
Chapter 47 047 [1 step difference]

Chapter 47 047 [One step difference]

In the 12th year of Jianwu's reign, it was May [-]th.

In the evening, Li Jin entered Lu's house in disguise.

"Brother Lu, I just saw the military briefing from the Warp Weaving Department. The war situation in the north is quite difficult."

His first words made Lu Chen frown slightly.

He calmed down, poured a cup of tea for Li Jin, and said, "Brother Li, take a sip of tea to moisten your throat first and then elaborate."

Li Jin's eyebrows were solemn as he took the cup and continued: "The Yan-Jing coalition launched an offensive on Panlong Pass ten days ago. General Pei led his troops to repulse several attacks. However, the enemy seemed to be ruthless. With enough effort to create a gap in the city wall, and the Lian Ning and other military strongholds northeast of Panlong Pass were also attacked by enemy troops, Governor Xiao then transferred half of the Feiyun Army to the north for support."

Lu Chen took the simple map of Huaizhou he had brought from the archives of the Weaving Department, spread it flat on the table, and then wrote a mark in Wuhe County, Baoying Prefecture.

In terms of the current military configuration on the border, there are more than 6000 Panlong troops in Panlong Pass, [-] defenders of several military villages and [-] Feiyun troops to the east, and [-] troops in Wuhe County. This is an overall war. Among the Western Front.

Li Jin looked at the map and continued: "The Three Cities, Seven Villages and Twelve Forts directly north of the Lai'an defense line are under the greatest pressure. They are jointly defended by the Lai'an Army and the Zhenbei Army."

Lu Chen drew another mark and then wrote the word "center line".

Li Jin added: "From Linshan County to the East China Sea, this section will be defended by the Pingshan Army."

"Three fronts are advancing together? How can the Puppet Yan Dongyang Road get so many troops?"

Lu Chen had a look of confusion on his face. He had already roughly understood Beiyan's troop configuration. Dongyang Road, Moyang Road and Jiangbei Road each had about [-] troops, including the elite veterans placed among them by Jing Chao.

At present, the Huaizhou Governor's Mansion has nearly 10 troops deployed on the northern border, and with the support of Guan Aizhai Fort, if Beiyan wants to rely on [-] troops on Dongyang Road, it will increase the intensity of the war to this point, unless all [-] people are One against a hundred tigers and wolves.

Li Jin said in a deep voice: "Puppet Yan and Jing Chao have increased their troops on a large scale."

Lu Chen frowned and said, "What about the court's response?"

He did not believe that the monarchs and ministers in Yongjia City would naively think that Huaizhou had always been at peace. Beiyan and Jingchao had obviously been recuperating and accumulating strength in the past six years, and they would never sit back and watch Huaizhou hang alone in the north of the Yangtze River.

Even he, a new arrival in a foreign land, could understand clearly. How could the Manchu minister be unprepared?

A bitter and complicated smile appeared on Li Jin's face, and he said slowly: "Master Su once talked to me about this matter. In fact, more than a year ago, the Sutra Weaver discovered that the north was becoming more and more willing to go to war. Strongly, Dongyang Road and Moyang Road are constantly adjusting officials to prepare for the start of the war. Last autumn, Governor Xiao reported to the emperor that the war would break out within a year and asked the court to send more troops to Huaizhou."

"and then?"

"The court has been arguing for more than two months, and there is still no conclusion. Mr. Su said that this is because Huaizhou has nearly [-] troops and cannot have more."

"The emperor doesn't trust Governor Xiao?"

"Probably not, but Huaizhou is alone in the north of the Yangtze River. Some people think that Huaizhou is far less secure than Jingzhou. They think that a hundred thousand troops are enough to defend Huaizhou. Wouldn't more troops make the situation more complicated?"

Li Jin didn't say anything explicitly, but Lu Chen already understood what he meant.

More than 140 years ago, Daqi swept across Liuhe and pacified the world, ending an era of warlord separatism that lasted for more than 60 years.

The loss of life during those more than 60 years has made countless scholars in later generations sad, and they absolutely do not want to see a similar situation happen again.

Therefore, in the eyes of many officials in the Qi Dynasty today, Xiao Wangzhi already has too many troops. Wouldn't sending more troops create a warlord who is difficult to check and balance?

Thinking of this, Lu Chen couldn't help but shook his head.

Li Jin continued: "Six days ago, Governor Xiao ordered the Taixing Army to move north. No matter what, we must suppress the enemy's first wave of offensive and completely defeat their attempt to break through the security line in one go."

Lu Chen stared at the pattern on the map. Five of Huaizhou's seven armies were already stationed on the northern border. Now the Taixing Army, which was acting as a reserve, was transferred there, leaving only the Guangling Army in the rear.

He asked calmly: "Does Mr. Su have a reply?"

Li Jin nodded and said, "Yes, we just arrived today. Mr. Su said in the letter that if we can get evidence that the Gu family is collaborating with the enemy, we can arrest him, but we must do it quickly and we must not give the other party a chance to cause trouble." Nowadays, the border war is difficult, and the rear must maintain stability, and Guangling is the top priority. We must not lose the big for the small."

He stared into Lu Chen's eyes and said sternly: "Master Su also said that Lu Qianban has full authority to make decisions regarding the Gu family."

Lu Chen didn't pay attention to this matter. He just nodded slightly and said with a complicated expression: "I thought Mr. Su would come to Guangling."

Li Jin lowered his voice and said: "The border war is so fierce that even Governor Xiao was assassinated once. There are even undercurrents surging among the people. Master Su will not be able to escape now."

