
Chapter 28 028

Chapter 28 028

"Soul-locking fragrance..."

Xiyuan, when Lu Chen was having breakfast, these three words popped into his mind without warning.

Four days have passed since the day I met the old miracle doctor Xue, and there is still no progress in this matter.

Lu Tong sent people to Beiyan Tieshan City to investigate the situation, but the journey was far away and he was in a foreign country. Even if he had certain strength in Beiyan, it would be difficult to find useful clues in the past few months—— The person who can come up with such a strange poison is definitely not a mediocre person, so how could he leave any clues after poisoning?

As for the Lu family's business competitors, after Lu Chen learned about the situation in the past few days, he supported Lu Tong's earliest judgment.

Everyone is seeking money, not to mention endless hatred. Even if there are some conflicts and conflicts of interest, they will strive to resolve them through gentle means.

Even in Guangling territory, the Gu family competes directly with the Lu family in many industries, but the two sides can at least maintain superficial harmony.

Generally speaking, merchants had a lower status in this era and would inevitably seek the protection of powerful people.

Taking the Lu family as an example, Lu Tong was able to gain a foothold in Guangling by virtue of his relationship with the prefect Zhan Hui, not to mention the care of his close friend Xue Huaiyi, who had an extremely prominent family background.

Killing the Lu family means trampling on the faces of Zhan Hui and Xue Huaiyi. Even Su Yunqing, the Huaizhou inspector of the warp weaving department, must be treated with caution, let alone a businessman who is attached to the wings of a powerful man?

The most important thing is that the Lu family has never done anything evil that would cause their competitors to take revenge at all costs.

"Master, would you like some more porridge for you?"

A gentle voice woke Lu Chen from his thoughts, and Song Pei was looking at him with concern.

The Lu family is not that kind of family that only pays attention to strict etiquette and etiquette. Lu Tong is also quite generous to the servants and maids in the family, but the deep house has its own rules, and Song Pei also knows how to respect superiors and inferiors.

"It's okay." Lu Chen came to his senses and smiled slightly.

Song Pei and He Yu looked at each other, and then asked cautiously: "Is the young master worried?"

Lu Chen finished the porridge in the bowl and said calmly: "I can't call it annoying, it's just that there is something I can't figure out."

He Yu said in surprise: "The young master is so smart, but there are things he can't figure out?"

Although she is only one year younger than Song Pei, her conversation is much more immature, and sometimes she has a very obvious childishness.

Lu Chen couldn't help laughing and said, "Am I an omnipotent person in your heart?"

He Yu nodded and said: "Yes, the master also said so."

"He Yu, how can you talk about the master in private? Don't lose your sense just because the master is generous." Song Pei kindly advised.

He Yu shrank his neck.

Naturally, Lu Chen wouldn't take this little thing to heart. He smiled and said, "There's no need to be too restrictive if we chat behind closed doors. In fact, you both know etiquette. Generally speaking, it's fine."

Song Pei said softly: "Master, it's not that I'm pretentious, but I always remember the kindness of the master in my heart. If the master hadn't helped me that year, I might have been sold into a brothel or something like that, and the same was true for He Yu. "

Next to him, He Yu quickly nodded in agreement, like a chicken pecking at rice.

Lu Chen looked at the sadness in the girl's eyes and sighed: "Then have you ever complained about your parents?"

Song Pei shook his head and said: "For people who may starve to death at any time, who have the right to be resentful? Some things seem very complicated, but in fact they are just because they haven't reached that point yet. When you are sleepy, you have to sleep, and when you are hungry, you have to go to bed. When eating, only when you don’t worry about these things, will you think about changing into a better brocade quilt and cooking more tricks... Young Master? "

From her perspective, Lu Chen stared at her as if fascinated.

She was in the back house of the compound. When had she ever been looked at so well by a young man?
"What you said is very good. It's hard for you to be so open-minded."

Lu Chen looked away, as if it was just a small misunderstanding.

However, thoughts were swirling in his heart, and Song Pei's unintentional words were like a bolt of lightning illuminating the dark corners that he had not noticed before - if it was just to take his life, why make it so complicated?

After receiving the report from the housekeeper Lu Wu, Lu Chen hurried to the main hall of the mansion.

When he stepped over the threshold, he saw a strange young woman, and Lu Tong sat opposite her with a smile on his face.The light in the hall is gentle and the atmosphere is quiet.

