People are in Zhenguan, solving crimes scientifically

Chapter 180 revealed! The secret hidden in the sunken ship!

Chapter 180 revealed! The secret hidden in the sunken ship!

The successful salvage of the ghost ship excited the people of Linshui County.

In their opinion, the reason why water ghosts appear is because the ghost ship sank at the bottom of the river, which prevented the ghosts from entering reincarnation. Now that the ghost ship is salvaged, the water ghosts will naturally be reincarnated and no longer do evil. The crisis is resolved.

The Zhanghe River will regain its former bustle of boats, and Linshui County will regain its former prosperity.

Although these ideas are very simple, even childish and ignorant, because Zhang Mo's eight people were caught and the murderer was arrested, the water ghost murders will not happen again, and they coincide with the people's ideas by coincidence.

Therefore, Lin Feng and Du Gou did not tell the truth.

After all, the Four Symbols organization is still a secret among the people. Once the existence of such an organization is leaked, it will inevitably cause panic and turmoil in public opinion. If it can be solved in secret, it will be solved in secret.

Lin Feng stood on the bow of the ship and looked at the excitement of the people. He smiled softly and expressed his gratitude to the people for coming to support him.

The common people did not expect that the legendary Lin Feng, the majestic fifth-rank master of Dali Temple, would thank them, and they all saluted in response.

Du Gou looked at this scene and sighed in his heart. He knew that Lin Feng's miracle of salvaging the sunken ship today would soon spread to other states and counties as these people told it, and then spread to the entire Tang Dynasty.

Lin Feng's fame and fame will surely become several times stronger as a result.

From now on, I'm afraid Lin Feng will really be unknown to everyone.

After Lin Feng expressed his gratitude to the people, the people turned and left one after another. The sunken ship had been salvaged, and the most exciting melons had been eaten. The next thing they had to do was to go back and share. Run faster, there is still a chance. Harvest the admiration and attention of those who have not left the city.

Just like that, the dark crowd on the shore left with satisfaction.

Inside the Chen family pavilion.

Chen Yitian listened to the people's unstoppable praise for Lin Feng and felt the people's overwhelming admiration for Lin Feng. He turned the palm of the copper ball and shook it directly. He looked at Xiao Man'er with a smile and said: "Man'er, do you want to go? Congratulations to Lin SiZheng?"

Xiao Man'er's beautiful and quiet eyes looked at Lin Feng on the bow of the boat, and she shook her head gently. She said slowly: "After salvaging the sunken ship, he still needs to investigate. There are still many things to do, so we don't need to disturb him."

Chen Yitian smiled heartily: "Man'er is so considerate, it is really a blessing for Lin Si's future."

After saying that, he stood up directly, glanced at his descendants who still had expressions of astonishment and shock on their faces, and said calmly: "Look at Lin Sizheng, then look at you, think about it carefully when you go back, and write a letter to me. This is a profound article to explain why Lin SiZheng and Lin are the same age, but there is such a big gap!"

After saying that, he strode away directly, leaving only the descendants of the Chen family looking at each other, wondering why the old man suddenly taught them a lesson and even left them with a composition task.

They watched Chen Yitian leave eagerly, and then they couldn't help but wailed in a low voice.

"Did Grandpa suffer any stimulation?"

"I am just a martial artist, should I also write?"

"You don't have to write it, let's see if grandpa will skin you."

"Oh my God..."

Listening to these wailing sounds, Xiao Man'er couldn't help but raise her red lips slightly. She glanced at Lin Feng one last time, then stood up and left. There was a lightness and joy in her slim back that was not there when she came.


The people left, but the real work of the boatmen and government officials had just begun.

Because there was a lot of water accumulated in the sunken ship, Lin Fengruo would have to swim if he entered like this. Therefore, the water must be cleaned before investigation.

Therefore, the task fell on the boatmen and government officials.

Following Lin Feng's instructions, they were divided into multiple groups and took over one after another, just like they did when fighting fires before, cooperating with each other in an assembly line manner.

Buckets of water were poured out, and the poured water flowed back into the Zhang River again according to the height of the terrain, just like a reincarnation.

In this way, hundreds of people took a full hour to treat the water in the ship to almost the same level.

