People are in Zhenguan, solving crimes scientifically

Chapter 161 3 pieces of information, a new dawn for the case!

Chapter 161 Three pieces of information, a new dawn for the case! (-in-)

Lin Feng stared closely at Mo Wanshan's face, and the faces of women he had seen flashed through his mind.

As a criminal investigator, recognizing faces is one of the basic abilities.

And he has a talent for memory. He can engrav the face of the other person in his mind in a short time as long as it is a face he has come into contact with recently, even if it is just to buy something. Once it needs to be mobilized, , the brain can quickly call out these faces, and then compare them one by one.

Although the face in front of him was drawn, and the orifices were bleeding because of the deliberate horror, which caused some distortion and changes in the appearance of the face, Lin Feng was still able to capture familiar places through the details.

"Like who?"

Lin Feng touched his chin and kept comparing the people he had met recently with them.

Faces appeared and disappeared from his mind, and soon, Lin Feng's eyes flashed.

He suddenly stepped forward, grabbed the "head", and stared at the face with bleeding from all the orifices, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

"How could it be him?"

Lin Feng's expression was full of astonishment.

Xiao Yu saw Lin Feng's strange behavior and couldn't help but whisper: "Zide, what's wrong? Is there something wrong with this face?"

Lin Feng frowned slightly, and the look in his eyes kept flickering.

After a moment, he took a deep breath, looked at Xiao Yu, and said, "Mr. Xiao, I should know the murderer's motive."


When Xiao Yu heard this, he was startled at first, and then quickly understood what Lin Feng meant. He hurriedly asked: "What's the motive? Why did he want to kill Sambuza?"

Lin Feng said: "Whether he really wanted to kill Sambuza requires further investigation...but as for the motive, if my prediction is good, this will be a major breakthrough."

He looked at Xiao Yu and said, "Mr. Xiao, I need you to do two things for me."

Xiao Yu and Lin Feng looked at each other, then they left the crowd and whispered: "What's the matter?"

Lin Feng said: "First, let someone draw this face...remove the bleeding part, only draw the normal facial features, and then give the portrait to someone."

"Who is it?"

Lin Feng whispered a name into Xiao Yu's ear.

Xiao Yu's eyes widened when he heard the name. He looked at Lin Feng in astonishment and couldn't help but said, "Are you serious?"

Lin Feng nodded heavily: "During the investigation of the case, when did I ever make a joke?"

Xiao Yu felt Lin Feng's seriousness. Although he didn't think the person Lin Feng was talking about had anything to do with the case, since Lin Feng had said it, he would not refuse.

He said: "There is a painter in the East Palace. I will ask him to draw it quickly and then send it out."

Lin Feng said: "Thank you, Mr. Xiao."

Xiao Yu waved his hand: "What about the second thing?"

"I need Mr. Xiao to send someone to get a baggage for me."

Then, he told Xiao Yu in detail about the location and baggage.

After hearing this, Xiao Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was even more surprised: "You mean...this face is the same as hers?"

Lin Feng nodded and said: "The official will not admit his mistake, but to be more sure, the official asked Mr. Xiao to draw her portrait, and then let others identify it to avoid making mistakes."

Xiao Yu finally understood the whole story of what Lin Feng did.

I finally understood that if Lin Feng really did not admit his mistake, what was the real murderer's motive.

He said directly without any hesitation: "I will let the people from Dali Temple do it, and the people from the East Palace will not be allowed to participate next."

Lin Feng agreed with Xiao Yu's decision and said with a smile: "It all depends on Mr. Xiao."

Xiao Yu thought about Lin Feng's words, looked at the face again, and said slowly: "No wonder the real murderer would rather throw away the wedding dress and hide this face... I didn't expect that he would actually draw a real face. Come on, why is he doing this? He just drew a fake face, and even if we could find the face, we wouldn't be able to find any clues."

"Okay, now, the most critical clue will be revealed right away."

Lin Feng understood what Xiao Yu meant. He thought for a while and said, "Perhaps in the eyes of the real murderer, he is very confident and believes that he has hidden enough secrets. We may not be able to find this face."

"Perhaps the real murderer thought that he had painted this face so distorted and added blood that even if we found it, we still wouldn't be able to identify the owner of this face."


Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "He has special feelings for this face. He believes that this face must be used to witness everything he has done in order to give him emotional satisfaction."

Xiao Yu thought for a while, then nodded and said: "It's all possible... We will know the details after we find him."

He looked at Lin Feng and said, "I will have people do these two things quickly... Then, what are you going to do next?"

