People are in Zhenguan, solving crimes scientifically

Chapter 181 Sun Fujia arrives, information from Chang'an!

Chapter 181 Sun Fujia arrives, information from Chang'an!

Listening to Lin Feng's low-toned words, Du Gou couldn't help but feel his heart tightening. He looked at the shocking bloodstains, the decisive last words, the repaired holes, and the thick piles of blood on the ground. Iron plate, he couldn't help but closed his eyes heavily.

At this moment, there seemed to be sounds of encouragement to each other, but soon, the sounds turned into screams of killing.

Du Gou already knew very well what a ruthless force the Sixiang Organization was, so he understood that what awaited them after their escape failed would be worse than death.

The blood here is the evidence of all results.

And because of the failure of these pioneers, the Four Elephants organization also gained experience, so they had this so-called cargo hold made of iron plates that was stronger than a prison, and they had that huge lock with a big face. People who want to escape have no chance at all.

Du Gou took a deep breath, as if his nose smelled the smell of blood from unknown time ago. He clenched his fists with both hands and opened his eyes again.

"Zi De."

He looked at Lin Feng and said, "Why did the Four Elephants organization smuggle these people? How many people have they smuggled out over the years? What exactly do they want to do?"

Lin Feng shook his head and said in a deep voice: "I can't answer any of the questions you asked now, but this is exactly the purpose of my trip... It was just my subjective guess that I would come here before, but now , found this ship, found this cabin, it has proved that I came here completely right."

"So, give me some more time...I will definitely find out the truth that has been obscured by time, I will definitely find out the identities of these brave men who worked hard to survive, and I will definitely pass on their last words in this world to Their families.”

Du Gou pursed his lips tightly, with a solemn expression, and nodded heavily: "I will also try my best to help you."

Lin Feng nodded slightly.

He glanced at everyone present. From the faces of the boatmen, he saw sadness, fear, and sighs. From the faces of the government servants, he saw shock, surprise, and heaviness. These ordinary people just saw this place left behind who knows how many years ago. I regretted the traces left. I really don’t know how cold-blooded those people in the Four Elephants Organization were to do such indescribable things!

At this moment, Lin Feng couldn't help but recall what Xiao Yu once told him about the aspirations of the Four Symbols organization.

These people from the Four Elephants Organization have always regarded themselves as righteous and have always said that they are working hard to create a better world... Is this what they call justice? Is this what they call a wonderful world?

Looking at the scene in front of him and recalling the beliefs of their organization, Lin Feng felt extremely ridiculous.

It is even more disgusting than being a hypocrite to show off oneself as righteous while clearly doing evil things. If such an organization is not eliminated, how can Lin Feng feel at ease?

He took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart with reason. Without wasting time, he clapped his hands to bring everyone's thoughts back and said:

"Everyone should work harder and remove the iron plate on the floor. After doing this, everyone can go up and rest."

After everyone heard this, they calmed down.

The boatmen didn't dare to look at the blood and bloody writing on the wall, and the government officials couldn't bear to look at it. After hearing Lin Feng's words, they quickly shifted their attention and took action.

Soon, pieces of iron plates were pried up.

These iron plates were moved out of the cargo hold one by one by the boatmen and government officials and placed in the corridor.

It didn't take long for the entire cargo hold's iron plates to be moved out.

Looking at it now is the original, most primitive appearance of the cabin.

The walls and floors were made of wood, and as expected, there were still large amounts of blood stains on the floor that was covered by iron plates.

Looking at the places where the blood stains gathered the most, even ordinary government officials could guess that the accumulation of several corpses would not reach that level.

Lin Feng's gaze swept across the cabin inch by inch, and there were dark clouds surging in his dark eyes. Immediately, he withdrew his gaze and looked at the boatmen and government servants. He said in a gentle voice: "Thank you for your hard work. After the case is over, I will treat you all to a banquet as a token of appreciation." Thank you, let’s go and rest first.”

Everyone also felt very uncomfortable in this dull cabin. After hearing Lin Feng's words, they quickly turned around and left without any further delay.

Lin Feng looked at the county magistrate Fu Yuanhuai again and said: "The safety of Zhang Mo and these eight thieves is entrusted to the county magistrate. No matter what, we must not let any accident happen to them."

