
Chapter 76 075 [Why fear life and death]

Chapter 76 075 [Why fear life and death]

On the city wall, Duan Zuozhang's eyes were focused, constantly moving between the fighting nearby and the cavalry showdown in the distance.

Within the city gate, Liu Tongzhao and Ning Yong each led [-] elite infantry, waiting patiently and anxiously.

The soldiers tried hard to adjust their breathing and stared at the closed city gate.

Outside Wengcheng, Lu Chen led the reserve cavalry to successfully break into Jingjun's front line. The opponent's interception was not particularly tenacious, which made Lin Xi next to him suspicious.

Judging from past history, although the Jingjun infantry are not as famous as their cavalry, they are still a very powerful army.

"Junior brother!" Lin Xi came closer and shouted loudly while waving his sword.

Lu Chen seemed to know what she was worried about, and said concisely: "Senior sister, wait a moment."

Lin Xi did not ask any more questions, and there was no room for her to inquire further on the battlefield. She immediately gathered her mind and faced the fight in front of her.

Lu Chen deliberately suppressed the speed of the team's advance, although the rush was smooth.Jingjun's infantry seemed unprepared to deal with the cavalry attack, but he still did not plunge in. Instead, he took advantage of the weak points of the opponent's defense line and turned to the west to expand his results.

On the chariot in the distance, Qin Chun noticed the movements of the Qi army's cavalry and couldn't help but frown slightly.

The moment the opponent's cavalry left the city, he guessed what the general of the Guangling Army was thinking, which was simply to seek greater victory by taking advantage of the arrival of reinforcements and the panic of Jing's army.

Therefore, he deliberately ordered the front line to loosen deliberately to give the opponent's cavalry a chance to rush in. In the next step, he even planned to let the opponent charge directly into the center. This would create the illusion that Jing's army was about to collapse and lure the main force of Guangling's army. The infantry came out.

If the other party doesn't fall for the trick, he will eat the more than a thousand cavalry who rush in, and then go back to deal with the Jingzhou cavalry.

However, these more than a thousand cavalrymen were able to hold their own and did not rush in all the time. Instead, they lingered on the edge of the position.

At this moment, a military general suddenly shouted: "General, that cavalry is charging over!"

Qin Chun subconsciously looked at the reserve army led by Lu Chen and found that the opponent had not changed direction and was heading towards the Chinese army. The next moment he suddenly reacted and turned to look to the east of the battlefield, his expression becoming solemn for the first time.

On the vast flat land, Sangmai once again led the cavalry to change direction, intending to adopt a kite-flying tactic to walk the Jingzhou cavalry.

However, this time the other party did not follow.

From the moment he entered the battlefield to the present, except for the initial head-on confrontation with the fierce Jingchao cavalry, Li Bingxue was always half focused on Guangling City in the distance. At the same time, he commanded the Feiyu Battalion to pursue the opponent's two thousand cavalry unhurriedly. .

If Sangmai had fought against Feiyuying before, he would definitely not have been so overconfident, but would have honestly stayed on the flanks of the infantry formation.

Unlike Huaizhou, Jingzhou can keep the enemy out by relying on Panlong Pass and Lai'an Defense Line.

Anywhere on the strip of defense with Pingyang City as the core may be attacked by the Beiyan Rangers. Therefore, Li Tianrun started to build an elite ranger army more than ten years ago. This is the Feiyu Camp. prototype.

On the surface, Feiyu Camp is mainly responsible for spying on the military situation and driving away the sentinels sent from the north. At the same time, they are also responsible for raiding the opponent's hinterland in a small and elite way.

In short, Feiyuying is an elite cavalry trained by the Jingzhou Dudu Mansion at the expense of countless manpower and financial resources.

In peacetime, they can be broken into pieces to detect intelligence, but in wartime, they can be gathered together to form a powerful weapon to trap the enemy.

Not to mention the inferior Jingjun infantry, facing the Xiashan Army, the most powerful cavalry under Qing Yugong, as long as the strength of the troops is not much different, Feiyu Camp can still fight.

Under Li Bingxue's control, Feiyuying did not show its strongest strength, which gave Sang Mai the illusion that he could fight and retreat calmly.

When the west gate of Guangling opened and Lu Chen led more than a thousand people out of the city, Li Bingxue noticed this scene and a strange look appeared in his eyes.

She had learned before coming that the deputy commander Duan Zuozhang was in charge of Guangling city defense. Although he was only 35 years old, he had been in the army for nearly [-] years and could be described as a true battlefield veteran.

Judging from the records, Duan Zuozhang has an extremely calm style of military use and generally does not take risks easily. Therefore, Li Bingxue was a little surprised. He did not expect that the other party could understand his intentions and cooperate so decisively.

What surprised her even more was that there was a cavalry hidden in Guangling City.

These thoughts were fleeting, and she quietly led Feiyu Camp to lengthen the distance between them and the Jingjun cavalry, while constantly adjusting their direction.

When she saw the Guangling cavalry charging into Jingjun's position, she immediately no longer hesitated and suddenly turned her horse's head to face due south.

Fei Yuying immediately turned around and ignored the cavalry who were forced to the periphery. Thousands of cavalry accelerated towards Jingjun's main formation!
"not good!"

Sangmai instantly broke into a cold sweat on his back and quickly led the cavalry to turn around. However, the opponent only needed a slight turn to achieve their goal, but they needed to turn 180 degrees.

