Chapter 51 The word filial piety!
When he heard Lin Feng categorically say, "You didn't inject the poison at all," Zhao Minglu immediately stood there as if struck by lightning.

His eyes widened, his hands subconsciously clenched into fists, his face was pale, his body was shaking, and he opened his mouth to say something, but no sound came out at all.

Looking at Lin Feng's hand pointing outside, he couldn't even take a step.

He kept swallowing and shaking his head, but his denial was filled with a sense of powerlessness.

This scene that clearly revealed his inner thoughts made Sun Fujia, who was already shocked, feel even more frightened in his heart.

"Could it be that... what Zide said is true?"

"The poison in Zhou Waner's body was really, really not inflicted by you?"

Sun Fujia's head was buzzing. He followed Dai Zhou to Shangzhou to investigate the re-examination of the Zhao Deshun case.

He knew very well that Dai Zhou and Wei Zheng were also very concerned about poison.

When Dai Zhou and the others asked Zhao Minglu, Zhao Minglu did not hesitate and insisted that he was the one who had administered the poison.

And he also said that he bought the poison from Dr. You Fang, but Dr. You Fang had already left, and Dai Zhou and the others could not verify it.

It's just that Zhao Minglu made everything very clear, and he did take action that night, with blood as evidence... so Dai Zhou and the others didn't dwell on the matter.

Unexpectedly, it was only now that Sun Fujia learned from Lin Feng that all of this was false!
It's a lie!

Zhao Minglu had no motive at all and no time to poison!

He looked at Zhao Minglu. At this moment, even the extremely well-educated Sun Fujia couldn't help but said angrily: "Zhao Minglu, what do you think? Do you want the truth to be revealed, or do you want us to be convicted of an unjust case? We We trusted you so much, but in the end, you lied to us!"

Zhao Minglu opened his mouth, not knowing what to say. Finally... he lowered his head.

"sorry Sorry……"

No matter how much Sun Fuga blamed him, he just kept saying sorry.

When Sun Fujia saw this scene, he was really angry.

Bang it!
Sun Fuga was so angry that he kicked the stool over.

When Zhao Shiwu saw this, he quickly shrank his neck.

This was the first time he saw Sun Fuga so angry.

"Dr. Sun, don't be angry yet."

At this time, Lin Feng's voice was still calm and calm: "Actually, he lied, and I can guess the reason."

When Sun Fuga heard this, he looked at Lin Feng fiercely.

Zhao Minglu suddenly raised his head. He shook his head and looked at Lin Feng with pleading eyes.

Lin Feng's heart was as hard as iron and his face was expressionless: "You are a self-righteous filial son! But are you really filial?"

"Do you think you are helping your father? As everyone knows, by doing this, you are really making your father bear the injustice! Even if your father dies, he will not be able to remain innocent!"

Zhao Minglu was stunned.

Sun Fujia couldn't help but said: "Zide, what on earth is going on?"

Zhao Shiwu also looked at Lin Feng curiously.

Lin Feng looked at Zhao Minglu and said calmly: "Actually, the reason is not complicated... As Zhao Minglu said, he did have murderous intentions and stabbed Zhou Waner with a dagger."

"But, that's all. He didn't know about Zhou Waner's poisoning at all. He didn't even know that someone had poisoned Zhou Waner."

"It was Dai Gong and Wei Gong who went to re-investigate the case and asked him about the poison, and then he found out."

"At that time, Wei Gong and Dai Gong were already questioning him. He suddenly learned about this matter and had no time to think about it at all, so he could only find a temporary reason and make it up... This left the flaw I just discovered. .”

"if not……"

Lin Feng looked at Zhao Minglu: "With your ability as a scholar, given you so many days, you should have been able to come up with a lie without any flaws."

Zhao Minglu did not dare to look into Lin Feng's eyes and lowered his head.

"And the reason why you did this..."

Lin Feng took a deep breath and said, "Just to... take the blame for your father."

"What? Taking the blame for Zhao Deshun?"

Sun Fujia was so shocked that his voice became sharp.

He stared wide-eyed and said in disbelief: "Zhao Minglu is going to take the blame for Zhao Deshun... Isn't this... Zhao Deshun taking the blame for Zhao Minglu?" Zhao Shiwu was also stunned.

He found that he could no longer turn his head.

Zhao Minglu, on the other hand, closed his eyes in pain and said nothing.

Lin Feng looked at Zhao Minglu who was in pain and said calmly: "What do you have to be in pain for? Your father, who still doesn't know whether he is innocent or not, should feel pain because of you, right?"

