People are in Zhenguan, solving crimes scientifically

Chapter 102 Case closed!All revealed, the truth is revealed!

Chapter 102 Case closed!All revealed, the truth is revealed! (two-in-one)

Qi Chengqiang listened to Lin Feng's words, and stared at Lin Feng with his cannibalistic eyes. His face was twisted and angry, as if Lin Feng's words had pierced the biggest evil deep in his heart.

Lin Feng is the best at observing people's hearts. From Qi Chengqiang's expression, he could tell that Qi Chengqiang should have always been proud of his intelligence, which was different from his burly and reckless appearance.

So when he laughed at Qi Chengqiang's cleverness, he made Qi Chengqiang even more angry than when he was just arrested.

Lin Feng stood in front of Qi Chengqiang, looking down at Qi Chengqiang, and said calmly: "If you are smart, you are indeed a little clever. If our calculations and cognition are described in terms of levels, you are at least on the third level."

"On the first level, you plotted against Yushi Zeng, using Yushi Zeng as the most obvious suspect, and pushed Yushi Zeng in front of us."

Zeng He's eyes widened slightly when he heard Lin Feng's words.

Qi Chengqiang's pupils suddenly jumped.

Lin Feng said: "Many people know that Zeng Yushi was infected with the cold, and Zeng Yushi personally went to find Wang SiMasa twice. In your opinion, this is the most suitable suspect to attract our attention, so You pushed Yushi Zeng out without hesitation and brought him directly in front of us, making it difficult for us not to pay attention to Yushi Zeng."

Zeng He looked at Qi Chengqiang with cold eyes, but saw Qi Chengqiang pursed his lips and did not respond at all to Lin Feng's words.

Zeng He couldn't help but look at Lin Feng, frowning and said: "But Lin Sizheng, as you said before, since Qi Chengqiang knows that after he leaves his footprints, the plot against the official is impossible to succeed, then why does he still plot against him? official?"

"Isn't this a meaningless thing? Even if he pushes the subordinate in front of you, it will have no impact on me at all?"

Lin Feng smiled and said: "So, this is the second level of his calculation."

"What?" Zeng He was stunned.

Lin Feng looked at Zeng He and said slowly: "Zeng Yushi, don't forget how you just eliminated Qi Chengqiang's suspicion, and why did you suspect Cao Langzhong?"

Zeng He's eyes widened suddenly, his pupils shrank, his face changed dramatically, and he said, "Could it be that...he, he didn't do this to frame me at all!?"

"His real purpose... was to allow us to eliminate his suspicion. He believed that it was impossible for a cunning murderer to do meaningless things, and that it was impossible for the murderer to make such a stupid mistake, so he was eliminated as a matter of course. Instead, he was Is the target set on Mr. Cao?"

When Cao Wenqing heard this, he immediately turned his attention to Lin Feng, his eyes full of curiosity. He had just jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't wash it away. He was really in despair.

Even Xiao Yu couldn't help but look at Lin Feng. After all, even he was almost convinced that the murderer was Cao Wenqing. It was because the evidence and the chain of reasoning fit so smoothly.

The other officials were waiting nervously and expectantly for Lin Feng's answer.

Lin Feng glanced at Qi Chengqiang, and saw Qi Chengqiang staring at him with his red eyes, as if he wanted to crush himself to ashes. He laughed and said slowly: "You are indeed very smart, will you?" The changes in people's hearts have taken into account all the reactions we will have after discovering Zeng Yushi's suspicion."

"You know very well that as soon as we confirm that the bloody footprints at the door are yours, we will know that Zeng Yushi was framed by the real murderer, and this is your purpose - you want to use Zeng Yushi to accomplish two things. thing."

Two things! ?

Zeng He looked at Lin Feng blankly.

"First, you must use Yushi Zeng to completely eliminate yourself from suspicion and get yourself out of a dangerous situation."

"And the second..."

Lin Feng looked at Qi Chengqiang and said, "It will naturally draw everyone's attention to Mr. Cao, whom you have been preparing to frame for a long time!"

Qi Chengqiang's pupils trembled suddenly, the corners of his eyes twitched, and his face changed slightly.

Cao Wenqing was stunned and said in disbelief: "Lin Sizheng, you mean...Qi Chengqiang, he, he has been ready to frame me for a long time?"

Zeng He's eyelids jumped. Lin Feng's words confirmed his suspicion. Qi Chengqiang had indeed never thought of framing him. He didn't want to turn himself into a scapegoat at all... He was just a springboard.

The one he was pointing at was Cao Wenqing!

