
Chapter 37 037 [The principles of the old Lu family]

Chapter 37 037 [The principles of the old Lu family]

Guangling, Luzhai.

The fragrance of the new tea before the rain was refreshing. Lu Tong took a sip. Seeing the solemn expression on Lu Chen's face, he comforted him and said, "It's just a job. It's not a contract to sell oneself. I just accepted it. It's not worth being so nervous. Why?" My father originally wanted to wait for you to go to Yongjia for a run after you are crowned next year, and donate your official status to you, so that you will not have to salute when you meet people in the future."

Lu Chen shook his head and said, "You know this is not what I care about."

Lu Tong then asked: "Going to lurk in the North? What do you think?"

Lu Chen said calmly: "Although wealth can be gained through risk, the benefits of this matter are too low compared to the risks. However, I am not familiar with the situation in the North, and I don't know Su Yunqing's background very well, so I did not reject him directly. So that both sides can live well."

Lu Tong smiled and said gently: "Actually, on this matter... you think too complicatedly."

Lu Chen said calmly: "But this is a very complicated matter."

"Yes, lurking in a foreign country is a life of narrow escape. It is even more difficult to achieve something. Even if you succeed in the end, it will be difficult to escape and turn your achievements into resume. However, these are things you can only accept after you decide to accept them. There are only two things you need to consider right now."

"Which two?"

"First, what kind of spy does the Weaving Department want you to be? Is it to lurk in the Puppet Yan territory for a long time and cannot come back until the mission is completed? Or is it to use our Lu family's identity to do business in the north and make friends with local dignitaries to spy on intelligence?"

Lu Chen nodded thoughtfully.

Lu Tong continued: "If he asks you to stay anonymous and lurk in the North for a long time, you don't need to think about it at all. Just refuse it. No matter what kind of promise Su Yunqing makes to you, you should know it after taking a look at Gu Yong, Zhang Xi and others. , even if you can finally escape safely, it will still take many years of hard work to climb to a certain position in a foreign country."

At this moment, he suppressed the smile on his face, and his expression was determined and unquestionable.

Lu Chen said calmly: "That's true, because I don't have any power to rely on there and can only rely on my own hard work."

Lu Tong saw that he did not get into trouble, so he said happily: "That's exactly the truth. According to the customs in the officialdom in the north, the ideal situation is that you spend seven or eight years to get into the military and horse supervision, and your subordinates are in charge of it. Thousands of people, but you can do the same thing by joining the army in Huaizhou, and there will not be so many dangers. You are walking on thin ice in the north for the vague promises of others, our old Lu family cannot Doing this kind of loss-making business.”

Lu Chen realized that his previous mentality may not have completely gotten rid of the thinking habits of his previous life. At this moment, he had woken up under Lu Tong's reminder, and asked, "What if he just asked me to spy on intelligence through the opportunity of doing business?"

Lu Tong adjusted his sitting position slightly and said calmly: "You can consider accepting it, but you have to wait until the border situation stabilizes. Starting from this month, Panlong Pass and Jining Road in the north have been closed, and domestic caravans are prohibited from leaving the customs. This shows that the border The situation has become tense and fighting could break out at any time."

"What about our business?"

"There will always be a way. A war is a war, and the people's food, clothing, housing and transportation must be solved. It is impossible to completely ban the exchanges between the two sides. In fact, the higher-ups also know this, whether it is the Huaizhou Governor's Mansion or the Governor's Mansion, or even the spies under Su Yunqing's command, You can only turn a blind eye to this.”

"My father just said that we can consider it. Does this mean that the outbreak of war will not last too long, and Daqi and the north will still enter a period of peace?"

"If this battle ends quickly enough and both sides are not injured, the status quo will still be maintained. The reason is very simple. Our court does not want to fight, and neither does the Puppet Yan. Jing Dynasty has not completely solved its own problems. problem. As long as Huaizhou can defend it smoothly this time and show enough resilience and force, the temptation from the north will be over."

Lu Chen took advantage of the situation and continued: "In this case, the two sides will soon return to the previous situation, and the Lu family caravan can still walk between Qi Yan."

Lu Tong nodded and said thoughtfully: "Even if Su Yunqing only asks you to spy on information in the name of a merchant, you must grasp the appropriateness. This is the second thing you need to understand."

Lu Chen said respectfully: "Please give me some advice, father."

Lu Tong couldn't help but laugh, waved his hands and said, "I have said many times that our family does not follow rigid rules, so just respect them in your heart."

Lu Chen still looked solemn, and he was not being pretentious - for most normal people in this world, if someone considers you wholeheartedly, you will naturally respect that person from the bottom of your heart.

Seeing this, Lu Tong skipped this section and continued: "The old Lu family has been doing business for decades, and there is a truth that has been passed down from word to mouth, that is, no matter when and where, you cannot completely become a chess piece in the hands of others, you must always give it to others. Leave some leeway for yourself. For example, befriend your father, but you will only support him within the scope allowed by the court laws, and you will never help him do anything extraordinary."

