People are in Zhenguan, solving crimes scientifically

Chapter 26 Have you figured out the modus operandi?

Chapter 26 Have you figured out the modus operandi?

Hearing the words "Lin Feng is here", Dai Zhou felt that the light in front of him became brighter.

He was about to get up immediately, but when he saw Wei Zheng sitting beside him as calm as Mount Tai, he coughed and said, "Let Lin Feng and the others come in."

Not long after, Lin Feng, Sun Fuga and others entered the back hall.

As soon as he entered the back hall, Lin Feng saw Wei Zheng sitting upright on the main seat.

Stern and this the famous Wei Zheng?Sure enough, at first glance, he looks like a righteous, upright, and not angry person.

Lin Feng and Sun Fuga quickly saluted.

Dai Zhou looked at Lin Feng and said straight to the point: "Lin Feng, you should already know what happened. How about it? Are you confident in finding the arsonist?"

Just as Lin Feng was about to speak, a shout suddenly sounded.

"Wait a moment!"

Wei Zheng suddenly stopped Lin Feng.

"?" Lin Feng was puzzled.

Then, under his puzzled gaze, Wei Zheng stood up without warning, took a few long steps, and came directly in front of him.

Lin Feng looked at Wei Zheng and saw that Wei Zheng was staring at him sharply, his brows furrowed, as if he was very dissatisfied with himself.

Lin Feng's heart tightened, what's going on?I haven't said anything yet, so why did I anger this famous troll?
Then... Lin Feng saw Wei Zheng reaching out and pulling down his prison uniform. At the same time, he pressed his own prison uniform, smoothing the wrinkles on Lin Feng's prison uniform. Then he raised his head and scattered Lin Feng's clothes in front of his ears. The hair was sent behind the ears.

After doing all this, Wei Zheng looked Lin Feng up and down again.

Then he nodded with satisfaction, the sharpness in his eyes quickly turned into an upright majesty, and said: "Go ahead."

Lin Feng: "..."


Is this really obsessive-compulsive disorder?

Dai Zhou and Sun Fujia's eyelids couldn't stop twitching for a long time before Dai Zhou took a deep breath and said: "Lin Feng, tell me."

Lin Feng was almost made to forget what he wanted. He said: "I can't guarantee whether I can find the arsonist. I need to find clues first. I hope Wei Gong and Dai Gong will cooperate."

Dai Zhou nodded: "Go and check. I have already given instructions. As long as you don't leave the Yushitai, no one will stop you."

"Dr. Sun, please go and cooperate with Lin Feng... In addition, I have found three suspects. Lin Feng, you can go and inquire in person."

Why is Dai Zhou so nice to me... Lin Feng was flattered and said: "Thank you, Dai Shangshu."

"Go." Dai Zhou waved his hand.

Lin Feng came here just to find the arsonist, so naturally he would not delay, he quickly turned around and left.

After Lin Feng left, the iron ball in Dai Zhou's hand started spinning again. He said with a smile, "Mr. Wei, do you think Lin Feng can find the arsonist quickly?"

Wei Zheng said calmly: "Based on his previous experience, I don't think he can do it, but yesterday he did an outstanding job when he solved the haunted case in the palace."

Dai Zhou was waiting for Wei Zheng's conclusion, but found that Wei Zheng suddenly stopped mid-sentence. He looked at Wei Zheng inexplicably: "What then?"

Wei Zheng asked, "What else is there? I only tell the facts and never make any inferences."

Is that why you half-talk?

Do you know that this deserves a beating?
Dai Zhou's eyes twitched when he heard this, and he said: "I think he can quickly find the arsonist. Today, I think he will be able to solve the case today... If Wei Gong doubts his ability, why don't we make a bet?" Huh? Whoever loses, how about not talking for a whole day?"

If you don't speak for a day, you will be choked up, you are such a big troll!

Wei Zheng looked at Dai Zhou and said, "Boring!"

Dai Zhou gritted his teeth and said: "If you win, next time you find fault with others, I will stand by you and help you complain! I will never let you be as embarrassed as last time and no one will agree. how?"

Wei Zheng clenched his fists.


Lin Feng didn't know that after he left, Dai Zhou was tempting Wei Zheng to make a bet with him, and he had already arrived at the arson scene.

This is a single room with no connecting rooms on the left and right.

The windows in this room have been burned out, all the window paper has been burnt out, and the walls have been blackened by smoke.

Water stains left by the fire fighting still remain at the scene.

There were people from the Ministry of Justice guarding the door. Except for Wei Zheng's cronies who went in to take stock of the files, no one entered again.

"It seems that the protection of the scene is still intact." Lin Feng said.

Sun Fujia nodded: "After learning the news of the fire, Dai Shangshu came with his people overnight. After arriving here, he immediately ordered people to seal off the scene and at the same time controlled all the people who were still at the Yushitai. , no one of them is allowed to leave at will."