Lin Feng turned his head, looked at the people who were still talking about each other, and said: "About the wedding dress ghost, basically everything has been found out, whether it is the wedding dress, the head, or the real murderer's plan, there are all the clues we can get. about there."

"So next, it's time to investigate the causes of death of Sambuza and Wu San."

As he said that, he looked at Xiao Yu and said, "Mr. Xiao, how long will it take for the old man you are looking for to arrive? If you want to investigate the cause of death, you must do an autopsy."

Xiao Yu frowned and said: "Logically speaking, it's almost time, it's time to come..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a guard walked over quickly and said, "Xiao Siqing, the person you want has arrived."

When Xiao Yu heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He smiled and said to Lin Feng: "Say Cao Cao, and Cao Cao will be here."


At the gate of the East Palace, Lin Feng saw the old man with anatomy ability invited by Xiao Yu for him.

This man looks to be in his fifties, has more white hair than black hair, and occupies a dominant position.

There are layers of wrinkles on his face, and deep bags under his eyes. His eyes look like they are sleepy, giving people a feeling of anxiety.

He was wearing washed white gray clothes, with a gourd tied around his waist. He was hunching his head and putting his hands into his loose sleeves, as if he was very cold.

"Xiao Siqing."

Seeing Xiao Yu and Lin Feng arriving, the old man quickly saluted Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu waved his hand, looked at the old man's shabby clothes, and frowned: "Old man Sun, I have never treated you harshly before, right? Why don't you even have any decent clothes?"

Sun Bofu, the old man, said with a smile: "Don't worry, Xiao Siqing, I'm not too poor to open the pot... It's just that I'm nostalgic. The longer something stays with me, the more reluctant I am to part with it. Now that I'm old, I can't say When you close your eyes, you will be like those corpses that will never get up again, and you are even more reluctant to throw away these old things."

"I always feel that throwing them away is like throwing away the previous memories and experiences of existence. Now that I have nothing to do all day long, I just wait for death with these past memories. If even the memory is gone, then... All that’s left is to wait for death.”

Xiao Yu listened to Sun Bofu's words, waved his hands and said: "With the temper of an old naughty boy like you, it's still early for you to die. What do you want to do with this?"

"Okay, time is tight, no more small talk."

He introduced Lin Feng to Sun Bofu and said, "This is Lin Feng, the principal of Dali Temple. He is currently the person with the strongest ability to solve crimes in Dali Temple."

Sun Bofu cupped his hands and smiled: "I have seen Lin Si Zheng, the great detective Lin Si Zheng. When I went to the wine shop to get a drink, I heard the storyteller say it countless times."

Xiao Yu introduced Sun Bofu to Lin Feng again and said: "Sun Bofu, you can just call him Old Man Sun. We all the people in Dali Temple call him that."

"His father is a coroner. He has been doing autopsies with his father for as long as he can remember. He has decades of experience in autopsy. After the Tang Dynasty came to dominate the world, he relied on his superb autopsy skills to work in Dali Temple."

"As for the cases that require Dali Temple to investigate, you know that they are not simple cases, so the corpses he examined were not simple either. Some were chopped into dozens of pieces, and some were buried underground for ten years. There are white bones, corpses that were eaten by wild dogs with only one head left... No matter what corpse it is, as long as it falls on his hands, he can analyze it, so if there is anyone who can complete your explanation For this task, in the entire Tang Dynasty, apart from him, no one else can be chosen."

Sun Bofu grinned, revealing his yellow teeth, which were missing one of his front teeth, and said with a smile: "Xiao Siqing praises me too much. I am not that powerful. I just eat a bowl of rice and do what I should do." .”

Lin Feng smiled and said: "If you are in your position, you can do your job well, and you can still do it well...this is already much better than most people."

He cupped his hands and said, "Sun Wuzuo, I'll leave it to you to do the autopsy next."

Sun Bofu was slightly startled when he heard Lin Feng address him as Sun Wuzuo, and also bowed his hand to him very politely. His eyes that looked a little groggy suddenly showed a gleam of light, as if his cloudy eyes suddenly became a little clearer.

He straightened his back slightly and couldn't help but look at Xiao Yu. He saw that Xiao Yu was always smiling without any reaction. He took a deep breath and grinned: "Lin Sizheng, please don't say that. Can you It's my honor to remember you, little old man. As long as Lin Si is not afraid that I will mess up, it will be fine if the autopsy fails."

