People are in Zhenguan, solving crimes scientifically

Chapter 103 Discovery!The secret of the former Prime Minister of Dali Temple!

Chapter 103 Discovery!The secret of the former Prime Minister of Dali Temple! ([-]-in-[-])

After half an hour.

With the end of the case, the real murderer was caught, and the guests were able to regain their freedom and leave one after another.

They all had very complicated looks on their faces when they left.

Some people lamented that a happy farewell event turned into nothing.

Some people lamented that Qi Chengqiang, who always thought he was honest and straightforward, could be so cunning and insidious, which made people shudder.

Some people even admired Lin Feng's ability to solve cases and praised Lin Feng for being worthy of his reputation as a detective!
The more complicated this case made them feel, the more terrifying Qi Chengqiang made them feel, and the more they admired Lin Feng.

Only when they see Lin Feng's case-solving process with their own eyes will they understand how true the rumored comment that "Lin Feng is good at using subtle details to see the whole picture" is true!
"After today, I'm afraid that Lin Si's name will be completely spread among the officialdom of the Tang Dynasty!"

"It goes without saying that the people who came to see Wang Sizheng off tonight are people from various yamen. They will definitely tell what happened tonight when they go back. Lin Sizheng's reputation is really going to skyrocket."

"From now on, in my Tang Dynasty court, Lin Sizheng's name will definitely be known to everyone."

"Lin Temple should have such a reputation."

"Yes, Lin SiMa's ability deserves such a reputation."

As the officials said goodbye, they felt that a new star was about to rise.

The Tang Dynasty had no shortage of capable ministers to govern the country, and no shortage of generals with outstanding military exploits. However, talents in prisons such as Lin Feng were still very scarce. It could even be said that so far, there was only Lin Feng, a great detective.

Therefore, Lin Feng's ability is exactly in the most scarce talent gap in the Tang Dynasty. It would be strange if Lin Feng does not rise!They could already imagine how Lin Feng would become famous after what happened tonight was spread among the officials in various yamen.

While they were sighing, they all looked at Lin Feng and Xiao Yu at the entrance of the palace, who were bidding farewell to the Wang family.

Everyone in the Wang family saluted Lin Feng one after another. Wang Hao and his son even wanted to salute, but Lin Feng stopped them.

Lin Feng looked at Wang Hao's mother and son with sadness in their eyes, and said softly: "When Wang Si was in Dali Temple, he took great care of me. Now he was brutally killed by a thief. I, Wang Si, are trying to find the real culprit. This is a matter of course and you don't have to." Give me this great gift to thank you."

"The dead are gone, and the living still have to look forward. I don't want you to be too immersed in pain when I come to Wangji."

Wang Hao's mother nodded heavily with tears in her eyes.

Wang Hao bowed his hands to Lin Feng and saluted: "No matter what, Lin Si is trying to find the real culprit for my father, see through the murderer's tricks, let all the truth come to light, and let my father rest in peace. This is all our kindness. My father often tells me to be pregnant." Be grateful and be grateful for kindness, so that you can feel no regrets.”

"So Lin Sizheng's kindness and Duke Xiao's kindness will never be forgotten by the whole Wang family in this life! In the future, whenever there is any need for the Wang family, the Wang family will never refuse."

After listening to Wang Hao's words, Xiao Yu and Lin Feng looked at each other. They did not refuse this time.

Wang Qinyuan died, and the Wang family lost its backbone. Lin Feng and Xiao Yu accepted the Wang family's gratitude, which would make outsiders think that even if Wang Qinyuan was gone, their relationship with the Wang family was still close.

In this case, if someone wants to bully the Wang family because of Wang Qinyuan's death, they have to worry about Xiao Yu and Lin Feng's face.

So accepting the Wang family's gratitude this time is actually protecting the Wang family in disguise.

Lin Feng said: "You still have to take care of Wang SiMa's funeral, so we won't bother you any more."

Xiao Yu also nodded slightly: "Take good care of Wang Si Zheng's funeral. If you need anything, you can come to Dali Temple to see me."

The Wang family quickly saluted and thanked him again.