"Lai Guogong, Lin Sizheng, the water in the sunken ship has been cleaned up and you can enter."

A guard came to report.

After listening to the guard's words, Lin Feng and Du Gou looked at each other, nodded slightly, and boarded the sunken ship directly.

When we came to the sunken ship, the first thing that caught our eyes was the empty, dark hull of the ship, which looked like it had been cut across by a knife. There was nothing on the deck.

Looking at this mysterious sunken ship, which was called a ghost ship by the people, and whose surface was completely burnt by fire, Lin Feng said: "Mr. Lai Guo, let the boatmen work hard for a while, and then rest after checking the reasons for the sinking of the ship's hull. Bar."

Du Gou would not object. He directly ordered the guard who was following him: "Do as Lin Sizheng said."

The guard nodded in agreement and left quickly.

While waiting for the boatman to give out the inspection results, Du Gou also looked at the ship in front of him and couldn't help but said: "It seems that the ship was really badly burned before it sank. The mast, sails, cabin, and any other Everything on it was completely burned, and nothing was left, which meant that the ship finally sank in the water, otherwise it might have been burned even more seriously."

Lin Feng nodded: "Compared with this ship, the fire that the Four Elephants organization used to deceive us is like a child playing house."

Du Gou looked at Lin Feng, with a hint of worry in his expression, and said, "The ship was burned to this state and has been soaked in the bottom of the river for so long. Fire and water are ruthless, and time is even more ruthless. Are there any clues left?"

When Lin Feng heard this, he smiled: "If the clues can be easily eliminated, why would the Four Elephants Organization bother to try so hard to sink the ship?"

"If they thought the clues would be destroyed due to the sinking, why would Zhang Mo write me a threatening letter and threaten me with the lives of ten and a hundred people to prevent me from salvage?"

"Of course, there is a plan to discredit me, but he wrote a letter yesterday to remind me and increased the number of people tenfold. This is enough to prove how afraid he is of me salvaging the sunken ship."


As Lin Feng spoke, his eyes swept over Zhang Mo who was tied up on the shore. Seeing Zhang Mo staring at him in fear and nervousness, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Their actions have proven to us that this place is absolutely perfect." There are secrets that they think will never disappear, and they don’t want us to discover!”

After listening to Lin Feng's words, Du Gou's worried heart suddenly calmed down. He was worried that Lin Feng's effort to salvage the sunken ship would be in vain... But now, he is full of confidence.

This made him sigh in his heart. Lin Feng was really a very calm and rational person, and he never suffered from internal conflicts. In Lin Feng, he actually seemed to see the shadow of his father.

In his memory, his father was so wise and calm when he was advising His Majesty.

He pursed his lips and then nodded heavily: "It seems that we will definitely gain something."

Lin Feng smiled softly: "I will not do meaningless things."

As he spoke, Lin Feng walked towards the stairs.

The top layer of the cargo ship had been completely burned by the flames, and even the burnt ashes had been washed away by the river, so there was no need to investigate above.

This cargo ship is not a large cargo ship, it only has two floors.

Below, in the hull, the cargo hold occupies the main space, along with two bunks and a separate room.

The common bunkhouse is the dormitory of ordinary boatmen, and the independent room is the residence of the captain.

In addition, the dining area and daily rest areas are all on the upper floor.

Lin Feng walked down the stairs while looking at the hull structure diagram Du Gou gave him.

This is the cargo ship drawings that Du Gou sent to the shipyard in Yangzijiang County to ask for after confirming the identity of the cargo ship.

With the blueprint, Lin Feng could easily tell which door corresponded to which place even if it was his first time here.

At this time, a boatman came from the front. The boatman said: "Lin Sizheng, we have investigated clearly. In the innermost room where the boatmen rest, there is a large hole in the floor, which directly penetrates the bottom of the ship. This ship It was probably because of this hole that river water kept pouring into the boat, which eventually led to its sinking.”

"The boatman's room?"

Lin Feng took a look at the drawing and said, "Can you tell how the hole was caused? Is it caused outside the ship or inside the ship?"

The boatman said: "Based on the conditions around the hole and the signs of broken wood, it should have been artificially cut out inside the room with an ax or something like that."

