
Chapter 75 074 [Rushing like a shooting star]

Chapter 75 074 [Rushing like a shooting star]

When Jingzhou Feiyu Camp and Jingjun's cavalry had just collided, Duan Zuozhang had already begun to mobilize his troops faster than Li Bingxue expected.

He turned to look at Lu Chen and said seriously: "Brother Lu, immediately summon the reserve cavalry and prepare to go out of the city to meet the enemy and receive Jingzhou reinforcements."

"Follow the order!"

Lu Chen lowered his head and responded with a calm and powerful tone.

Duan Zuozhang gave some more careful instructions, including how to act after leaving the city.

Lu Chen has a strong ability to comprehend, and his views on the battle situation are very similar to Duan Zuozhang, so he immediately took the order and left.

Duan Zuozhang added: "Liu Tongzhao, Ning Yong."

The two young captains were heartened and stepped forward, cupping their hands and saying, "The general is here!"

Duan Zuozhang said solemnly: "You will lead your subordinates to gather in the city and wait for the general's order."

"Follow the order!"

Although there were more than 1 Jingjun infantry outside the city, Liu and Ning did not hesitate at all. They felt their blood rushing through their bodies and their eyes filled with arrogance.

In fact, not only these young captains were like this, but also the defenders had already been filled with grief and anger after witnessing the people under the city being massacred by Jing's army. This was the moment when their desire to fight reached its peak.

Without the appearance of the Jingzhou cavalry, Duan Zuozhang could only suppress the enthusiasm of these young people, and would also order the archers to fire arrows indiscriminately at the city. With this clear and resolute attitude, he told the enemy: those who coerce the people and threaten the city defense Actions serve no purpose and will only continue to improve the morale of our troops.

This is a decision he must make.

But the Jingzhou cavalry suddenly rushed to the battlefield and attacked Jingjun without hesitation. After Duan Zuozhang eliminated his doubts, he immediately realized that this was an excellent opportunity.

Jing's army is in a loose formation and cannot care about each other, but our own army's morale is strong and the morale of the army is the same!

But there was no need to rush yet. Duan Zuozhang kept his eyes on the cavalry confrontation between the two armies in the distance, waiting for that moment to appear.

Lu Chen received the military order and immediately strode down the city wall, followed closely by Lin Xi and Li Chengen.

When he arrived at the area allocated to him not far from the city, a reserve army composed of masters had already lined up. The stables next to it contained horses donated by large households in Guangling City, as well as the reserves of the Guangling Army itself. Only then can we gather more than a thousand horses.

The reserve army was divided into two parts. In the front line were the [-] warriors who followed Lu Chen in the night attack on the enemy camp. In that battle, more than [-] people were killed and more than [-] people were injured. Now there are more than [-] people standing here.

In the back row were those who were not selected that night, about [-] people.

Lu Chen looked over one by one and started mobilizing with the most straightforward words.

"Today's situation, you have seen with your own eyes, you should know the cruelty and tyranny of the enemy. In this city, there are not only other people's parents, wives and children, but also my family and yours, as well as the gold and silver that I have worked hard to accumulate over the years. Once the city is broken, all of them will be destroyed." Become a trophy of the enemy. I don’t want such a result, and I believe you don’t want it either.”

"Some people may want to ask, we can rely on the towering and solid city walls to defend. The enemy's strength has not reached the point where the Guangling defenders can't breathe, so why do we need to risk going out of the city? But just like before, we were going to attack the enemy camp at night. , these are all things that must be done. The enemy army will not only be these 2 people, the follow-up troops should be on the road at this moment, and it will not take long before they appear under Guangling City. "

"We can choose to hide in the city and leave our fate to the enemy. Maybe they can't break Guangling, and we and the people in the city can survive. Or they can enter the city in large numbers, and you and I will become the dead souls under the enemy's blade."

"Of course, we have another option. If conditions permit, take the initiative to find the enemy's weaknesses. Now Jingzhou reinforcements have arrived and are fighting the enemy outside the city. General Duan ordered us to pick up the reinforcements, but the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. , we must understand what we should do, and that is to cooperate with the reinforcements."

"This battle is very dangerous, more dangerous than the previous night attack. During the night attack, we took the initiative and could retreat at any time. At that time, the enemy's line of sight was blocked and he did not know the situation clearly, so he did not dare to move without authorization. But today is different. If we leave the city, we will Directly exposed to the opponent's eyes. There are still 1 to 1000 enemies outside the city, but we only have more than [-] people."

"Those who don't want to go stay. I would rather you quit now than see deserters on the battlefield."

"If you are willing to go, be prepared to die. There is no difference between you and me on this point."

Lu Chen looked at everyone calmly.

In fact, he knew very well that when war came, as a commander, he could not say "stay if you don't want to go". No army would allow this to happen.

But this reserve army in front of me is special.

It is not a professional army, and the vast majority of them have no previous military experience. In addition to their superb martial arts and rich experience in chaotic battles, they are far inferior to ordinary soldiers in the Guangling Army in many aspects.

Even though they had been tempered by the flames of war during this period, and had learned basic military formation commands under the training of Li Chengen and Guangling Army generals, in essence, these people were still arrogant and reckless masters.

What Lu Chen wants is this pride.

After a brief silence, only about twenty people quietly retreated outside the venue.

The rest all stood tall and proud, looking at the young man in front of them with a pair of shining eyes.

