People are in Zhenguan, solving crimes scientifically

Chapter 25 Wei Zheng, don’t bully the old and the poor!

Chapter 25 Wei Zheng, don’t bully the old and the poor!
On the paper, there was a special white tiger pattern outlined with messy lines!
And this white tiger pattern is exactly the same as the pattern on the green bamboo legs!
Zhao Shiwu widened his eyes and said, "This...white tiger pattern, why does it appear at the door of the room where the fire broke out?"

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes. He looked at Sun Fuga and said, "Outside the door or inside the door?"

Sun Fuga said: "The door is covered with stones."

"Interesting! To be honest, I had no interest in this case originally. So what if the files are burned? It's not like we can only know the story of the Zhao Deshun case based on the files."

"But now." Lin Feng said lightly: "I really have to investigate."

Sun Fuga raised his thick eyebrows, looked at Lin Feng with a smile, and said, "Are you motivated?"

Lin Feng laughed and said: "They are clearly provoking me. If I don't fight, won't I be laughed at as a coward?"

Zhao Shiwu was still confused: "Father, what are you talking about?"

Lin Feng looked at his adopted son with caring eyes, whose talent was focused on his muscles, and said: "Before we caught Cuizhu, the white tiger pattern had never appeared in the world."

"But not long after we caught the green bamboo last night, we found a white tiger pattern outside the fire room at Yushitai. We also carefully pressed it with stones, for fear that it would be blown away by the wind and that we would not see it. What does that mean?"

Zhao Fifteen said, "What?"

Lin Feng straightened up, his eyes full of fighting spirit. In his previous life, he had encountered a case where a criminal provoked the police and deliberately left something behind every time he committed a crime.

The result directly angered Lin Feng. Lin Feng didn't sleep for three days and three nights, and he just led the team to find that guy.

Now, that feeling of inner fire appeared again.

He laughed and said: "What else can it mean? Provocation!"


"A provocation to me!"

Lin Feng's eyes were cold and he said: "Now anyone with some intelligence sources will know that what I need most urgently is to re-investigate the Zhao Deshun case!"

"And one of the keys to re-investigating the Zhao Deshun case is the file!"

"So, they deliberately set fire to the file room and left a white tiger pattern outside... This clearly tells me that they set the fire and burned the file! What can I do?"

Hiss... Zhao Shiwu couldn't help but take a breath of air.

Are these guys so arrogant?

That is the Yushitai, a place where a group of people with the most special status sit!
If you dare to do something like this to provoke your adoptive father, are you not afraid of being criticized for forever?

Lin Feng continued: "We do not rule out the possibility that someone deliberately used the names of Cuizhu's associates to commit arson."

"But this possibility is not high. After all, we just solved the haunting case last night and found the white tiger pattern on Cuizhu. It has only been a few hours now."

"The distance from the arson incident..."

He looked at Sun Fuga.

Sun Fuga hurriedly said: "The fire was discovered around three o'clock in the Chou hour."

"The three hours of ugly...the time is even shorter, only two hours..."

"Not everyone is a top scholar like Dr. Sun. He has a collection of tens of thousands of books at home, is rich in knowledge, and has a strong memory. He can find the book with the white tiger pattern in such a short period of time by relying on his memory."

"Not to mention, it's not enough to find the white tiger pattern. You also have to have time to commit arson on the royal censor's platform. You can also be invisible afterwards without being discovered... All of these are not something ordinary people can do. "

Zhao Shiwu scratched his head and said: "In this way, only Cuizhu and his colleagues can do it. They can hide beside Her Highness the Princess without being discovered. It seems that setting fire to the Yushitai is not unreasonable. possible."

Lin Feng said: "Of course, we who are investigating the case, even if the possibility is not high, we cannot directly judge that it is impossible. Whether it is yes or no, we still need evidence to speak for itself."

In addition...Lin Feng always had a feeling that this case was not only done by Cuizhu's associates, but also probably by Lin Feng, the deeply hidden Prime Minister of Dali Temple.

After all, who is it that can’t wait to teach myself a lesson, can’t wait to crush my own hope of survival, reacts so quickly, and can cut off the first sign of my survival... that is, hide it? Lin Feng, the Prime Minister of Dali Temple, has the deepest love!
It would be even more interesting if it was really him.

