People are in Zhenguan, solving crimes scientifically

Chapter 159 Lin Feng really did it, Li Shimin was surprised!

Chapter 159 Lin Feng really did it, Li Shimin was surprised! (-in-)

The call to find the wedding dress came without any warning, instantly shocking everyone in the room.

"how come!?"

Gal Dongzan and Quameng's expressions changed slightly, and they quickly turned around and looked outside the room.

Mu Licheng and other envoys also had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

As for Mo Wanshan and other guards, their eyes suddenly showed excitement, they found the wedding dress! For them, this is the best news in the world!

After all, the wedding dress was found, which meant that there was nothing wrong with Lin Feng's inference, and that the real culprit was among the envoys.

The real culprit is among the envoys and has nothing to do with these guards.

The reason why the envoys killed the envoys was not because of the poor protection of their East Palace guards. No one could blame them.

The butcher's knife hanging over their heads disappeared immediately.

Xiao Yu also let out a long breath. No matter whose room the wedding dress is found, this is the best result.

Datang will not take responsibility for this, and Lin Feng has completed the task assigned by Li Shimin. This is simply the most perfect development.

He looked at Lin Feng with a smile: "Zide, now you can finally breathe a sigh of relief."

Hearing this, Lin Feng also smiled and nodded to Xiao Yu. He said, "Let's go and see where the wedding dress was found."

Everyone quickly walked out of the room.

At this time, I saw a guard running over quickly. He was holding a blood-red wedding dress in his hands. When he came in front of everyone, he took a deep breath and immediately saluted everyone and said: "Xiao Siqing, Lin Sizheng, General Mo Zhonglang found...the wedding dress!"

Without him having to say anything, everyone's eyes were already focused on the wedding dress in his hand.

Mo Wanshan walked over quickly, took the wedding dress, and then unfolded the wedding dress with a wave of his hands.

I saw that the original color of this wedding dress was deep red, but now it was covered with blood, and the red color was even more shocking.

There are some golden patches on the collar, which sparkle in the sunlight.

The skirt and cuffs were embroidered with festive patterns with gold thread, which looked very gorgeous, but these patterns were now covered in blood, making the festive wedding dress instantly give people a gloomy feeling.

Mo Wanshan glanced at the wedding dress in his hand and said immediately: "Yes, it's this wedding dress! It's what we found last night!"

The envoys were all outside the palace last night, looking at the wedding dress from a distance, so they didn't really see the details of the wedding dress and what it looked like.

But Mo Wanshan and other guards personally found the wedding dress, and even delivered it to the room to hang it up. Therefore, Mo Wanshan's words directly proved that this wedding dress was the wedding dress used by the real murderer last night to show off. .

After hearing Mo Wanshan's words, Gal Dongzan and Quameng's hearts sank completely. At the same time, they looked nervous and prayed in their hearts that the wedding dress would not be found in the room of someone in their envoy group.

Otherwise, it will be really troublesome...

Xiao Yu glanced coldly at Gal Dongzan and others, and asked directly: "Whose room was the wedding dress found in?"

When everyone heard this, they all looked at the guards nervously.

Then they saw the guard raise his head, his eyes swept over the envoy, and finally fell on Tuyuhun General Mu Licheng, and said: " was found in the deputy envoy of Tuyuhun's room."


"Mu Licheng!?

After listening to the guard's words, everyone's eyes immediately focused on Mu Licheng.

On their faces were shock, disbelief, anger, and even surprise: “I didn’t expect you, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, to be so treacherous.”

Many expressions appeared quickly on the faces of different people.

Quameng's eyes widened and his pupils suddenly shrank. He looked at his colleague who he had always used as a sounding tube, with a look of astonishment on his face: "How could it be you!?"

The Tubo general Heganzan clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "When Sambuza died, I suspected that it was someone from Tuyuhun who did it! It was just that the general stopped me. He said that before the matter was found out, it would not be possible. Let me be impulsive! But now it seems that I was not wrong at all, it was really you who did it!"

Mo Wanshan's face turned cold and he said coldly: "No wonder you have been going against Lin Sizheng and finding faults just now. It turns out that you are deliberately obstructing Lin Sizheng... who is coming! Catch him and put him in jail!"

The guards rushed directly to Mu Licheng.