When Fu Yuanhuai heard this, he nodded quickly: "Lin Si is relieved. The official understands. The official will go and keep an eye on them personally."

After saying this, he quickly left.

Soon, only Lin Feng, Du Gou and a few close guards were left here.

Du Gou knew that Lin Feng sent everyone away on purpose. After everyone left, he looked at Lin Feng and said, "Zide, what should we do next? Just say it, I will do my best to cooperate with you."

Lin Feng was not polite to Du Gou. He said: "Lai Guogong, I need all the ships that have been involved in the accident, including this ship. They have all the cargo information from the first year of Zhenguan to now, and where they have traveled. Where, to whom the goods have been shipped, what type of goods... give me as much information as you can get, the more the better."

Hearing this, Du Gou couldn't help but feel trembling in his heart, and said, "Do you suspect that the other four cargo ships that were involved in the accident also secretly transported people?"


Lin Feng shook his head and said: "The cargo holds of other cargo ships are normal. There are no iron plates and iron doors specially configured to prevent people from escaping like here, so those cargo ships should not have smuggled people."

Du Gou frowned: "What are you doing?"

Lin Feng looked at the bloody cargo hold, his voice was low, and he said slowly: "Dr. Lai Guo, have you ever thought about why the Four Elephant Organization slaughtered those four cargo ships, and why the five ships that the Four Elephant Organization dealt with were all cargo ships? Rather than some other type of ship?”


Du Gou's face was solemn, and he nodded: "I have naturally thought about these issues. Before you came, I had people collect relevant information about these ships, but I did not find any abnormalities. There are not many differences between these cargo ships. Even if we meet each other on a regular basis, it's all about competing for business, and the relationship is not good."

"And some of them transport regionally, and some transport all over the Tang Dynasty, and the routes are not completely overlapping... So no matter how I look at it, I can't find anything in common between them, and I can't figure out why the Four Symbols organization insists on targeting them. .”

Lin Feng nodded slightly. Du Gou just didn't have the talent to solve cases, but he was smart enough, calm and methodical, so he could investigate everything that needed to be investigated, and he was not much worse than a professional criminal investigator.

Du Gou looked at Lin Feng and said, "You can ask these questions... Do you have thoughts?"

Lin Feng did not hide anything. He said: "The targets chosen by the Four Elephants Organization are all cargo ships, and the role of cargo ships is to transport goods. They have large spaces and few people in contact. There is no doubt that they are very suitable for transporting some shady things."

Du Gou's eyes flashed, and he quickly understood the implication of Lin Feng's words.

He said: "You are saying...the common denominator of these cargo ships is that they have cooperated with the Sixiang Organization? The Sixiang Organization used these cargo ships to transport something that was very secret and could not be known? Later, they massacred the crew of these cargo ships. , are you killing people and silencing them?"

Lin Feng did not answer directly, but said: "Does Mr. Lai Guo still remember what I asked you to help find on the burning cargo ship?"

Du Gou recalled briefly and then hurriedly asked: "Account books and diaries?"

Lin Feng nodded.

Du Gou frowned and said, "I had people search carefully, but all four ships were searched, and nothing relevant was found."

"Of course you can't find it."

Lin Feng was not surprised and said slowly: "After all... these things are likely to expose the secrets of the Four Elephants organization. How can they not destroy them after killing people?"

"The Four Symbols organization destroyed..." Du Gou's eyes widened and his expression flashed fiercely: "It seems that these cargo ships have really served the Four Symbols organization."

He couldn't help but look at Lin Feng and said in surprise: "I have never thought about looking for these things. Why did you suddenly focus on these things, Zide? Did you have any speculation in this regard from the beginning?"

Lin Feng shook his head: "I'm new here and I don't know much about the case. How can I know more than you think?"

"Then who are you?"

Lin Feng took out a book from his arms and said slowly: "This is the log I found in the room of the boss of the cargo ship that I took on the cargo ship when I came here. Mr. Lai Guo can read it."

Du Gou listened to Lin Feng's words and quickly took the book.

He quickly opened it and looked at it seriously. At first, he looked confused. The records in this book were very normal, that is, when and what goods were carried. It was also mixed with complaints from merchants, which merchants gave money neatly, and which ones Merchants have a lot to do and like to find excuses to deduct money.