With a flick of the brush, Zhao Minglu suddenly opened his eyes.

"What did you say!?"

Lin Feng said calmly: "After you heard about Zhou Waner's poisoning, the first thought that came to your mind was that your father was responsible for the poison... That's why you nodded and admitted it without hesitation, because you didn't I hope your father dies and still has to bear the crime of poisoning and killing, right?"

"You think your son should bear everything for your father. This is your filial piety... Are you still touched by your filial piety?"

Zhao Minglu's face was pale, and he avoided looking at Lin Feng's eyes... Lin Feng's eyes were so terrifying, as if he could see through everything about him, leaving him completely invisible.

He said: "No...isn't it?"


Lin Feng sneered: "That's a fart!"

"Since when do you think you don't even need evidence to convict someone? After investigating so many cases, this is the first time I've seen such a hasty conviction! It's a son who convicts his father!"

Lin Feng was full of noise and wanted to vomit: "Let me ask you... what evidence do you have to prove that your father was responsible for the poison? Did you see it with your own eyes?"


Before Zhao Deshun could answer, Lin Feng said directly: "You can't see it with your own eyes. If you see it with your own eyes, you won't be able to kill anyone again!"

"You have already seen your father poisoning, so why would you do it... Even if you did, you must have done it for your father. How could you let your father take the blame for you... The logic is totally illogical. !So you can’t possibly know about your father’s poisoning!”

Zhao Minglu pursed his lips and said: "A few days before I took action...Dad, Daddy had a fight with Zhou Waner, and even slapped Zhou Waner. I have never seen dad so angry...So, so..."

"So you think that poison was given by your father?" Lin Feng looked at him.

Zhao Minglu nodded silently.

Lin Feng almost laughed in anger: "Your father is not you. As your son, your father's concubine seduced you... You can't tell your father and you don't know what to do. I can understand."

"But your father is the head of the family. If he really doesn't like Zhou Waner, given his status, wouldn't it be better to just divorce Zhou Waner? Why would he poison her? With his status and ability, he has too much There are many ways to deal with Zhou Wan'er, why bother poisoning her yourself?"

"Of course...unless Zhou Waner has mastered some ulterior secret of your father's! It's possible that your father has no choice but to kill someone and silence him."

Zhao Minglu shook his head hastily: "Impossible! My father is a businessman, philanthropic, and very kind. It is impossible for him to have such a secret that requires killing people to hide..."

Lin Feng said: " think it's impossible for her to master your father's ulterior secrets. Why do you still think it would be better to poison her than to divorce her?"


His face turned pale and he said, "Could it be that it really wasn't my father who poisoned me?"

Lin Feng said calmly: "Of course, all this is still speculation, and there is no evidence to prove who poisoned him... But at least, judging from the clues currently available, your father's motive for poisoning is not sufficient."

"Logically speaking, if Zhou Waner really knows your father's ulterior secret and your father wants to get rid of it quickly, then he should not beat Zhou Waner to let people know that he is dissatisfied with Zhou Waner... In this case, once Zhou Waner If something goes wrong, just like you, he must be the first person to be suspected. Your father's business can be so large, and with his patience, he will make such a simple mistake? "

"Furthermore, what is your father's status? Does he really need to take action to deal with a weak woman? He wants to get rid of Zhou Waner. Is it difficult to create an accident and make Zhou Waner fall off the cliff? Isn't it better to spend money to hire a professional killer to handle it? ? Do it yourself... Do you think you are your father, like you, powerless and without scheming? "

"Finally, with Zhou Waner's thoughts, if she really mastered your father's ulterior secret, would she still need to use her innocence to plot against you? Couldn't she directly coerce your father? Didn't she just get it from your father? Didn’t I have to find you because of the benefits?”

Lin Feng's three well-founded inferences made Zhao Minglu confused. He stood there blankly, silent for a long time.

Zhao Shishi and Sun Fujia were also dumbfounded and nodded repeatedly.

"So... the possibility of Zhao Deshun poisoning is really not high." Sun Fujia took a deep breath and said.

Lin Feng looked at Zhao Minglu: "When your father's suspicion was very low, you deliberately lied and concealed it because of your self-righteous judgment. You thought you were very filial, and you thought you covered up the crime for your father."

"But I don't know that your father might be wronged because of this!"

"Do you think Zhao Deshun, who is under the influence of Jiuquan, will be happy because his son suspects him of poisoning?"

Zhao Minglu seemed to be unable to bear this fact and couldn't help but step back. Suddenly he staggered and collapsed directly to the ground.

"How can this happen... how can this happen..."

(End of this chapter)

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