
Chapter 48 048 [Who will win]

Chapter 48 048 [Who will win]

The Guangling government office has a flower hall at the back of the house.

An atmosphere of fun for both the host and the guest.

Even if local squires like the Lu family and the Gu family were just merchants and had no direct blood connections in the court, the government would still attach great importance to them.

They are not only responsible for paying large amounts of taxes, but are also related to the livelihood of a considerable number of people, because wealthy businessmen and large landowners are not conflicting identities.As Li Chengen said to Lu Chen before, the Lu family not only owns a large number of workshops and shops, but also has seven farms outside the city, and this is just Guangling.

The same is true for the Gu family. Therefore, although Zhan Hui, the prefect, has a deeper relationship with Lu Tong, he has treated the Gu family like a courteous and virtuous person in the past five years.

As a veteran in officialdom, Zhan Hui was naturally able to handle a private banquet like this today. In addition, Gu Zisi and Gu Junye, father and son, were determined to please, so naturally they were chatting and laughing while drinking and drinking.

"Ahem..." Zhan Hui saw a look from the long attendant by the door, put down the wine cup, picked up the handkerchief and gently wiped his lips.

The Gu family father and son sitting across from him both looked at each other and put down their chopsticks upon seeing this.

Zhan Hui raised his eyes and looked at Gu Zisi, who was over fifty years old, and said slowly: "The war in the north is difficult, Gu Yuanwai must also know it, right?"

Regarding today's banquet, Gu Zisi specifically asked Gu Junye to ask Ou Zhiqiu what he thought.

Ou Zhiqiu told Gu Junye that it was now a critical period and Duan Zuozhang was still in a state of hesitation. Of course, he could not cause trouble to attract attention. If there was no impeccable reason, rashly rejecting the appointment of the magistrate's parents would be asking for trouble.

The father and son of the Gu family gathered together and considered that the reason for Zhan Hui's banquet was in line with common sense, so they came to the banquet together.

Hearing Zhan Hui's words at this moment, Gu Zisi's originally worried heart immediately calmed down, and he said with a serious expression on his face: "To be honest with you, the fake Yan is coming with a lot of force. Naturally, I firmly believe that Governor Xiao can defeat the enemy. But it is unavoidable to be worried. If there is anything the Gu family can contribute, no matter the money, food or personnel, but according to the orders of the governor, the villain will have nothing to say."

Zhan Hui said happily: "Gu Yuanwai can be a role model for all businessmen in Huaizhou. However, today we invite you to come, but we insist that your Gu family donate money and food. I only hope that Gu Yuanwai can help with one thing."

Gu Zisi immediately responded: "Master, please tell me, I will do my best to handle it."

Zhan Hui smiled slightly, glanced at Gu Junye, who was sitting upright next to him, and said leisurely: "Gu Yuanwai just needs to tell me, when did you start getting involved with the fake Yan Xizuo?"

Before he finished speaking, both Gu Zisi and Gu Junye changed their expressions.

After all, Gu Zisi was a person who had experienced storms. He could still maintain his composure under such an impact. Suddenly, a look of surprise appeared on his face, and there was a trace of anger. He said hastily: "What do you mean by this? When did the Gu family get involved?" How could the Gu family do such a despicable act? Collaborating with the enemy and treason is a serious crime, and can destroy the entire family. How could the Gu family do such a despicable thing? Please be careful what you say!"

If the Gu family had no official connections, they would naturally be the targets of others to rub them in, but this was actually impossible.

Whenever wealth is accumulated to a certain extent, one will inevitably try every means to extend the network of relationships, otherwise it will not be able to continue to grow.

Gu Zisi's great respect for Zhan Hui does not mean that he has no confidence. At least there are people in the capital who can support the Gu family.

However, Gu Junye, who was sitting next to him, turned pale. Although the Gu family had always been very careful, all contact with the north was through Ou Zhiqiu himself. Even within the prosecutor's office, few people knew about this relationship.However, once an old official like Zhan Hui, who has been in officialdom for nearly 20 years, expresses his attitude, it means that he has considerable confidence.

At this moment, a cold and solemn voice came from outside the door: "Mr. Gu's words are so conclusive that you can't believe them. It's just that the second young master of your house seems to have a different opinion."

The Gu family father and son turned around and saw Lu Chen striding in, followed by six tough men with steady steps and bright eyes.

Gu Zisi suppressed the panic in his heart and said to Zhan Hui: "Master Fu Zun, what do you mean by this?!"

Zhan Hui picked up the tea cup at hand, opened the tea leaves with the bowl lid, took a sip, and then said: "Let me introduce you briefly. This is Lu Chen, the officer of the Sutra Weaving Department. For detailed work in Huaizhou, I hope Gu Yuanwai and the eldest son will cooperate well."

Lu Chen bowed slightly and saluted. Zhan Hui smiled and said, "Just ask."

"Yes, Fu Zun."

Lu Chen agreed, then looked at Gu Zisi and Gu Junye with a colder look in his eyes, and continued what he had left unfinished: "Gu staff, Mr. Gu, before you two left the house, the warp weaving department has been invited The second young master of the house asked. According to Gu Junhui's explanation, your Gu family has smuggled a large amount of goods to evade customs duties over the years, and these actions were assisted by the Puppet Yan."

Gu Zisi said forcefully: "Nonsense! Lu Chen, who doesn't know how much competition the Gu and Lu families have had in business over the years? You are seeking personal revenge!"

Lu Chen's face did not change, he turned to look at Gu Junye, and said in a deep voice: "Young Master Gu, when you asked the chief to raise suspicions, the Sutra Weaver Department had already clearly investigated your Gu family. You are collaborating with the enemy and treason. I'm afraid I have to sacrifice the lives of dozens of members of your Gu family to atone for your sin - don't deny it in a hurry. I know that your Gu family has connections in the capital to take care of you, but even the Minister of Industry, Qu Shilang, is determined not to get involved with this kind of thing. relation."

