People are in Zhenguan, solving crimes scientifically

Chapter 162 The evidence is sufficient, the moment to reveal the truth has arrived!

Chapter 162 The evidence is sufficient, the moment to reveal the truth has arrived! (-in-)

Listening to the old man's words, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly lit up.

He quickly took a step forward and said, "Sun Wuzuo, how are you? What was the cause of Wu San's death?"

Xiao Yu also looked at Sun Bofu expectantly.

Sun Bofu glanced at Lin Feng, took another sip of wine, then turned and walked into the room, saying: "Come in and take a look."

Xiao Yu and Lin Feng looked at each other and noticed something strange about Sun Bofu. Lin Feng's heart moved slightly, I'm afraid Wu San's death was not simple.

Several people quickly followed Sun Bofu and entered the room.

As soon as he entered, Li Haomiao almost vomited.

He waved his sleeves to blow away the overwhelming smell of blood, and then put his sleeves in front of his nose to block the pungent smell.

At the same time, looking at the bloody appearance on the table and the scattered organs that he couldn't name, he felt his stomach churn fiercely.

But Lin Feng and Xiao Yu only frowned slightly, without any unnecessary changes in their expressions, nor did they cover their noses with their sleeves.

Sun Bofu looked slightly surprised when he saw this. He was not surprised that Xiao Yu could not change his expression. After all, Xiao Yu had experienced bloodier things than this. But Lin Feng, a young man, could face such a scene calmly. This was amazing. Very rare.

He hung the wine gourd around his waist and said, "The heart, liver, spleen, and lungs are all stained black to varying degrees. This is not a normal color."

Lin Feng raised his head and said, "Poisoned?"

"Don't worry, I'm not finished yet."

Sun Bofu continued: "In addition to the blackening, I also found a very small hole in the heart, liver, and lungs."


Lin Feng used the limited medical knowledge of later generations and said, "Is this illness?"

Perforated lungs, perforated liver, perforated heart...this is no small problem.

Sun Bofu shook his head: "The wound is very new, and it was not caused for a long time... Moreover, I found a small thing in his stomach."

"little things?"

Lin Feng asked in confusion: "What little thing?"

Then he saw Sun Bofu pick up a tweezer on the table, and then use the tweezers to pick up a black thing smaller than a mosquito on a porcelain plate.

Lin Feng and Xiao Yu took a closer look, and their expressions changed slightly.

I saw that this was a little bug that Lin Feng had never seen before. This bug looked ugly and very small, but it had a pair of transparent wings, and its mouth was very sharp, as if it could pierce human skin in an instant.

However, it was motionless at this time, as if it was dead.

"Is this..."

Xiao Yu was a little unsure and said: "Gu insect?"

"Gu insect?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, with a trace of confusion on his face.

No matter in his previous life or in this life, he has never seen any Gu insects.

Sun Bofu nodded. He looked at the Gu worm held in the tweezers and said: "A kind of Gu worm in Southern Xinjiang is very rare. It is very difficult to cultivate. It is difficult to find even in Southern Xinjiang. It can even be said to be extinct. …I happened to see an ancient book in southern Xinjiang more than ten years ago, and I read the introduction of this Gu insect in the ancient book, otherwise I wouldn’t know what it is.”

"Unexpectedly, Gu insects, which are extinct in southern Xinjiang, actually appeared in the East Palace."

Seeing that Sun Bofu knew about this Gu insect, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly lit up and he hurriedly asked: "Please ask Sun Wu to clarify the confusion."

When Sun Bofu heard this, he quickly said: "Lin Si Zheng, please don't say please... This little old man has never heard the word "please" in his life, and at first glance, he seems uncomfortable with it."

But having said that, the smile on his face still revealed his inner thoughts.

He looked at Lin Feng and introduced: "The name of this kind of poison is the heart-piercing poison. It is a kind of poison that kills people invisible. Its mouth is very sharp and can quickly penetrate people's skin and enter the flesh... …And this process is just like being bitten by a mosquito, there will be no obvious feeling at all.”

"According to ancient books, this kind of Gu lives on human blood. After it is born, it must be fed with human blood. Otherwise, if hungry, it will either kill the owner and burrow directly into the owner's flesh, or die directly."

"Among the Gu in southern Xinjiang, this method of raising is not special. What is special about it is that while raising it with blood, you can grind some special medicinal materials into powder, dissolve it in the blood, and raise it together. it."