"Man-made? Or was it cut out inside the room?" Du Gou couldn't help but feel something in his heart after listening to the boatman's words.

He hurriedly looked at Lin Feng and saw a flash of thinking in Lin Feng's eyes. After a moment, Lin Feng continued: "According to your experience, how long will it take from the appearance of this hole to cause the entire ship to sink?"

The boatman said: "This hole is not small. As the water enters, the sinking speed will be faster...According to the villain's estimate, it will not exceed half an hour at most."

"No more than half an hour..." Lin Feng touched his chin, thought for a while, and then asked: "According to the sailing speed of this ship, do you think that if the river water can flow back through the hole, this cargo ship will take half an hour?" How far can it sail?”

This time the boatman thought for a while and then said: "It's only about ten miles at most."

"About ten miles?"

Lin Feng nodded slightly, and after pondering for a moment, he added, "What if there is no one to row the oars, and we only rely on the power of water flow and wind?"

"Then it will be shorter, five miles at most. This is still windy enough and the ideal condition. If it is worse, it is possible to be one or two miles."

Lin Feng thought for a while, then nodded and said with a smile: "I understand, thank you very much."

The boatman looked flattered and said quickly: "This is what a villain should do."

Lin Feng smiled: "You go and rest first. I see all your achievements today. When the case is over, I will definitely stay with you until you are drunk. Let's celebrate."

"Yes Yes."

The boatman nodded and stepped back.

After the boatman left, Du Gou couldn't wait to say: "The hole that caused the cargo ship to sink was caused by internal damage. Doesn't this prove..."

Lin Feng understood what Du Gou meant. He nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Interesting, this proves that either the captain or crew of this ship has gone crazy and doesn't even want to be a meal guy, or it proves..."

He narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "There were other people hiding in this ship at that time!"

Du Gou's pupils shrank slightly, but after thinking about it, he frowned and said, "We have asked the merchants who entrusted them to transport the goods. The list of personnel provided by the merchants is those boatmen and no one else."

When Lin Feng heard this, he said calmly: "There is nothing surprising about this... Miss Man'er and I also did not have our names on the crew list of the cargo ship we took when we came here."

"If the merchants knew that the ship that transported their goods was secretly transporting other people, and one ship made two profits, the merchants would definitely not be willing to do it, so these ship bosses would do it secretly, thereby making money without anyone noticing. Pay this money."

"Therefore, you can refer to lists and other things, but you cannot trust them all."

Du Gou had never thought about this at all. Now when he heard Lin Feng's words, he realized that there was such a secret.

He sighed: "If you hadn't come personally on a cargo ship, Zide, and experienced all these secret things personally, I would never have thought that this list would be fake."

Lin Feng laughed and said, "This is exactly why I insist on taking a boat. Only by personally walking the same route as those cargo ships that happened, can we discover the secrets hidden in the dark that the official can't find on the surface."

Du Gou nodded heavily and said seriously: "I have learned my lesson. If I encounter a similar case again in the future, I will go through it myself just like you."

Du Gou did not hide his shortcomings, and was like a sponge absorbing knowledge and experience all the time. Lin Feng felt that one day in the future, such Du Gou would definitely have an important position in the court, even if he could not reach the level of Du Ruhui. But it's not too bad.

It's a pity that Du Gou in history had a younger brother who cheated his brother and was implicated in rebellion. If there is a chance in this life, I will help Du Gou no matter what.

Du Gou said in a deep voice: "So, there is a high possibility that this ship is hiding other people?"

Lin Feng shook his head: "It's just that this possibility exists. To determine the specifics, we need to find evidence. We can't draw conclusions easily to avoid subjective assumptions."

Du Gou nodded. Now that he had a guess, he couldn't wait to know the result. He said, "Then let's check quickly... I hope we can find relevant clues."

Lin Feng smiled and nodded slightly.

The two of them walked in the dark and damp corridor, with the wet ground under their feet and lanterns hung by the boatmen on the walls.

In the warm light of the lantern, they came to a door.

At this time, the door was ajar, and there was a lock hanging on the doorknob on the left.

Lin Feng glanced at the lock, and then tried it on the lock with his fist.

He couldn't help but clicked his tongue and said: "I have seen a fist as big as a clay pot, but this is the first time I have seen two locks as big as a clay pot."

