Chapter 11 Scientific Learning
The news about Zhao Mo getting up for exercise in the morning spread quickly, which naturally confirmed the rumors about his poor health.Fortunately, Zhao Mo is now focused on studying and can no longer chat with others. This makes his classmates feel that gossiping is boring. So when Zhao Mo walked into the classroom after exercising, no one came up to tease him.

Zhao Mo was also happy to be quiet. He carefully experienced the effects of the exercise and felt very good.

Perhaps it was due to the exercise. Although his body felt a little tired for a few minutes after the exercise, this fatigue quickly dissipated and was replaced by refreshment.

In addition, he is more energetic than yesterday. He is full of energy and feels like he did after taking the "refreshing and refreshing pills" that day. He is also more focused and efficient when studying.

"...The rooftop is [-] feet high, and I want to fall to the southeast... When will I return after you leave? Let me leave the white deer among the green cliffs, and ride to visit the famous mountains as soon as I can. I can destroy my eyebrows and bend my waist to serve the powerful, so I can't Happy face!"

Memorizing an article by Li Bai called "Sleepwalking Tianmu Yin Leaving Farewell" was accomplished in one go.

"about, nearby, approximately; above, above, beyond; accept, acknowledge; accident; beat, beat, win; believe, believe; declare; declare; defense, fortification; desert , abandoned..."

I recited a large number of English words and my vocabulary continued to accumulate.


Then, this spirit lasted until the afternoon before it began to weaken, and the weakening speed was also very slow. He did not feel the slightest fatigue until about [-] o'clock in the evening self-study.

"This BUFF is good, is it just about getting stronger?"

Zhao Mo opened the properties panel and checked it out.

{Iron Will System:

Host: Zhao Mo

Wisdom: LV6(0/1000)
Strength: LV6(0/1000)
Agility: LV7(0/10000)
Endurance: LV7 (0/10000)

Attribute Points: 201
Main mission: Admit the college entrance examination to any 985/211 university!

BUFF: You get stronger by exercising in the morning, and there are still six days left. }
There is no change in the various numerical values.

"Okay, it can improve learning efficiency."

Zhao Mo was a little disappointed.

At 11:30, he was the only one left in the classroom.

When he still wanted to continue his liver studies, the figure of his old classmate Qiu Wenjie appeared again.

Seeing that he didn't go back so late, Qiu Wenjie felt regretful and couldn't help but get angry. He scolded him severely: "Zhao Mo, what's the matter with you? You don't want to die, why don't you go back to the dormitory to sleep?"

Zhao Mo didn't get angry after waking up. He stood up and packed his things honestly, and then replied with a smile on his face: "Teacher, I always take your words to heart. It's okay. I know my physical condition myself. The first two faintings were accidents, and they won’t happen again.”

Qiu Wenjie sighed and said: "Zhao Mo, the teacher knows that you have changed your mind and understand the importance of learning. The teacher is very pleased that you study so hard. However, the prerequisite for studying hard is to have a good body. If your body breaks down If you lose it, no matter how good your academic performance is, it will be useless. You must know how to combine work and rest."

Apparently, Qiu Wenjie was deeply affected by his two faintings, so much so that he personally came to supervise his study status to prevent him from fainting from fatigue again.

"Teacher, I know, I will pay attention to it in the future."

Zhao Mo nodded in agreement and then left the classroom.

"This brat~"

Looking at his back, Qiu Wenjie couldn't help but shook his head and cursed with a smile.

Silent all night!
The next day, early in the morning.

Zhao Mo woke up immediately after hearing the movement outside the door. He immediately looked at the attribute panel and was stunned.

{Iron Will System:

Host: Zhao Mo

Wisdom: LV6(0/1000)
Strength: LV6(10/1000)
Agility: LV7(10/10000)
Endurance: LV7 (10/10000)

Attribute Points: 201
Main mission: Admit the college entrance examination to any 985/211 university!

BUFF: You get stronger by exercising in the morning, and there are still six days left. }
The values ​​​​of the three attributes of strength, agility, and endurance have actually changed, and the value of each attribute has increased by 10 points!
"Here we go, big news! It seems that this is the real effect of BUFF~"

Zhao Mo was greatly surprised. With a push of his right hand, he jumped from the bed to the ground. He couldn't stop smiling at the corner of his mouth and even hummed a song.It has to be said that this change really exceeded his expectations.

How many days have passed, but there has been no movement at all in his attribute values. He thought that he had to rely solely on the attribute points rewarded by the system to add these attributes. Unexpectedly, he could also upgrade through exercise, which was much more reliable than the system rewards. .

The only fly in the ointment is that there are only six days left of the BUFF effect, including today.

After washing up, Zhao Mo began the task of exercising in the morning.

He saw Kang Hongyi again. The top student in the top class had really strong self-control ability and regular work and rest routine.

Call ~


The sound of violent breathing dissipated on the playground, and fine drops of sweat flowed on Zhao Mo's body. Zhao Mo's mind was relaxed and he ran calmly and powerfully.

Perhaps it was the improvement in the three attribute values, or perhaps it was an illusion. Zhao Mo felt that his running condition today was better than yesterday, and his heartbeat was not as fast.

"Zhao Mo, let's run again~"

Chinese teacher Zhang Wenfang appeared again. When she saw him, she greeted him with a smile.

"Yes, teacher, exercise."

Zhao Mo replied casually.

Zhang Wenfang encouraged: "Yes, if you have perseverance, the teacher is optimistic about you."

"Thank you, teacher."

Zhao Mo thanked him.

On the same day, Zhao Mo once again felt the benefit of exercising BUFF in the morning on his studies. He was full of energy and his brain worked quickly, making him study more easily.

Therefore, during the evening self-study that day, Zhao Mo did not persist until the end. Instead, when Yang Jing ended the evening self-study, he also ended today's study and stood up.

"Huh? Why doesn't he study by himself anymore?"

Yang Jing heard the movement behind her, looked back, and was immediately stunned. She couldn't help but ask: "Zhao Mo, why are you so early today?"

Zhao Mo glanced at her and said with a smile: "Listen to the teacher and balance work with rest."

Yang Jing was startled again, her lips moved slightly, and she wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything. She just nodded to him, then walked ahead and left the classroom.

Zhao Mo closed all the classroom windows before closing the door and leaving.

Outside the door, a tall figure gradually approached and came to his side.

Turning around, he saw it was his class teacher Qiu Wenjie.

Sure enough, Qiu Wenjie came over on time to check on the spot, for fear that he would not realize it.

"Hello teacher, the doors and windows of the classroom are closed."

Zhao Mo smiled at him and left without looking back.


Qiu Wenjie scratched his head, his face full of questions: "What happened today? Have you changed your gender? Are you just acting for me these days? But that's not right. There is no need to act until midnight~"

He urged Zhao Mo for two days in a row, forcing Zhao Mo to finish studying and go to bed. Now Zhao Mo suddenly didn't need him to urge him, and he took the initiative to end his evening self-study and return to the dormitory. He was not used to it.

"I heard from Teacher Zhang that Zhao Mo has been getting up early these days to run and exercise. It seems that he has listened to my advice and learned to study scientifically~"

Soon, Qiu Wenjie figured it out and couldn't help laughing and shaking his head.

(End of this chapter)

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