Lin Feng smiled: "If Sun Wuzuo can't test it, and others can't test it, I will consider it from other aspects, so Sun Wuzuo doesn't have to worry, just go for the test with confidence and boldness."

Sun Bofu nodded: "With Lin Sizheng's words, I feel relieved."

After the greetings were completed, Lin Feng took Sun Boxu directly into the East Palace without further delay, allowing Sun Boxu to see Wu San.

After he explained to Sun Boxu how to dissect, he and Xiao Yu left the room.

Outside the door.

Xiao Yu looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile: "What you said about Sun Wuzuo directly cured his rickets. Originally, I was worried that the old Suntou would find excuses not to take action, so I have prepared a lot. After trying to persuade him, he turned out to be so happy, which was really beyond my expectation."

Lin Feng was not surprised. He looked at the blue sky and said slowly: "Observe his actions, listen to his words, understand his thoughts, and then you can touch his heart with your words. This is not a difficult thing. For Mr. Xiao, In other words, it won’t be difficult even if you think about it.”

Xiao Yu nodded, but said: "Although it is not difficult, being a slave is not a respectable job, and there is no rank in Dali Temple. As an official, who wants to see what he thinks? , listen to what he said? He has worked in Dali Temple for so many years, so he understands this, otherwise everyone would not call him Lao Suntou. "

"That's why you can call him Sun Wuzuo and show him great respect and respect. This is something he has never experienced even in Dali Temple. That's why it's so satisfying. Otherwise..."

Xiao Yu looked at Lin Feng and smiled: "The wine gourd he brought today must be filled with the best and most expensive daughter's red in Chang'an City."

Lin Feng nodded, he understood this.

However, he respects Sun Bofu not because he wants to do what he likes, but because his previous work experience has given him enough respect for the auto industry. It is respect from the bottom of his heart.

He looked back at Sun Bofu who was busy and said, "It will take some time for Sun Wu to do it... Taking advantage of this time, Mr. Xiao, I want to go to the room where the wedding dress was lost again."

Hearing this, Xiao Yu was a little confused and said, "Why are you still going there? Haven't you already checked everything about the wedding dress?"

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, a flash of deep meaning flashed in his dark eyes, and said, "I want to find something."

"One thing?" Xiao Yu asked curiously, "What?"

Lin Feng said meaningfully: "It's something that is hidden from the sky."

With that said, he came to the room where the wedding dress was stored last night again.

After entering the room with Xiao Yu, Lin Feng turned around and closed the door.

Xiao Yu saw Lin Feng being mysterious, and the look of curiosity on his face became even more intense.

Lin Feng had already deduced the secret of this room very clearly just now, and directly used the clues left by the thief in this room to find the wedding dress and the thief's accomplice Mu Licheng who was hidden in the envoy. It can be said that here All the valuable things should have been clearly investigated, so why is Lin Feng here mysteriously looking for it?

He looked at Lin Feng curiously and saw that Lin Feng ignored the blood-stained clothes hanger and the blood words on the ground. His eyes were very detailed, and his eyes scanned the room inch by inch.

The floor, walls, beams... were not missed.

At the same time, he directly flipped through the closed cabinets, bypassed the screen, came to the dressing cabinet, and opened the dressing cabinet.

However, the dressing cabinet was empty.

All the cupboards are empty too.

"How come there isn't?"

Lin Feng frowned: "Did I guess wrong?"

But as soon as this idea appeared, he denied it: "No, this is the safest place..."

Xiao Yu saw Lin Feng frowning and couldn't help but said: "Zide, what are you looking for?"

Just as Lin Feng was about to speak, he suddenly thought of something else that he had overlooked.

I saw him lying directly on the ground and looking under the bed.

But there was nothing under the bed.

Lin Feng pursed his lips and was about to look away and stand up, but suddenly, his eyes fell on the floor under the bed.

Then I saw some very small things there.

Lin Feng's eyes flashed, and he stretched out his hand to grab these things.

Then he sat up and looked carefully at what he had in his hands.

Xiao Yu leaned his head to take a look and said, "Sawdust?"

He wondered: "Why are there sawdust? The guest rooms in the East Palace will be cleaned on time, and there are rules in the East Palace. Every time they clean, there must be no dead ends. Even the beams will be cleaned carefully, let alone the underside of the bed, so this sawdust It shouldn’t have appeared.”

When Lin Feng heard this, he raised the corner of his mouth and said, "No, it's only right that it appears. It would be bad if it doesn't appear... That means many of my inferences are wrong."

"What?" Xiao Yu was startled.

