Chapter 50 You are lying!

Zhao Minglu covered his head after being scolded by Lin Feng, and cried in pain: "Stop talking, stop talking..."

At this moment, it was as if all the pain that had been accumulated in my heart for a month and a half suddenly opened and was released instantly.

The cry was pitiful and pitiful.

So much so that the people guarding the Yushitai outside almost thought that Lin Feng was lynching and came in to check.

Zhao Shiwu was a little at a loss and didn't know whether to persuade Zhao Minglu to stop crying.

Sun Fujia's eyes moved slightly. He was silent for a long time before he finally understood Lin Feng's intention.

He looked at Lin Feng and couldn't help but sigh: "I thought you were angry and deliberately taught him a lesson... Now it seems that I misunderstood you."

"What?" Zhao Fifteen was very confused. His adoptive father made him cry like this. Isn't this a lesson?

Sun Fujia looked at Zhao Minglu who was crying and explained: "You have also seen Zhao Minglu's condition. He is almost killing himself. This is a heart disease. A lot of pain is accumulated in his heart and cannot be released. If this continues , you can only let yourself move towards death step by step."

"Zide seemed to be poking him in pain everywhere, but instead it revealed the biggest guilt and pain in Zhao Minglu's heart. Zhao Minglu should have been feeling guilty about what Zide said. He had so many choices, but he didn't. Seize... Now that Zi's virtue has been revealed, he can cry out, but it can release his emotions, so that he will not really collapse under the pressure of emotions. "

When Zhao Shiwu heard this, he couldn't help but widen his eyes. He thought his adoptive father was trying to deal with this guy who had a bad attitude towards his adoptive father.

Unexpectedly, his adoptive father turned out to be cold-hearted and was helping Zhao Minglu.

Lin Feng said calmly: "You are overthinking. I am simply attacking him and making him obedient. Don't delay my investigation."

Zhao Shishi and Sun Fujia looked at each other and saw the word disbelief in each other's eyes.

"Zi De is cold on the outside and hot on the inside!" Sun Fujia lamented.

After Zhao Minglu cried for a full quarter of an hour, Lin Feng's voice sounded again: "Are you done crying? Do you still want the truth?"

Zhao Minglu suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Feng: "The truth?"

Lin Feng looked at Zhao Minglu, whose eyes were red from crying, but finally had a trace of life. He was no longer as lifeless as when he first saw him. He said coldly: "Since you feel guilty, then don't yell about being uncooperative..." There are problems with your father’s case, and I want to find the truth, so I will ask you questions and don’t hide them.”

Perhaps it was Lin Feng who carried a special convincing temperament, or maybe it was Sun Fujia's words that made Zhao Minglu listen, or perhaps Zhao Minglu was simply frightened by Lin Feng's scolding and became afraid of Lin Feng... In short As Lin Feng spoke, Zhao Minglu was finally no longer so resistant.

Lin Feng looked at Zhao Minglu and said, "The file says that you sneaked into Zhou Waner's room while night was falling and she was sleeping, and killed her, right?"

Zhao Minglu took a deep breath and nodded immediately: "That's right."

"Zhou Waner sleeps alone?"

"My father was quite busy at that time. Every time he finished his work late at night, he would rest in the study, so she always slept by herself those days."

Lin Feng nodded and continued to ask: "She was sleeping, and the door was not locked with a latch?"


"Then how did you sneak in and kill people?"

In the early Tang Dynasty, the windows in ordinary homes were mainly mullioned windows. These windows could not be opened or closed. When it was warm, a layer of window paper would suffice. When the weather was cold, curtains would be hung to block the wind.

Only in places like the palace, with the most advanced technology, did windows begin to have opening and closing functions.

Therefore, it was impossible for Zhao Minglu to enter through the window.

Zhao Minglu said: "I was outside the door, reached in through the crack of the door with a dagger, and then lifted the door bolt upward."

Lin Feng looked at Zhao Minglu, a scholar, and raised his eyebrows: "I didn't expect you to have such ability... What? The book also teaches you how to sneak into other people's rooms?"

After hearing Lin Feng's words, Zhao Minglu's face suddenly turned red.

As a scholar, this was simply a humiliation for him. He said: "This is not that difficult, a three-year-old can do it."

"A three-year-old?"

Lin Feng was really curious: "Whose three-year-old child can open the door like this? Is this a born gentleman?"

Zhao Minglu said: "You are not allowed to say that! The grandson of the housekeeper in our house was exactly three years old. One day I saw him using a stick to pick up a piece of wood lying in front of him... This is the same as me using a dagger. Lifting the latch, what’s the difference?”

When Zhao Shiwu heard this, he was immediately shocked.

Children are playing games there, and children are playing innocently.

In your case, it has directly transformed into a means of sneaking into other people's rooms. In a sense, you are indeed a talent. Zhao Shiwu admires your ability to draw inferences from one example.

"and then?"