"After being raised in this way, this kind of heart-piercing Gu will be very sensitive to this medicinal material. Even if it is eaten into the stomach, it can still smell the taste, and after the owner releases it, it will not be fed by human blood. , it will give priority to human blood containing this medicinal material.”

"in other words……"

Sun Bofu said in a deep voice: "If the owner of the heart-piercing voodoo wants to kill someone, he must either let the voodoo be alone with the target, and the voodoo will burrow directly into the person's body for blood."

"Or, find a way to make the target take the medicinal materials used when raising the heart-piercing Gu. In this case, even if there are many people around, the heart-piercing Gu will accurately select the target."

"After the heart-piercing Gu enters the human body, it will quickly eat flesh and blood and burrow through the body. In order to make the person it penetrates less painful, it will release toxins, and this toxin can make people hallucinate, thereby alleviating the pain. , you won’t quickly discover that your body is invaded by Gu insects.”

After listening to Sun Bofu's words, Xiao Yu immediately looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng understood what Xiao Yu meant, and he nodded solemnly: "It seems that the culprit that caused Sambuza and Wu Sanshen's death was this heart-piercing Gu."

"They will suddenly go crazy without warning, shouting about hell... It must be that the toxins released by the heart-piercing Gu are causing hallucinations."

"In the end, he will vomit blood. It seems that his internal organs were seriously injured by the heart-piercing poison. In the end, he will die in pain and misery while hallucinating."

Xiao Yu nodded heavily. He and Lin Feng had the same idea.

"And when the crime occurred, whether it was Sambuza or Wu San's death, they were not the only ones around. In other words..."

Xiao Yu looked at Lin Feng and said, "They should all have taken certain medicinal materials, so the heart-piercing Gu only got into their bodies."

Lin Feng nodded slightly and said: "Li Sicheng said that Wu San was bedridden for more than ten days, so when he was sick, he would definitely take medicinal materials. Maybe those medicinal materials contain the medicinal materials used by thieves to raise the heart-piercing Gu."

As he spoke, he looked at Sun Boxu and said, "Can Sun Wuzuo know what kind of medicinal material caused the heart-piercing Gu that attacked Wu San?"

Sun Bofu smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I can do autopsies, but identifying medicinal materials is not something I can do."

Xiao Yu said at this time: "I will immediately send someone to the Imperial Medical Office to invite the imperial doctor. The imperial doctor deals with medicinal materials every day, so identifying the medicinal materials is not a problem, but..."

He frowned and said: "If the imperial doctor wants to identify it, he must have medicinal materials..."

Upon hearing this, Sun Bofu pointed directly at a bloody organ on the table and said, "The stomach is here. I found an incompletely digested pill in it. It shouldn't be a big problem."

Listening to Sun Bofu's words, Lin Feng and Xiao Yu's eyes lit up.

At this moment, even Xiao Yu couldn't help but said: "Old man Sun, you really helped us a lot today. When we solve the case, I will give you a heavy reward."

But Sun Bofu waved his hand and said with a smile: "The little old man has to be worthy of Lin Sizheng's 'Sun Wu Zuo'. Fortunately, he did not disappoint Lin Sizheng."

Lin Feng smiled and said: "Sun Wuzhuo is indeed the best Wuzhuo in the Tang Dynasty. I have gained a lot of knowledge today."

As he spoke, his eyes fell on the wine gourd on Sun Bofu's waist, and he said: "A few days ago, I got a jar of fine Nuerhong. It is said to be a twenty-year-old wine. But I am not strong enough to drink wine and I don't drink much. So I wonder if Sun Wuzuo can help me solve this daughter's scandal?"

After listening to Lin Feng's words, Sun Bofu's sleepy eyes seemed to wake up instantly. He rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "How can this be so embarrassing?"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "Sun Wuzuo will tell me your address. I will deliver it to you personally when I have time."

It can be seen that Sun Bofu really loves wine. As soon as he heard about the twenty-year-old wine Ner Hong, he couldn't open his mouth to refuse. He quickly told Lin Feng his address, as if he was afraid that Lin Feng would regret it. of.

Lin Feng wrote down Sun Bofu's address and said with a smile: "Thank you for your hard work, Sun Wuzuo. Sun Wuzuo, let's take a rest first and go to the next door to have tea... After the case is solved, Sun Wuzuo will be needed to sew up Wu San's body and let him He can be buried intact.”