When Mu Licheng saw this, his expression suddenly changed. He shook his head hurriedly: "It's not me, it's really not me! I don't know why the wedding dress is in my room! This is an injustice! It's a frame-up! It must be the real murderer's intention. Framed on me!"

But the guards in the East Palace ignored his words.

He quickly looked at Quameng and said, "Quameng, you have to believe me, it's really not me!"

Quameng's eyes were fixed on Mu Licheng, and he frowned and said, "Mu Licheng, don't lie to me. Is it you?"

Mu Licheng shook his head quickly: "No! It's definitely not me! I can swear to God!"

Quamon hesitated.

Mo Wanshan sneered: "I swear to God...if this trick works, there won't be so many lies in the world."

Mu Licheng saw that Kua Meng could not count on him, so he quickly looked at Lin Feng and said: "Lin Sizheng, you are a detective, you are so good at investigating cases, you must know that I was wronged, right? Not me, really not me!"

Lin Feng looked at the panic-stricken Mu Licheng, pondered for a moment, and said slowly: "Did you have any contact with Sambuza before his death? Not limited to the East Palace, including you in the post house and on the road. .”

Mu Licheng was about to shake his head, but at this time, the Tubo general He Gan praised: "When we were in the post house, you often deliberately made trouble for us. I saw that you bumped into Sambuza once at noon yesterday... And I don’t know what else you did that I didn’t see.”

Mu Licheng's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly said: "That doesn't mean that I will definitely kill him!"

Lin Feng gently twirled his thumb and index finger on his right hand and said, "What did you do after the incident last night?"

Mu Licheng said quickly: "After the incident, His Royal Highness ordered us to be sent to the room to rest. After that, I stayed in the room and never went out again."

"There are guards guarding our room outside. The guards can testify to this. I have never gone out."

Lin Feng looked at Mo Wanshan, who nodded and said, "It is true that he has not left the room."

Mu Licheng said: "You all heard it, right? I never left the room, how could I steal the wedding dress?"

Lin Feng smiled and said: "I never said that you stole the wedding dress..."

Mu Licheng was about to show joy when he heard Lin Feng continue: "But you can use your identity as an envoy to take away the wedding dress without anyone noticing, and then destroy the wedding dress by the way. That is the most important thing in this case." The important physical evidence is completely gone.”

Mu Licheng's face turned pale, and he said angrily: "I told you that I don't know why the wedding dress appeared. I was really wronged! Lin Feng, is your name as a detective just a boast? You can’t even see that I was wronged!”

"shut up!"

Mo Wanshan shouted: "Lin Temple is solving many strange and unsolved cases. The name of the detective is well known to the world. How can I allow you to slander him!"

Lin Feng waved his hand indifferently. He looked at the guard and said, "Where did you find this wedding dress?"

The guard hurriedly said: "It's under the bed, close to the wall... If you hadn't lied down on the ground and crawled under the bed, you wouldn't have been able to find it. It's very hidden."

Lin Feng touched his chin and said: "It seems that he is hiding it specially... because he is afraid of being discovered easily."

Mu Licheng said quickly: "I didn't hide that. I didn't even know there was a wedding dress hidden under the bed!"

"Didn't you hide it?"

Lin Feng looked at Mu Licheng and said slowly: "Then can you explain why the wedding dress lost last night appeared in your room? Is it still hidden under your bed?"

"I...I don't know either." Mu Licheng couldn't explain.

Lin Feng continued: "You can say that you didn't steal the wedding dress, you can also say that you didn't hide the wedding dress, but there were guards guarding the door last night, and you were resting inside. Even if someone wants to frame you, they have to I want to find a way to get into your room, right? I have to crawl under your bed, right?"

"No matter what he does, he will definitely alarm you... Unless he witnesses the mysterious death of Sambuza and the wandering ghost of the wedding dress, your freedom will be restricted and you will be in danger. Under such circumstances, you can still sleep like a dead pig, without any defense...but, I think it is impossible, right?"

"After all, you are a battle-experienced general, the kind of person who has climbed to the top in countless life-and-death crises, and a master with clear eyes and ears. When someone like you is in a crisis, I really feel uncomfortable. It’s hard to believe that you wouldn’t notice someone sneaking into your room.”


Mu Licheng opened his mouth and wanted to argue, but no sound came out for a long time.

He couldn't argue.