Lin Feng looked at him and said, "You succeeded all of a sudden?"

Zhao Minglu coughed and shook his head: "It's not that easy. I've never tried it before. It was a bit awkward at first. It took me several times to really open the door latch."

Lin Feng thought for a while and said: "With your unfamiliar technique, you must have made some noise, and Zhou Waner didn't notice it?"

Zhao Minglu shook his head: "She was sleeping peacefully. Not to mention the process of me lifting the door latch, even if the door latch accidentally fell to the ground, it didn't wake her up."

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly: "Did the door bolt fall to the ground? Why is it not in the file?"

Zhao Minglu said: "Is this important? It's not something special."

Lin Feng squinted his eyes and said, "Continue."

Zhao Minglu continued: "After the door latch fell off, it almost scared me to death. I thought she must have woken up. But I listened outside for a long time and didn't hear any movement. I knew it was a false alarm."

"Then I secretly opened the door and walked in."

"I quietly came to her bed, lifted up the bedclothes, aimed at her heart, and stabbed directly into her heart with the knife."

Zhao Shishi couldn't help but cover his heart subconsciously when he heard this, and looked at Zhao Minglu with a complicated expression. He didn't expect that Zhao Minglu looked like a scholar and had the elegant temperament, but he was also really ruthless when he moved his hands.


But at this moment, Lin Feng suddenly shouted stop.

Zhao Minglu and others looked at him doubtfully, and then Lin Feng said: "Zhou Waner lights candles when she sleeps at night?"

Zhao Minglu looked surprised: "How do you know?"

Sun Fujia also looked at Lin Feng in surprise: "I don't even know about this. It shouldn't be written in the file, right?"

Lin Feng smiled and said: "Some things can be deduced without writing them in black and white."

It was also a matter of the moon phase. It was the last quarter of the moon and there was no moonlight at the time of the incident. With the doors and windows closed, we relied on the candles outside to emit weak lanterns. It was not completely dark indoors, and it would not be very clear, let alone he could still see it. He could now aim at the heart of the deceased, which was located at the far end of the room and shrouded in bed gauze.

It is impossible for Zhao Minglu, a murderer, to enter the room with a light source. The only possibility is that there is light in the room.

Like in film and television works, in the dark night, you still go in to kill people in the dark?I'm afraid that if I go in, I'll bump into a table or stool and be discovered.

Zhao Minglu listened to Lin Feng's words and saw that Lin Feng didn't need the file or even himself. It was as if he had seen the scene in his own house with his own eyes. He couldn't help but have some hope for Lin Feng inexplicably.

He didn't hide anything and said: "Wei Gong and the others only asked me about the process of doing it, which is what I just said... They didn't mention the candle, so I ignored it."

Lin Feng was not surprised that Zhao Minglu ignored the candle and the door bolt.

When looking for clues in the past life, even if there is a witness, the criminal investigators need to be slowly guided so that the witness can think of more things.

Because ordinary people don't know what is important and what is not important. They have their own set of perceptions and will choose what they think is important.

But often, some details are overlooked.

In addition, Zhao Minglu was so panicked that he ran away, so he didn't care about it anymore.

Wei Zheng and Dai Zhou estimated that they didn't find anything unreasonable or illogical in Zhao Minglu's testimony. Since Zhao Minglu didn't take the initiative to talk about these details, and so many days had passed, they would naturally ignore them.Lin Feng asked: "Does Zhou Waner always like to sleep with candles lit?"

Zhao Minglu said: "She said she was afraid of the dark, so she always lit candles... But from my perspective, she just did too many bad things and was suspicious."

Lin Feng thoughtfully continued: "From the time you opened the door, to coming to her bed, to committing the murder...she didn't wake up during the whole process? Didn't she notice you?"

Zhao Minglu shook his head: "She slept like a dead pig."

"Dead pig..."

Lin Feng squinted his eyes, pondered for a moment, and said: "The autopsy record said that Zhou Waner's wounds had many stab wounds, which was the result of being stabbed multiple times... Why did you stab her so many times?"

Zhao Minglu said: "I was not strong enough to stab her directly with one knife, so I stabbed her a few more times to ensure that I could really kill her."

"How many more stabs... how many stabs in total?"

"I can't remember exactly. I think there were five or six knives."

Five or six swords... Lin Feng said: "During the whole process, Zhou Waner didn't wake up? No resistance?"

Zhao Minglu shook his head: "No, my action went very smoothly."

Lin Feng nodded slightly and continued: "There is one more thing in the autopsy record..."

He looked at Zhao Minglu with his eyes fixed on it, as if he wanted to remember every detail of Zhao Minglu's reaction, and said: "...Toxin was detected in Zhou Waner's body. She was poisoned before she died."

"Did you inject the poison?"

Zhao Minglu seemed to have said it too many times, so he opened his mouth and said, "Of course I did it."

"Oh? Why poison?"