Lin Feng and Xiao Yu no longer delayed, boarded the carriage and left the palace.

On the carriage, Xiao Yu raised the curtain and looked at the palace, and saw that the palace had replaced the lantern with a white one.

Bai Ling has been hung on the plaque.

He sighed: "Things in the world are unpredictable. Who would have thought that a lively farewell party would turn out like this."

Lin Feng's eyes were cold, and there seemed to be a whirlpool turning in his deep eyes. He said: "This is not because of the impermanence of the world, but because of the ruthlessness of the thieves of the Four Elephants organization. They will do anything for their own interests and treat other people's lives like ants! Wang Simasa's hatred can be It’s not over yet!”

When Xiao Yu heard this, his eyes became a little colder. He nodded: "Yes, for this revenge, only one Qi Chengqiang is not enough!"

He looked at Lin Feng and said, "What are you going to do next?"

Lin Feng looked out the window at the dark night and said slowly: "First try to find out the inner ghost hiding in Dali Temple. Qi Chengqiang is a murder tool at best. The person who really led to Wang Si Zheng's death was the one who realized that Wang Si Zheng had discovered them. The secret mole.”

Xiao Yu nodded with some emotion in his tone: "Although Qi Chengqiang is just an executor, this executor is also cunning enough. His calculations are so intricate that I really can't believe it... ...A military general who relies on his fists to make a living has so many plans, which is much more calculated than the great general Xisha Luohui in Meng Shezhao."

Lin Feng's eyes flashed slightly when he heard this, and he said meaningfully: "Mr. Xiao, do you really think this is all Qi Chengqiang's plan?"

Xiao Yu was stunned and looked at Lin Feng with surprise: "What do you mean?"

Lin Feng squinted his eyes and said: "It is easy to pretend for a while, but it is difficult to pretend for a lifetime. I can see from the performance of all of you today that in your impression, Qi Chengqiang is a standard straightforward, impulsive and reckless general, so in When I reveal Qi Chengqiang’s calculations, your reaction will be so shocked and disbelieving.”

Xiao Yu nodded: "Indeed, I have been in contact with Qi Chengqiang many times. His impression on me has always been that of an impulsive and reckless character."

Lin Feng said: "Of all the civil and military officials and the high officials of the imperial court, who doesn't have a sharp eye? Who is not good at recognizing people?"

"Why can my predecessor, the former Dali Temple Prime Minister Lin Feng, be able to hide it? Because he has always been cautious in his words and deeds, because he has been consciously avoiding too much contact with other people, and because he is only the sixth-grade Temple Prime Minister. Normally you don’t need to leave Dali Temple.”

"But what about Qi Chengqiang? He is the fifth-grade Captain Guo Yi, and his power and status have reached a stage of attracting attention. He has a high-profile personality and has never deliberately kept a distance from other people. How many pairs of eyes have been staring at him... It is many times more difficult for him to hide himself than Lin Feng, the former prime minister of Dali Temple?"

"So, if he wants to hide himself, then he must be more insidious, more careful, more prudent, and better at hiding his true thoughts than Lin Feng, the former Prime Minister of Dali Temple... But Mr. Xiao feels that he is really Do you have this ability?"

Xiao Yu frowned and hesitated.

Lin Feng continued: "Not to mention, if he really has this ability, then he must be extremely cautious... But if this is the case, how could he, who is so cautious, commit the porcelain bottle used to frame Cao Wenqing and forget about it? Such a huge mistake to be stained with blood?”

He looked at Xiao Yu and said slowly: "Mr. Xiao, don't you think... Qi Chengqiang could come up with such an interlocking plan, but in the end he omitted some of the most important physical evidence to frame Cao Wenqing. This Isn’t that unreasonable?”

Xiao Yu suddenly looked at Lin Feng with wide eyes: "Is it possible?"

Lin Feng nodded and said: "If we explain this mistake like this...the ghosts in Dali Temple noticed that Wang Si was discovering the secret of their Four Elephants organization, and then remembered that Wang Si was about to hold a farewell banquet tonight, because they were colleagues in Dali Temple and got along day and night... …So the insider knows very well about Wang Simasa’s friends and his temperament, and can easily deduce that Wang Simasa would meet Cao Wenqing, half of his student, alone before leaving.”