Lin Feng nodded slightly, looked at Cao Wenqing and said, "Mr. Cao, you don't really think that Qi Chengqiang chose the medicine bottle casually, and the glutinous rice on the medicine bottle really got on it by accident, right? ?”

Cao Wenqing's pupils shrank: "Is it possible?"

Lin Feng said: "Yes, this was all prepared by Qi Chengqiang long before he killed Wang Si Zheng. The one he really chose as the scapegoat was you!"

Looking at Cao Wenqing who turned pale, Lin Feng continued: "Although I don't know how he knew that you would definitely go to see Wang Sizheng alone, but he must have learned the news in advance, and whether Wang Sizheng wanted to see him, It’s not important, because based on his relationship with Ojimasa, even if Ojimasa doesn’t meet him alone, he can take the initiative to see Ojimasa.”

"So as long as he and you both meet Ojimasa, his plan can be implemented smoothly."

Lin Feng looked at Wang Qinyuan's body and said, "After he killed Wang Sizheng, why did he leave bloody footprints at the door? It's obvious that he directed and acted this act to frame you, Mr. Cao."

"He knows that when we see the bloody footprints outside the door, we can quickly infer that the bloody footprints outside the door are different from the bloody footprints in the room. The bloody footprints outside the door must have blood poured on them. The obvious and clear footprints we were able to make allow us to conclude that the murderer must have used a vessel to bring the blood out."

"Similarly, in order to prevent us from ignoring the bloody footprints at the door and thinking that the footprints inside and outside the door are the same, he specially made everyone's soles stained with blood. In this case, when we carefully inspected everyone's soles, we found that everyone Since there are blood stains on the soles of the shoes, we will also conclude that the murderer used a utensil to bring out the blood."

"He worked hard to guide our thoughts to the blood vessel, just to find this porcelain bottle!"

Lin Feng held up the small porcelain vase in his hand, looked at the red porcelain vase illuminated by the firelight, and said, "And when we find the porcelain vase, we will naturally notice the glutinous rice on it."

"Glutinous rice is something that is both common and uncommon. For ordinary people, glutinous rice may not be available in every household, but for officials, glutinous rice is really too common. Whose family would not have it?"

Lin Feng glanced at Cao Wenqing and others, and said slowly: "But even if you all have glutinous rice at home, the glutinous rice on this porcelain bottle cannot point to you. After all, you don't know how to cook in person, and you rarely have the opportunity to actually touch glutinous rice. Not to mention accidentally sticking glutinous rice on the porcelain vase."

"Apart from……"

Lin Feng's eyes fell back on Cao Wenqing: "Except for you, Mr. Cao!"

Cao Wenqing's pupils trembled violently, and he couldn't help but vomit.

Lin Feng said: "As a doctor in the Ministry of Industry, you have recently been busy with the renovation and reconstruction of the East Palace, and you are still responsible for the supply of materials. Based on the specifications of the East Palace, you will inevitably use glutinous rice mortar, an expensive adhesive. ...So you must come into contact with glutinous rice!"

"In addition, you obviously have a headache, but you still deliberately conceal it... It looks like you deliberately concealed the medicine bottle you have."

"So all the evidence points to you. If you don't become the scapegoat, who will?"

Cao Wenqing couldn't help but turn pale.

His eyes were full of fear and anger. He couldn't help but glare at Qi Chengqiang and said angrily: "Qi Chengqiang, you are really insidious and despicable. I have no enmity or enmity against you. Why did you frame me like this?"

Qi Chengqiang didn't respond at all.

Others also felt chilled in their hearts.

This Qi Chengqiang's plan is really interconnected.

From the bloody footprints to the bloody soles of everyone's shoes, who would have thought that his real purpose was to lure out the porcelain bottle filled with blood?
After finding the porcelain bottle, all the clues on the porcelain bottle will point to Cao Wenqing. If Lin Feng hadn't been there and Cao Wenqing had concealed his illness first, and there was Nuomi's evidence, Cao Wenqing would have been plotted to death by Qi Chengqiang this time. .

Everyone was completely deceived by Qi Chengqiang, without realizing that it was all a scam!

Lin Feng looked at Cao Wenqing's fearful and angry expression and said slowly: "Using the porcelain bottle prepared in advance as physical evidence and the glutinous rice as evidence, I will completely throw you into the abyss, Mr. Cao... This is the third level of Qi Chengqiang's plan!"

"Because there are only two suspects this time, Qi Chengqiang had already removed himself during the second level of calculation, so when Mr. Cao has so much evidence on you, how can you stand up?"