There is also a white tiger pattern left this a statement of challenge?

Lin Feng let out a sigh of relief. In his life, he had always been willing to accept the soft and not the tough, and that guy really made him ignite his fighting spirit.

Now that the other party has made a move, he should take the move himself.

He wanted to see what was going on with this arson case!

"Dr. Sun, let's go."

Lin Feng didn't delay any longer and walked directly out.Sun Fujia and Zhao Shiwu quickly followed.

But just after taking two steps, Lin Feng suddenly stopped at his feet. He looked at Sun Fujia and said, "Is he not dead?"


Sun Fujia was stunned for a moment, but soon he understood what Lin Feng meant. He shook his head: "No, live well."

Lin Feng thought for a moment and then said, "I have an idea."


He came to Sun Fujia's ear and whispered something.

Sun Fujia's eyes widened: "You?"

Lin Feng said with a faint smile: "I am not a person who likes to be beaten passively. I prefer to take the initiative. Believe me, there will be gains."

Sun Fujia thought for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'll let someone do it!"

Lin Feng reminded: "Do it secretly, let the people you trust the most do it, and don't let more people know."

"I see!"

Sun Fujia immediately turned around and went to the front hall to arrange the matter.

Not long after, he returned: "It's done, let's go."


Yushitai, the most special place in the entire Tang Dynasty.

The officials here do not have the same practical rights as the three provinces and six ministries, but they are not looked down upon by civil and military officials.

Their figures will appear in the palace of the center of power, in local government offices large and small, and in the military camps of any large army.

The most powerful thing about them is the pen in their hand and their mouth to spray people.

Among them, the most outstanding one is Wei Zheng, the imperial censor. He has criticized countless people, even Li Shimin dared to criticize him in person, but because of this, he has become a wise minister throughout the ages and a famous minister respected by the world!

At this time, the famous Wei Zheng was frowning as he listened to his subordinate's report.

"Wei Gong, after preliminary statistics, a total of 56 files were burned, one file was lost, and the remaining files are all intact."

Wei Zheng was sitting upright, with his back straight. Even though he was called in to deal with the fire in the middle of the night, there was no wrinkle in his official robe, his hair was combed meticulously, and his whole person exuded an unsmiling and dignified temperament.

He nodded slightly: "Make a list of the burned files and ask the relevant personnel to find a way to rewrite them. If you forget the relevant content, leave it blank... It is better not to write it than to write it randomly."

"Yes!" The subordinate nodded hurriedly.

Wei Zheng turned to look at Dai Zhou and saw that Dai Zhou was holding two iron balls in his hands, spinning continuously and making a sharp sound.

Wei Zheng frowned and said: "Dai Shangshu, as the saying goes, only by having a calm mind can one have a clear mind. If the mind is not calm, how can we solve the case? How can I safely entrust you with the important task of finding the arsonist?"

Dai Zhou was very used to finding fault with Wei Zheng's words, so he ignored them. He continued to spin the iron ball and said, "It doesn't matter, I have found three suspects."

"Before the fire broke out in the file room, they were either walking around or working nearby, and there is no witness to prove what they were doing when the fire broke out."

Wei Zheng was a little surprised: "So fast?"

Dai Zhou grinned, showing his white teeth: "I just promised to give Lin Feng the dossier, but the dossier is gone... This is not only a provocation to Lin Feng, but also a slap in my face! How can I delay?"

"Then what?" Wei Zheng asked, "Who is the real arsonist?"

Dai Zhou's expression froze.

He coughed and said, "Although the suspect has been found, there is no witness, so we can't be sure who it is..."

Wei Zheng burst into laughter: "Seeing that Dai Shangshu was so confident, I thought the result had been achieved."

Wei Zheng's sarcasm directly made Dai Zhou's expression stiffer. He knew that Wei Zheng, a troll, was difficult to handle!
If it weren't for the fact that the files on the Zhao Deshun case were lost, making it impossible for him to fulfill his promise and slapped himself in the face, he wouldn't have taken the initiative to come here!
"Just wait, when Lin Feng comes, I will show you what it means to solve a case quickly!"

"No matter what I say today, I will feel proud in front of you, Mr. Wei!"

Just as Dai Zhou was shouting in his heart, "Don't bully the old and the poor," a government servant hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Lin Feng is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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