At this time, Mo Wanshan said: "In the morning, I asked the guards about the envoys' situation last night. The guards said that the envoys did not sleep well last night, and the candlelight in their rooms was basically not extinguished. , it can be seen that they have been on extremely high precautions."

Lin Feng heard this and looked at the envoys.

Tubo general He Ganzan nodded directly: "We have seen ghosts, who can sleep peacefully? Anyway, I didn't close my eyes much all night."

Galdongzan also sighed: "It's true that I couldn't fall asleep tossing and turning. Even if I finally fell asleep, the guards outside would wake up even if they coughed."

When Mo Wanshan saw this, he sneered directly: "Lin Sizheng, what nonsense are you talking to him about? He kept picking on you from the front. When he was about to leave the East Palace, he stood at the front to embarrass our guards. Now he is even more indifferent. The strength of the excuse... If you ask me, arrest him first, torture him severely, and interrogate him to find out who his accomplices are. As long as he confesses, then the truth about who stole the wedding dress will be revealed!"

The other guards also agreed.

"That's right! If you don't shed tears before seeing the coffin, you can't question him in a friendly manner!"

"The evidence is sufficient. Why don't you talk nonsense with him? Just arrest him!"

"After entering prison, let's see if he can still quibble!"

"He was so arrogant when he made trouble for us before. Now it seems that he is just afraid that we won't let him go, so he will never let him go!"

Listening to what Mo Wanshan and the guards said, Mu Licheng's face became even paler.

He looked at Quamon: "You can't let me be taken away by them. I was wronged! I really was wronged!"

But Mu Licheng couldn't give an answer to Lin Feng's question, which made Kua Meng unable to intercede for Mu Licheng.

Seeing this, Lin Feng looked at Mu Licheng and said, "Mu Licheng, look... I gave you a chance to argue, but you couldn't seize it, so I could only follow the clues and temporarily take you into custody. "

After saying that, Lin Feng looked at Xiao Yu, who waved his hand directly and said: "Come here, take Mu Licheng into the Dali Temple prison and keep him under strict supervision!"

The imperial guards arranged by Li Shimin from the palace arrested Mu Licheng directly.

Mu Licheng struggled and shouted: "I am really wronged... Quameng, you have to save me! You must save me!"

Quameng frowned, but did not say anything. He watched Mu Licheng being taken away by the guards.

As Mu Licheng left, He Ganzan sneered: "You really know people but don't know their hearts. I just heard him ask so many questions. I really thought he wanted to find out the truth... Now it seems, He was afraid that Lin Si was trying to find out the truth, so he thought of raising questions."

The guards all nodded in agreement.

Mo Wanshan looked at Lin Feng, cupped his hands and said, "Lin Si is clearly aware of everything and is worthy of being called a detective. Now that we have found Mu Licheng, we are only one step away from finding out the truth."

Upon hearing this, the guards all looked at Lin Feng with admiration.

Galdongzan also nodded in admiration: "Wonderful! It's so wonderful! The thieves' layout was exquisite, and all the guidance was silent, but even such a sophisticated plan was still discovered by Lin Sizheng. Only this one thing, My trip is worthwhile."

Lin Feng listened to everyone's praise and just smiled lightly without any complacency. He smiled and said: "Although we have found Mu Licheng, we still don't know how Mu Licheng got the wedding dress... So next, Let’s go to Mu Licheng’s room first to see if we can find clues and fill in the missing parts.”

When everyone heard this, they naturally did not hesitate.

Soon, under the guidance of Mo Wanshan, everyone arrived at Mu Licheng's room.

The guard opened the door and Lin Feng and others walked in.

As soon as they entered, Lin Feng found that the room was very spacious, twice the size of the room they just went to.

Moreover, the reception area and the rest area are no longer separated by screens, but by a stack of walls and a door, which directly separate the inner and outer rooms.

Famous calligraphy and paintings hang on the walls.

The tables and chairs are made of pear wood with exquisite patterns.

The whole room exudes a sense of importance and nobility to the guests. It can be seen that the room where Mu Licheng lives is a place in the East Palace specially used to entertain distinguished guests, which is very different from the ordinary room where wedding clothes are placed.

Lin Feng looked at the table and saw a candlestick placed on the table. The candlestick was filled with wax oil from melted candles. Wax oil could even be seen on the table that touched the candlestick.

"It seems that Mu Licheng did light candles all night last night."