"Even the inner ghost may have talked about these things with Wang Sizheng before, and learned from Wang Sizheng that Wang Sizheng was going to meet Cao Wenqing alone."

"Based on this, the mole devised an interlocking plan to frame Cao Wenqing... Because Wang Sizheng would not meet the mole alone, the mole handed over the task to Qi Chengqiang and told Qi Chengqiang how to get there. I told Qi Chengqiang every detail...but Qi Chengqiang is just like Mr. Xiao's character as you know."

Lin Feng looked at Xiao Yu and said slowly: "He is a pure military commander and a reckless martial artist. He is a little clever, but very limited...and there are too many details in this calculation, so he is not sure about the specific execution of it." During the process, because the time was too tight and there were too many details, in the end, in the panic, I forgot to stain the porcelain bottle with blood."

"If you explain it this way, does Mr. Xiao think it is more reasonable?"

Xiao Yu's pupils were beating violently. He followed Lin Feng's thinking and inferred this. Indeed, the weird feeling of separation is much more reasonable!
He couldn't help but wonder: "Could it be that... this plan really wasn't what Qi Chengqiang thought about, and he was really just a simple executor?"

Lin Feng said slowly: "Actually, there is one more detail that can verify the official's inference."


"When Xianguan reminded Qi Chengqiang many times, saying that Qi Chengqiang was smart but was misled by his cleverness... If all this was planned by Qi Chengqiang, then Qi Chengqiang should understand that the cleverness Xianguan mentioned refers to the porcelain vase, and he should also understand what Xianguan said Instead, he was mistakenly pointed out that the porcelain bottle had a flaw. In that case, even if he really ignored the blood when calculating, he should have thought of it immediately after I reminded him."

Lin Feng looked at Xiao Yu and shook his head: "But the situation at that time was...he still had an expression of ignorance."

"Xiaoguan has been paying attention to the changes in his expression. His expression cannot deceive him. He is really ignorant and at a loss. He has no idea what Xianguan is talking about... Therefore, Xiaguan concluded at that time that he even knew the whole thing. My understanding of the calculation is not comprehensive enough, so I don’t know what the things that should be on this porcelain vase are but are not.”

Xiao Yu frowned.

An anomaly may be a coincidence.

But two or three things are abnormal, so they cannot be described as coincidences.

As a prisoner, the most unbelievable thing in this world is coincidence.

He thought for a moment, looked at Lin Feng, and said, "It seems that Qi Chengqiang may indeed be just an executor, but if that's the case..."

Xiao Yu asked doubtfully: "Then why did you just say in front of everyone that everything was Qi Chengqiang's plan? Why didn't you expose Qi Chengqiang's concealment?"

Lin Feng's eyes were deep and he said meaningfully: "Of course the official did it on purpose. After all... we have to let the inner ghost relax his vigilance."

Xiao Yu's eyes suddenly widened and he hurriedly asked: "What do you mean?"

Lin Feng looked outside the car window again, looking at the vast starry sky above. He said: "This traitor doesn't know that we are ready to find him now. If I show that all the calculations in this case have stopped with Qi Chengqiang, he will let If he is relaxed, he will think that there is still no problem with his hiding. In this case, the more confident he is in his hiding, the less defensive he will be against us, and the easier it will be for us to find him."

"Not to mention……"

Lin Feng paused for a moment, and a stern light flashed in his dark eyes: "Finding him is just the first step... I am not prepared to let him go to jail comfortably like this."

Xiao Yu's heart moved. Based on the tacit understanding between him and Lin Feng, he had already guessed what Lin Feng was thinking.

He couldn't help but said: "You want to...use this mole? Take action against the Four Elephants Organization?"

Lin Feng smiled softly, retracted his gaze from the starry sky, and looked at Xiao Yu again: "Mr. Xiao, since we came into contact with the Four Elephants organization, we have been passive. Only they take action, and we can only be forced to take action. Explanation, this is not the rhythm that Xianguan likes... I think Mr. Xiao must be very unhappy about this, right?"