Soon, a guard asked Sun Bofu to leave.

Xiao Yu saw that Lin Feng had secretly found out Sun Bofu's address. Being familiar with Lin Feng, Xiao Yu couldn't help but said, "Zide, do you want to give someone a drink, or do you want to steal someone?"

Lin Feng laughed. He did not hide his thoughts and said: "Sun Wuzuo is experienced and well-informed. He can play a great role in the case. There may be times when Sun Wuzuo's help is needed in the future, so he can If you make good friends with Sun Wuzuo, it will be easier for you to speak when the time comes."

"After all, I can't help but trouble Mr. Xiao every time I encounter a case that requires the help of an outstanding police officer."

Xiao Yu thought for a while and nodded: "Yes, Sun Bofu is indeed the most capable assassin I have ever seen. It's a pity that he is old and does not want to continue to come and go in the wind and rain. No Work for Dali Temple again, otherwise you would have known him a long time ago... He is the best drinker, so as long as the wine manager is enough, it is not difficult to ask him for help."

Lin Feng took note of Xiao Yu's words and nodded heavily.

Xiao Yu glanced at the bloody anatomy scene, then looked at Lin Feng and said, "Zide, what are you going to do next?"

Lin Feng thought for a moment and said, "I want to act separately from Mr. Xiao."

"Separate?" Xiao Yu frowned.

Lin Feng said: "I went to find the Tubo envoy to learn more about the situation. Xiao Gong led people to investigate Wu San's situation half a month ago and three days ago, and at the same time he went to help the official find the prescription for the prince's illness during this period. .”

After listening to Lin Feng's words, Xiao Yu was stunned for a moment: "His Royal Highness's prescription?"

The matter of investigating Wu San was agreed upon before, so Xiao Yu was not surprised.

But why did Lin Feng investigate the prince's prescription?

Xiao Yu was very confused, and then he heard Lin Feng's low voice: "I have been doubting something."

"what's up?"

"Is the target of the real murderer really Sambuza?" Lin Feng said slowly: "Sambuza is not as smart as Galdongzan, and not as good at martial arts as Heganzan. His position in the envoy group is very embarrassing. If it's not good, why did the real murderer want to kill him? Moreover, the real murderer had started preparations a full month ago, but at that time... Whether His Highness the Crown Prince would meet these envoys in the East Palace was unknown. Even His Highness the Crown Prince had two It was only known in advance that he was going to entertain the envoys. Could it be that the real murderer could have been predicted beforehand?"

Xiao Yu can be ranked among the third-rank ministers, and his thinking is naturally not slow. He had never thought in this direction before, but now with Lin Feng's reminder, his eyes suddenly shrank and his face changed: "Do you mean to say …”

"The real murderer, his target is not Sambuza at all! And in the entire East Palace, there are only people who are worthy of his calculations and have used special things like the almost extinct heart-piercing Gu..."

The smile on Xiao Yu's face was suddenly replaced by horror, and he lost his voice: "Your Highness the Crown Prince! The target of the real murderer is His Highness the Crown Prince!?"

Xiao Yu was so shocked by his guess that he got goosebumps.

If it is true as I guessed, then the nature of this case will be completely different.

Killing the prince would be a major event that would shake the foundation of the Tang Dynasty!

Far beyond the reach of a Tibetan envoy!

Li Haomiao, the gossip expert on the side, felt his scalp numb when he heard Xiao Yu's words.

He didn't expect that he could hear such a shocking inference while he was just quietly serving as a backdrop!

And if this is true... all the blood in his body immediately boils, then he will be the first person to know the truth! For him, who is a master of gossip, this is more exciting and exciting than taking medicine.

Lin Feng didn't notice that Li Haomiao's excited face behind him turned as red as a cooked crab. He looked at Xiao Yu, who couldn't hide his shock, and said: "This is why I want to communicate with His Highness the Crown Prince alone. He is also His Highness the Crown Prince." The reason why he suddenly left the East Palace and went to the Imperial Palace."

Xiao Yu's heart moved and he said: "Are you worried that the real murderer will continue to attack, so you asked His Highness the Crown Prince to hide in a safe place first?"