When the candlesticks used to entertain distinguished guests in the East Palace were first brought in, they were absolutely very clean and could not be filled with wax. Therefore, the wax can only be naturally shed by the burning candles last night. Only long-term use of candles will cause the wax on the candlesticks to become stained. So much wax.

This is common sense, and everyone nodded in agreement.

Lin Feng looked around and saw a row of bookshelves against the wall on the left. There were some books placed on the bookshelves. At this time, the books were crooked and some even fell to the ground. There was no doubt that these were the guards who had just been guarding them. resulting from the search.

Next to the wall of the inner room, there are several cabinets. The lids of these cabinets are also open, and there are some clothes scattered on the cabinets.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng said: "General Mo Zhonglang, were you all so rude during the search?"

Mo Wanshan said hurriedly: "The guards were too anxious, so they acted a little rudely, but if nothing was found in the search, they would restore everything to their original positions. That is, they found the wedding dress in Mu Licheng's room. Gu Don't do this, otherwise this place will be sorted before they leave."

Lin Feng nodded slightly. He didn't find anything unusual in the outer room.

According to what Mo Wanshan said when he arrived, the envoys were the top priority for their protection, so when they were protecting the envoys last night, there were two guards outside each room door, and there were also guards standing guard in the courtyard.

Therefore, there is no situation where the guard wants to go to the toilet and the door is temporarily unattended.

This also proves that Mu Licheng cannot enter or exit through the door, and the wedding dress definitely did not come in through the door.

The windows here are also mullioned windows that cannot be opened or closed. In addition, once the window is opened, the guards guarding the door cannot fail to see it, so it is impossible for the wedding dress to enter through the window.

After confirming that there were no omissions in the outer room, Lin Feng entered the inner room.

The inner room is not as spacious as the outer room, but there is also a small table placed against the wall, with a tea set placed on the table.

A cup was taken out separately and placed on the edge of the table with some unfinished water in it.

The bed was very large and comfortable for two people to lie on. Next to the bed was a dressing cabinet. All the drawers of the dressing cabinet were opened, but there was nothing inside.

The whole room was filled with the feeling of being ransacked by robbers. It seemed that the guards were also carrying some emotions when searching.

"The door and window can't bring the wedding dress in, so how did the thief bring the wedding dress to Mu Licheng?" Mo Wanshan looked puzzled.

Xiao Yu thought for a moment, looked at Quameng, and said, "Mu Licheng's room is next to yours. Did you hear any special noise last night?" Quameng shook his head: "I basically didn't hear anything last night. Why did I close my eyes, but I didn’t hear anything special.”

Heganzan guessed: "Will there be a secret passage from the agency?"

Mo Wanshan looked like he was kidding, and said: "How could there be a secret passage for a mechanism? Who dares to secretly build a mechanism in the important place of the East Palace? Besides, when the Ministry of Works started construction, there were eunuchs and guards arranged by His Majesty to watch in person. Who would Can you secretly build a secret tunnel?"

There was one more sentence he didn't finish. Even if he really wanted to build a secret passage, it would definitely be in an important place, such as the prince's palace. Who would build a secret passage in a guest room?

He Ganzan frowned and said: "Since there is no secret passage, doors and windows are impossible, how did the wedding dress get in? It can't be really sent in through the wall by ghosts, right?"

"It's impossible to go through the wall, but it should be possible to go through the roof." At this time, Lin Feng's voice sounded slowly.

"What?" He Ganzan was stunned for a moment.

Everyone else was startled at first, and then they all turned their attention to Lin Feng. Mo Wanshan quickly said: "Lin Si was talking about going through the roof. What does this mean?"

Lin Feng asked with a smile: "General Mo Zhonglang, the house where you entertain distinguished guests should be rain-proof, right?"

"Of course it doesn't leak." Mo Wanshan only thought Lin Feng's question was strange, and he said: "The Ministry of Industry will regularly repair the buildings in the East Palace. Even the rooms of ordinary maids, eunuchs, and guards don't leak, let alone the rooms for entertaining distinguished guests. .”

Lin Feng nodded slightly and said, "That's the case, then it's certain...the wedding dress should have been delivered from the roof last night."


Everyone quickly raised their heads and looked at the roof.

But they couldn't see anything at all.

Quameng said in confusion: "I have been paying attention to Lin Sizheng. After Lin Sizheng entered this room, he didn't raise his head to look at the roof at all. How did you know that the wedding dress was sent in through the roof? And even if we raised our heads, No abnormalities were found at all.”