A dazzling light suddenly bloomed in Xiao Yu's eyes. He leaned forward, approached Lin Feng, stared at him, and said, "How are you going to plot against them?"

Lin Feng shook his head: "I haven't figured out how to plot against them yet. Mr. Xiao also knows the prudence and cunningness of the Four Elephants organization. It's not easy to get them to take the bait without them noticing. So, wait until we find out." The spy's identity has been revealed, and the official suggested that we meet with Wei Gong and Dai Gong, let's discuss it together, concentrate the efforts of the three departments, and set up a plan for them."

"There are not many opportunities to plot against them. It is easy to succeed the first time, but once they are prepared later, it will not be easy for them to take the bait again, so I feel... we either don't take action, or if we want to take action, we must let them It’s so hard! Catching only one or two small shrimps and fish is not what the official wants.”

Xiao Yu's eyes flickered, and there were rare flashes of sinister look on his chubby face that was always smiling.

After pondering for a moment, he nodded slightly and said, "Then find out the mole first, and then we will discuss how to use this mole to make the Four Elephants organization suffer a big loss!"

Lin Feng nodded.

He looked at Xiao Yu and said, "Mr. Xiao, please secretly prepare two lists for me tomorrow."

"One copy is from someone who was on duty at Dali Temple on the night of the arson incident."

"Another one..."

Lin Feng squinted his eyes and said slowly: "During the day today, I came into contact with Wang Si's main file, or saw Wang Si's person checking the file records in the file room!"

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed slightly, and he instantly understood what Lin Feng meant: "Are you comparing yourself to someone who overlaps?"

Lin Feng nodded slightly: "If the inner ghost had known Wang Simasa's secret a few days ago, he would never have kept Wang Simasa alive tonight and then brutally killed him. After all, we are all here tonight. It is really not a good opportunity to kill him. If it had been a few days ago, If so, they have too many opportunities to assassinate Ojimasa."

"So, they will take action at this most inopportune moment tonight, which means that the inner ghost only discovered Wangjimasa's secret today, but Wangjimasa is no longer worthy today and has been staying in the house, so the inner ghost can only It was through Ojimasa’s files that I learned that Ojimasa might have found out some of their secrets.”

"Therefore, I only need the list of people who have access to files or records today, and compare it with the list on the night of the arson incident... The mole is definitely among the people who overlap in the two lists."

Xiao Yu nodded without hesitation: "I will find a reasonable reason and ask trusted people to investigate. I will give it to you at noon tomorrow at the latest."

Lin Feng nodded: "Thank you, Mr. Xiao."

Xiao Yu waved his hand and said: "This is my responsibility. But speaking of the members of the Four Elephants Organization, these guys are just as you expected... they actually got rid of the patterns! From now on. If we try to rely on patterns to identify them, it won’t work.”

After Lin Feng concluded the case, they took off Qi Chengqiang's clothes and looked for patterns on Qi Chengqiang's body.

As a result, they only found a scar on Qi Chengqiang's heart, but not any pattern of the Four Elephants tissue.

Lin Feng was not surprised: "Before the Four Elephants organization was exposed, the pattern was very hidden, but once it was exposed, the pattern directly pointed to the flaw in their identity, and they naturally would not leave it behind."

"However, it can be seen from the new scar on Qi Chengqiang's heart that even if the pattern is removed, it will still leave traces... So we can also rely on the scar for simple identification in the future, but we cannot completely trust the scar. After all, there are other People may be injured accidentally and leave scars... Therefore, when using scars for identification, we must be very careful to avoid making mistakes in judgment."

Xiao Yu nodded: "That's how it should be."

While the two were talking, the carriage stopped and Zhao Shiwu's voice sounded: "Mr. Xiao, foster father, we are here."

When Lin Feng heard this, he got off the carriage directly. As soon as he got off the carriage, he was startled.

Looking at the door of the house in front of him, he was a little confused: "Where is this?"

He thought he and Xiao Yu were back at Dali Temple again, but the house in front of him was obviously not the Dali Temple Yamen.