The case has reached the second half, and Lin Feng had a premonition that it was about to be solved, so he no longer concealed it from Xiao Yu and Li Haomiao. He said: "If something happens to His Highness during our investigation, then we will suffer." There is no need to walk away in circles, so for the sake of safety, I advise His Highness the Crown Prince to leave the East Palace for the time being."

Xiao Yu said hurriedly: "You are right. We cannot afford this responsibility, and there is no need to take this risk."

Lin Feng nodded, he and Xiao Yu walked out of the room, breathed in the fresh air, and said: "And now I learned from Sun Wuzuo that the real murderer used the heart-piercing Gu, and the heart-piercing Gu happened to use medicinal materials, and His Highness the Prince I happen to be taking medicine all the time..."

He looked at Xiao Yu and said slowly: "Mr. Xiao, do you think there can be such a coincidence?"

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, completely understanding what Lin Feng meant, and agreed with Lin Feng from the bottom of his heart.

He said: "I understand, I will get His Highness the Prince's prescription immediately..."

Lin Feng said to Xiao Yu: "Mr. Xiao had better not alert the people in the East Palace. The real murderer must be hidden in the East Palace. Since we have decided not to alert the enemy, we will continue to the end."

Xiao Yu thought for a while and said: "This is easy to handle. His Royal Highness's prescriptions are all prescribed by the imperial physician. When I ask someone to ask for the imperial physician, I can directly ask for the prescription from the imperial physician. People in the East Palace can't live without it now." Donggong, don’t worry that they will know about this.”

Lin Feng cupped his hands and said, "Then there's Mr. Lao Xiao."

Xiao Yu waved his hand: "It's nothing."

He glanced at the setting sun and said, "Without further ado, let's take action. It's not easy for His Highness to stay in the palace forever and not come back. We have to speed up."

Lin Feng nodded: "Okay."

Soon, the two men split into two groups and acted separately.

Lin Feng took Li Haomiao to the place where the envoy lived.

As he walked, he said: "Li Sicheng, the information you just inquired about did not come from the envoy... This is not in line with your temperament. You would let go of the envoy's gossip."

Li Haomiao scratched his head after listening to Lin Feng's words: "Of course I also want to inquire about the envoy's situation. After all, the envoys of Tubo and Tuyuhun are fighting openly and secretly, and each has their own agenda. It must be interesting... But they are too strict, except If it's related to the case, they won't say anything at all, and there are only so many things related to the case, and the subordinates can't ask anything new."

Lin Feng thoughtfully said: "It seems that the envoys of the two countries are very cautious when it is still unclear whether the Tang Dynasty and Tubo will unite."

As he said that, he looked at Li Haomiao: "You are well-informed. Do you know what His Majesty is thinking about whether he wants to join forces with Tubo?"

Li Haomiao shook his head in distress and said: "It stands to reason that Tuyuhun has invaded the border many times. Even if there is no Tubo, the Ministry of War has proposed sending troops to Tuyuhun, and His Majesty is also tempted."

"But this time after the Tibetan and Tuyuhun envoys came to Chang'an, His Majesty remained silent about the alliance. Even the Ministry of War, which originally proposed sending troops, also remained silent, as if they had forgotten about it... I also asked my uncle about it. , but my uncle directly scolded me and told me not to inquire about this, so I don’t know what the current situation is."

Li Jing just scolded Li Haomiao and stopped him from inquiring, instead of saying anything else. It seemed that the general direction had not changed, and they all chose to remain silent now... Lin Feng's heart moved slightly, and he roughly understood what was going on.

This is for sale.

Waiting to discuss interests with Tubo, waiting to see whether Tuyuhun is willing to bleed a lot in order to prevent Datang and Tubo from joining forces.

While the two were talking, they had already arrived in front of the house where the envoy lived.

Just after finding the head of the Wedding Dress Ghost, Lin Feng asked the envoy to go back to rest first, and also told the East Palace guards not to continue accompanying him... He needed a quieter state to investigate the case, and also to prevent the real murderer hidden in the East Palace from knowing. own clues.

Lin Feng raised his chin, and Li Haomiao quickly stepped forward and knocked on the door.

"Who?" Soon, Gal Dongzan's alert voice came from the room.

Lin Feng said loudly: "I, Lin Feng, have something to do and want to see the Tibetan envoy."

As Lin Feng's voice fell, the door was quickly opened.

Gal Dongzan's figure appeared behind the door. He looked at Lin Feng and said with some surprise: "What's going on at Lin Temple?"

