
Chapter 27 027 [Soul Locking Incense]

Chapter 27 027 [Soul Locking Incense]

Today Lu Zhai welcomes a special guest.

When Lu Chen walked into the main hall, he heard Lu Tong say apologetically: "Brother, it is supposed that I should bring my dog ​​to the door to say thank you, why don't you come in person?"

The other person said in a gentle tone: "If something hadn't happened to our Jiangnan sect, I should have come over a few days ago to have a look. When I returned to Guangling today, I thought I'd stop by your place first to give Lu Chen a detailed diagnosis to avoid you I worry about you every day. I told you a long time ago not to be so outspoken, and there is no need for you and me to stick to politeness."

Lu Tong said gratefully: "Thank you for your concern, brother. The dog should be fine, but brother Yu is really worried."

The man sighed softly: "The poor hearts of parents in the world are nothing better than this."

Lu Daotong: "Yes, I don't expect him to succeed as an official, as long as he is safe and sound - Shen'er, come and see Xue Shibo."

Lu Chen, who had just walked into the hall, looked up and saw an old man over fifty years old sitting next to Lu Tong. He had a gentle temperament and a kind demeanor, which seemed to be like a fairy. He was smiling at the moment. Looking at himself.

This old man should be the famous Xue Divine Doctor Xue Huaiyi.

Lu Chen didn't know that Lu Tong had a life-saving benevolence for Doctor Xue, but he could confirm from this brief conversation that the friendship between the two was deeper than he expected.

He stepped forward and saluted respectfully: "My nephew, Lu Chen, pays homage to Xue Shibo."

Xue Huaiyi said gently and cordially: "My dear nephew, please get up quickly."

Lu Chen straightened up and stood aside politely, listening to the conversation between the two.

Although Lu Tong would not deliberately act like a strict father, even when there were foreign guests, Lu Chen knew exactly what he should do.

Xue Huaiyi looked at his expression for a while and then said to Lu Tong: "When I came back from Jiangnan, I happened to meet Su Yunqing going south. He told me the whole story and asked me to advise you to let him go as soon as possible. This child is determined to enter the Weaving Department. Dear brother, this is the first time I have heard from Su Yunqing that he has no hesitation in praising a young junior. It is quite rare."

Lu Tong suddenly smiled from ear to ear.

Although he kept saying that he only wanted Lu Chen to be safe and happy, how could he not be happy as a father when he could hear the sincere praise from others?
Lu Chen looked calm, but felt vaguely worried in his heart.

The Sutra Weaving Department's victory this time can be said to be a huge gain, but it does not mean that it can sit back and relax from now on.

The internal investigation, the elimination of the remnants of Beiyan, and the comfort of people's hearts are all very important matters. It is impossible for Su Yunqing to solve these problems in just a few days, and he is crossing the river south in such a hurry. No matter how he looks at it, Absolutely weird.

Judging from the contacts in the past period, Su Yunqing is not the kind of person who is greedy for profit and can't wait to return to the capital to ask for credit if he has some achievements.Either his acting skills were perfect and he didn't show any flaws in front of Lu Chen, or he had a reason to return to the capital immediately.

Recalling Lu Tong's previous statement, could it be that the struggle between the imperial court center and the Sutra Weaving Department became more and more intense?
It's just that these things are too far away from me, and it's boring to worry about them for nothing.

The two elders talked and laughed, but in fact most of their attention was on Lu Chen. Xue Huaiyi coughed lightly and said to Lu Chen: "My dear nephew, please sit down. I and your father are family friends, so there is no need to be so formal."

Lu Tong also said: "Since Xue Shibo has spoken, you should also sit down."

Lu Chen thanked him and sat down.

Xue Huaiyi said again: "After you contracted the disease in Pseudo-Yanshan City, your father told me about the disease. However, the letter sent back at that time was unclear. After all, you still have to ask yourself, what are the beginning, middle and after the disease? situation?"

Lu Chen thought for a while and said slowly: "My nephew led a caravan to arrive at Pseudo Yan Tieshan City on the fifth day of February, and delivered the goods that day. The buyer held a banquet, so my nephew took everyone in the business there. The name of the wine shop Weiqing Chenzui has a slightly strange name, but it looks very normal on the inside, and it is a well-known restaurant in Tieshan City."

Xue Huaiyi said: "There was nothing unusual during the dinner?"

Lu Chen replied: "My nephew doesn't remember clearly. According to the people who were accompanying him, nothing else happened at the banquet. About half an hour into the banquet, my nephew suddenly fainted and then fell unconscious until the second day of the banquet. He only woke up at the end of the month."

Xue Huaiyi pondered: "During your coma, were you still conscious?"

Lu Chen said: "There are only some remaining fragments, and they are not very real. In a trance, my nephew seemed to be able to feel someone talking in his ears, and someone was talking about his condition, but he could not open his eyes or speak, and he fell into a coma completely afterwards. It’s getting longer and longer.”

Lu Tong had a sad look on his face. Listening to Lu Shen's calm narration, he was still frightened.

Xue Huaiyi couldn't care less about comforting his old friend, frowned slightly, and continued to ask: "Is there anything strange when you woke up? How did you feel about your physical condition after you woke up?"

Lu Chen said slowly: "My nephew doesn't know why he woke up, as if he just slept. As for waking up, my body recovered quickly, but there are many past events that I can't remember."