After Xiao Yu got off the carriage, he said with a smile: "Is your brain injury really so serious that you even forgot your own home?"

"My home?"

Lin Feng's eyes flashed suddenly, and he instantly understood what Xiao Yu meant.

Talk about your own home... This is clearly the residence of Lin Feng, the former prime minister of Dali Temple!

Xiao Yu asked Zhao Shishi to call the door, and then he whispered to Lin Feng: "Since you want everyone to think that you are him, you naturally have to go home and rest. What's the matter with living in Dali Temple all day?"

"Being busy with official duties is an excuse, but you can't always be busy with official duties, right? Besides, you are already a member of the Dali Temple, so you won't have to socialize or have people come to visit you in the future, and you can't keep people coming to the Yamen to find you, right? "

Lin Feng naturally understood what Xiao Yu meant. He lowered his voice and said, "But that guy's servants can easily see through the official. After all, he is the one who has been living with that guy."

Lin Feng has never met the former Prime Minister of Dali Temple Lin Feng with his own eyes, so there is absolutely no way he can imitate his living habits exactly the same. Others who are not familiar with the former Prime Minister of Dali Temple Lin Feng will naturally not find anything unusual about themselves, but those who have been living with that guy People find themselves too easy.

Xiao Yu laughed, and when he smiled, his small eyes narrowed into slits: "Don't worry, that former Dali Temple Prime Minister Lin Feng, as you said, in order to avoid his abnormality being discovered, he deliberately avoided interacting with him in Chang'an City. He has no relatives or friends and only an old slave to take care of him."

"But since he was imprisoned, the old slave has disappeared, so this house has long been deserted."

"The servants in the house now are all chosen by us for you. They are all good people and can protect your safety on the surface."

"And apart from the obvious..."

Xiao Yu lowered his voice again: "There are still some guards in the secret... Since we have chosen to let you stand on the cusp of the storm and attract the Four Elephants organization, we will naturally try our best to ensure your safety."

Sure enough, when you cooperate with the big guys, you feel safe enough. All the problems have been thought out for yourself in advance... Lin Feng smiled: "In that case, I don't have to worry anymore."

Xiao Yu smiled and nodded: "There is a house in Chang'an City. Even if the house is not big, it has a courtyard with two entrances. Every inch of land is valuable and is worth a lot of copper coins."

"That guy is using you to steal life and death, and wants you to die for him... If you can't catch him for the time being, it's not a bad idea to use this house as interest."

Lin Feng's eyes lit up slightly after listening to Xiao Yu's words.

Although the house with two entrances and exits is not as good as that of a wealthy family, it is definitely expensive. After all, this is a house in the imperial capital.

Thinking about my previous life, I struggled for more than ten years and had to rely on loans to buy a small three-bedroom apartment in a low-ranking second-tier city. But here, I own such a large house directly in the largest imperial capital. Lin Feng almost cried with joy because he didn't have to pay back the mortgage.

Who understands the suffering of house slaves!

Seeing Lin Feng's rare expression of excitement, Xiao Yu said with a smile: "With your ability and your current fifth-grade official position, this house is no longer worthy of you, but you still have to work as that guy for the time being. , so just feel aggrieved and stay here first.”

Looking at the red lacquer door and the high red brick wall in front of him, Xiao Yu even said that he was wronged to live here. Lin Feng once again had a clear understanding of his status as a fifth-grade Dali Temple chief.

When you reach the fifth level, it’s like a carp leaping over the dragon’s gate.

At this time, the door was opened from the inside.

A middle-aged man about 40 years old walked out. When he saw Lin Feng, he quickly said: "Master, you are back."

Looking at the man who was very familiar and respectful to him, Lin Feng nodded slightly and acted calmly: "I have been busy with official duties these days and have no time to come back. You have worked hard in the house."

The middle-aged man shook his head quickly: "This is what young people should do." Xiao Yu saw Lin Feng acting so naturally and his eyes were full of smiles. He knew that Lin Feng would always surprise him and would never let him down. .

He looked at Zhao Shishi and his guards. None of them thought there was anything wrong with the conversation between Lin Feng and the middle-aged man. If he could hide it from them, it wouldn't be a big problem.