Then he saw that Lin Feng climbed directly to the ground of the bed, and turned over so that he was facing up.

Just when Xiao Yu didn't know what Lin Feng was doing, Lin Feng's voice rang out: "Mr. Xiao, pick up." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yu quickly lowered his head and looked down.

Then he saw Lin Feng's hands carrying a wooden box out from under the bed.

Xiao Yu quickly reached out and took the wooden box.

The wooden box fell into his hand, Xiao Yu shook it, felt the weight, and said, "What's in it? It's not too heavy."

Lin Feng stepped out from under the bed, then stood up, looked at the wooden box in Xiao Yu's hand, and said with a smile: "You will know when Mr. Xiao opens it."

Xiao Yu curled her lips when she saw Lin Feng's pretense. Lin Feng was good at everything, but sometimes he was too appetizing.

Without any delay, he placed the wooden box directly on the table, then grabbed the lid of the wooden box, lifted it, and looked directly inside.

The next moment——


" could this be..."

His pupils suddenly dilated, his face was filled with astonishment, and he was stunned.

Looking at the contents of the box, Xiao Yu's mind was buzzing. He had no idea that this would be in the box.

He couldn't help but look at Lin Feng and couldn't help but said: "Zide, how could this happen?"

Lin Feng slowly exhaled, looked at Xiao Yu, and said slowly: "Mr. Xiao, we still underestimated this real murderer!"

"Fortunately, it's not too late to find out."


Outside Sun Bofu's autopsy room.

Xiao Yu's face still couldn't regain his composure. He looked at Lin Feng many times and hesitated to speak. When Lin Feng saw this, he said, "If you want to ask Mr. Xiao, just ask him."

After Xiao Yu heard this, he finally couldn't restrain his curiosity and said, "Zide, when did you discover the problem?"

Lin Feng said: "In Mu Licheng's room."

"So early?" His eyes widened with surprise on his face: "Then why didn't you say anything then?"

Lin Feng looked at Xiao Yu and said with a smile: "What's the use of saying it? I can't think of any use except to scare away the grass and scare the snake."

"So instead of speaking out and alerting the enemy, it is better to make the thief think that we are still in the dark. In this case, he will relax his vigilance and facilitate our subsequent investigation."

"If he feels the crisis and secretly does something to destroy the clues, then the gain will outweigh the loss."

Xiao Yu frowned and thought for a while, then nodded and said, "That's right. After all, we still can't determine who the thief is. It's better to let the thief think that we don't know anything and relax our vigilance than to jump over the wall in a hurry."

He looked at Lin Feng and said, "How is it? Have you found any new clues?"

Lin Feng held the warm jade pendant in his right hand, gently rubbed it with his fingertips, and nodded: "I did find some clues..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly heard footsteps approaching quickly.

Lin Feng and Xiao Yu followed the sound and saw Li Haomiao, the Prime Minister of Dali Temple, walking over quickly.

He came to the two of them, first saluted one by one, then raised his hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

When Lin Feng saw this, he smiled and said, "How's it going? Did you find out any interesting news?"

As soon as he entered the East Palace, Lin Feng gave Li Haomiao, the gossip master of Dali Temple, a task to find out the news, because Lin Feng felt that there were some words that people might not dare to say in formal occasions, but if they were talking about gossip, they might Revealed.

So he handed over this important task to Li Haomiao, who was the best at gossip.

When Li Haomiao heard this, he nodded heavily and said, "I heard three interesting things. I don't know if they are useful."

Lin Feng said: "Tell me about it."

Even Xiao Yu became curious.

Li Haomiao said: "The first thing is that Wu San, who died in front of you in Lin Temple, fell ill about half a month ago. He was ill for more than ten days and couldn't get out of bed. He suddenly recovered three days ago and immediately recovered. Just jump around and then go on duty normally."

"Get ill?"

Lin Feng and Xiao Yu looked at each other, they really didn't know about this matter.

No one told them this.

However, they did not ask anyone else about Wu San's situation in detail. After all, Lin Feng had already deduced that Wu San's death was used by the real culprit to stimulate the envoys. The real culprit did not deliberately choose Wu San. If the person who was guarding the wedding dress at that time The person was not Wu San, but someone else, so it was not Wu San who died.

Lin Feng asked: "What disease did Wu San have? Why did he suddenly get better?"