The log content is messy, but there is no useful information.

Until... After he subconsciously turned a page, he was suddenly stunned for a moment, and then quickly turned it back.

His eyes were fixed on the content of this page, and he read it carefully again and again, and his expression finally changed.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Feng: "Is it possible?"

Lin Feng understood what Du Gou meant, and he nodded slightly: "The boss of the ship I was on liked to use a pen to record daily tedious things, so he coincidentally left a key message - in his diary In, he wrote that three years ago, a mysterious man came to him and wanted him to transport some goods, but when he specifically asked what goods he wanted to transport and where to transport them, the mysterious man did not give any information."

"They only said that they would give him ten times the usual wages for transporting goods, but asked them not to ask for any information about the goods, and to completely obey orders during the transportation. They were not allowed to be curious or ask random questions, and they were not allowed to disclose it to anyone afterwards... Wang Heng, the boss of the ship, He has a cautious temperament, and although ten times the money is tempting, he doesn’t even know what the goods are and there are so many requirements, which makes him feel very inappropriate, so he refuses.”

"But not long after he refused, he accidentally discovered the mysterious man again at a ferry, and saw the mysterious man getting off a cargo ship... and the cargo ship..."

Lin Feng looked at Du Gou and said in a deep voice: "It was the third cargo ship that had the accident."

Du Gou listened to Lin Feng's words and looked at the contents of the book. He frowned and said: "The mysterious man... transports mysterious goods and the crew is not allowed to ask questions... This is indeed very similar to the Four Elephant Organization's style of doing things. "

"And among the cargo ships that happened, there was a cargo ship that the mysterious person had been to. It wouldn't be such a coincidence..."

He let out a long breath: "It seems that Zhang Mo and the others will kill the crew members of these ships to silence them."

Du Gou finally understood why Lin Feng asked for information on these cargo ships.

He no longer hesitated and said directly: "In order to investigate the commonalities of these cargo ships, before you come, I have actually asked people to collect some information about them. However, it has not been as long as six years. I have only collected the information in the last two years. information."

"Two years..."

Lin Feng's eyes brightened slightly. He looked at his reliable teammates and said, "Although it has only been two years, if these ships have been transporting goods for the Four Elephants Organization, we should be able to discover something from them."

"Mr. Lai Guo, where is the information?"

Du Gou said: "It's at the county government office. I'll order someone to get it right now."

Lin Feng was not polite and nodded directly: "Okay."

While Du Gou ordered the guards to get information, he added: "I will continue to ask people to collect relevant information and try my best to find you the information of the past six years... However, the time span of six years is a bit long, and the information may not necessarily be the same. The collection is so comprehensive.”

Lin Feng felt warmed by Du Gou's unreserved help, and he said: "Do your best."

Du Gou nodded heavily.

Over a span of six years, the enemy is the mysterious, cunning and extremely cautious Four Symbols organization. If you want to find out the truth, you may really have to "listen to fate" in some places.

But even if he obeyed destiny, Du Gou felt that destiny was with Lin Feng... After all, Lin Feng only took a boat by chance, and found so many clues on that boat. Not only did he help him find the "Water Ghost", but he also obtained This is a vital log.

So, isn’t this a kind of “destiny”?

The guards left quickly, and Lin Feng slowly exhaled and said, "While waiting for the information, let's check the cargo ship carefully to see if there are any other clues."

Du Gou was about to nod, but at this moment, a guard suddenly walked over quickly.

He came in front of the two men, saluted quickly, and said: "Lai Guogong, Lin Sizheng, Doctor Sun from the Ministry of Punishment came from Chang'an and has already arrived outside the ship. He said... there is something urgent and he wants to see Lin Sizheng."


Lin Feng and Du Gou quickly walked out of the sunken ship and saw Sun Fujia, who was tapping his back hard next to the carriage on the shore.

"Dr. Sun!"

Lin Feng looked at Sun Fujia who had come from afar with some surprise.

Calculating the time, Sun Fuga could arrive now. If Sun Fuga had been on the road except for necessary rest, he would have set out at least three days ago.

At that time, the letter I wrote to Xiao Yu had just been sent out, and it would never reach Chang'an.

In other words, Sun Fuga set out before receiving news from him... Why did Sun Fuga come to find him? Did something special happen to Chang'an City after he left?

