You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 10 Exercise to become stronger BUFF

Chapter 10 Exercise to become stronger BUFF (Thanks to 20220515... for the reward)

{Iron Will System:

Host: Zhao Mo

Wisdom: LV6(0/1000)
Strength: LV6(0/1000)
Agility: LV7(0/10000)
Endurance: LV7 (0/10000)

Attribute Points: 201
Main mission: Admit the college entrance examination to any 985/211 university!

BUFF: Exercise in the morning to get stronger and last for a week. }
A good start to the new week.

Seeing that the attribute points in the attribute panel had increased to 201, Zhao Mo felt relieved.Although he persisted longer this time, the attribute points awarded were still the same as last time. It was obvious that as this persistence pattern was repeated, the score determined by the system was decreasing.

Things are more valuable when they are scarce, and the rewards in this system are also based on rarity. The more you do, the less the rewards will be.

"There are still two months until the college entrance examination, so it seems we have to hurry up~"

Zhao Mo felt a sense of urgency.

That day, he started preparing for an all-nighter as usual.

At 11:30 in the evening self-study, as Yang Jing left, Zhao Mo was the only one left in the classroom of Grade [-] and Grade [-] who was still working hard.

"The one with the highest boiling point among the following organic compounds is ()

A. Ethane B. Ethylene C. Ethanol D. Acetic acid”

"The two items CD are liquid and have obviously higher boiling points. Ethanol is alcohol and has lower boiling points, so choose D for this question."

"The Mg-AgCL battery is a disposable reserve battery that can be activated by seawater. The battery reaction equation is 2AgCL+Mg=Mg2++ 2Ag +2CL-. The correct options for the statement about this battery are: (),

A. Mg is the positive electrode of the battery; B. The negative electrode reaction is AgCL+e=Ag+CL-; C. It cannot be activated by KCL solution; D. It can be used for marine emergency lighting power supply. "

"Based on the oxidation-reduction judgment, Mg as the reducing agent is the negative electrode and loses electrons, so AB is wrong. C means that the electrolyte can be used as a substitute for KCL solution, which is also wrong. Choose D for this question."


The chemistry problem book is still brand new, which shows that Zhao Mo didn't study very hard before.But now that he was doing it, Zhao Mo didn't feel it was too difficult. After thinking about these questions for a while, the relevant knowledge points quickly emerged in his mind, and he got the correct answers.

He thought about it for a moment, and found out that this comfortable state began to appear today. It seemed that the all-nighters studying these days were still very effective.

The only drawback is that his problem-solving speed is still relatively slow. He needs to think for a while before he can answer it. Each question takes more than 2 minutes.

"This is just chemistry. The big boss in mathematics hasn't started public relations yet~"

There was only a touch of joy in Zhao Mo's heart, and it was fleeting, because these days of hard work all started with simple subjects, and mathematics was put at the end.

After completing the multiple-choice questions, there are fill-in-the-blank questions.

He checked the time and saw that it was almost 0:[-] in the morning. He couldn't help but stretch out, took a long breath, and rubbed his face to make himself more energetic.

"Zhao Mo, why are you still here?"

Suddenly, the voice of old classmate Qiu Wenjie came in.

Zhao Mo was startled. He looked up and saw Qiu Wenjie, his senior classmate, walking in from outside the classroom with an unhappy look on his face. Before he could answer, he urged: "Hurry back to the dormitory and go to bed. You don't know how to balance work and rest." Really? Do you want to faint again? "

"Oops, my attribute points~"

Zhao Mo suddenly felt regretful and knew that his plan was going to fail, but under Qiu Wenjie's majestic gaze, he had to clear the table, stand up, and prepare to go back to the dormitory.

"Teacher, I was planning to go back to the dormitory, but I didn't expect you to come~"

Zhao Mo smiled shyly.

Qiu Wenjie looked at him with a serious smile and said coldly: "Don't look at me carelessly, go back to bed quickly!"


After Zhao Mo responded, he slowly walked out of the classroom.

He knew that no matter what he said, Qiu Wenjie would not allow him to study all night, so he didn't bother to talk.

He planned to go back first and come back after Qiu Wenjie left.

"Wait, where is the key to the classroom?"

Unexpectedly, Qiu Wenjie suddenly stopped him and stretched out his hand: "Give it to me."

"Do you want to be so awesome?"

Zhao Mo was stunned for a while, but he said: "Teacher, I got up early now, so I'd better open the door. It's quite tiring for you to lead our class, and you have a family to take care of, so there's no need to get up as early as us. .”

Qiu Wenjie was very surprised by these words, and thought to himself: "This change is too big, isn't it? He is so eloquent, and he actually cares about the teacher?"

He felt something was wrong, but after thinking for a while he couldn't figure it out, so he stopped thinking about it and said with a smile: "Are you still worried about the teacher? Okay, as long as you have the heart, it's okay. You'd better give me the key." Yes, I will supervise your work and rest time from now on. Studying is important, but your body is even more important. Without a good body, you cannot withstand the pressure of the college entrance examination."