Lin Feng chatted with the middle-aged man for a while, then turned to look at Xiao Yu and said, "Mr. Xiao, come in and sit down?"

Xiao Yu shook his head and said: "It's getting late, so I won't bother you anymore. You can rest early. I'll see you tomorrow."

After saying that, Xiao Yu boarded the carriage directly and left under the escort of the guards.

Lin Feng looked at Zhao Shiwu and said, "Are you going back or staying here?"

Zhao Shishi scratched his head in embarrassment: "Father, I am alone. The house is empty, there is no one..."

Lin Feng understood what Zhao Shiwu meant. He waved his hand and said very proudly: "Then stay here. The most important thing we don't need is a room. From now on, we will have a special room for you in the house, and you can always live here."

When Zhao Shiwu heard this, he immediately saluted Lin Feng excitedly to express his gratitude.

Lin Feng waved his hand with an indifferent look on his face. Now we are no longer a man who has to bear a loan for a small apartment. We are now a man who lives in and out of the courtyard of the imperial capital!It was just a room, Lin Feng didn't even blink.

Accompanied by the middle-aged man, Lin Feng entered the mansion.

As soon as he entered the mansion, Lin Feng looked around curiously. After all, this was his first real mansion after coming to the Tang Dynasty.

According to his agreement with Xiao Yu, Li Shimin and others, after solving the Four Symbols organization, everything he owns will belong to him, not only his official position, but also his property.

So this house is truly yours.

When you walk into the gate, you will see a spacious courtyard surrounded by houses, somewhat similar to a courtyard house.

There is a well in the yard. Next to the well are several trees, including poplar trees and jujube trees. In late autumn, the leaves have turned golden.

Walk through the front yard, go through a door, and come to the backyard.

The backyard is the inner house, where the owner rests.

Compared with the front yard, the backyard yard is not that big, but it is not too narrow. There is also a flower garden in the backyard, but the flower garden is empty and no flowers are planted. A maple tree stands in the center of the yard. The maple leaves are red and beautiful.

Lin Feng looked at Maple Leaf and couldn't help but secretly thought what a coincidence, because the word "Maple" in his name came from Maple Leaf.

The backyard is also surrounded by houses, including a study room, a wing room, and a master room. There are plenty of rooms.

Thinking about how he struggled for more than ten years in his previous life to buy a three-room house with a loan, but here, he couldn't even count the number of rooms on two hands. Lin Feng felt even more deeply that he had achieved house freedom more than 1000 years in advance. Bar?

"Young man, please open the door for me."

Seeing Lin Feng standing in the yard observing the house, the middle-aged man thought that Lin Feng didn't know which room was his, so he hurried to the front and opened the door.

Lin Feng was very satisfied with the middle-aged man's sensibility and quickly came to his bedroom.

The bedroom is very large and is divided into two rooms: an inner and an outer room. The outer room is the place for entertaining guests. It is fully equipped with tables, chairs and tea sets, and there are several cabinets near the wall.

But other than that, there are no decorations. It can be seen that Lin Feng, the former prime minister of Dali Temple, only regarded this place as a place to live and had no intention of decorating it properly.

Lin Feng sat down, looked at the middle-aged man, and said, "There are no outsiders here, just say what you want."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man quickly said: "Lin Si Zheng, the younger one's name is Zhao Hu, and he will be Lin Si Zheng's housekeeper from now on."

"Xiao Siqing has ordered that the situation in Lin Temple's main palace should not be too different from before. It should not suddenly become too lively, so it is currently considered a small one with only five servants."

"One of the cooks is responsible for Lin Sizheng's daily meals, a servant is responsible for cleaning, and two guards are responsible for the safety of the yard."

"Of course, these people are specially selected. Everyone is very skilled, and no one can get close to them."

"Besides the five of us, there are also some hidden piles, but I don't know their situation clearly."

Lin Feng nodded slightly, Xiao Yu and the others had thought carefully.

After all, Lin Feng, the former Prime Minister of Dali Temple, only had one old slave before. It would be really abnormal if he suddenly had dozens of servants.