Sun Fujia was stretching his waist and knocking on the bones that were about to be broken by the carriage. When he heard Lin Feng's voice, he quickly turned his head to look.

When he saw Du Gou next to Lin Feng, his indecent move of knocking on the back froze slightly, then he calmly put his hand in front of him, and said with a normal expression: "Lai Guogong, Lin Temple is the master. .”

Lin Feng did not make any greetings. He said directly: "Dr. Sun, what happened? Why are you here suddenly?"

Du Gou also looked at Sun Fuga curiously.

Sun Fujia glanced at Du Gou hesitantly, but thought that since Lin Feng would ask in front of Du Gou, it meant that Du Gou could be trusted. Thinking of this, he no longer delayed and said directly: "It's Mr. Xiao, Duke Wei and Duke Dai asked me to come, and they asked me to tell you something and help you at the same time."

What's the idea of ​​Xiao Yu and the others?

Lin Feng's eyes flashed slightly. Suddenly, he looked at Sun Fujia and said, "Did something happen to my substitute?"

Sun Fujia was stunned: "How do you know?"

That's true!

Lin Feng said: "As soon as I arrived in Linshui County, my identity was exposed, and the Four Elephant Organization launched a series of actions against me... This made me realize that the Four Elephant Organization knew in advance that I secretly left Chang'an City. .”

"In order to keep this matter secret enough, I didn't even tell you. The only person who could betray me was a substitute I was unfamiliar with. So I realized at that time that there was something wrong with the substitute, and I immediately sent a letter to Chang'an. That letter should be in Xiao Siqing's hands now."

Although Lin Feng simply said that the Four Elephants Organization had launched a series of actions against him, Sun Fujia was so smart that he could directly realize that during this period of time, Lin Feng had probably experienced many open and covert attacks.

He took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Even if your letter is delivered to Xiao Siqing, it will be too late."

"What happened?" Lin Feng asked.

Sun Fujia said: "On the third day after you left, your substitute suddenly disappeared. He disappeared without any warning in the carriage on the way from Dali Temple to your mansion in the evening."

"It wasn't until the groom arrived at your mansion that he called out several times but got no answer. Then he opened the curtain to check and found that the person he was driving had disappeared."

"During the entire process, the carriage did not stop at any time, and Xiao Siqing also arranged for people to monitor and protect it secretly. They were also sure that the carriage did not stop, but the person just disappeared."

"The disappearance of your substitute was really strange. Xiao Siqing quickly sent people to investigate and search, but nothing was found. This made Xiao Siqing quickly realize that the matter was exposed."

Lin Feng listened to Sun Fujia's words and nodded without any surprise.

If, as he had speculated before, his substitute was Lin Feng, the former prime minister of Dali Temple who asked him to be his substitute, then the trick of just disappearing in a carriage would not be a surprise at all.

After all, that guy can steal his life from death row, so what does a carriage mean?

As for the guy running away on the third day after he left... Lin Feng sneered in his heart, he was as cautious as ever and was not willing to take any risks.

"What happened next?" Lin Feng continued to ask.

If it was just this, Xiao Yu could just ask someone to send a letter. There was no need for Sun Fuga to come in person.

Sun Fujia said: "Whether the substitute disappeared on his own or was taken away by others, it can prove that your substitute plan has been exposed."

"This will put you in danger, and Xiao Siqing also knows that the case you are here to investigate is a very critical case. Since the Four Elephants organization has discovered your secret, it will definitely obstruct it many times, so Xiao Siqing will I went to find Qi Xuan and wanted to get some clues from Qi Xuan." "After all, Qi Xuan personally participated in the transportation of personnel. If he can speak, he may be able to help you."

Qi Xuan?

Du Gou didn't know the existence of this person. He was in Cizhou, and his understanding of the Sixiang organization was still limited.

However, this did not prevent him from guessing Qi Xuan's identity as a member of the Four Elephants Organization.

And it seems that he is still a member directly related to the disappearance.

"Have you asked?" Lin Feng asked, and Du Gou also looked at Sun Fujia expectantly.

Sun Fujia nodded and said: "Qi Xuan was so tough-talking after being caught by you and me. He didn't say anything. We thought he was hiding so well that we didn't know his identity as a member of the Four Elephants Organization."