Cao Wenqing felt as if he was being stared at by a poisonous snake from behind. That feeling really made his hair stand on end.

He raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, and couldn't help but nodded heavily: "I was really close to becoming a scapegoat."

He looked at Lin Feng, his face full of gratitude: "Even now that I know everything he did, I still feel puzzled, because I still have no evidence to prove that he did it all... If it weren't for Lin Si Now that I have discovered his true identity and his conspiracy, I will jump into the Yellow River tonight and I won’t be able to clear my head."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yu also looked at Lin Feng with a look of relief, with a look of fear and sigh: "Zide, I was also deceived by him very much. I almost arrested the wrong person and solved the wrong case."

Lin Feng smiled and consoled him: "Mr. Xiao, you don't have to blame yourself. It's Qi Chengqiang who is really good at calculating."

"Why did he push Yushi Zeng out even though he knew it was useless to frame him? His real purpose is to give us a chance to reason and judge."

"He knows very well that we are all very vigilant. The more evidence and clues are given to us directly, the more likely we are to suspect that there is something wrong."

"So, he specifically used Zeng Yushi as a springboard to let us rule out Zeng Yushi and put the suspicion on Cao Langzhong... Because Cao Langzhong's suspicion was not shown at the beginning, but through our investigation of Zeng Yushi After analyzing the existing evidence and clearing the suspicion of Zeng Yushi, the suspicion finally fell on Cao Langzhong."

Lin Feng looked at Xiao Yu, and the night wind blew his wide cuffs, making a sound. He said: "Those of us who are cautious and vigilant, we will doubt whether there is something wrong with the clues on the surface, but we have spent all our efforts to We won’t have too many doubts if we find clues and evidence with great care and effort.”

"Even, because that is the evidence that we have found out bit by bit with great care, we will think that it is the truth and have no doubt about it!"

"In this case, his true purpose will be achieved! Cao Langzhong is the answer behind the puzzle he carefully prepared for us. When we cleared the fog and cleared Zeng Yushi's suspicion, we finally found Cao Langzhong, and Cao Langzhong When all the problems in your body match up to the only physical evidence..."

Lin Feng looked at Xiao Yu and said slowly: "Mr. Xiao, you have completely fallen into his plan. It would be strange if you don't think that Mr. Cao is the murderer."

Listening to Lin Feng's words, Xiao Yu's pupils shook violently.

Other Dali Temple colleagues, as well as all the officials who were watching, were also shocked in their hearts!
They couldn't help but cast their eyes on Qi Chengqiang, who was pressed to the ground.

Looking at Qi Chengqiang's burly body and honest appearance, it was really hard for them to believe that Qi Chengqiang could pull off such a terrifying plan!
This is really a plan, it’s so powerful!

Not only did he plot against Cao Wenqing and Zeng He, but he also plotted against Xiao Yu and others who were investigating the case.

Everyone's thoughts and the specific process of each step are completely within his calculations.

This kind of control over people's hearts and the delicate layout are simply terrifying!

Zeng He couldn't help but swallowed and said: "Qi Chengqiang, you are really good at pretending. When you came into contact with us before, you always showed that straightforward and carefree attitude. I really thought that It’s just your temperament… Now I know how deeply I was deceived by you!”

Cao Wenqing's face was pale, and his eyes were filled with anger and a hint of fear: "I still feel cold all over my body now, as if I have fallen into an ice cave. If Lin Sizheng hadn't discovered your secret, I would have really wanted to do it tonight. The one who was plotted by you will bear the crime of murder for you!"

The expressions of the others were similar. The more they understood what Qi Chengqiang had done, the more they were shocked by Qi Chengqiang's insidiousness, and the more frightened they felt in their hearts. Fortunately, Qi Chengqiang's plan was not theirs, otherwise Qi Chengqiang's interlocking plots would In terms of planning ability, they don't think they are much better than Cao Wenqing and Zeng He.

Being in contact with such a person is no less than sleeping with a poisonous snake hovering above your head and looking at you coldly. Just thinking about it makes your skin crawl.

But when they thought that even such a terrifying Qi Chengqiang's conspiracy was discovered by Lin Feng, and that he was plotted by Lin Feng and easily caught by Lin Feng, they felt that Lin Feng was too powerful.

Lin Feng said Qi Chengqiang was on the third floor, but where was Lin Feng?Which floor is it on?
"Lin Templezheng."