Five people can solve basic daily problems, no more, no less, just right.

As for protecting yourself, you don't rely on them, but on the guards hidden in the dark.

Everything is very thoughtful, so I don't need to worry about it anymore.

Lin Feng and Zhao Hu learned about the situation of the other four people, and then said: "Prepare a room for Zhao Fifteen near my room, and then you all can go and rest."

Zhao Hu thought for a while and asked: "The room on the left side of the master is empty. Can we let Zhao Guard live in it?"

Next to me?Even better, Zhao Shiwu makes me feel more secure... Lin Feng nodded: "Okay."

"I'll make arrangements now, little one."

Zhao Hu said as he left in a hurry.

That appearance made Lin Feng wonder whether Zhao Hu had received special training as a housekeeper before. In fact, his demeanor and actions looked too much like a serious housekeeper.

After Zhao Hu left, Lin Feng stood up and locked the door with the latch.

Standing at the door, he turned to look at his room, looking around the entire outer room. After pondering for a moment, Lin Feng came to these cabinets and opened them one by one.

As a result, he found that there was only one cabinet containing robes and official robes. These robes were all new, and it was obvious that Xiao Yu had specially prepared them for him.

Other cabinets are empty.

"Sure enough, after that guy decided to fake his death and escape, he had already taken away all his belongings and didn't give me any chance to get to know him at all."

Lin Feng shook his head and entered the inner room.

The inner room is even simpler, with only a dressing cabinet and a bed.

There was no jewelry or rouge on the dressing cabinet. When Lin Feng opened the dressing cabinet, it was also empty.

Not surprised, he sat on the bed and scanned the room.

In his mind, as his eyes moved, pictures of Lin Feng, the former prime minister of Dali Temple, in this room appeared involuntarily.

Looking at the dressing cabinet and the bronze mirror on the dressing cabinet, Lin Feng seemed to see that guy, facing the mirror, slowly wiping away the traces of disguise on his face, revealing his original appearance.

He thought that maybe only here could that guy dare to show his true appearance instead of hiding his true nature with his face.

He looked around the room inch by inch, from the surrounding walls to the beams above his head.

From the beams, his eyes moved down to the masonry beneath his feet.

Everywhere, there is that guy moving around.

Suddenly, Lin Feng's gaze that had just been moved away suddenly paused!
Immediately, he seemed to have thought of something and looked back sharply.

I saw him staring straight at the dressing cabinet, staring at the place where the dressing cabinet touches the floor!
There, there was a scratch.

Lin Feng strode over and squatted down to inspect the scratches.

The scratches are very obvious. Judging from the appearance of the scratches, they don't appear just once or twice.

"Could it be..."

Lin Feng squinted his eyes and pondered for a moment. He took a deep breath, pressed his hands directly on the side of the dressing cabinet, and pushed hard along the direction of the scratches.

The dressing cabinet was slowly pushed by Lin Feng, and the marks left by the cabinet on the floor were exactly the same as scratches.

Finally, when the scratches on the dressing cabinet were exactly the same, Lin Feng stopped.

He looked quickly at the masonry under the dresser after it was moved.

But the next moment, Lin Feng frowned slightly.

The masonry was intact and there was no problem with any of the masonry.

He squatted down and checked the bricks one by one, but found no movable bricks.

"Am I guessing wrong?"

Lin Feng frowned slightly, his brain spinning rapidly... Zhao Hu and the others must have cleaned their rooms after they took over the house. The scratches on the masonry were not hidden, and they would definitely notice it.

So no surprise, they should have checked like him, but Zhao Hu didn't say anything, which means they found nothing.

"Am I really thinking wrong...that guy doesn't have any hidden place to hide important items?"

Lin Feng squinted his eyes and recalled the scratches... The scratches were indeed very obvious. They could not be scratched out once or twice, but must be the result of multiple scratches.

This means that guy must have pushed open this dressing cabinet many times!
That guy wouldn't have nothing to do and push the dressing cabinet for no reason, right?

But masonry is no problem. If you can hide something, you still need to move the dressing cabinet. If not hidden under masonry, where else can you hide it?