"But the day after you left, Xiao Siqing directly used Qi Xuan to fish in order to attract the attention of the Four Elephants Organization for you and to take revenge on the Four Elephants Organization."


Recalling the harvest of that day, even the calm Sun Fujia couldn't help but look happy and said: "The harvest turned out to be quite fruitful. Xiao Siqing and Dai Shangshu secretly joined forces to set up a dragnet and killed more than fifty people on the spot. A member of the Four Elephants and ten members of the Four Elephants were captured alive. This is the first time we have taken the initiative and achieved such a great victory."

Hearing the result of such a great victory, Lin Feng's heart, which had just been dull due to the cargo hold, was somewhat relieved.

He smiled and said: "Xiao Siqing worked hard for this operation. It is not surprising that such a result is achieved."

Sun Fuga nodded and continued: "With this action, Qi Xuan suddenly realized that his identity had been exposed."

"Furthermore, Xiao Siqing also used this to attack his heart, saying that Qi Xuan helped him take revenge on the Sixiang organization. Even if this was not Qi Xuan's original intention, the Sixiang organization would definitely not have any trust in Qi Xuan anymore, and would either abandon Qi Xuan directly in the future. Or simply send someone to assassinate Qi Xuan..."

"Xiao Siqing has rich interrogation skills, and Qi Xuan's heart was shaken. After being attacked by Xiao Siqing continuously, he finally took action."

Lin Feng's heart moved: "He did it? What did he say?"

Among the clues that Qi Xuan is the "person" discovered by Wang Qinyuan, he is on the supply side and definitely knows some information, and this information is likely to give Lin Feng great tips and help.

Sun Fujia saw Lin Feng excited, but his expression became more solemn.

He looked at Lin Feng and said, "Although Qi Xuan has been helping the Sixiang organization to steal people, he actually doesn't know where these people are being transported and what they are going to do with them."

"The Four Symbols organization has very strict rules. Everyone only needs to do the part they are responsible for. They are not allowed to ask about extraneous things, so he doesn't know much."

"But he still revealed a very crucial piece of information."

Lin Feng asked: "What information?"

Sun Fujia looked into Lin Feng's eyes and said solemnly: "Qi Xuan said that the night we went to the manor was actually Qi Xuan's last attempt to steal someone."

"The last time?" Lin Feng's brain was running rapidly, and he realized what Sun Fujia meant in an instant.

This made his expression suddenly change.

Sun Fujia nodded and said: "Yes, it is the last time... The Four Elephants Organization has informed him that after sending away the last group of people, he can retire, secretly evacuate the manor, and go to the Four Elephants Organization to help him It has been arranged elsewhere.”

"But unfortunately, he met us that night and thought we were here for him. He made a wrong decision in a hurry and was eventually caught by us."

Lin Feng frowned and his face was very solemn.

He said: "The last group of people...this means that what the Four Elephants Organization wants to do secretly is about to be completed, and there is no need for new people."

"And it also means that once the Four Symbols organization completes its plan, these people who were secretly abducted by them will be of no use..."

Lin Feng looked at Sun Fujia and said, "What will the Four Symbols organization do with people who are no longer useful?"

Listening to Lin Feng's words, Du Gou finally understood why Lin Feng's face looked so ugly when Sun Fujia named the last group of people.

He also quickly looked at Sun Fuga. Sun Fuga said directly without any hesitation: "Xiao Siqing also asked this question. Qi Xuan said that the Sixiang organization will not keep useless people, let alone keep them for themselves." Keep in mind, these abducted people are part of the plan, and they will definitely know some secrets of the Four Elephants Organization, so... the Four Elephants Organization cannot give them a chance to tell them."

It is impossible to give them a chance to speak out... How can we make sure that they cannot speak out?

Lin Feng turned around and looked at the sunken ship in front of him. Thinking back to the four slaughtered cargo ships, he already had the answer in his heart.

Du Gou felt his scalp numb. The more he thought about the consequences of those people, the more horrified he felt inside. He couldn't help but said: "How many people have been kidnapped by the Sixiang Organization in six years? These are not those ships. Dozens of lives lost, maybe hundreds, or even thousands!!!”

