by Professor Yao, Zhao Mo's "Large Model Research Project" application report was very smooth and did not encounter any insurmountable difficulties.By evening, the report was written.

"Take it and give it to him~"

Zhao Mo quickly stood up and prepared to send the report to Professor Yao.

buzz, buzz...

The phone in his pants pocket vibrated, someone was calling him.

Zhao Mo took out his cell phone and saw that it was an unfamiliar number calling from Beijing.

Unfortunately, there is no marking function at this time. I don’t know if it is a scam or a promotion.

After thinking about it, he still answered the call.

"Hello, are you Mr. Zhao Mo? I am Meng Pu, President of Qualcomm China!"

A calm male voice came from the phone.


Zhao Mo was stunned for a moment, and instead of hanging up the phone to the Sloan Foundation like he did last time, he asked directly: "Hello, Mr. Meng, do you have any business with me?"

He thought to himself: "Huolongtong came to me. Is it the Polar code paper? It shouldn't be. I have never heard of Qualcomm's coding scheme. Later, they continued to improve along the 2G/3G/4G scheme. ah?"

Immediately, he heard Meng Pu's answer. Meng Pu said: "That's it. We at Qualcomm noticed your Polar code paper published in IEEE journals. We very much appreciate your contribution in the field of communications and want to invite you." Join Qualcomm and develop together with Qualcomm. If it's convenient, come out and have a chat? Our Qualcomm is in the HD area of ​​Beijing."

"Nonsense, of course I know where your Qualcomm headquarters in China is!"

Zhao Mo complained in his mind, and replied calmly: "I'm still a student, I don't have this idea, thank you!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

HD area, Qualcomm headquarters.

Listening to the blind "beep beep" sound coming from the phone, Meng Pu looked confused and thought to himself: "Are all young people today so arrogant?"

But when he thought that inviting Zhao Mo was an order from the boss, Paul Jacobs, he had to call again.

However, this time he heard only blind sounds and he couldn't get through.


Meng Pu had a question mark on his face. Neither he nor Qualcomm seemed to have offended him, right?
The next moment, a message was sent to his mobile phone. It said, "Mr. Meng, I have clearly refused, please do not call." There was no "Thank you" after it.

Meng Pu immediately slammed the table and said angrily: "If you don't come, you won't come. Are we still missing you at Qualcomm?"

Afterwards, he reported the contact situation.

In Wudaokou, after Zhao Mo finished sending the message, he saw that the people from Qualcomm finally stopped calling him. He couldn't help shaking his head for a while, and then called Mr. Ren: "Hello, Mr. Ren, I have something to do." I want to talk to you."

Mr. Ren asked curiously: "What's the matter?"

Zhao Mo said: "Can your mobile phones have more functions, such as whitelist, blacklist, block function, marking function, do not disturb mode, etc.?"

Mr. Ren was stunned. It took him a while to react. He coughed and said, "What do these functions do? Can you explain it? I didn't understand it."

Zhao Mo explained immediately and finally said: "I've been annoyed to death by strange phone calls lately. I refuse but can't refuse. I want to turn off my phone but I'm afraid of calls from home. Isn't your company making mobile phones? Just in time, add all these things Go in, tell me when you come out, I want to buy one."

Mr. Ren: "..."

Good guy, you are so talented and willful to develop so many functions just for such a trivial matter.

Weiwei's mobile phone production has been very poor in recent years, mainly because Weiwei has no ambition to do this. They only make mobile phones to sell their base stations. A few years ago, they were still promoting mobile phones with the purchase of equipment.Just like Qualcomm sells mobile phones in order to promote CDMA technology, it is carved out of the same mold. However, in 1999, Qualcomm sold the mobile phone business and concentrated on communication technology and semiconductors.

Sometimes, we have to admit that many Chinese companies are actually copying America's path, even if they are just starting out.

Therefore, it is not so easy to truly surpass America!
Mr. Ren has also been thinking about it during this time, should he learn from Qualcomm again and sell his mobile phone business?

But now, listening to Zhao Mo's words, he suddenly felt that it was not that the mobile phone business was not doing well, it was because he had not won many people.

Look at Zhao Mo. Although he doesn't study mobile phones, his knowledge of mobile phones and his thoughts on the development of mobile phones have surpassed most people. At least no one in a certain company has thought of so many novel and practical functions.

"I'll arrange this~"

Mr. Ren thought for a while and finally replied.

Zhao Mo: "Thank you so much~"

(End of this chapter)

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