For the high-speed cavalry brigade, this degree of turning is by no means a simple U-turn, which will only plunge itself into chaos, and it will take more time to reorganize its formation and launch a charge.

Even though Sangmai was anxious, he had to lead his subordinates around the vast plain in a semicircle, first slowing down and then speeding up, so as to ensure the integrity of the formation.

They had just started to turn, and Feiyu Camp had already reached the firing point near Jingjun's main formation!
Li Bingxue held the horse in one hand and rushed to the front.

All the soldiers in Feiyu camp roared in unison, crashing down like huge waves!

Today's attack on Guangling City, Qin Chun has made detailed arrangements. In addition to the two thousand cavalry led by Sang Mai, he divided the 1 infantry into four groups, with 3000 responsible for the first wave of main attack, and the remaining 9000 on the left. The three armies of , center and right are tied together.When the Feiyu camp appeared and the Guangling cavalry came out of the city to take the initiative to attack, he had already adjusted the formation, letting go of the front formation while making the three rear formations more compact.

The archers and spearmen did not block Feiyu Camp, nor did they cause much damage to these high-speed cavalry.

The problem is that Qin Chun did not expect that a Jingzhou cavalry would suddenly appear on the battlefield, so he did not place resisting horses outside the formation. He could only rely on spear and shield soldiers to stand in front of the formation and face the opponent's impact.

The Feiyu camp had more than thirty riders in a row, with a distance of two to three feet between each rider. From the time they launched the charge to the time they arrived at the formation, their formation was maintained extremely well without any slack at all.

From the perspective of Jing Jun's spear and shield soldiers, they could only see the torrent of cavalry sweeping in from a distance. The closer they got, the more terrifying the impact they could feel.

They took deep breaths to suppress the tension in their hearts and passively waited for the arrival of this torrent.

Twenty feet, ten feet, five feet, step into the formation!

Li Bingxue took the lead, her white horse hoofed up, neighing straight into the sky, and suddenly jumped into the Jing army's formation.

The two-foot-long horse pole was swung open, and instantly several people died under the iron blade.

The soldiers of Feiyu Camp followed closely behind, and at the moment of contact, Jingjun's formation shook violently.

The next moment, Li Bingxue waved his horse and led his subordinates to march straight in!

On the wall of Guangling City, Duan Zuozhang couldn't hide his excitement in his eyes and said decisively: "Instruct Liu Tongzhao and Ning Yong to attack with all their strength and directly capture the enemy's central army!"

The majestic and melodious sound of the trumpet resounded throughout the world, and the west gate of Guangling was opened wide. Two powerful young captains each led an army to fight out, and rushed forward along the road opened by the reserve army.

After hearing the general attack signal agreed with Duan Zuozhang in advance, Lu Chen swung his sword and hacked to death a Jingjun infantry, and said loudly: "Go straight to the Chinese army!"

Li Chengen understood immediately and repeated Lu Shen's words in a high-pitched voice. The people behind him relayed the words in turn. Soon everyone knew what they should do next.

That is to follow Lu Shen and others and keep moving forward!
At this moment, to the west of Guangling City, a bloody battle is about to begin.

Looking down from above, we saw thousands of cavalry from Feiyu camp cutting into Jingjun's flank from the north, Lu Chen leading more than a thousand cavalry from the east, and behind them were [-] infantry from Guangling army.

Sangmai came with the cavalry, but could no longer change the situation of the melee.

At this moment, the difference in strength between the two sides is not very big. Jing's army has more than 8000 men, and Qi's army has [-]. Under normal circumstances, both of them are capable of fighting.

The key is that the morale of the two armies is completely different.

Not to mention Feiyu Camp, the anger in the hearts of the Guangling defenders had been suppressed for a long time, whether it was the reserve army led by Lu Chen or the infantry led by the two young captains.

They witnessed the enemy's inhumane massacre of civilians outside the city. If Duan Zuozhang hadn't suppressed them forcefully, they would have wanted to leave the city to fight the enemy.

At this moment, they were finally able to fight face to face, and the sadness and anger poured out in an instant, like a flash flood falling to the ground with thunder.


Countless roars burst out from his chest.


Everyone waved their weapons and fought hard for Jing's soldiers.


Their eyes were red and they pushed forward fearlessly.

Jingjun's formation began to waver, and then gradually dispersed. More and more people felt that the weapons in their hands became heavier.

It was as if what they were facing was not a human being, but a wild beast released from a cage all over the mountains and plains.

Lu Chen's eyes were fixed on the enemy's central army in the distance, and he could vaguely see the figure of the enemy's commander.

After coming to this world, he was always cautious. Even though he knew that Lu Tong had a wide network of contacts, he never wanted to be a flamboyant playboy.

Because of his past life experiences and the attack of the disease, he cherished this opportunity to live a new life, so he never thought of being indulgent.

However, when he saw those weak people dying one after another under the enemy's butcher's knife, and when he saw the ignorant and timid eyes of the five or six-year-old girl, there seemed to be a fire rising in his heart.

This fire will not burn his sanity, it will only make him let go of some worries and return to the temperament of the past where he was never sloppy in his decision-making.

He is a soldier and will not channel his anger into verbal disputes.

Only tooth for tooth and blood for blood!

(End of this chapter)

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