Sun Fuga nodded, looked at Lin Feng and said, "Yes, there are too many people involved, so Xiao Siqing and the others specially asked me to inform you of the news, and at the same time asked me to cooperate with you, if possible... …”

He said solemnly: "Every one can be saved."

Lin Feng frowned, his eyes flickered, and his brain was spinning crazily at this moment.

"Things are not looking good," he said.

Sun Fujia was shocked and hurriedly asked: "How do you say that?"

Lin Feng said: "If my prediction is correct, the ships that were involved in the accident were all ships that helped the Four Elephant Organization. Now these ships have been silenced. This either proves that the Four Elephant Organization is about to complete everything and will carry out silencing operations one after another. Deal with the possible exposure risks...or prove that they have done everything, and in this case, it is really too late."

Listening to Lin Feng's words, Sun Fuga and Du Gou were shocked in their hearts.

"If this is really the case, it will be really troublesome." Sun Fujia's face was heavy.

Du Gou's heart kept falling. Originally, he thought it was just an ordinary serial murder case. Who knew that the more he investigated, the more secrets he uncovered. Now it is even related to the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent people. .


At this time, Lin Feng suddenly turned around.

"Where are you going?" Du Gou and Sun Fujia looked at him quickly.

Then Lin Feng said slowly: "Instead of making random guesses here, it's better to take the initiative to look for clues."

"Zhang Mo was responsible for the silencing of these ships... This means that Zhang Mo is likely to know the whereabouts of others and whether others have been silenced."

"So... find a way to get these questions out of his mouth."

Hearing this, Du Gou quickly said: "Yes, Zhang Mo is responsible for the task of silencing people. He must know this...but..."

He seemed to have thought of something, and his brows couldn't help but frown: "Zhang Mo is very arrogant, I'm afraid he won't speak casually, and he is very resentful of you. The more anxious you are, the more he will hide it."

Lin Feng slowly exhaled a breath and said, "So, we have to use special means."


Zhang Mo and others were still tied to the shore not far away by the government officials.

After being salvaged from the sunken ship, the government officials had been treated as coolies by Lin Feng, so they had no chance to return to the county government. Therefore, Zhang Mo and the others could only continue to endure the wind and sun.

But they couldn't care about this at the moment. They stared at the sunken ship that was salvaged, and everyone was still in disbelief.

They still couldn't imagine how Lin Feng could do something that no one in the world could do.

Is Lin Feng really still a human?

At this time, Lin Feng, whom they feared as not being human, slowly walked over.

He came to Zhang Mo and others, glanced at Zhang Mo and the others, and finally landed on Zhang Mo.

Looking at Zhang Mo's pale face that couldn't hide the look of horror, Lin Feng couldn't help but sneered: "Zhang Mo, before you were very confident that I would not be able to salvage the sunken ship, so your conspiracy would definitely succeed? "

"Why do you have such an expression now? I still prefer your rebellious and stupid look."


Zhang Mo was originally resentful of Lin Feng, but when he heard Lin Feng's sarcasm, he couldn't help but glare at Lin Feng angrily.

He gritted his teeth and said: "Lin Feng, don't be complacent! I admit that I made a mistake, but do you think you can gain anything by salvaging this sunken ship? I tell you, this ship is useless, you have spent all your time An act of mental effort is nothing but a waste of effort.”

"Useless? A waste of effort?"

When Lin Feng heard this, he just looked at Zhang Mo and said calmly: "Zhang Mo, it seems that you still look down on others."

"That's right. With your short sight and stupid brain, you really can't imagine what I'm capable of."

Zhang Mo was directly stimulated by Lin Feng's words and his eyes were bloodshot: "Lin Feng, don't be so arrogant!"


Lin Feng looked at Zhang Mo with a sneer and said calmly: "If I told you that I removed all the iron plates in the cargo hold and saw the blood stains and blood words behind the iron plates, would you think that I am arrogant? ?”


Zhang Mo was stunned for a moment.

The other seven people's eyes widened even more.

Lin Feng looked at them with disdain and continued to speak.

"If I tell you that I already know that the reason why you slaughtered those four cargo ships is because they have served your Four Elephants organization, and that you are killing people to silence them, will you think that I am arrogant?"