Panic appeared in Gu Junye's eyes, but it disappeared quickly, and he said in a cold voice: "The Sutra Weaving Department is indeed familiar with the methods of frame-up, but just by using the word smuggling, you want to slander the Gu family and the fake Yan Xizuo?"

Lu Chen knew very well that although the father and son were not big shots, they had no room to let go when faced with the horrific charge of collaborating with the enemy and treason.

He said calmly and firmly: "You two know very well whether the Sutra Weaver has made a false accusation. There are only two paths before you now."

He raised a finger and continued: "First, cooperate with the Sutra Weaving Department and tell the truth about all the hiding places of the fake Yan Xizuo, so as to make meritorious deeds. Although you two are still bound to die, at least you can preserve the blood of the Gu family. . If we can achieve greater results, maybe you two don't have to die." Gu Junye pursed his lips tightly and looked directly at Lu Chen with cold eyes.

"Secondly, you can say nothing. Next, the Sutra Weaving Department will directly enter Gu's house to search. As long as they can find a piece of fake work, it will be the cause of the annihilation of your Gu family."

Lu Chen's words were concise and to the point, without any unnecessary nonsense.

Zhan Hui watched quietly, with a look of approval on his face.

For the Gu family and his son, there is already a bottomless cliff in front of them, and behind them are the ferocious pursuers. If they take a step forward, they will be shattered to pieces, and if they hesitate to move forward, it will be difficult to survive.

Lu Chen continued: "I only give you one stick of incense."

Time passed little by little.

Gu Zisi's face turned pale and his forehead was covered with sweat drops. He glanced at the expert from the warp weaving department brought by Lu Chen next to him and couldn't help but move his lips.

Gu Junye took the lead and roared: "Lu Chen, do you think you can do whatever you want after entering the Sutra Weaving Department? Today you framed the Gu family without any evidence. Do you really think you can confuse right and wrong in this way? How can you allow the sutra weavers to tolerate the fact that all the gentlemen in the court know the truth? Si covers the sky with one hand? Don’t have any delusions. After today, your Lu family will reap the consequences, and the whole family will be in mourning."

Facing his almost hysterical and crazy attitude, Lu Chen looked calm and unmoved until Li Chengen reminded him that the time had passed, and he cupped his hands towards Zhan Hui and said: "I have your Excellency Lao Fu today, these two people will be detained here for the time being. , I will leave some personnel from the Warp Weaving Department to take care of it."

Zhan Hui looked indifferent, twirled his beard and said, "Okay."

Lu Chen turned around and left, leaving Gu Zisi and Gu Junye with dull eyes and great panic in their hearts.

Gu Junye stopped in front of Gu Zisi, staring at Lu Chen's back. If there was a chance in the future, he would kill this person with his own hands.

Lu Chen was obviously not in the mood to pay attention to Gu Junye's thoughts. After leaving the government office, he led more than ten people on horseback and rushed towards the Gu family mansion.

Time was extremely tight today. Before the Gu family and his son went out, Li Jin used the prepared method to trick Gu Junhui, the second son of the Gu family, into leaving the house.After prying Gu Junhui's mouth open, Li Jin rushed to the Gu family mansion to take charge of the overall situation, while Lu Chen rushed to the government office to make a last-ditch effort.

This was not because Lu Chen was soft-hearted and wanted to give the Gu family and his son a chance to survive, but because he hoped that the two men would relent and confess what they knew about the whereabouts of Bei Yan Xizuo.

If we can eradicate as much as possible the hidden secrets in the city, Guangling City will not be in too big a crisis.

Even though this attempt was unsuccessful, Lu Chen did not feel frustrated because he was sure that he was getting closer and closer to the truth of the puzzle.

By the time he arrived outside the Gu family's mansion, a tense situation between the two parties had already formed.

On one side were the spies of the Weaving Department led by Li Jin and the experts dispatched by the Lu family. On the other side were the Gu family guards blocking the gate, as well as dozens of soldiers wearing armor and holding swords.

The leader was surprisingly Duan Zuozhang, the deputy commander of the Guangling Army and in charge of the four thousand soldiers and horses in Guangling City.

More than ten cavalrymen rushed towards them. Lu Chen reined in the reins, just as Duan Zuozhang raised his eyes and looked at each other. Their eyes intertwined. The surroundings were silent, and the situation was almost suffocating.


Inside the Gu residence, the servants and maids were in a state of panic, not knowing why there was such a terrifying situation outside.

A figure entered the room, looked at Ou Zhiqiu who was sitting quietly in front of the window, and came closer and whispered: "Sir, Duan Zuozhang and the Sutra Weaving Department have already confronted each other."

Ou Zhiqiu responded expressionlessly.

The subordinate added: "People from the Sutra Weaving Department, the Lu family and the government office have completely surrounded this house."

"Unexpected things."

Ou Zhiqiu looked at the small tree outside the window and said leisurely: "It seems that I have underestimated this young man Lu Chen. If he hadn't interfered, Duan Zuozhang would have joined the gang according to our plan. It's just a matter of time."

As his confidant, his subordinates naturally knew the details of this plan. Hearing this, he whispered: "It's a pity that the Gu family father and son have great ambitions and talents, and the other party discovered the flaw, otherwise you wouldn't be so passive."

"It's really a bit passive."

Ou Zhiqiu stood up, stretched out his arms, and said calmly: "However, no matter what choice Duan Zuozhang will make, this drama has just begun."

He looked at the green scenery outside and suddenly chuckled, as if talking to himself, and seemed to be saying to someone outside: "Why be anxious?"

(End of this chapter)

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