After hearing this, everyone looked at Lin Feng in confusion.

Then Lin Feng laughed and said: "Why do you need to look at the roof if you know there is something wrong with it?"

As he spoke, he raised his hand, pointed to the landscape painting hanging on the wall in front of him, and said, "Looking at it is enough."


Quameng raised his head in confusion and looked at the landscape painting Lin Feng pointed at.

He looked confused at first, feeling that Lin Feng's words were incomprehensible.

But suddenly, he didn't know what he found. His pupils shrank violently and his expression changed instantly.

"Why are there light spots!"

He couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Spot of light?" After listening to Quameng's words, everyone noticed that there was a spot of light in the water of the landscape painting, which was very bright.

It's just that this light spot was perfectly integrated with the landscape painting, and their attention was not on the painting at all, so they simply ignored it, and they didn't realize it until now.

Spot of light... Gal Dongzan's eyes moved slightly, and he quickly looked at the only window in the inner room.

But the light projected by the window is all gathered together and projected on the ground and in the corners. It is impossible for a single beam of light to be projected on the landscape painting.

"Could it be..."

Gal Dongzan walked directly to the landscape painting. He moved a stool, stood on it, and then stood in front of the landscape painting. The light spot fell directly on his forehead.

He bent slightly, lowering his body so that the light spot finally hit his eyes, and based on the dazzling beam of light, he finally discovered the source of the light spot.


Gal Dongzan raised his hand, pointed to the roof in front, and said: "There is a loophole there, and the sunlight comes in from there!"

Hearing Gal Dongzan's words, Mo Wanshan immediately looked at the guards and said, "Climb up to the roof immediately and check!"

Naturally, the guards quickly found a ladder and climbed up to the roof without saying anything.

Soon, a guard shouted: "There is a tile on the roof that was not placed properly, resulting in a gap."

"It really does exist!" Mo Wanshan looked at Lin Feng hurriedly.

Lin Feng looked calm, and without any surprise, he said: "Is there color difference in the tiles?"

The guard nodded hurriedly: "Yes, there is color difference. It must have been moved recently."

Sigh... I didn't expect that the experience I just accumulated in Banyuesan yesterday would be used today.

Lin Feng looked at the crowd and said, "Obviously... Mu Licheng's accomplices secretly climbed to the roof after stealing the wedding dress, then lifted up the tiles above and gave the wedding dress in."

"Because he was only bringing the wedding dress in, not himself, the tiles did not need to be moved too much, and the movement could be controlled within a certain range. Therefore, he was careful enough not to alert the guards guarding the door. "

"It was just late at night, the light was not good, and I was not a professional craftsman, so when I restored the tiles, I failed to do this well, resulting in a gap being exposed."

Everyone nodded after listening to Lin Feng's words.

"So that's it!"

"There are two trees at the back of this room. It's easy to climb up with the help of trees."

"Just move a few tiles and bring the wedding dress in. If you are careful enough, it is really difficult for people to find it."

"Mu Licheng and the others are really insidious. One person is responsible for stealing, and the other is responsible for transporting and destroying it. If Lin Sizheng hadn't found out about Mu Licheng, who would have thought that the wedding dress would be in the hands of a person who has never left the room? "

"That's right! Even so, Mu Licheng was caught out by Lin Sizheng, but he still licked his face and shouted that he was wronged. Where did he get his face!"

The guards were talking a lot.

As a colleague of Mu Licheng, Quameng couldn't help but look a little embarrassed when he heard these words, and he didn't know what to say at all.

Gal Dongzan looked at Lin Feng with more and more meaning and interest.

Xiao Yu laughed. He looked at Lin Feng and said, "Zide, now the key part you are missing has finally been completed."

Listening to Xiao Yu's words, Lin Feng gently twirled his fingers and said, "Although it has been completed, I still have a strange feeling in my heart."


Xiao Yu was puzzled: "What's so strange?"

Lin Feng said: "Something went too smoothly, and it was too simple... The wedding dress was found so easily, and the method of passing the wedding dress between them was discovered so easily. It was so smooth that I felt uncomfortable. Be grounded.”

When Xiao Yu heard this, he was stunned at first, and then he couldn't help but smile: "Zide, you, ever since you started investigating cases, you have experienced all the complicated big cases, unsolved cases, and strange cases, so that you have become accustomed to it. …But actually, this is what a normal case should look like.”