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Let's talk in the room."

Several people entered the room. Lin Feng took a look at the room, which had the same layout as the guest room where Mu Licheng lived, and then sat on a stool.

He looked at Galdongzan and said, "Your Majesty, I would like to know about Sambuza's situation."


Gal Dongzan said in confusion: "I have said before that he has not offended anyone. He has been very well-behaved since he arrived at the East Palace. He has not had contact with anyone during this period... Lin Sizheng should know about it, right?"

Lin Feng shook his head and smiled: "That's not what I want to ask."

"That is?"

Lin Feng looked at Gal Dongzan and said in a deep voice: "I would like to know...whether Sambuza has been feeling unwell recently and whether he is taking any medicine."

Gal Dongzan's calm eyes suddenly widened, his face full of surprise: "How did Lin Sizheng know!?"

Seeing Gal Dongzan's reaction, Li Haomiao couldn't help but said: "You are really sick, are you taking medicine?"

Galdongzan said: "It can't be said that he is sick. It should be due to the fatigue of traveling. In addition, after arriving in Chang'an, the cost of food and clothing is different from that of Tubo, which makes Sambuza not very comfortable."

"But this is not a big deal. Before we left for Chang'an, we had anticipated that this might happen. So before we left, our Tibetan pharmacist specially prepared corresponding medicines for us. When we felt uncomfortable, we took several doses in a row. Things will get better."

"After Sambuza arrived in Chang'an, he felt uncomfortable, so he has been taking medicine... But it was not a big deal, and he was obviously getting better, so we never mentioned this matter to Datang or thought about Lin Temple. Zheng unexpectedly discovered..."

He couldn't help but look at Lin Feng and said, "Is it possible that Lin Si is not only great at math but also has great medical skills?"

Gal Dongzan seems to have some misunderstanding about me... Lin Feng maintained a polite but not serious smile, shook his head and said: "I don't know medical skills."

"That is?"

"That's it..." Lin Feng pointed to his head.

The look of shock on Gal Dongzan's face became even stronger. It seemed that Lin Feng had no medical skills, but he could guess that Sambuza was taking medicine, which shocked him even more.

Lin Feng praised Galdong: "Before going to the East Palace for the banquet last night, I wonder if Sambuza took any medicine?"

Gal Dongzan nodded: "It's our honor for the prince to invite me to a banquet. Naturally, we can't act sick at the banquet. So before departure, Sambuza took a few more doses in order to behave better."

As expected, Lin Feng nodded calmly.

"It's really true. Lin Sizheng guessed it all correctly!" Li Haomiao looked at Lin Feng with even more admiration.

Lin Feng said: "I wonder if your Majesty knows the prescription of the medicine Sambuza took? If you know, please give me a copy. If you don't know, you can also give me a copy of your medicine. I will ask someone to identify it. .”

Gal Dongzan listened to Lin Feng's words, his wise and deep eyes moved slightly, and he couldn't help but said: "Why is Lin Sizheng so concerned about the prescription? Is this prescription related to the case?"

Lin Feng did not hide anything: "As expected, the prescription will be directly related to the investigation of the case, and even more related to why Sambuza died."

Gal Dongzan's face was full of surprise. He had no idea that the medicine he used to treat acclimatization and fatigue would have such an important status.

He pondered for a while, then stood up directly and said: "What a coincidence, I was worried that the medicine would not be enough, so before leaving Tubo, I specially asked for the prescription, so that if the medicine is not enough, we can buy and prepare the medicine ourselves."

"Unexpectedly...the prescription was not used to prepare medicine, but was used here instead."

As he spoke, he opened the cabinet and took out his baggage.

Then he opened the bundle, rummaged through it for a moment, and then took out a piece of paper.

He put the paper on the table, pushed it in front of Lin Feng, and said, "This is the prescription for Sambuza's medicine."


Lin Feng took the prescription and left Gal Dongzan's room.

Li Haomiao looked at Lin Feng with admiration and asked, "Lin Sizheng, what should we do next?"

After seeing Lin Feng's ability, he became more curious and expectant about how Lin Feng would solve the case.

But who knows, Lin Feng smiled and said: "Go drink tea and chat with Sun Wuzuo."

"What?" Li Haomiao was startled: "Aren't you going to continue investigating the case?"

Lin Feng smiled and said: "I have done everything I was supposed to do. Next we just need to wait for the news."