Du Gou looked at the lock that was comparable in size to his own face, with a look of surprise on his face: "Even the locks used to hold death row prisoners in the governor's prison, and even the locks used to lock granaries, are not this big... …”

While listening to Du Gou's words, Lin Feng took off the lock and felt the weight of the big lock. He couldn't help but look at the door in front of him with surprise and said, "This door is hung with such a heavy weight." The lock doesn't fall sideways and can still be pulled easily. It seems that this door is not ordinary."

While speaking, Lin Feng raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Then a dull thumping sound was heard throughout the ship.

Du Gou said: "Iron?"

Lin Feng nodded, hung the lock back to its original position, and said with a smile: "Interesting, there is a cargo hold behind this door. I am very curious about what good things are contained in this cargo hold, and it needs to be protected by a special iron door. It’s even locked with such a big lock.”

Du Gou also had a puzzled look on his face. He said, "There were no such big locks or such special iron doors in other cargo ships that had accidents."

"And this cargo ship is not particularly big, and the cargo it carries is limited. Generally, valuable cargoes will give priority to larger, safer, and larger cargo ships. So logically speaking, this small cargo ship really shouldn't be like this. Configuration."

When Lin Feng heard this, his eyes flashed slightly: "As the saying goes, there must be a monster when something goes wrong. There is something different from other ships... Maybe that's why it must sink."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Du Gou suddenly raised his head and looked sharply at the iron gate in front of him.

Lin Feng didn't waste any time. He grabbed the iron door and pulled hard.

Then a creaking sound was heard, and Lin Feng slowly opened the heavy iron door.

As the iron door opened, the two of them quickly saw the scene behind the iron door clearly with the help of the lantern's light.

I saw that this was a square cargo hold, about one foot long and wide, with some boxes stacked inside. However, due to the shipwreck and salvage, these boxes were not stacked neatly, but some were overturned, some were tilted, and some cloth and Porcelain is scattered everywhere.

Du Gou looked at this scene and said: "This should be the goods they transported on this trip. I have the documents provided by the merchants. The main items they transported on this trip are cloth, silk and precious porcelain."

Lin Feng nodded and walked in with a lantern. He opened some boxes one after another. As Du Gou said, the boxes contained either cloth or porcelain, and nothing else.

Du Gou frowned and said: "Although these goods are valuable, they are not protected by such big locks and iron doors, right? Other cargo ships are loaded with jewelry and jade, which are more expensive, and they are not so special. treat."

Lin Feng glanced at the cargo hold and said, "The locks and doors should not be prepared for this batch of goods."

"Not this batch?" Du Gou was startled.

He frowned and said: "If it's not this batch, can we still find clues? There are only these things in it, and nothing else?"

When Lin Feng heard this, he smiled and said, "Does Duke Lai still remember what I just said?"


Lin Feng said: "I just said... there must be a monster when something goes wrong. This ship is different from other ships, which may be the reason why the Four Elephant Organization sank."

"And you see..."

As he spoke, Lin Feng raised his hand, pointed to the surrounding walls of the cargo hold, and said: "The walls of the cargo hold, and even the ground..."

Lin Feng raised his foot and stamped on the ground, and he could hear a dull thumping sound.

He continued: "They are all different from those outside... The floor and walls of the corridor we just walked through were made of wood, but what about here? Not only are the doors made of iron, but even the ground and walls are made of iron!"

Lin Feng smiled and said: "What kind of goods do they want to load? Do they need to make the walls and floors into iron plates? If they are not made of iron plates, can these goods be able to escape through holes?"


Listening to Lin Feng's words, Du Gou couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

The lantern's light can reach a limited range, and the farther away it becomes, the hazier it gets. Lin Feng didn't say anything, but he really didn't realize that the walls were all made of iron.

He frowned and said, "It's understandable that the door is made of iron, but it's really strange that the walls and even the ground are made of iron."

Lin Feng came to the wall on the left, raised his finger and lightly touched it, and the cold and wet feeling jumped into his mind along with his fingertips.

He suddenly said: "Mr. Lai said it would be difficult to demolish such a house, right?"

Du Gou nodded and said: "Of course it's not easy. As difficult as it is to install, it's also as difficult to dismantle."

