You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 114 The Hidden Descendants of Shannon and the Fire Dragon Pass

Chapter 114 The Hidden Descendants of Shannon and the Fire Dragon Pass

In the world in 2007, although there are still places at war, most countries are still in a peaceful and stable environment. The world as a whole is in a stage of rapid development, and everyone is busy promoting advanced scientific theories and technologies to the world. The whole society, increase penetration rate, develop economy and improve living standards.

Zhao Mo's paper on "Polar codes" published in an IEEE journal did not make waves on the surface of the bustling world.However, in the professional field, especially in the core technical field of communication, it has brought a strange trend. Many people began to notice this paper and started discussions.

Department of Electrical Engineering, Bilkent University, Turkey.

Professor Erdar Alikan came to the school. As soon as he entered his office, his teaching assistant brought him the latest issue of IEEE journal, then pointed to the "Polar Code" paper on it with a solemn expression and said: " Professor, I think you need to read and pay special attention to this paper~"

Professor Eldar Alikan, who wears glasses and has a dark complexion, was a little surprised by the reaction of his teaching assistant. He couldn't help but asked with a smile: "What happened?"

The teaching assistant said sincerely: "You will know after reading it."


Professor Eldar Alikan shrugged, which was a habitual action he developed when he was studying in America, and then picked up the journal and read it.

Professor Erdar Alikan received his undergraduate degree from the California Institute of Technology and his doctorate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is a god of learning. He studied under Professor Robert Gallager, who studied under Shannon.Therefore, Professor Erdar Alikan is a pure heir to information science. There are not many people who understand Professor Robert Gallager and Shannon better than him, and there are not many people who understand Shannon's research on information better than him.

Claude Elwood Shannon proposed the concept of information entropy, which laid the foundation for the entire information theory and digital communication!The mathematical theory of communication systems was basically established by him, such as communication sources, data compression, channel coding, debugging and demodulation, channel noise, error detection and correction, etc.

However, when Professor Erdar Arikan, the direct descendant of Shannon, read the "Polar Code" paper published in the journal, he fell silent.

The whole paper was a bit long, but it was not difficult for him to understand. It only took him half an hour to read it and understand it.

But the silence that followed lasted longer than he could comprehend.

After reading this paper, Professor Erdar Alikan had only one feeling, that is, the author of this paper knew Shannon better than he did, as if the other person was the direct descendant of Shannon and he was just an outside disciple.

The teaching assistant broke the silence and said with a look of disbelief: "Professor, you have been doing this work all along, and you have made great progress. He must have stolen your research results!"

His tone of voice ranged from indignant to outright questioning and angry.

Only he knew that Professor Erdar Alikan was also studying the Shannon limit problem, and had done a lot of work and made great progress.If nothing else happens, this problem will be solved sooner or later.

Now that someone had published it first, the first thing he thought of was that the other party had despicably stolen the research results of Professor Erdar Arikan.

Professor Erdar Alikan came back to his senses, with a slightly defeated look on his face, and said with a wry smile: "Don't say such things. The author of this paper is Zhao Mo from Wudaokou, China, a very An outstanding young mathematician, I don’t know each other, and we are thousands of miles apart. I can only say that our ideas and methods on the Shannon limit problem are similar. My work is in the right direction, but my research progress is not fast enough. , his research progress is one step faster.”


The assistant teacher hesitated immediately and had nothing to say.

Indeed, according to normal logical reasoning, this can only be the case.

After all, there is generally only one answer to a scientific question, not multiple.

Moreover, it is worthy of belief that scholars from China’s top universities, Wudaokou, have the ability to solve this problem.Not to mention "Zhao Mo", an outstanding young mathematician who has become famous in the past year. He solved the computer sensitivity conjecture problem and developed advanced graphene battery theory and lithium-sulfur battery theory. He is a true mathematician. top talent!

For a moment, both of them fell into silence.

After a long time, Professor Erdar Alikan broke the silence. He put away his depressed mood, cheered up and said: "I will invite him to give lectures, or I will visit him in China. He is a worthy person. Dear scholar, I believe that I will become a great scholar in the near future!"

Teaching assistant: "..."

He was amazed. The professor's mind was indeed as broad as the sea.


America, San Diego.

Qualcomm is a company that belongs to America, but its name is familiar to most people in China. Especially after it became popular in the mobile phone circle to hold a conference to introduce the parameters of mobile phones, the words "Qualcomm Snapdragon XXX", "Qualcomm Snapdragon XXX", The slogan of Qualcomm Snapdragon XXX, the world's top chip, has often made Chinese people complain, and eventually turned into angry outbursts.