Li Haomiao asked doubtfully: "Are you waiting for His Highness the Crown Prince's prescription and the imperial doctor to check the prescription of Wu San Pills?"

"Not only that."

As Lin Feng was talking, suddenly a Dali Temple official walked over quickly. He said to Lin Feng: "Lin Feng, the baggage you asked for has been brought."

"Burden?" Li Haomiao blinked, looking confused.

Lin Feng explained: "I asked Mr. Xiao to fetch the baggage for me... The baggage is here. It seems that I have to wait a while before I can go to drink tea."

As he spoke, he looked at the bundle in the official's hand.

"Have the items in the bag been taken away?" Lin Feng asked.

The official shook his head hurriedly: "My subordinates have asked, and no one has touched the baggage."

Lin Feng nodded.

He took the bundle and opened it.

Li Haomiao quickly moved over. At this time, Li Haomiao discovered that the baggage was filled with women's clothes.

There are brightly colored clothes and there are also very plain clothes.

There's even some rouge gouache.

He looked confused: "Lin Sizheng, whose burden is this?"

"Key witness..."

Lin Feng picked up the rouge box, opened it, smelled it, nodded and said, "That's the smell."

Key witness?

Are there any female witnesses in this case?

Li Haomiao was even more confused.

At this time, he heard Lin Feng ask him: "Li Sicheng, do you know the rouge of Yunyanfang?"


Li Haomiao thought for a while and said: "This is a famous rouge shop in Chang'an City. The rouge inside is very expensive... My aunt and sister often buy the rouge there. Every time they finish buying it, my uncle feels very distressed."

"It's very expensive..." Lin Feng narrowed his eyes, and a look of understanding flashed through his eyes.

He rummaged through the bag again and pulled out a key.

I saw that the key was black with some red paint on it.

Looking at the bright color of the red paint, Lin Feng said slowly: "The dripping on it recently..."

He looked at the baggage again, and then he took out a very plain coat with some red paint on it. He looked at the clothes and then at the keys. Lin Feng speculated: "It seems that she should be there in the near future." The door was painted red..."

"But that's not important. What's important is this dress..."

Lin Feng looked at the clothes stained with red paint and wondered: "There are a lot of red paint stains on the clothes. It shouldn't be washed off, and it can't be worn... Since it can't be worn, why do you need to carry it with you when you go out?"

He unfolded the clothes and looked at the clothes carefully. At this time, he discovered that there were three small words embroidered in white thread on the inside of the clothes - Miao Yi Fang.

Looking at these three words, Lin Feng's first thought was that this should be the name of the shop that sold the clothes. His second thought was that he had heard the words "Miaoyifang" before.

Miao Yi Fang... isn't this the Zhao family's clothing store in Chang'an City?

The last time I met Zhao Minglu, Zhao Minglu specifically told Lin Feng about the shop run by the Zhao family in Chang'an City, and said that as long as Lin Feng was in need, he could go to any of the Zhao family's shops at any time, and the Zhao family would do their best to help Lin Feng.

This is Zhao Minglu's reward for Lin Feng cracking the Zhao Deshun case and helping him clear his grievances.

Moreover, Zhao Minglu specifically mentioned Miaoyi Fang to Lin Feng. Zhao Deshun spent a lot of money to build Miaoyi Fang's reputation during his lifetime, making Miaoyi Fang the favorite shop of Chang'an ladies, and the clothes in it were all ridiculously expensive.

And the clothes are expensive, so the service must keep up.

Miaoyifang not only provides tailor-made services, but also provides door-to-door tailoring, door-to-door delivery, and after-sales guarantee services... After hearing this, Lin Feng immediately admired Zhao Deshun, whom he had never met before. This business acumen is really amazing. Even Lin Feng who said he was a time traveler wouldn't doubt it.

Now that he saw this piece of clothing... Lin Feng's heart moved. He suddenly put down the clothes in his hands and looked at the other clothes one after another.

Then he slowly exhaled: "It's true."

Seeing Lin Feng's strange behavior, Li Haomiao couldn't help but asked curiously: "Lin Sizheng, what's wrong?"

Lin Feng looked at Li Haomiao and said in a deep voice: "Li Sicheng, I need you to do me a favor."

"Lin Si, please speak." Li Haomiao straightened his back quickly.