Lu Chen asked: "What if the Lord of the Palace forces you to do it?" Lu Tong said calmly: "You just need to remember that no one can cover up the sky with one hand. Anyone, whether he is a high-ranking official, a general or a powerful person, he has his own connections , there will also be more enemies. Taking the same example of Fu Zun, if he does something evil to the Lu family, maybe we two will get into trouble, but there will definitely be someone interested in this matter. This person does not necessarily want to preside over It's fair, but I definitely want to take advantage of this opportunity to trample Fu Zun into the mud."

It's not that Lu Chen doesn't understand this truth, but it's extremely difficult to do it.

He remembered what Su Yunqing said: "The Warp Weaving Department checked your Lu family from top to bottom, inside and out, and found no faults worthy of attention. They were all trivial problems. Even the Warp Weaving Department has I'm sorry to use it as evidence of guilt."

Of course, being clean is only the foundation. The most important thing is to understand the complex interpersonal relationships and interest entanglements in front of you, and be able to explain your position without angering the other party. Only in this way can you be harmonious and stable as a mountain.

Even in Lu Chen's previous life experience, people who could achieve this step were extremely rare.

However, the middle-aged man in front of him, his father, was still just a businessman in Su Yunqing's mouth.

Lu Tong didn't know that the thoughts in Lu Chen's heart were surging, and he continued the previous topic: "If Su Yunqing asks you to lurk in the North for a long time, and you accept it happily, then you will become a pawn in his hands, and he will decide your life and death from now on. This kind of In this case, what’s the point of having a huge reward? Even if it’s the second option, if you retain your identity as a businessman and work for the Warp Weaving Department, you can’t get too deep into it, and at least leave yourself a way out.”

He stared into Lu Shen's eyes and said earnestly: "Shen'er, the first thing a person needs to do in life is to learn to make a living."

Lu Chen vaguely felt that there was a hint of meaning in his eyes that he could not distinguish, and subconsciously responded: "Please don't worry, father, I will definitely keep it in mind."

"After you understand these two things, you can make your choice calmly. As a father, Su Yunqing can't force you." Lu Tong's expression became gentler and he said slowly: "Su Yunqing... is actually not a bad person. He is one of the few people in the court who is willing to work hard, but his ability is not enough to support his ideals, and his popularity in the Sutra Weaving Department is not very good, so he may not end well in the future."

"Thank you, father, for clarifying my doubts. By the way, when you mentioned Su Yunqing, I remembered that he once mentioned something. Did you save the life of Dr. Xue?" Lu Chen thought for a while, but decided not to miss this opportunity.

"That's what happened..." Lu Tong suddenly yawned, glanced at the thick night outside the window, rubbed his eyes and said: "Shen'er, it's late at night. I'm a little tired from running around for my father for a day. You should go back and rest. .”

Lu Chen looked at him with a smile, but did not get up.

The father and son stared at each other, but in the end Lu Tong was defeated and muttered: "There are indeed no good people in the Weaving Department."

Lu Chen was a little embarrassed, so he stood up and said, "Father, please rest early. I'm going back."

"Sit down. I don't know your plans yet, so I'll ask you again tomorrow night, right?" Lu Tong raised his hand and nodded at him, smiling: "Actually, this matter has been around for some years, and it's not a big deal. That's More than ten years ago, a civil uprising broke out somewhere in the north, and Brother Xue Shi, who was practicing medicine there, was almost killed by the rioters. My father happened to be working there, so he asked the nursing home to save him."

In fact, after listening to this, Lu Chen had more questions in his mind - the refugees were on the rise and even Divine Doctor Xue was almost killed, why were you so indifferent to you? You only led the nursing home and not the imperial army.

But he didn't ask in the end because Lu Tong looked relaxed and the tiredness in his eyes could no longer be concealed.

Of course it wasn't because of a passage that made Lu Tong so tired, but because he definitely didn't want to recall the story of that year.

That's all... everyone has their own secrets.

This time, Lu Chen didn't make any gestures. He stood up, saluted solemnly, and said, "Father, I'm going back."

Lu Tong showed a hint of relief, nodded and said, "Go ahead."

Lu Chen had just walked to the door when he suddenly heard someone say from behind: "How are you getting along with Miss Lin? I heard that we went to Chundai Water today? Why didn't you go to the third floor to get a private room? Miss Lin is a guest from afar, you can't That's so stingy. My father asked the accountant to send 1000 taels of silver to Xiyuan and give it to Song Pei to keep. Remember to take more with you when you go out."

Lu Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He turned around and said, "Father, how about we talk about how you managed to avoid the eyes and ears of the government and the army and deliver so much food to Gang Leader Lin?"

Lu Tong calmly yawned again, then put his hands in his sleeves, stood up and walked towards the inner room, shaking his head and saying: "I am so sleepy that I can't even open my eyelids. It shows that I am really old..."

Lu Chen looked at his back, a warm smile unconsciously appeared on his face.

 Thanks to the leader of the Cold Smoke Alliance for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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