Li Haomiao shook his head: "A doctor came to see Wu San, but the doctor couldn't determine what kind of disease Wu San had. He could only prescribe medicine to treat Wu San according to Wu San's description of where he felt uncomfortable... But I heard explain……"

He lowered his voice and said: "I heard some guards complaining, saying that Wu San was afraid of hard work and deliberately pretended to be sick. Otherwise, there is no way to explain why he couldn't get out of bed for ten days and suddenly became very active... But they were just guessing. So when Lin Sizheng and you asked about Wu San's situation, they didn't talk nonsense."

Malingering? guess?

When the word "guess" is spoken, it often already represents inner consent.

Lin Feng's eyes flashed, and he suddenly raised his head to look at Xiao Yu, saying: "Wu San's death is inevitable! It is not an accident at all! He has been targeted by the real murderer for a long time!"


Xiao Yu was startled, and he quickly asked Lin Feng, "Why do you say that?"

Lin Feng said: "As Li Sicheng inquired, the guards all suspected that there was something wrong with Wu San's illness, so they watched Wu San lying around leisurely for more than ten days. They thought Wu San was pretending to be ill, and they were sure Dissatisfied."

"In this case, I encountered the task of guarding a strange wedding dress. Mr. Xiao... tell me, if you were the person in charge, who would you let guard it?"

Xiao Yu's expression changed slightly: "Wu San! He dared to pretend to be sick and lazy under my nose for more than ten days. Of course I have to teach him a lesson. If there are hard and dangerous tasks, I will definitely let him do it!"

Lin Feng nodded: "This is human nature, so...if the thief knows enough about the guards in the East Palace and Wu San's situation, then he can predict in advance who the guards will let after they discover the wedding dress. Go and guard!”

"That is to say..."

He took a deep breath and said solemnly: "The thief had enough time to prepare for Wu San's death. In other words, he may have made corresponding arrangements for Wu San earlier."

"And Wu San is just an ordinary guard. In this East Palace, not many people will pay special attention to him. Even if he dies, the attention paid to him will be much lower than that of Sambuza... Therefore, when the thief attacks Wu San , when it was arranged so early, it may not be as cautious as when dealing with Sambuza, and it is likely that some traces and clues will be left."

When Xiao Yu heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He stroked his palm and said, "Yes, and when he came into contact with Wu San, he must have done it himself. It is impossible for him to do this kind of thing to others. Maybe there will be clues."

Lin Feng thought for a while and said: "I even suspect that Wu San's illness is related to this thief. Otherwise, how could he get a strange disease for no reason and then recover for no reason?"

"This disease is too strange to come on, and it is too strange to heal... If my prediction is correct, I am afraid that the time when the thief came into contact with Wu San was at the time when he suddenly fell ill and suddenly recovered."


He said to Xiao Yu: "When Mr. Xiao sends people to investigate, he can focus on whether Wu San did anything special before he fell ill and in the days before and after he recovered, and whether he had contact with anyone... If at these two points in time, , he has all come into contact with the same person..."

Xiao Yu's eyes lit up and he quickly said: "Then there is a high probability that this person... is a thief!"

Lin Feng nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Xiao Yu looked directly at Li Haomiao and said, "Li Sicheng, if we can really find the thief, I will count you a share of the credit."

When Li Haomiao heard this, he immediately became excited.

He didn't expect that by chatting about gossip, he could actually perform meritorious deeds... Sure enough, Lin Si was his Bole, and only he could display his abilities.

Lin Feng smiled and said to Li Haomiao: "What about the second thing?"

Xiao Yu also looked at Li Haomiao more curiously. This was the first time he discovered that Li Haomiao's gossip ability was so useful.

"The second thing..." Li Haomiao's voice suddenly became lower, and he said with some caution: "A maid said that there was a strange crying sound in the bamboo forest where the wedding dress was found the night before the crime. .”

"Weird crying?"

Xiao Yu raised his eyebrows: "What kind of weird method?"

Lin Feng also looked at Li Haomiao.

Li Haomiao said: "The maid said that she was passing by the bamboo forest and suddenly heard some whimpering sounds. The sounds were full of depression and a bit sharp, which made her skin crawl."

"But she didn't know what the crying was. It was dark in the bamboo forest and there were no lanterns, so she left quickly. Then she went to the nearby guards and said there was crying in the bamboo forest. The guards went to check, but No one was found."

"But in the bamboo forest, they heard the sound of the wind blowing through the bamboo forest, which was a bit like a whimpering sound, so they thought that this was what the maid heard. However, the maid firmly believed that she heard it right, but the guards found nothing. , the maid can only give up."