"If I tell you that I already know that you have been smuggling people from all over the Tang Dynasty over the years, and that you used this sunken ship to transport people in order to complete the insidious conspiracy plan of your Sixiang organization, you Do you still think I am arrogant?"

"how is this possible?"

"How can you know everything?"

Zhang Mo and the others looked at Lin Feng with horror in their eyes.

Especially the other seven people, they looked at Lin Feng as if they had seen a ghost.

Zhang Mo's pupils also contracted violently, and he couldn't hide the look of shock on his face: ""

"I can't say enough. Have you finally realized how powerful I am? I finally know how stupid and ridiculous you are to be my enemy?" Lin Feng continued to stimulate Zhang Mo.

Sun Fujia and Du Gou watched this scene from the sidelines. They couldn't help but look at each other, and they both saw admiration in each other's eyes.

Lin Feng's mouth is really amazing.

When solving a case, he can connect the links and explain the reasoning of the case in a fascinating way.

And when crowding people, this mouth is used to the extreme.

In particular, Lin Feng was very good at investigating crimes and was best at observing details, so Zhang Mo's reaction and Zhang Mo's psychology were completely grasped by Lin Feng quickly.

Lin Feng used this again to target Zhang Mo. Zhang Mo was completely led by Lin Feng without even realizing it, and entered the trap that Lin Feng carefully prepared for Zhang Mo.

Sure enough, under the stimulation of Lin Feng's series of blows and contempt, Zhang Mo, who was already resentful and unwilling to Lin Feng, completely lost his cool.

He stared at Lin Feng, gritted his teeth and said, "Lin Feng, don't be so arrogant!"

"You just found some lagging clues. What's there to be proud of?"

"I'm telling you! Our plan has been successful. Just two days ago, when you were worrying about that ridiculous salvage, we had completed the last step!"

"Even if you find these clues, it will be of no use. You can no longer stop our plan!"

Finished planning here two days ago…

Lin Feng was slightly shocked, but after thinking about it, he didn't hear anything major happening, which meant that the plans of the Four Elephants Organization were also linked one by one. The plan here was completed, and it would still take some time to transmit it to the terminal, and the plan was completed. , does not mean that he will take action immediately...he still has time.

Lin Feng sneered: "So what if it's completed? Do you think we are unprepared? Let me tell you a secret. We have already made a complete plan, and we are just waiting for you to implement the plan and take the initiative to expose it... When the time comes, you four elephants will No one from the organization can escape!"

"Also, do you know what my real purpose is here?"

Zhang Mo was about to speak when he was interrupted by Lin Feng. Lin Feng looked at him disdainfully: "Forget it, you are so short-sighted and simple-minded. You wouldn't know if I asked you."


"I will tell you with great mercy."

Lin Feng looked at Zhang Mo and said calmly: "My purpose is to rescue those innocent people who were kidnapped by you. Your plans are left to the imperial court to take care of. I only need to rescue those people and I will be able to complete the mission. If I achieve great achievements, I will be promoted to a noble rank, and you... can only watch me reach the top in the underworld."

Zhang Mo listened to Lin Feng's words. He was so angry that his brain was filled with blood. He couldn't wait to refute Lin Feng and sneered: "You still want to rescue these people, Lin Feng, stop dreaming!"

"They are kept in a very hidden place, you can't find them at all! Don't tell me, this is a secret place that even I don't know!"

"And, let me tell you, the moment our plan was completed, we no longer cared about the life and death of those guys. They had no water to drink, no food to eat, no chance of escape, and they were about to starve to death. still want to rescue them, and you still want to be promoted to a noble rank, so go ahead and dream of your spring and autumn dreams!"


Zhang Mo looked at Lin Feng with joy and laughed: "Lin Feng, there is no way you can complete the mission! The winner is still us!!"

Zhang Mo laughed wantonly and wanted to see the disappointed and defeated expression on Lin Feng's face.

But to his surprise, Lin Feng smiled. That smile didn't look like a forced smile at all, it was a smile from the heart.

"Why are you laughing?" He frowned.

Then he saw Lin Feng slowly exhale and said with a sincere face: "Zhang Mo, I want to thank you. Thank you for telling me that they are still alive. Thank you for choosing this method to silence them. Thank you for letting me know that I There is still a chance to rescue these innocent people.”


Zhang Mo's expression froze and he was stunned for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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