"Besides, you think this is very simple, but where is the simplicity?"

"If you hadn't solved the mystery of the blood letter and Wu San's death, how could we have searched the envoy's room and found the wedding dress? If you hadn't discovered the light spot, we wouldn't have been able to easily detect the anomaly on the roof. .”

"You are too smart and good at investigating cases, so you think it is simple. But in fact, the real culprit is not just one person, but two people working together. This is not what we could have expected, let alone Mu Li. Cheng never left the room from the beginning to the end, and we would never have imagined that the wedding dress would be in his hands... Their calculations were already very sophisticated, but people's wisdom is different, and they did not expect that they would meet It’s just you.”

Is that right?

Lin Feng frowned after listening to Xiao Yu's words.

However, as Xiao Yu said, he has deduced it based on clues until now. He has not made any mistakes anywhere, and all the evidence can form a perfect chain of evidence. At least at the current position, he has not found any problems.

"Maybe it's because I'm used to complicated cases..."

Lin Feng took a deep breath, looked at Mo Wanshan, and said: "Although the Mu Licheng matter has a clear result, there are still questions about who stole the wedding dress, and whether the murderer was Mu Licheng. Cheng, it’s still not determined, we have to continue investigating.”

Mo Wanshan nodded quickly and said: "Lin Sizheng, how do you want to investigate? We will fully cooperate with you."

The guards also nodded repeatedly. After seeing Lin Feng's ability, they simply worshiped Lin Feng as an idol.

Lin Feng said: "Let me see the wedding dress."

Mo Wanshan naturally did not hesitate and asked the guard to hand the wedding dress to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took the wedding dress and looked up.

I saw that the blood on the wedding dress had dried up. The wedding dress was not complicated and heavy. It was a very common wedding dress worn by ordinary people, rather than the extremely complicated wedding dress worn by aristocratic families or high-ranking officials and wealthy gentry. .

The surface of the wedding dress is very clean, with only a few creases and no wrinkles. It can be seen that the real murderer has protected the wedding dress very well.

But that's it.

There was nothing special about the wedding dress. The real murderer was very cautious and did not leave any clues.

But if there are no clues, why did the real murderer insist on stealing the wedding dress?

He went to great lengths to steal the wedding dress, and even asked Mu Licheng to sneak the wedding dress out, absolutely because he was afraid that the wedding dress would fall into his hands.

If this is the case, it proves that there must be something on the wedding dress that the real murderer cares about.

But, there’s nothing on this wedding dress?

Lin Feng frowned slightly, and his brain quickly thought about all the information about the wedding dress.

From meeting Mo Wanshan, getting information about the wedding dress from Mo Wanshan's mouth, to entering the room and discovering that the wedding dress was missing, to now, personally checking the wedding dress...

Pieces of information emerged in his mind, constantly circling back and forth in his brain...

At this moment, Lin Feng didn't know what he thought of, and his eyes suddenly widened. He looked at Mo Wanshan without warning and said, "You said that when I found the wedding dress last night, the blood on it was still there. Wet?”

Mo Wanshan didn't know why Lin Feng asked this question. He nodded and said, "Yes, the blood on the wedding dress will stain your hands when you touch it. At that time, the hands of those who touched the wedding dress were all stained red."

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes, his pupils beating violently.

He paced back and forth in the room, his mind running wildly.

Suddenly, he stopped.

There was a strange look on his face, and he said to himself: "I almost got caught."


Royal palace, inside the main hall.

Li Shimin was reviewing the memorials. Prince Li Chengqian knelt down and sat aside, looking at the memorials that Li Shimin had reviewed and learning to govern the affairs of the country.

At this time, Li Shimin looked at Li Chengqian, looked at Li Chengqian's pale and sick face, and said: "If you feel uncomfortable, go and rest. There is no need to stay here."

Li Chengqian shook his head, tried to straighten his back, and said: "Due to illness, I haven't paid greetings to my father for many days, and I have also slacked off in my studies. Let me stay with my father until Lin Si is investigating the case." , I am about to return to the East Palace. I don’t know how long it will take for me to recover and be able to come to pay my respects to my father every day as before."

Listening to Li Chengqian's words, Li Shimin looked at his pale and weak son, with a flash of pity in his eyes, and said, "I will try my best to make you recover as soon as possible."

