
Chapter 38 038 [The flames of war shine on Huaizhou]

Chapter 38 038 [The flames of war shine on Huaizhou]

April 12, the 25th year of Jianwu in the Southern Qi Dynasty.

A shocking news rose like a strong wind, sweeping across Huaizhou from north to south.

Beiyan's Dongyang Road army advanced towards Huaizhou, with [-] soldiers and horses stationed more than [-] miles north of Panlong Pass. The main force of more than [-] people looked at Huaizhou from a distance to secure the defense line. The war was about to break out, and the situation became tense instantly.

The Huaizhou Governor's Office, the Governor's Office and the Sutra Weaving Department sent emergency reports to the capital almost simultaneously.

Huaizhou's nearly six-year period of peace was blatantly broken. Although it did not cause widespread panic, after the news spread, prices in the six prefectures within the territory increased to varying degrees.

The Huaizhou Governor's Office responded very promptly. Not only did they post the notices prepared for the people's safety in various places, but they also did not hesitate to use a few leading merchants to scare the monkeys.

More than a dozen heads fell to the ground, and prices temporarily stabilized within a few days.

Some people's restless hearts felt as if a bucket of ice water had been poured on them. They seemed to have just remembered at this moment that Yao Zhong, the governor of Taixing Prefecture, was by no means a pedantic Taoist gentleman who could be bullied.

The response of the Huaizhou Seventh Army was equally rapid. The Guangling Army guarded the ancient roads in the Shuangfeng Mountain System to prevent the Northern Yan Army from launching a surprise attack from the Moyang Road in the west.

The Feiyun Army was stationed in Wuhe County, Baoying Prefecture. It could not only support the Panlong Army in the northwest at any time, but also go north to support the flanks of the Lai'an defense line.

The Taixing Army is still stationed in place, responsible for assisting the governor's office in maintaining internal stability, and at the same time serving as a reserve army on standby.

The Pingshan Army, the Lai'an Army and the Zhenbei Army formed the Lai'an Defense Line. They used a large number of villages, forts and cities on the border to form a well-layered defense system. Coupled with the dense water network and river channels in the territory, it was enough to make the Jingchao cavalry unable to perform their duties. The advantage of high mobility can only be achieved by relying on infantry to attack step by step.

The Lai'an defense line protected the northern border of Huaizhou and formed an indestructible wall with Panlong Pass in the northwest corner. Seven years before Jianwu, the Puppet Yan and Jing Dynasty troops suffered a lot.

This time they made a comeback, but what stood in front of them was still a hard nut to crack, because in the past six years, the Seventh Army of Huaizhou, under the command of Commander Xiao Wangzhi, had still maintained a strong combat capability.

The Huaizhou Dudu Mansion, located in Lai'an City, is busier than in the past, and almost everyone is walking to catch the wind.But there was no trace of panic on their faces, only calm and solemn expressions.

In the festival hall, all the staff and Xiangzans had retreated. Xiao Wangzhi stood by the sand table with his hands behind his hands, his eyes shining brightly.

There was a person standing opposite the sand table, it was Su Yunqing, the Huaizhou Inspector of the Warp Weaving Department. He bowed his head slightly and said respectfully: "To the Governor, the Warp Weaving Department launched an operation three days ago to target suspected fake Yan and Han people in Huaizhou. Jing Chao worked meticulously to arrest. This time we adhere to the principle of rather catching the wrong one than letting it go, so as to prevent these people from fishing in troubled waters behind the scenes after the war breaks out."

Xiao Wangzhi raised his head and glanced at him, nodded and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Inspector Su."

He knew very well that if the war had not been imminent, the Warp Weaver Department would not have been so anxious to take action, because those suspected of being craftsmen were already under surveillance.The reason why we didn't catch them before was because most of them were low-level craftsmen and did not have high value. It was only right to fish for the big fish in the long run and dig out their superiors.

But the current situation is completely different. Once the two sides fight on the border, the destructive power those craftsmen can cause in the rear will be multiplied. Moreover, cutting off these branches can deter the craftsmen who hide deeper, and at the same time prevent them from connecting into a line.

Su Yunqing said humbly: "This is the duty of a lower official."

He was so respectful to Xiao Wangzhi not only because the other party was a second-grade general, but more importantly, he very much agreed with Xiao Wangzhi's judgment of the current situation - if Da Qi could not make an aggressive Northern Expedition, it could only rely on the Hengjiang River The natural moat will definitely not protect half of the country, and a corner of the country will only be able to survive.

Xiao Wangzhi stared at the Lai'an defense line on the sand table and said calmly: "The warp weaving department's next focus should be on the major cities, especially the protection of Governor Yao. Zhang Junsi in the north is good at tough battles, but our army's defense line Even harder than his bones, it is difficult for the Jingchao cavalry to play a role here. Generally speaking, Wang Shidao from the Procuratorate is more worthy of vigilance. He must have made plans to launch an attack in Huaizhou in advance."

Logically speaking, the Sutra Weaving Department is an independent and privileged yamen. Although it has the responsibility to cooperate with military operations, it does not accept the direct jurisdiction of the Dudu Mansion.

There was no strange color on Su Yunqing's face, and he responded calmly: "Please rest assured, Commander-in-Chief, before I arrived, I had already ordered the internal guards to protect officials from all over the country, and Taixing Mansion was the top priority. There is one more thing. Lord Tiju ordered his subordinates to inform the Grand Governor."

Xiao Wangzhi said: "Let's talk about it."

Su Yunqing glanced at the sign on the sand table and said slowly: "Your Excellency, please ask your subordinates to activate the agents lurking on Dongyang Road in Pseudo-Yan, so that they can find out the whereabouts of Jing Dynasty's elite troops as much as possible."