After listening to Li Haomiao's words, Xiao Yu looked at Lin Feng and said, "Zide, what do you think?"

Lin Feng touched his chin and said: "The wind blowing some things will indeed cause strange sounds. This is not a strange thing."

"But what I care about is the time of the night before the crime... this day..."

Lin Feng squinted his eyes, his eyes looking deep in thought.

Li Haomiao saw that Lin Feng seemed to have thought of something, and he quickly asked: "Did this maid really hear it right?"

Lin Feng did not answer Li Haomiao, he just said: "Li Sicheng, you did better than I expected. Sure enough, I did not make a mistake in calling you this time."

Hearing Lin Feng's praise, Li Haomiao straightened up. He felt that he had just said all the good things to the little maid and his saliva was about to dry up. It was all worth it.

Lin Feng looked at Li Haomiao with a gentler expression. He really didn't expect that Li Haomiao would give him so many unexpected surprises.

He smiled and asked, "What about the last thing?"

"One last thing..."

Li Haomiao said: "It has nothing to do with the case. It is a matter with the Ministry of Industry, which is building a Buddhist temple to pray for eminent monks from the Western Regions."

"what's up?"

Because the eminent monk from the Western Regions was moving into Puguang Temple, Lin Feng couldn't help but pay attention to this eminent monk from the Western Regions.

Li Haomiao said: "A few days ago, an official from the Ministry of Industry took advantage of the opportunity to build a Buddhist temple and wanted to embezzle some money. However, he was discovered by a craftsman from the Ministry of Industry and reported it directly to His Highness the Crown Prince. Then Your Majesty also knows."

"This is a Buddhist temple specially built by His Majesty for His Royal Highness. It is full of His Majesty's expectation for His Royal Highness to recover as soon as possible. As a result, this official dared to amass money and corruption in this matter. You can imagine how angry Your Majesty will be."

"So His Majesty immediately put him in prison and asked him to be executed at a later date."

Listening to Li Haomiao's words, Lin Feng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and said, "Isn't this Ministry of Industry official too courageous? How dare he be greedy for such a thing that His Majesty is personally watching?"

"Moreover, he was greedy. Other officials from the Ministry of Industry did not discover it. Instead, he was discovered by a craftsman. This craftsman was brave enough and was not afraid of retaliation. He actually reported it directly to His Highness the Crown Prince..."

He couldn't help but look at Xiao Yu and said, "Mr. Xiao, do you think it's interesting?"

Xiao Yu and Lin Feng had a tacit understanding for a long time. After hearing Lin Feng's pointed words, he said, "Are you suspicious that there is something wrong with this corruption case?"

Lin Feng shook his head: "I don't have any evidence or clues. I just think it's a little strange. I don't dare to say whether there is a problem."

Xiao Yu said: "This officer actually knows about this matter. When His Majesty learned about it, although he was very angry, he still asked the Ministry of Punishment to investigate. The result of the investigation by the Ministry of Punishment was that he was indeed corrupt."

Li Haomiao's eyes widened when he heard Xiao Yu's words, and his face was struck by lightning: "Mr. Xiao has known about it for a long time, but I only found out today..."

The gossip master has doubts about his gossip ability.

Seeing this, Xiao Yu said: "It is related to the secret of the East Palace, and it is also a sensitive matter of praying for blessings in the Buddhist temple. Naturally, it is necessary to keep the news closed as soon as possible. Very few people know about it. It is normal that you don't know."

Li Haomiao's face looked better now.

Lin Feng almost laughed out loud at Li Haomiao's reaction. He said, "Since the Criminal Department has investigated and the results have been obtained, it seems that the official has indeed overthought it."

Dai Zhou, the Minister of Punishment, must personally keep an eye on the cases that Li Shimin is concerned about. With Dai Zhou's temperament, he will never close the case directly if problems are discovered.

Hearing this, Li Haomiao weakly stretched out his hand and said, "I also heard something from the guards."

"What?" The two looked at him.

Then Li Haomiao said: "When the Ministry of Industry official was taken away, he kept shouting that he was wronged, and the guards did not think low of him, so they were very surprised that this official was greedy."

"Crying injustice? Is your evaluation not low?"

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes.

Just as he was about to ask Li Haomiao a few more questions, suddenly, the door behind him was opened.

Hearing the "crunching" sound, Lin Feng and others quickly followed the sound.

Then they saw Sun Bofu patting his sore back and walking to the door. Then he picked up the wine gourd at his waist and took a big sip. He immediately said to Lin Feng, "There is a result."

(End of this chapter)

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