Li Chengqian knew that Li Shimin was heartbroken about his illness. In order to prevent Li Shimin from worrying about him, he changed the subject and said: "Sambuza's death is very strange, and the wedding dress ghost is even weirder. Even the wedding dress that was originally found last night He also disappeared mysteriously. This case is very difficult, and I don’t know if Lin Sizheng can successfully find out the truth and find the real culprit.”

Li Shimin's deep eyes were calm and he said slowly: "Looking at all the prison officials in Chang'an City, Lin Feng is the only one who has the ability to detect this case in the shortest time."

"If even he can't do it, then God won't let Datang solve this case."

When Li Chengqian heard this, he couldn't help but worry: "What will happen if Lin Feng really can't solve the case?"

Li Shimin looked at him and had no reservations about his most satisfied son, saying: "Lin Feng is not doing things well. The best case scenario is to be demoted. The guards of the East Palace will not be able to protect the envoys and will be severely punished. But we, the Tang Dynasty, can't punish the Tubo envoys." Explain that Tubo will be dissatisfied because of this, and when the time comes...either there will be problems with the alliance between Datang and Tubo, or during the alliance, Datang will allocate more benefits to Tubo to eliminate Tubo's dissatisfaction."

"at the same time……"

Li Shimin was silent for a moment and said: "Your reputation will be greatly affected, and you will face horrific rumors and rumors."

Li Chengqian's face turned pale, and his heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

He had already speculated on the impact of this case in his mind, but now he realized that his thinking was not thorough enough and was too simple.

He subconsciously clasped his hands together, pursed his lips and said: "I hope that Lin Feng can live up to his name and really have the power of a detective to solve this case... Otherwise, I don't need to care about Er Chen's reputation and rumors, but I, the Tang Dynasty Diplomatic relations and interests with Tibet must not be affected by this."

Li Shimin looked at Li Chengqian, shook his head, and said calmly: "In my heart, a Tubo is far less important than the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty."

"The reason why I personally tested Lin Feng's ability and personally selected the people to investigate the case was not because of diplomatic relations, but because of you."

Li Chengqian was stunned for a moment.

He looked at Li Shimin blankly and saw Li Shimin looking deeply outside the hall and said, "I hope Lin Feng will not disappoint me, otherwise I don't even know what I will do in three days."

Li Chengqian couldn't help being shocked. He knew Li Shimin. Although he didn't know what Li Shimin would do, he could imagine that a large number of people would definitely be killed because of this.

Li Chengqian took a deep breath, his face was heavy, and he prayed for Lin Feng in his heart. He only hoped that Lin Feng could solve the case within three days, and at least make a major breakthrough. Otherwise...I am afraid that in the entire East Palace, no one would be there that night except himself. able to survive.

"His Majesty."

At this time, an old eunuch walked into the hall. His voice was slightly sharp and resounded in the hall: "There is news from the East Palace that Lin Sizheng has cracked the thief's trick of pretending to be a ghost, and at the same time has found the missing wedding dress."

"And based on reasoning, we learned that the person who killed Sambuza was not one person, but a conspiracy of many people. Among them, the person who hid the wedding clothes was Mu Licheng, the deputy envoy of Tuyuhun. Now Mu Licheng has been imprisoned in the Dali Temple prison. Inside."

After listening to the old eunuch's words, the hall suddenly became silent.

Li Chengqian was stunned and almost thought he heard wrongly.

How long has it been?

I just arrived at the palace and how long ago did I see my father? Just when his butt was getting hot, Lin Feng had already cracked the wedding dress ghost's trick of pretending to be a ghost, found the wedding dress, and even found out Mu Licheng, the accomplice... Isn't this a bit too much? Soon?

Is this really something that can be accomplished in less than an hour?

His heart was full of surprise and surprise, but soon he realized what Lin Feng's finding out what it meant.

His eyes suddenly lit up, he turned his head sharply to look at Li Shimin, and said excitedly: "Father, Lin Feng did it! He really did it!"

Li Shimin listened to Li Chengqian's excited voice, and suppressed the surprise in his eyes. He turned his head to look at his son, who had a blush on his face due to excitement. Gu Jing Wubo finally showed a smile on his face and said: "I heard it. , Lin Feng really did not disappoint me, it seems that I should thank the Four Elephants Organization for sending me such a capable minister."

(End of this chapter)

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