Asking for leave and a million-word summary

I'm not in a good state today. I wrote it over and over again at the beginning, but I still feel like it's not working. I can't get into the state. It seems that even if I regain my state, I can only write two to three thousand words at most. It can't reach the normal number of words updated every day, so I just ask for leave. , it’s impossible to write in a hurry. Don’t let the plot that was finally laid out fail to be written well.

However, today's leave is not affected by force majeure and will be paid back later.

Then take this opportunity to chat with everyone. In fact, I have always wanted to post a single chapter to chat, but I have never had the chance.

First of all, the update. The book was released on the last day of August. I wrote almost 200,000 words in September. It was put on the shelves in early October. So far, it has 1.02 million words. In total, it has been about 80 days since it was put on the shelves. Eight updates. One hundred thousand words should not be too little.

Then, in terms of results, it’s not that good, but it’s not bad either. After all, I have already obtained the high-quality bid. I would like to sincerely thank you all for your support. When I first published the book, I really didn’t expect such a not-so-popular subject. , can achieve such results.

Finally, there is the design of the plot case.

From the beginning of the first chapter to now, there have been more than a dozen cases, large and small cases, cases of ordinary people, major cases related to diplomatic relations between the two countries, old cases from many years ago, and new cases that are imminent. , when writing a case, I strive to have no overlap with the previous cases, and I also ask myself to write the case wonderfully, preferably with a twist and something unexpected.

If you write it down like this, it will definitely be much more interesting for everyone than the straightforward investigation of the case, but the requirements for me are getting higher and higher, and the difficulty is getting higher and higher.

Especially recently, I don’t know if you have noticed that the number of words I have updated has rarely exceeded 10,000. It’s not that I am lazy, but that I really can’t do it anymore.

My accumulation is gradually exhausted. I need more time to recharge and study every day. I need more time to think about the case. I have to recall past cases from time to time to avoid similarities. I also need to design clues for reversal and advance the plot. , approaching the first big climax - the duel with the White Tiger Star Master of the Four Elephants Organization. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of words or even more foreshadowing must be laid, and appropriate information about the Four Elephants Organization, the mystery of the Golden Hairpin, and the merchants of the Western Regions must be given. and even relevant clues about former Sui ministers to promote the development of the plot on the home front. At the same time, I am also learning to enrich the characters and make the supporting characters more vital... All these requirements lead to my mind spinning every time I think about a new case. It's like it's going to explode, it's really getting more and more difficult.

Of course, I don’t say this to show how hard I work or how hard I am. As an author, this is what I should do. I just want to tell you that I haven’t had as many words as usual recently. I really can’t do it. ! (crying)

Also, I am reading everyone’s comments and suggestions. Although I don’t reply much, I keep them all in mind.

Some readers said that there are few daily routines, so I tried to increase the daily routines and have a heroine to adjust the atmosphere between cases.

Some readers said that there are no daily cases, they are all related cases, and it was a bit tiring to read, so I wrote the missing case.

Some readers said that the supporting roles are too thin. This is indeed my weakness. I am learning, but this cannot be improved overnight. Please give me some time to practice and increase my abilities.

There are many, many more...I keep them all in mind and try to adjust and change them as I write new chapters.

You can leave more messages and discuss more, I will continue to peek at the screen silently.

Unconsciously, I have said so many nonsense, and I don’t know if people will dislike my ink stains, so let’s leave it at that.

Finally, thank you all for your continued support. Readers who often comment and vote, I have already remembered your names. Every time I see your comments and votes, I feel as if an old friend is here again. It’s extra special. kind.

So, friends, our summary of two million words, goodbye~

(End of this chapter)

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