Lin Feng looked at the dressing cabinet and saw that after the dressing cabinet was moved to the scratched position, the legs of the cabinet were slightly raised...

Suddenly, Lin Feng's eyes flashed: "Could it be?"

He stretched his finger towards the gap under the cabinet leg... It was just right and could pass through the raised cabinet leg smoothly. Lin Feng's heart moved. He grabbed his fingers upward, grabbed the cabinet leg and lifted it hard... This dressing cabinet went directly to It fell on one side, but it was next to a wall, so the dresser did not completely fall over, but leaned against the wall.

Lin Feng quickly turned his head and looked under the dressing cabinet.

The next moment, his eyes suddenly lit up, and the corners of his mouth instantly rose...

"Sure enough!"

I saw that there was a very thin drawer installed under the dressing cabinet.

The drawer is at the bottom of the cabinet. If you don't open the cabinet, you won't be able to find it!

Without any hesitation, Lin Feng pressed down on the thin wooden board of the drawer and pushed it hard.


The thin wooden planks of the drawers were pushed open.

An envelope fell directly out of it.

Looking at the envelope in front of him, Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes: "He took away all his clothes and everything, how could he leave a secret message?"

Lin Feng picked up the envelope and looked at it. He saw that there was no pattern or writing on the envelope, it was pure and white.

He took the letter out of the envelope, unfolded it, and looked at it.

next moment……

"Depend on!"

Lin Feng couldn't help but cursed secretly, and immediately laughed out loud!
He knew that he shouldn't have any expectations for the cryptic letter left behind.

I saw this is what the letter said.

"Our accomplices include Changsun Wuji, Gao Shilian, Fang Xuanling, Wei Zheng, Cheng Yaojin, Li Jing, Qin Qiong, Yuchi Gong..."

What's more, the names of the top thirty people in the imperial court and future heroes of Lingyan Pavilion are all in it.

Even Wei Zheng's name dared to be written upward.

Lin Feng knew that the guy didn't even leave any clothes behind. How could he ignore such an important secret message?As expected, this was clearly a provocation to himself.

"Did you deliberately use this letter to disgust me, to make me hopeful first and then disappointed?"

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes. Although this letter was useless, it exposed a character trait of Lin Feng, the former Prime Minister of Dali Temple. Perhaps in the future, this character trait could be used by him.

Lin Feng was not afraid of what that guy would do, but he was afraid that the guy would do nothing. The more that guy did, the more clues he would get.

He took a deep breath to calm down, and after thinking about it, Lin Feng put his fingers into the drawer again and checked it carefully... The drawer was empty, and sure enough, there was nothing left except this letter.

Lin Feng retracted his fingers and was about to return everything to their original positions, but when he subconsciously looked at his hand, his eyes suddenly narrowed.

"This is?"

I saw some red dust on my fingers.

"Red dust?"

"Where did it come from?"

Lin Feng looked under the dressing cabinet. He thought for a while, took the candle and looked under the dressing cabinet.

I saw some red dust on the ground under the drawer I opened.

"Is it that guy who once put something stained with red soil into the drawer?"

"Where in Chang'an City is the soil red?"

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes. He was about to take away the candle, but suddenly, his eyes flashed.

He quickly stood up, straightened the cabinet, and then rotated the cabinet 180 degrees so that the cabinet that was originally close to the wall faced him.

Then he knelt down and looked at the cabinet legs.

I saw a leaf pressed against the foot of the cabinet that was originally attached to the wall.

Lin Feng lifted the cabinet legs and took out the leaves.

The leaves were withered and yellow, and had been crushed by the cabinet, but the remaining parts could still allow Lin Feng to tell what kind of tree it was.

Oval leaves with serrated edges... He had seen this kind of leaves in his previous life.

In a temple full of incense.

It is...the leaves of the Bodhi tree.

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and flashed slightly: "Red mud, bodhi tree..."

He looked at the letter that provoked him again. Looking at the ridiculous content in the letter, Lin Feng showed a smile: "Maybe, I know how to find you."

(End of this chapter)

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