As of 2007, Qualcomm has not yet become the dominant player in the chip field of mobile phones or even automobiles, but it is already the leader and leader of 3G technology standards. Anyone who uses 3G technology in the world basically has to follow it. Pay taxes”.

At the same time, Qualcomm at this time was also developing the Snapdragon platform that they would use to dominate the mobile phone industry in the future.

Of course, Qualcomm itself cannot actually determine what the future will be like. All it does is try its best to cover and penetrate its technology into various fields, strive to maximize benefits, and strive to seize future opportunities.On this day, Paul Jacobs, who had just taken over as CEO for more than a year, received an evaluation report from the R&D department, which was based on a paper published in the latest IEEE journal.

"Polar code?"

Looking at the contents of the report, Paul Jacobs was a little surprised.

The opinion of the R&D department is that this paper is theoretically sound. It is the solution closest to the Shannon limit in theory. However, what kind of algorithm to use and how to code it is still a big problem. It is recommended to verify it. But it requires a lot of investment and may not necessarily yield results.More importantly, the encoding scheme of this paper is different from the currently popular 2G/3G.

It is true that Paul Jacobs is a manager, but he is also an expert in the field of communications. He has a PhD in electronic engineering and is very knowledgeable in this area.

After seeing the final content of the evaluation report, Paul Jacobs quickly understood.

The encoding scheme is different from the currently popular 2G/3G. This means that even if the encoding scheme in this paper is feasible and can be applied to future communication technologies, the mainstream of the world may not accept it because the different schemes bring What is coming is that a huge amount of equipment using 2G/3G technology needs to be eliminated, which is unacceptable to any country, group, organization, or company.

Paul Jacobs then looked at the author of this paper, Zhao Mo, a freshman at the School of Mathematics at PBC University in China, a mathematical genius who began to gain fame last year.


Paul Jacobs thoughtfully recalled the trip he took to Wudaokou last year, a few months after taking over as CEO. At that time, Wudaokou, including China, was in an atmosphere of fanatical learning of Western knowledge and technology, and no one The company is not eager to flex its muscles in emerging markets like China.

Theoretical innovation?

Sorry, he didn't see it in China.

He did not expect that just over a year later, Wudaokou would be able to come up with such an advanced and groundbreaking information theory!
"It seems that the key lies in this scholar named Zhao Mo~"

Paul Jacobs quickly determined what he wanted to pay special attention to.

After thinking for a while, he left his office, found the chairman's office, and casually opened the door and walked in.

"Hi, Dad, I have a question I would like to ask your opinion~"

Paul Jacobs greeted an old man behind the large desk. Their faces were very similar.

Yes, the other person is Irving Jacobs, the founder of Qualcomm and his father.Nephews who like to say that the West is merciless when meeting everyone, and that Hawking has to be toasted when he comes to China, you can take a good look at this.

"Paul, please address your duties during work hours!"

When Owen Jacob heard his son being called, his brows suddenly knitted together, and then he said very dissatisfied.

Paul Jacobs shrugged and said with a smile: "Okay, Chairman, I have a question and I would like to ask your opinion."

"If it is a management issue, you will soon take over my position, so you don't need to ask my opinion, you can just make your own decision; if it is a technical issue, then you should not ask my opinion. Now you have surpassed me and I can no longer help you."

Owen Jacob didn't give him a chance to speak out the problem, and what he said blocked all roads.

Paul Jacobs: "..."

He was speechless by his father's operation, feeling both happy and a little troubled.


Paul Jacobs finally shook his head and turned away without asking the question.

At this time, he has determined his idea, that is, making choices from the perspective of the company, and stable development is the first priority, just like he took over his father's position.Therefore, he decided to shelve the plan.

However, he did not act arbitrarily, but summoned several senior executives of the company to discuss the matter.

Sure enough, as he expected, most people did not support this theory, and the same was true for his right-hand man Steve Mollenkopf, who said bluntly: "We should continue to advance in the direction of Turbo codes and LDPC codes. This This is the mature and correct technical direction.”

Paul Jacobs finally said: "Based on everyone's opinions, this plan has been put on hold for the time being! However, the author of this paper, Zhao Mo, is undoubtedly a genius. I think we at Qualcomm need such a genius to join us. Inform the people in China Person in charge, contact and invite him, I look forward to him bringing innovative changes to Qualcomm!"

(End of this chapter)

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