Lu Chen didn't care about the more than [-] people who retreated from the battle. He only looked at the more than a thousand people standing in the field and nodded with relief.

"Get on the horse!"

Thousands of cavalry formed an array and stood behind the city gate.

Not far behind them, Colonel Liu Tongzhao and Ning Yong had also gathered their subordinates, with a total of [-] infantry, which was the main force of the Guangling garrison.

A murderous air.

Below the city tower, Duan Zuozhang was watching the situation in the distance. When he saw Feiyu Camp forcing back Jingchao's cavalry, but did not blindly increase speed to cover up the killing, but just stayed behind and pursued calmly, he immediately felt more confident.He turned to look at the herald and gave quick instructions.

The herald took the order, strode down the city wall, and said loudly: "The general has an order, and the reserve army will immediately leave the city to meet the enemy!"

Lu Chen nodded in agreement, and then raised his voice: "Open the door!"

The heavy city gate slowly opened, and thousands of horses slowly moved their hooves and filed into the barbican city. Then the gate of the barbican city was also opened, and the sound of the door axis turning revealed the vicissitudes of history.

At the same time, under the shouts of the defenders on the city, the people outside the city fled in all directions.

Without the suppression of the Jingjun cavalry who were good at mounted archery, the Guangling Army's archers fired calmly, raining down arrows, forcing the Jingjun infantry who had no intention of attacking the city to retreat, creating more than a hundred opportunities for their own cavalry to attack. distance of steps.

"Follow me—"

Lu Chen's loud voice reached the ears of every garrison.

He raised his long sword, rode his horse out of the city gate, and rushed towards the enemy infantry position in front: "Kill the enemy!"


More than a thousand people responded with a roar.

Duan Zuozhang dared to make the decision to attack. On the one hand, the appearance of the Jingzhou cavalry forced the Jingjun cavalry to turn around and fight. On the other hand, the opponent's infantry formation was not a spear-shield formation for the cavalry, but for the convenience of the cavalry. Short weapons are mainly used for climbing. How can the body alone block the impact of a tall horse?

In fact, at this time, Jing's infantry was already retreating in an orderly manner, and Gein's cavalry was at a growing disadvantage, but Qi's movements were obviously faster.

In an unpredictable battlefield, one step ahead often means one step ahead!

Lu Chen took the lead, with Lin Xi and Li Chengen supporting him, leading thousands of horses to roar past, with murderous intent filling the sky and the earth.

In the corner under the city wall, the woman was holding her daughter, with an extremely complicated expression on her face.

She watched Guangling's cavalry break into the positions of those beasts, and watched the leading young general slash an enemy to death with his sword in his hand, and then kept advancing.

She saw another thin woman wielding a very long knife, galloping invincibly through the enemy formation. No one could survive her for a moment, and she was still so young, yet so heroic.

She saw the man in his 20s holding a spear, protecting the side of the leading general. She didn't know how to describe the spear. She only saw cruel and violent enemies dying under his gun one after another.

She also saw hundreds of cavalry following the three young men, charging into the enemy crowd like tigers down the mountain. They looked so angry, so brave, so fearless of death.

The woman was not very courageous and usually did not dare to quarrel with others. However, looking at the killing and blood in the distance, she could not bear to move her eyes away for a moment.

Because her husband and parents-in-law had died in the hands of these people yesterday, and many villagers in the village had been killed, she only had deep-seated hatred in her heart.

"Kill...kill them all..." she said tremblingly, tears filling her eyes.

"Mom?" The little girl shrank timidly in her arms. Those scenes full of killings frightened her.

The woman hugged her tightly and murmured: "Don't be afraid, girl, they are all good people and our saviors!"

The little girl still didn't understand, but mother and daughter were connected. She could feel her mother's excitement at this moment, so she bravely looked over there——


A Jingjun soldier in front of Lu Chen was about to sneak attack his mount, when suddenly a long arrow struck from behind and pierced his throat.

Looking back, Xi Jun nodded towards him, then drew his bow and arrow again and aimed elsewhere.

Lu Chen noticed that Jing Jun's formation began to shrink. He remembered the instructions he had given before leaving, and suddenly he felt endless pride in his heart. He pointed his sword at the center of Jing Jun's formation and said loudly: "Kill!"

The greatest advantage of this reserve army is not that they are highly skilled in martial arts, but that everyone has the courage to do so.

When Lu Chen gave the order, almost no one hesitated. They followed him like a meteor across the scattered Jing Army's forward positions and rushed straight towards the enemy's central army.

In the Jingjun formation, Qin Chun sneered: "The reason Sangmai retreated all the way was to lure you out. Otherwise, why would I stay here to waste time with you?"

He raised his hand and pointed at the cavalry rushing out of Guangling City, and said in a cold voice: "Send an order to the front troops to let them in!"

"Obey the order!" the herald immediately responded.

Qin Chun boarded the chariot and looked at the cavalry that broke into his own position. His eyes soon stopped at Lu Chen.

According to the description of the surviving soldiers in the Western Camp, this young man was the commander of the night attack camp.

"If I can still let you go back alive, how can I be worthy of those soldiers who died in the battle?"

Qin Chun murmured to himself, with a murderous look in his eyes.

He looked up at the towering Guangling city wall again and whispered: "If the cavalry wants to break the formation... I'm afraid you have to spend all your money."

(End of this chapter)

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