Lu Chen asked again: "When will the imperial court send reinforcements to cross the river and go north?" Li Jin exhaled a breath and sighed helplessly: "It will take a month at the fastest to enter Huaizhou."

Lu Chen probably knew the inconvenience of military mobilization in this era, but nearly 20 days had passed since the war broke out in late April, and it would take another month for the south to complete the mobilization of reinforcements. This speed was really disturbing.

Perhaps the monarchs and ministers in the DPRK did not expect that this battle would be so fierce.

"By the way, the matter you asked me to investigate now has a rough result." Li Jin put down the empty tea cup and continued: "Qitai, the commander of the Guangling Army, has a very clean resume and has nothing to do with the Gu family. Related. Among the two generals who command four thousand soldiers and horses in the city today, deputy commander Duan Zuozhang and captain You Pu, Duan Zuozhang's wife happens to be named Gu, and he and the Gu family do have a distant relationship, but they have only been together for many years. There’s no coming and going.”

Lu Chen murmured: "As expected."

Li Jin asked solemnly: "Is Duan Zuozhang really attracted by the Gu family?"

"If this is the case, then there is a reasonable explanation for the movements of the fake Yan Xizuo." Lu Chen's eyes were cold and he said solemnly: "They want to attack Guangling by surprise."

Li Jin's expression changed drastically.

He was an experienced elite in the Weaving Department and was very familiar with this kind of conspiracy. At this moment, Lu Chen exposed it with one word. How could he still not understand the truth hidden by this fog?

If Duan Zuozhang has been dragged into the water, as long as the Yan army approaches the city and Duan Zuozhang gives the order, Guangling will become an undefended city.

If Guangling is lost, the Huaizhou Governor's Mansion's food and grass supply will be cut off, the rear hub will fall into the enemy's hands, and the frontline army will be in a critical situation.

Thinking of this, Li Jin frowned and asked: "The problem is, how can the puppet Yan army appear outside Guangling City? General Qi, the commander of the Guangling Army, is also a veteran on the battlefield. He personally takes charge of the Qiling Ancient Road and takes care of the other two ancient roads. The enemy If I could attack hard, I wouldn’t wait until now.”

Lu Chen asked in a low voice: "What if the Yan army can really climb over the mountains to the west?"

Li Jin was at a loss for words, feeling both frightened and ridiculous in his heart, and said hurriedly: "Brother Lu, this matter should be reported to Governor Xiao, Master Su and General Qi immediately."

Lu Chen said very calmly: "Of course. However, Governor Xiao and Master Su are far away in the north, and it takes time to exchange news. We cannot wait foolishly for their orders at this moment. As for General Qi, if the Yan army really makes a surprise attack on Guangling Our plan will definitely not just send a small group of elites over the mountain, but we will also have plans for the three ancient roads."

He raised his eyes and looked directly at Li Jin, and said resolutely: "Right now we don't know where Yan's army is. Are they wandering around in the Shuangfeng mountains, or are they already hiding in the wilderness not far from Guangling, just waiting for the people in the city?" The signal should be sent internally. At this time, we must strike first and be stronger, and one step faster will lead to a faster step."

Li Jin nodded and said: "Okay, I will write a secret letter about the relevant information and send it out immediately. Brother Lu, what you mean is that we act according to the original plan?"

Lu Chen nodded and said, "Prefect Zhan will invite the Gu family and his son to a banquet at noon tomorrow, so we have to capture Gu Junhui in the morning and at the same time lay a dragnet around the Gu family's mansion."

Li Jin hesitated for a moment and considered: "Brother Lu, I have a hunch that Duan Zuozhang has not agreed to the Gu family, otherwise the details of the Procuratorate's Office will only need to be hidden. If we launch at this time, will it force Duan Zuozhang to rebel?" ? After all, he is the deputy commander of the capital and has four thousand soldiers and horses under his command. Once..."

"I have considered this issue. Brother Li, are you sure that Duan Zuozhang has not been dragged into the water?" Lu Chen asked calmly.

Li Jin shook his head and said, "No, but I'm worried that exposure of the Gu family will force him to make a choice."

"Now we have only two choices. One is to continue to deal with the opponent and wait for more powerful support from above. But the consequence is that Guangling will be in danger at any time, and we can only respond passively."

Lu Chen stood up and walked to the window. He pressed his right hand on the big case and stared at the summer scenery outside the window. His tone was slightly low: "If Guangling City is destroyed, our Lu family will definitely not be able to escape the destruction of the Gu family, and the war situation in Huaizhou will also fall into chaos." On the verge of collapse.”

He turned to look at Li Jin and said slowly: "There is no way Duan Zuozhang can lead four thousand soldiers to treason. Even if he is dragged into the water by the Gu family, the most he can do is open a city gate for the enemy. If the Gu family and his son are not here tomorrow, if Duan Zuozhang appears outside the Gu residence , which is enough to show that the situation has reached the most dangerous point."

Li Jin took a deep breath, stood up and said, "What is the second strategy?"

Lu Chen spoke unhurriedly, while the expression on Li Jin's face kept changing, and finally he gritted his teeth and said, "It's done!"


The next day, before dawn.

In Xiyuan, Song Pei stood not far away and looked at Lu Chen's side face. Although she didn't know what the young master was busy with during this time, she keenly sensed that something big must happen.

Less than half an hour later, Lu Chen had packed up, walked out slowly, and calmly ordered: "Tell Lu Wu that the Lu residence is closed today and no one is allowed in or out."

"Yes, sir."

Song Pei stared at his back and made a meticulous bow.

When he came outside the door, Lu Chen raised his head and glanced at the gradually whitening sky.

The wind is gentle and the sun is beautiful, which is very nice.

(End of this chapter)

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