"Then you say..." Lin Feng's eyes were deep and he said with deep meaning: "If you burn it with fire, I'm afraid this room won't burn down, right?"

"Of course, they are all iron plates, how could it be possible..."

Before he finished speaking, Du Gou's voice stopped abruptly.

He seemed to have thought of something and suddenly raised his head to look at Lin Feng.

Then Lin Feng raised the corners of his mouth and said with a half-smile, "When I saw that the entire upper level of the ship was burned, I was thinking of one thing."

"Since the top can be burned, why not sprinkle more fire oil and burn the bottom as well?"

"Although it cannot be completely burned to ashes on the water, except for the bottom part of the boat that is soaked in water, other parts will not be affected at all. A fire can completely burn it."

"So, why not just burn it all and sink it to the bottom of the river? The purpose is to destroy the ship anyway and not let us investigate, so why bother going through the trouble again?"

"And now..."

Lin Feng turned around, looked at this special cabin made of iron plates, and said slowly: "I finally understand."

"Because this cargo hold cannot be burned! And their target is probably this cargo hold, so they have no choice!"

At this point, Lin Feng looked at Du Gou and said in a deep voice: "So, the person who destroyed the ship and dug holes in the crew room is most likely an outsider!"

Du Gou's eyes moved: "Why?"

Lin Feng said: "If it was the boatmen who did it, then they actually still have the opportunity to directly remove these iron plates. Although it is very troublesome, basically no one will find out if they remove the iron plates and sink them to the bottom of the river. Then burn it cleanly and make it safer, so that no one will discover any secrets... Even I can't find any clues from a pile of ashes."

"With the nature of the Four Elephants organization, if they have a more reliable and safer choice, they will not settle for second best."

"So, they will choose to sink. The big reason is that they can't let the boatmen do these things, so they can only choose to sink."

Du Gou's eyes flashed, and his brain began to think quickly. After a moment, he nodded and said: "Indeed, it can be seen from Zhang Mo's behavior that he is actually a little worried about the sunken ship being salvaged. If there is a safer way, method, they will definitely choose that one.”

"in this case."

Du Gou also looked at the cargo hold in front of him, his eyes were calm, and he said: "This cargo hold may really hide the secrets of the Four Elephants Organization."

"But there is no problem with the goods here, so where will the secret be hidden?"

When Lin Feng heard this, he bent his fingers slightly and knocked lightly on the iron wall. Listening to the dull thumping sound, he slowly said: "The Four Elephants Organization has no chance to demolish this cargo hold, but we do have a chance... So, Call someone to tear down the iron plate!"

As soon as Lin Feng finished speaking, Du Gou immediately called over the boatmen and government servants who were resting outside without any hesitation.

When the government officials and boatmen knew that they were going to dismantle the iron plates, everyone could not help but feel pain on their faces.

First, they salvaged the sunken ship, and then they worked non-stop for an hour to get the water out of the sunken ship. As a result, just after taking a break, they were called back to do hard work again before they even finished boasting about their awesomeness. And looking at these The heavy iron plate made their legs feel weak. They couldn't finish it in just one hour, right?

Their hearts were full of reluctance, but in front of the dignified fifth-rank official and the dignified Duke of the country, they did not dare to say anything at all.

I can only roll up my sleeves and work full of complaints.

With Lin Feng and Du Gou's abilities, they could naturally see everyone's dissatisfaction at a glance.

Lin Feng winked at Du Gou, and Du Gou immediately said: "Everyone who works hard today can receive an extra fifty cash in addition to the corresponding salary."

For ordinary boatmen, fifty cents is enough to feed them for many days.

For the yamen, this can be regarded as a bonus in addition to their regular work.

It's all an unexpected surprise.

All of a sudden, the complaints in the hearts of the boatmen and government servants were reduced a lot, and their work changed from slow to slow.

The county magistrate Fu Yuanhuai on the side saw this scene and couldn't help but weakly said to Du Gou: "Mr. Lai Guo, the county government has no money..."

Du Gou glanced at Fu Yuanhuai, who was crying, and said calmly: "I have never thought of letting you come out of the governor's office. What are you afraid of?"