Xiao Wangzhi pondered: "So, Qin Tiju suspects that Puppet Yan Dongyang Road is not the focus of this offensive?"

The territory bordering Beiyan and Huaizhou is bounded by Dongyang Road in the north and Moyang Road in the west.

If there are no Jing Chaorui soldiers in the Dongyang Road army, it means that they are probably just a cover in this battle. After all, relying solely on the puppet Yan army to break through the security line is tantamount to wishful thinking.Su Yunqing said with admiration: "Master Tiju indeed has this intention."

He briefly recounted the clues compiled by the general office, focusing on the anomaly on Moyang Road.

"Pretend to attack Huaizhou, but actually capture Jingzhou?" Xiao Wangzhi turned to look at the topographic map along the river hanging on the west wall and said calmly.

After the Yuanjia Incident, the Southern Qi Dynasty was able to make the Jing Dynasty's cavalry return without success and maintain the balance of power in the six-year war that followed. Their biggest reliance was Huaizhou in the north of the Yangtze River and Jingzhou in the middle reaches of the Hengjiang River.

These two extremely important strategic locations are like two hard fists, controlling the middle and lower reaches of the Hengjiang River, turning this broad river into a real natural chasm.

Relatively speaking, Jingzhou is more important to the Southern Qi Dynasty, because part of Jingzhou is located in the north of the Yangtze River, and the north and south are connected to control both sides of the Hengjiang River. As a result, the navy warships that the Puppet Yan built with great effort were unable to go down the river, and naturally they were unable to threaten the downstream areas. .

Su Yunqing thought about it and said: "If the fake Yan Dongyang Road is just a bluff, and Jing Dynasty mobilizes its elite to Moyang Road, then it is indeed possible to attack Jingzhou of our country. Now the situation is tense, and the communication between the north and the south is cut off. People from lower officials have to pass on the news It’s very difficult, but please rest assured, Grand Governor, I will handle this matter as soon as possible.”

Xiao Wangzhi said approvingly: "Then please leave it to Su Jianxiao."

Su Yunqing heard his intention to expel the guests, and also knew that the Commander-in-Chief was busy with military duties, but he still stood where he was, coughing lightly and said: "To the Commander-in-Chief, I have made my own decision in a matter. Please forgive me. .”

Xiao Wangzhi's eyes narrowed slightly: "What's the matter?"

Su Yunqing said: "The lower official found a good young man in Guangling Mansion, named Lu Chen, who is the only son of the wealthy businessman Lu Tong. Previously, the Lu family was framed by the fake Yan Xizuo. Lu Chen was smart and calm, and assisted the Weaving Department to uncover the other party's conspiracy. Because of this For his merit, Lord Tiju personally appointed him as the head of the Sutra Weaving Department, and also allowed his subordinates to train him and let him spy on intelligence in the territory of Puppet Yan in the future."

Xiao Wangzhi remained silent.

Su Yunqing didn't know what he was thinking, so he said after careful consideration: "Lu Chen seemed to have the intention to join the army, so his subordinate told him that the army and the Weaving Department could have transferred to each other. If he could make great achievements in the north, he could also transfer to the army in the future. Frontier troops, and they don’t have to start as pawns.”

He did not deceive Lu Chen. Whether he transferred from the border army to the Weaving Department or vice versa, there were precedents in the past.

Of course, he should ask Xiao Wangzhi for instructions in advance, but this time time was too tight. When he returned to Huaizhou from Yongjia, he received a series of urgent orders and could only stay in Guangling for half a day.

This matter couldn't be borrowed from others, so Su Yunqing had no choice but to skip a step.

Xiao Wangzhi was silent for a moment and said slowly: "If he doesn't want to, don't force him."

Su Yunqing responded, and then his heart suddenly shook.

On the surface, Xiao Wangzhi showed respect to the Zuozhi Sutra and did not pursue his own actions. In fact, he added an extremely powerful amulet to Lu Chen.

Su Yunqing suddenly remembered that when Lu Chen sent Li Chengen to report to the Governor's Mansion, he was successfully summoned by Xiao Wangzhi.

You must know that the Grand Governor never likes to welcome people who are lucky enough to enter. How could Li Chengen, a nursing home owner, enter this Governor's Mansion?
Could it be that Xiao Wangzhi had known Lu Chen for a long time?
No... The middle-aged businessman's humble smile appeared in Su Yunqing's mind. Xiao Wangzhi probably took care of Lu Chen because of Lu Tong's relationship!
Xiao Wangzhi asked, "Is there anything else going on with School Inspector Su?"

Su Yunqing suppressed the shock in her heart, bowed and saluted: "I'm sorry to leave."

After he retreated, Sima Huang Xianfeng stepped in.

Xiao Wangzhi asked: "Has there been any reply from Xiao Hong?"

Huang Xianfeng responded: "Back to the Commander-in-Chief, the Major General arrived in Guangling five days ago and is currently inspecting the military equipment of various departments in Guangling. No news has been reported yet."

Xiao Wangzhi nodded slightly. He looked at the topographic map along the river hanging on the wall, and his eyes fell on a certain area. Finally, he turned to look at the Northern Security Line on the sand table, and murmured to himself: "The feigned attack on Huaizhou is really Take Jingzhou? How could Qing Yugong be so stupid?"

He shook his head, his eyes becoming more serious.

 Thank you to the leader of "Polypropylene" for the reward. The leader will add updates on the day it is released (new book updates should be in line with the progress of recommendations. An additional chapter will be added after 12 o'clock this Sunday night to thank you)
(End of this chapter)

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