He did not conceal the details, partly because of his trust in Lu Tong, and partly because he also wanted to find out the source of the original owner's illness.

If he really fell ill, it would be fine. If he was poisoned as he suspected, he had to take precautions - and he also had to do something for the original owner.

Xue Huaiyi nodded slightly and then said, "I'll help you diagnose your pulse first." Lu Chen stood up and walked over, slightly bowing his waist and extending his hand. Xue Huaiyi stretched out three fingers and listened carefully to his pulse.

After a while, he nodded to Lu Chen and said to Lu Tong, "Don't worry, dear brother, your son has fully recovered and there is no hidden worry in his body."

Lu Tong breathed a sigh of relief and asked again: "Brother, what exactly caused his strange illness?"

Xue Huaiyi glanced at Lu Chen, who had a calm expression, and said hesitantly: "Brother, have the Lu family had any grudges with anyone in the past few years?"

Lu Tong was startled, but then he understood the deep meaning of the other party's words, shook his head and said: "Brother, you should know the temperament of my foolish brother. I have always paid attention to being kind to others and making money. The Lu family does have business rivals, such as the Gu family firm in Guangling City, which has become more and more popular in recent years. There have been some conflicts. However, these are common trivial matters in the business world, so they shouldn’t have gone as far as this, right?”

The further back he got, the more hesitant his tone became.

Since ancient times, wealth has attracted people's hearts, and the prosperity of the Lu family will inevitably squeeze and occupy the interests of others. Over time, it is difficult to guarantee that some people will hate it madly.

Xue Huaiyi sighed: "Actually, I am not completely sure, but the appearance of my nephew's disease, especially the symptoms in the early and middle stages, reminds me of an event from many years ago."

Lu Tong said seriously: "Brother, please tell me."

"More than 30 years ago, I became famous in the old capital for my medical skills. I was favored by the head of the Taiyuan Hospital at that time, so he took me under his tutelage. However, I did not work in the Taiyuan Hospital because I did not want to walk on thin ice all day long asking questions for the nobles. Clinic. Perhaps thanks to the care of my ancestor, or the protection of the Xue family in Jiangnan, I finally achieved my wish. Not only can I learn medical skills from my ancestor, but I can also continue to practice medicine among the people. Ahem... Nephew Don’t be offended, people tend to be a little wordy as they get older.”

Xue Huaiyi looked at Lu Chen and smiled apologetically.

Lu Chen said respectfully: "It is my nephew's honor to be able to listen to Uncle Shi talk about the past."

Xue Huaiyi nodded happily, and then went straight to the point: "When I was studying strange diseases in the world with my ancestor, he once talked about a strange poison called Soul-locking Incense. This poison was made from dozens of materials with weird medicinal properties. It can turn poisoned people into living dead, and most doctors can't find the cause. The patient is only unconscious on the surface, but in fact, his vitality is gradually passing away, until he is completely cut off."

Lu Tong took a breath.

Lu Chen's expression also became serious.

Lu Tong asked in a deep voice: "Brother, who knows how to develop this poison?"

Xue Huaiyi shook his head slightly and said with shame: "I have been practicing medicine for decades and have never seen this kind of poison. Everything I know is the words of my ancestor. He never told the origin of this soul-locking incense and the method of rescue. , just tell me as an anecdote. By the way, my master said that Soul Locking Incense has a strong smell, which can be noticed even if it is mixed in dishes. It must be accompanied by strong wine to make it silent. interest."

Qing Shen Drunkard... Banquet...

These words quickly appeared in the minds of the father and son. Lu Tong's eyes were full of evil, and he said coldly: "Sure enough, someone is planning to murder!"

Lu Chen raised his eyes and looked at him.

Xue Huaiyi sighed: "It's a pity that I was not in Beidi at that time. If I could see my nephew's symptoms with my own eyes, I should be able to confirm whether he was poisoned. At the moment, I can only speculate, with about [-] to [-]% certainty."

Lu Chen knew in his heart that doctors of any era could never be too confident. Xue Huaiyi said he was [-] to [-] percent sure, but in fact it was basically certain that the original owner was poisoned by the strange poison called Soul-locking Incense.

Lu Tong suppressed the anger in his heart and said to Xue Huaiyi: "Fortunately, I have an elder brother to answer my questions, otherwise I would have been kept in the dark. It's just that this poison is so fierce, in the future..."

Xue Huaiyi said with relief: "My dear brother, don't panic. According to my master, making this soul-locking incense is quite complicated, the required materials are difficult to find, and the method of poisoning is very simple. You just need to be careful in the future and don't go too far." Worry.”

Lu Tong responded gratefully.

After a while, Xue Huaiyi stood up and said goodbye, and Lu Tong and Lu Chen were sent outside the house.

The two returned immediately, and Lu Tong whispered: "My father will immediately send someone to Pseudo Yantieshan City to find out the restaurant and the relevant people who hosted the banquet for you."

Lu Chen felt a warmth in his heart and said calmly: "Father, I think the Gu family in the city can also be tested a little bit."

The father and son looked at each other, and Lu Tong nodded and said, "Okay."

 Thanks to the two big guys "Just come and have a look" and "Ah C" for the reward!Will be updated after release.

  Thank you to book friends for your support during this period of collections, comments, rewards and votes. I can only continue to work hard and write to repay everyone.

  Rotate and roll 540 degrees, continue to read every day~!If you follow up, you will get more exposure~!Please please~!

(End of this chapter)

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