Then Lin Feng wrapped the baggage again and handed it to Li Haomiao, saying: "Go to Miaoyi Shop and ask the people there if they know who bought these clothes... If you know, then go Open the door to this person’s residence with the key and bring me something back.”

Then, he told Li Haomiao what he wanted.

When Li Haomiao heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed: "The lower officials of Miaoyifang have also heard that the business is very good... I can't tell when these clothes were sold, and they may not be able to remember."

Lin Feng pondered for a moment and said: "Go to Mr. Xiao and ask him for a portrait... then bring the portrait to ask. Miaoyifang should be able to have some impression of this person who bought so many pieces of clothing."

"It will be easier if we have the portrait." Li Haomiao said, "Let me go now."

"Wait a moment."

Lin Feng looked at him and said: "If the people in Miaoyifang are unwilling to cooperate with you, just tell them that you are working for me. If nothing happens, they will take the initiative to cooperate with you seriously."

Li Haomiao was stunned for a moment, then nodded and left quickly holding the baggage.

Looking at Li Haomiao's back, Lin Feng slowly exhaled: "Next, we really have to wait with peace of mind."


An hour later.

Lin Feng picked up the water glass and took a sip of water.

He looked at the pieces of paper on the table.

Here are three prescriptions.

The three prescriptions are the prescription for Prince Li Chengqian, the prescription for medicine taken by Sambuza, and the list of medicines identified on the small half pill that the imperial physician took out of Wu San's stomach.

Looking at these three pieces of paper, Lin Feng compared the names of the medicinal materials on them one by one.

After a while, Lin Feng put down the water glass, and a smile appeared on his tense face: "The most critical part has finally been found out, and now we have to look at the real murderer."

At this time, Xiao Yu walked back from the door.

"Zi De."

He came to Lin Feng's side, picked up the kettle, poured himself a glass of water, drank it, and then slowly exhaled.

"Mr. Xiao, how are you?" Lin Feng asked Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu shook his head and sighed: "I asked a lot of people, including the guards who lived with him. Before and after Wu San fell ill, and before and after he suddenly got better, no one found anything unusual about Wu San. They eat the same food as them.”

"And except for the guards who lived with Wu San, no one else came to see Wu least they didn't see it."

When Lin Feng heard this, he didn't look too surprised.

He said slowly: "It seems that the real murderer is still as cautious as ever and does not give us any chance to find him."

"Who says it isn't?" Xiao Yu sat on the stool on the other side of the table and said, "But I found this under Wu San's pillow."

As he spoke, he took out a small porcelain bottle from his arms and handed it to Lin Feng. He said, "No other guard has seen this porcelain bottle. After opening it, you can smell a medicinal smell, but there is no medicine in it."

Lin Feng opened the porcelain bottle, and sure enough, he could smell the smell of medicine.

He took a closer look at the porcelain bottle and found that it was a very common bottle used by drug stores to hold pills. There was nothing special about it.

"It seems that this should be the secret of Wu San's rapid recovery... But all the medicine in it has been taken..."

Lin Feng put the medicine bottle on the table and sneered: "The real murderer really calculated to the extreme. He calculated that Wu San would die today and take the last pill... without leaving anything for us to investigate. The opportunity to reveal the cause of Wu San's death also completely hid himself."

Hearing this, Xiao Yu nodded in agreement.

He said solemnly: "This is one of the most cautious and cunning thieves I have ever seen!"

Lin Feng tapped the table with his fingertips and said, "Besides that, is there anything else?"

"There is another one, but I don't know if it is related to the case."


Xiao Yu said: "When I was searching Wu San's things, I found that one thing was missing from Wu San's belongings."

"Something is missing?"

Lin Feng asked: "What's missing?"

Xiao Yu said: "Buddha amulet."

"Buddha amulet?"

Xiao Yu nodded and said: "It's the size of a jade pendant, with Buddha's things engraved on it. According to the guards, it is the most precious thing in Wu San's body. Wu San believes in Buddhism and has to worship it every day. He also said that this Buddha amulet is It was consecrated by an eminent monk and it is very effective."

"The night before the incident, the guard who was in the same room as Wu San also saw Wu San praying to the Buddha amulet. But today I went to search Wu San's belongings and found no amulet. When we performed an autopsy on Wu San, No Buddhist amulets were found.”

Lin Feng unconsciously drew circles on the table with his fingertips and said, "In other words, the Buddha amulet is lost..."