Zhao Minglu frowned and said, "It should be in the file... This bitch is so cruel and heartless, how can I keep her?"

"So I poisoned her. Originally I wanted to slowly kill her with the poison so that no one could detect it, but she dared to attack my father. I was afraid that she would really harm my father, so I had to Use a knife to strike faster and more effectively."

Zhao Shiwu swept the goosebumps on his arms and felt that these scholars were very cruel and terrifying.

Not to mention the use of poison, he actually disliked the slow effect of poison!
Sun Fujia had known this for a long time and was no longer surprised by it.

But just when they were feeling emotional or not surprised, they only heard a bang.

Lin Feng actually slapped his palm on the table, stared at Zhao Minglu with sharp eyes, and suddenly shouted without warning: "You are lying!"

"Zhao Minglu! Are you still telling lies now? Do you really not want the truth to come?"

Brush it.

Zhao Minglu's vision suddenly froze.

Zhao Shiwu, who was sweeping away goosebumps, raised his head blankly.

Sun Fujia looked at Lin Feng fiercely, completely confused: "Zide, what did you say? Lie? Zhao Minglu is lying?"

Zhao Minglu shook his head quickly: "I didn't lie, I told the truth!"


Lin Feng sneered: "Okay! Then let me ask you!"

"You said you administered the poison. Where did you get the poison?"

Zhao Minglu subconsciously grabbed the corner of his clothes and said, "Buy... bought it."

"Where did you buy it?"

"A... doctor You Fang, I don't know his name. He only set up a stall in Shangzhou City for a day or two and then left, so I don't know where he went."

Lin Feng smiled and said: "What a doctor, You Fang, who knows where he went... Did you put a lot of thought into thinking of this reason, and do you think that even Wei Gong and the others can't verify the authenticity of this reason?"

Zhao Minglu did not dare to look into Lin Feng's eyes and said, "Everything I said is true."


Lin Feng said calmly: "Then let me ask you again, why did you poison me?"

Zhao Minglu didn't know why: "I have already said that that bitch has a vicious heart..."

"Vicious-hearted? When did you know that she was vicious-hearted?" Lin Feng said.

Zhao Minglu said: "Of course they plotted against me..."

After a pause, his tone suddenly changed: "When she seduced me."

Lin Feng looked at Zhao Minglu and laughed: "Seduce you... and you have murderous intentions?"

"Zhao Minglu, you are a person who reads the books of sages. Don't tell me. The books of sages tell you that if a woman wants to recommend herself as a pillow, you should kill her and silence her!"


Zhao Minglu opened his mouth and didn't know how to answer.

"I ask you again, why didn't you tell your father when she seduced you?"

"Daddy is busy... I don't want him to waste his energy on this matter. Besides, that bitch pretends to be very good. Daddy doesn't know at all. Daddy still dotes on her. Daddy will be very sad if he finds out. Besides, I I don’t know how to tell my father...and if others find out about this, it will bring humiliation to me, the leader of the Zhao family, and my face will be tarnished."

Lin Feng smiled: "You poisoned people and killed my aunt, so that you would be proud of it? Wouldn't you let your father waste his energy? Wouldn't your father be sad? You have the nerve to tell your father?"


Lin Feng stepped forward, pressing forward step by step. His sharp eyes were fixed on Zhao Minglu's eyes, as if he had directly seen through Zhao Minglu's deepest secret in his heart: "Zhao Minglu! Do you still want to make excuses?"

He grabbed the file on the table, opened it, and said, "Open your eyes wide and take a look. This is your confession!"

"When Zhou Wan'er plotted against you, according to your confession, you were just angry and at a loss... At that time, you were just at a loss! What? Do you want to say that the confession you gave to Duke Wei was a lie? ?Is it a lie?"


Lin Feng took another step forward and said in a penetrating voice: "When you really had the murderous intention, you heard that they wanted to kill your father... But you have no evidence to prove this. You are afraid that if you say it, no one will I will believe you, so in order to protect your father, you can only choose to strike first. This is your motive for murder!"

"That is to say, the murderous intention and the murder occurred on the same day... Since it is the same day, you have already decided to kill with a knife, how can you use poison again?"

"Are you afraid that Zhou Waner won't notice the abnormality in advance?"

"Besides, you are a person who is not familiar with the world and only reads books from sages. Do you know where to buy poison? I will give you one day to buy poison in Chang'an City. If you can buy poison in the pharmacy, I respect you as a man!"

Lin Feng pointed outside and said, "Go! Now I'm asking you to verify your words, so go ahead!"

Zhao Minglu kept retreating: "I...I..."

He shook his head, looking pale and wanted to explain, but couldn't find any words to explain.

Lin Feng looked at him and made a final decision: "Stop explaining and making excuses. There is only one fact."

"That is--"

Lin Feng looked at him coldly: "You didn't inject the poison at all!"

 Two chapters and more than 500 words are presented!

(End of this chapter)

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