Her figure is slightly thin, and her temperament is restrained and calm, giving people the impression of a clear breeze and bright moon.

Because of his appearance, the woman subconsciously turned her head and looked at him. Her eyes were as clear as crystal, like a quiet lake between mountains and rivers. Even if the spring breeze blew by, it was difficult to see waves.

In the eyes of the woman, the young man who appeared outside the door was tall and tall. The sunlight outside the door shone on him, making his handsome face not particularly clear.

After a brief silence, Lu Chen walked into the hall. Lu Tong stood up and said with a smile, "Miss Lin, this is the dog Lu Chen."

The woman stood up slowly.

Lu Tong glanced at Lu Chen and continued to introduce: "Shen'er, this is Miss Lin Xilin that my father told you before."

"I've met Miss Lin."

"I met Mr. Lu."

The two looked at each other, each looking calm, without the legendary sparks flying.

The young man and woman who met for the first time greeted each other according to the rules. Lu Tong, who was standing in the middle, couldn't help but smile quietly.

The three of them sat down one after another. Lu Tong realized that he could not express himself too obviously, so he calmed down and said to Lin Xi, "I really feel sorry for Miss Lin who has worked so hard to travel thousands of miles."

Lin Xi whispered softly: "Uncle Shi's words are serious. My father was able to tide over the difficulties thanks to Uncle Shi's help. This kindness has always been engraved in his heart. If the gang was not too busy with affairs, my father would definitely come in person. If this generation is not here tonight I'm passing on my skills on behalf of my father, and I also ask Uncle Shi to take care of me for a while."

After all, she was the No. 1 child of the Green Forest in the North. There was no hint of cowardice in her words, but she was not very eager and seemed a little distant.

Lu Tong smiled at this and said gently: "Your Majesty has already said in the letter that although Miss Lin is young, she has gained [-]% of his true heritage and is more than enough to teach dogs. When I learned that you were coming to Guangling, Lu had already arrived in Dongcheng in advance. We have purchased a house, which is quiet and undisturbed, and has been set up a few days ago. Mr. Lu also arranged for maids and servants, all of whom are sensible, smart and tight-spoken. Please feel free to stay here, Miss Lin."

This is what should be in the title.

Although Lin Xi is a child of the Jianghu family, she is still in a boudoir, and it is impossible for her to live in the Lu family directly.

Considering her special status and the purpose of her trip, Lu Tong would not let her stay in the inn. The current arrangement was very appropriate.

Lin Xi did not hesitate, nodded slightly and said, "Thank you, Uncle Shi, for taking the trouble."

This little thing is not worth anything to the Lu family, and Lu Tong will not talk about it again and again. He smiled and said: "This is what Lu should do. Regarding the next martial arts training matters, everything will be arranged by Miss Lin." .”

Lin Xi said calmly: "If Mr. Lu is fine, we can start tomorrow."

Lu Chen had been observing this young master, and it was slightly different from his imagination.

Of course, he would not imagine Lin Xi to be that ferocious, but she was definitely not the calm and elegant person she was now.

He glanced at Lu Tong without any trace, and the underlying meaning was very obvious: Dad, are you sure that this girl can really wield a knife and a gun, and is not an immersed in music, chess, calligraphy and painting since she was a child?

Lu Tong shook his head quietly and said: Don't worry, she will definitely be able to teach you the best martial arts.

Lu Chen withdrew his gaze and said to Lin Xi, "Then there is Miss Lao Lin."

Lin Xi was about to leave, and Lu Tong quickly persuaded him to stay. He had to have a casual meal anyway, so that the two young people could get to know each other better.

However, Lin Xi did not agree, and Lu Tong asked Lu Chen to take Lin Xi to the house in the east of the city. Lin Xi said calmly: "I don't dare to work with Mr. Lu, just tell me the address."

Lu Tong had no choice but to ask several servants in the mansion who were good at observing words and emotions to drive her there in a carriage.

After he left, Lu Tong raised his hand and patted Lu Chen's shoulder, and said earnestly: "From tomorrow on, you don't have to worry about anything. Just practice martial arts with Miss Lin. You must be attentive. Do you understand?"

This was the first time Lu Chen heard such a solemn tone from him.

 Lin Xi's character card has been added.

(End of this chapter)

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