With no other choice, Zhao Mo had to take out the key from his pocket and hand it to him.

bang~ bang~
After walking through the corridor and going down the stairs, there was the sound of the classroom door being closed and locked behind him. Zhao Mo finally gave up and hurried back to the dormitory.

After quietly washing up, Zhao Mo lay on the bed, tossing and turning and couldn't fall asleep.One sheep, two sheep, three sheep...

Looking at the dark ceiling and counting one sheep after another, Zhao Mo finally felt sleepy after an unknown amount of time.

In the hazy state, he suddenly heard a "bang" from outside the door.

Zhao Mo immediately opened his eyes and then slowly sat up.

Looking up, the sky outside the window was still gray, with only a little bit of light visible.

"Before dawn?"

Zhao Mo took a breath, then got out of bed, opened the door and went to the corridor outside to take a look at the clock hanging on the wall.He felt that his biological clock was a little messed up, and he had to confirm the time to feel at ease.

This is incredible, the hour hand is pointing at five o'clock!
"It's so fast. It's already five o'clock. I feel like I haven't slept yet. Forget it, I won't sleep anymore. I'm just going to try out the reward BUFF."

Zhao Mo took a breath again, but didn't sleep anymore. He went back to get dressed and then went to wash up.

When he walked down the dormitory building, a tall and thin boy walked in front of him. His back was straight, and he walked with a gust of wind. When he turned, he could see his face. He had a long face, strong cheek lines, and curved cheeks. Linear transition, high nose bridge, somewhat deep eye sockets, a bit handsome.

Zhao Momo chose the opponent, Kang Hongyi, the top student in the top class. He ranked first in his grade in every mock test, and his score was never lower than 690. He was recognized by the school as a student who must enter Wudaokou or Zhongguancun University. He was the school's top student. His pet peeve is also the idol worshiped by many classmates.

Zhao Mo didn't think so before, because they were two parallel lines.


That's it~
"Although he's a little handsome, I'm not bad either!"

As Zhao Mo thought, neither of them paid attention to each other walking in tandem.

After leaving the dormitory building, Kang Hongyi walked non-stop to the teaching building, apparently going to study.

A top student is a true top student, and he works really hard. It’s no wonder that he has achieved today’s results.

Zhao Mo did not go to the classroom. He went straight to the playground. He first did warm-up exercises for a while, and then started running along the track.

It has to be said that at the age of 17, he is young and healthy.

As soon as Zhao Mo started running, he immediately felt that he was in a completely different state from the running after work in his previous life.After work, he felt heavy when he started running, sweating profusely and panting when he moved. On the other hand, when he started running now, he felt relaxed and smooth. His soles were like spring wires, bouncing and breathing evenly. After running for five or six minutes, I started to sweat. It was not a heavy sweat, but a kind of fine sweat.

What followed was a burst of physical and mental comfort, and a sense of passion and joy.

Zhao Mo's endurance was obviously very good. After running for about half an hour, he felt that he could continue running for two more hours.

The sky is getting brighter and students are getting up one after another.

Most students hurriedly walked to the classroom, and a small number of students joined the running ranks.

In addition, some teachers also got up, some went for a walk, and some got up early to exercise.

Zhao Mo saw Zhang Wenfang, the Chinese teacher of his class, trotting to the track and then joined the running team. He was dressed very professionally, with running shoes, sports clothes and sports pants, and his long black hair was tied into a ponytail hanging behind his head. , running swayingly, exuding a healthy and dynamic atmosphere. He was originally in his 40s and suddenly looked ten years younger.

"Zhao Mo, are you coming to run too?"

Seeing him running, Zhang Wenfang immediately smiled.

Zhao Mo coughed and replied while running: "Yes, teacher."

He always felt that the way Zhang Wenfang looked at him was full of narrow-mindedness, which made him very embarrassed.

Zhang Wenfang smiled and said: "Running is good. Running will exercise your body and your body will get better. Whether you are studying or falling in love and finding a girlfriend after graduation, it will be beneficial."

Zhao Mo: "..."

Seeing that he remained silent, Zhang Wenfang smiled even more on his face: "By the way, Zhao Mo, how have you been studying recently? I heard from Teacher Qiu that you have been working very hard recently and you have made great progress."

Zhao Mo shook his head and said: "I'm still far from it. My foundation is not strong. I have to work harder to catch up with the progress of others."

Zhang Wenfang nodded and said: "That's true, but don't be discouraged. There are still two months until the college entrance examination. If you make a surprise attack, you can still hope to get a bachelor's degree by then."

"Well, I know, thank you teacher."

Zhao Mo smiled.

Zhang Wenfang added: "But you don't need to be healthy in order to study, you must pay attention to the balance between work and rest~"

Zhao Mo agreed: "I will."


"Hey, why did he go for a run today and still be with Teacher Zhang?"

On the other side, on the way from the girls' dormitory building to the teaching building, Yang Jing, who was walking towards the classroom, saw the two of them inadvertently. She was startled for a moment, and then she figured it out: "Yes, he is in poor health. Get some exercise."

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(End of this chapter)

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