He has rich experience. It seems that Lao Dai can hold the position of Minister of the Ministry of Justice for no reason... Lin Feng said: "Where was the white tiger pattern found?"

Sun Fuga pointed to the bluestone three feet away from the door and said, "Is this right here?"

Lin Feng took a look and said: "The fire was at the window. The door was not affected, and it was placed so far away... It can be seen that this is for fear that the paper will be burned by the fire and we will not find it."

Sun Fujia nodded: "I think so too."

Lin Feng entered the file room and looked around.

I saw that the configuration of this file room was very simple. There were rows of shelves against the wall, and the shelves were filled with files.

Next to the window is a large table.

At this time, most of the table was burned, and the side near the window was completely burned to ashes. Even the legs of the table were burned away, causing the table to fall directly, and the ground was covered with burned ashes.

There is a small space between the table and the shelf, and a stool is placed on the open space.At this time, there were some files piled on the stool.

Because there was still some space between the table and the table was not completely burned, the fire did not affect the stool and the files on the stool.

Lin Feng casually picked up a file and looked up: "...on the seventh day of the lunar month, the case of embezzlement of ink by the Minister of Household Affairs was closed, and he was sealed..."

"Seventh day?"

Sun Fujia glanced at the time in the file and said, "You have no idea about time in prison. The seventh day of the lunar month was yesterday. This case was concluded a few days ago. Yesterday, the Yushitai officially closed the case and sealed it."

Lin Feng nodded and sighed in his heart, Sun Fujia is such a good person. He didn't even need to ask these stupid questions himself, he would take the initiative to tell him and help him find a good reason.

Sun Fuga continued: "The files on the Zhao Deshun case were originally placed here, but when they were checked, they were found missing."

"What was really burned were the files placed on the table near the window."

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Actually, the file room was not seriously burned down. The biggest losses were a window, a table, and dozens of files, right?"

Sun Fujia nodded: "That's right."

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes: "There's something wrong!"

"What's wrong?" Sun Fuga asked hurriedly: "Did you find anything?"

"The fever is too light." Lin Feng said.

"Too light?"

Lin Feng shook his head. He came to the window without explaining to Sun Fujia.

The windows were completely burned out, and the wooden window frames were all burned away... The table near the window was also burned out.

Throughout the room, there is a clear distinction between the unburned areas.

"The fire started right here."

" did the fire start?"

Lin Feng's fingertips lightly touched the burned window frame. Suddenly his eyes flashed, he raised his fingertips, put it in front of his nose and smelled.

Lin Feng asked: "Who discovered the fire first?"

Sun Fuga said: "Serving Yushi Zheng Feng."

At the same time, he looked outside again and whispered: "He is one of the three suspects."

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows: "The suspect is still the first person to discover it, so it would be interesting to call him over."

Sun Fujia looked at Zhao Shiwu, who happily went to run errands.

"This is?"

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly squatted down and picked up a black cylinder from the ashes.

Sun Fuga said: "It seems to be a pen holder."

"Pen holder?"

This was the first time Lin Feng saw an ancient pen holder.

The cylinder is less than two inches in diameter and has a high energy of about five inches.

He tapped it lightly with his nails, and a crisp sound suddenly came out.

"Porcelain?" Lin Feng was surprised.

Sun Fujia nodded and said: "It is made of porcelain, but I don't like to use porcelain. I still like wooden ones. It is light and easy to carry. I don't have to worry about breaking it."

"But this pen holder is very lucky. The table burned down, but it didn't break when it fell."

Lin Feng listened to Sun Fuga's words and put the pen holder in front of his eyes to examine it carefully.

Only then did he realize that the tube was not black at all. It had been roasted by fire and had been roasted black.

It's not only browned on the outside, but also browned on the inside.

When he touched... the white paint dazzled his eyes.

He laughed and said, "Is this confusing right and wrong?"

Confusing right and wrong——

Suddenly, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly flashed, and a flash of inspiration flashed through his brain... Looking at the fire scene and the two distinct areas, Lin Feng's lips curled into a smile.



When Sun Feng saw Lin Feng smiling, he was startled at first, and then his eyes suddenly lit up. He hurriedly said: "Zide, have you discovered anything?"

Lin Feng pondered for a moment and decided to give the world a small shock. Of course...he wanted to show his abilities to the big guys and win their favor: "I know the methods of arsonists."

Sun Fujia's pupils suddenly dilated and his mouth opened wide.

After several breaths, he couldn't help but gulped: "We searched for half a night and found nothing. How long have you been here? Do you have half a stick of know this!? Although I know you are very powerful, but this... …It’s too fast!”

joke!Why is unhappiness like a deer crashing into the hearts of you big guys?
Lin Feng looked humble and said: "It's a fluke, it's just a fluke."


PS: Today I am sending you two chapters of [-] words. The arson case is a small case and the length will not be too big. The truth will be revealed tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I hope you will not keep reading. Thank you readers for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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