"Yes, but I don't know who stole it yet. The amulet should be worth some money, and the person who stole it may not hand it over easily... However, the cause of Wu San's death has been clear, and it should not have much to do with this gadget."

Lin Feng frowned and did not respond to Xiao Yu.

His brain was running rapidly, and he quickly reviewed Wu San's temperament, experience, and Wu San's words and deeds after he met Wu San.

But at this moment, his circled fingertips suddenly paused. He looked at Xiao Yu and said, "Mr. Xiao, I want to trouble you to do two more things."


Lin Feng pointed to the prescriptions on the table and said: "There is exactly the same medicine in these three prescriptions. As expected, this medicine is either expensive or rare. It should be difficult for ordinary people to use it when they are sick... Please send someone, Mr. Xiao." Go to the major pharmacies in Chang'an City and ask if this medicinal material has been sold recently and if you remember who bought it."

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed: "Are you suspicious?"

"It's not doubt, but certainty!"

Lin Feng said slowly: "The real culprit wants to cultivate Gu insects and make pills. He will definitely need a lot of medicinal materials, so there must be a need to purchase medicinal materials."

Xiao Yu nodded directly: "I will send someone to investigate immediately."

After saying that, he asked again: "What about the second thing?"

"The second thing..."

Lin Feng looked at the setting sun that had begun to hang on the treetops outside the door, and said, "Please, Mr. Xiao, please send someone to the palace to ask His Royal Highness a question for me."

"one question?"

Xiao Yu was startled: "What's the problem?"

Just as Lin Feng was about to tell his question, he heard footsteps coming quickly from outside the door.

"Lin Sizheng, the official is back."

At the same time, Li Haomiao's loud voice sounded.

Lin Feng and Xiao Yu followed the sound and looked outside, and saw Li Haomiao walking into the room sweating profusely.

He first saluted Xiao Yu, and then hurriedly said to Lin Feng: "Lin Sizheng, fortunately he has lived up to his orders, he is really amazing. Originally, no one in Miaoyifang wanted to talk to Xiaguan, because he felt that Xiaguan would hinder their business."

"But when the officials mentioned Lin Si Zheng's name, they immediately became very enthusiastic and even closed the door directly to help Lin Si Zheng recall the people who bought clothes."

It seems that Zhao Minglu has really arranged everything... Lin Feng asked: "How?"

Li Haomiao said: "They said that the person who ordered the clothes was not this woman... Fortunately, they measured the woman's size and specially sent her clothes. They happened to remember the woman's appearance, so they finally recognized the woman in the portrait. .”

Lin Feng's eyes flashed and he straightened his back: "Have you gone to her residence? Have you brought what I wanted?"

Li Haomiao nodded directly: "I brought it. Everything Lin Si wanted is there, so I just took some back."

Listening to Li Haomiao's words, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly brightened.

"Show me." Lin Feng said.

Li Haomiao did not dare to delay and quickly took out the two bundles he carried on his back. He placed one bundle on the ground that Lin Feng had given him before.

Then, he handed another baggage to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng quickly opened the baggage and looked inside.

After he saw clearly what was inside, he took a deep breath.

"finally found you……"

Without any hesitation, he turned to look at Xiao Yu and said: "Mr. Xiao, you don't need to ask questions to His Highness. You can just invite His Highness to come back."


Xiao Yu looked stunned: "Let His Royal Highness come back?"

He suddenly realized something, his eyes widened suddenly, and he said, "Is it you?"

Lin Feng met Xiao Yu's expectant and horrified gaze, nodded slowly, and said, "With what Li Sicheng brought back, all the mysteries have been solved. I already know who the real murderer is."

He looked at Xiao Yu and said with a smile: "It's time for His Royal Highness to come back and reveal everything."

 I haven't read any book reviews in the past few days, so I know that everyone doesn't like this case very much. Since everyone is not satisfied, I will speed up the process.

  The process of searching for clues that I originally wanted to write in detail has been accelerated, but there is too much foreshadowing. No matter how fast I speed up, the process of searching for clues will take up to 10,000 words.

  So the reasoning part can only be written tomorrow.

  This case really took a lot of effort from the beginning of the design, and I also designed a lot of reversal and interference plots in the middle, but it should be that I didn't write it well and didn't satisfy everyone. I'm sorry, I will learn from my experience later. .



(End of this chapter)

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