When Fu Yuanhuai heard this, his old face turned red and he quickly said: "Xiaguan didn't mean that. In fact, Xiaguan also wanted to pay for it out of his own pocket."

"Then I'll give you a chance to show off. Will you pay for it?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"..." Fu Yuanhuai was shocked, shook his head quickly and said: "The Duke of Lai has made a decision. How dare Xiaguan disobey Duke Lai? Lin Si is not making fun of Xiaguan anymore."


And just then.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise that shook the floor several times.

Everyone subconsciously followed the sound.

Then I saw that an iron plate had been pried off by the boatman.

If the floor hadn't been made of iron plates, the floor would have collapsed with just one blow.

Just when Lin Feng was about to sigh that the power of money is truly terrifying, he suddenly heard a sharp exclamation: "What is that!?"

"On the wall behind the iron plate, there is... blood!"


Hearing this voice, Fu Yuanhuai and others were stunned, completely shocked by these words.

Why is there blood in the cargo hold?

Du Gou's eyes narrowed even more, recalling what Lin Feng had just said, that there were secrets hidden in this cargo hold that the Four Elephants Organization did not want them to discover, and he couldn't help but twitch in his heart, and he quickly stepped forward.

Fu Yuanhuai and others also leaned forward.

At this time, they saw that the wooden wall with the iron plate removed was stained with shocking blood.

The bloodstain covered a large area and was completely immersed in the wooden board. Just looking at the exposed tip of the iceberg, everyone could imagine that something terrible must have happened here.

"There are words here!"

Some boatmen's voices were trembling.

Everyone listened to his words and quickly followed the direction of his finger and looked to the lower right corner.

Then I saw a bloody word there.


This character is incomplete and is blocked by another iron plate.

But just looking at the word "rescue" written in blood, everyone's hearts trembled.

"Why is there blood?"

"What's going on with this bloody word?"

"What happened on this ship!?"

Listening to these voices, Fu Yuanhuai couldn't help but look at Lin Feng and Du Gou.

At this time, he found that Du Gou was looking at Lin Feng, and Lin Feng's eyes were full of coldness and heavyness.

"Why are you still standing there? Keep dismantling it!" Lin Feng said in a low voice.

Everyone was startled, then nodded quickly: "Yes, yes, quickly dismantle it!"

Their movements became faster.

No one dared to be lazy anymore, and they didn't even complain in their hearts. They just wanted to know what was behind these iron plates, and they just wanted to know what was behind the bloody words.

In this way, pieces of iron plates were dismantled.

Shocking bloodstains reappeared everywhere.

Each one of them had been written down for who knows how long, and the already dark black and red letters came into view.

After everyone removed the last iron plate on the wall, they looked at the surrounding walls, their mouths tightened, unable to say anything.

I saw that the surrounding walls were stained with more or less blood.

At the same time, there were more bloody handprints.

Lines of blood.

"Help me, I don't want to die!"

"Help me."

"We have been hungry for three days, and no one is taking care of us. If we continue like this, we will definitely die, so I decided to escape. If I succeed, I will report to the officials to save other people. If I fail, this will be my last resort."

"Mom! Wait for me. I will also escape with Brother Xiao. We will break through the wall and take the opportunity to escape. If we fail, don't wait for the child. The child will no longer be able to fulfill his filial piety."

There is a lot more content like this.

This is...a suicide note.

"They...did they succeed?"

A boatman couldn't help but ask.

Upon hearing this, everyone quickly looked at Lin Feng.

In their opinion, Lin Feng asked them to remove the iron plate, so Lin Feng must know the result.

Then, they saw Lin Feng exhale a long breath. He looked at the only repaired place on the cargo hold wall, and sighed in a low voice: "If it succeeds, then these blood will not exist, and these iron The board would no longer exist.”

Everyone's pupils suddenly shrank, and their faces instantly turned pale and bloodless.

"how come……"

They couldn't help but cover their mouths.

"Dong Laiguo."

At this time, Lin Feng looked at Du Gou and said, "Aren't you curious about the 'ghosts' and 'people' in Wang Si Zheng? I found the 'ghost', but where did the 'people' go?"

"Now, I can tell you..."

Lin Feng glanced at the shocking blood-written suicide notes and said, "They are right here."

(End of this chapter)

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