Li Haomiao, the gossip master of Dali Temple, suddenly spoke. His eyes were burning with curiosity, and his face was red with curiosity. He looked at Lin Feng and couldn't help but said: "Qi Chengqiang's plan is so perfect. , The calculations are so intertwined that even if the official listened to the whole process, he still found no way to break the situation."

"So, Lin Sizheng, how did you discover Qi Chengqiang's conspiracy? Is there anything Qi Chengqiang did that was not perfect?"

After hearing Li Haomiao's words, Qi Chengqiang, who had been silent until now, suddenly raised his head and stared at Lin Feng with his eyes.

Obviously, he also wanted to know how Lin Feng discovered his conspiracy.

Xiao Yu, Cao Wenqing and others also had curious faces.

When Lin Feng saw everyone looking at him, he didn't show any concern. He said, "Do you still remember what I just said to Qi Chengqiang?"

Li Haomiao's eyes flashed: "You are so clever that you are misled by your cleverness?"

Lin Feng nodded slightly: "Yes, it's just that the cleverness is misled by the cleverness!"

He looked back at Qi Chengqiang, who was being suppressed, and said, "I have used the word 'smart' many times to describe your calculation just now, because you can think of such a complex and interlocking calculation, which is indeed very clever." clever."


Lin Feng's voice changed and he suddenly said: "You are smart when you succeed, and you are smart when you fail!"

After listening to Lin Feng's words, Qi Chengqiang finally couldn't bear it anymore. He said, "What do you mean!? What does it mean to be smart in success and smart in failure!?"

Lin Feng looked at the porcelain bottle in his hand and said, "In order to frame Mr. Cao into a solid case, you specially prepared this porcelain bottle filled with medicine."

"With a small porcelain vase, Cao Langzhong's head ailment was perfectly combined with the glutinous rice, turning it into a mountain that could not be pushed away, pressing hard on Cao Langzhong's body."

"Therefore, I am willing to use the word clever to describe the appearance of this porcelain bottle as the only evidence."

Qi Chengqiang frowned: "Isn't this something we have known for a long time? What's the use of saying this?"

Lin Feng shook his head and said: "No! Of course it is useful, and it is very useful!"

"Because there is certainly perfect evidence pointing to Mr. Cao on this porcelain bottle, but..."

Lin Feng looked at Qi Chengqiang with a thoughtful expression and said meaningfully: "It also has fatal problems!"

"The fatal question?"

Qi Chengqiang was stunned, and everyone was also stunned.

Lin Feng nodded: "It is precisely because of the existence of this fatal question that I immediately realized that it was not a so-called evidence at all. It was a tool used to frame others from the beginning to the end!"

After listening to Lin Feng's words, Li Haomiao and others couldn't help but look at the porcelain bottle in Lin Feng's hand, looking for the fatal question Lin Feng said.

But they looked up and down, left and right, and found no fatal problems on the porcelain bottle.

Xiao Yu frowned. He was more experienced. After hearing Lin Feng's reminder that the most fatal problem was on the porcelain bottle, Xiao Yu's eyes were fixed on the porcelain bottle. As he looked at it, his brain was spinning rapidly, thinking. What kind of problems existed with this porcelain bottle would make Lin Feng discover it at a glance and directly judge that it was not evidence.

"The problem on the porcelain bottle must be related to the case... and in this case, the porcelain bottle exists to transport blood and frame Zeng He and Cao Wenqing..."

Deliver blood! ?
Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed in Xiao Yu's brain, his pupils suddenly expanded, and his eyes suddenly looked towards the porcelain bottle.

The next moment, he suddenly turned his head to look at Lin Feng: "Is it... blood!?"

Blood! ?
Li Haomiao and others were stunned when they heard Xiao Yu's words.

Then, they saw Lin Feng nodded and said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao finally found out."

"Sure enough, it's blood!" Xiao Yu took a deep breath and frowned at the same time: "How come I didn't notice this before!"

Everyone still didn't understand what Xiao Yu and Lin Feng meant by blood. Li Haomiao couldn't help but said: "Mr. Xiao, Lin Si Zheng, what blood do you mean?"

Lin Feng didn't sell it, and said directly: "Think about it, what is the murderer's purpose of using this porcelain vase?"

Li Haomiao subconsciously said: "Of course it is to transport blood. Put the blood into a porcelain bottle, pour it at the door, and take it outside to frame Cao Langzhong and Zeng Yushi."

Lin Feng nodded: "Yes, the purpose of the porcelain vase is to transport blood... So Li Sicheng, what do you think the murderer should do to put the blood into the porcelain vase?"

"Of course, tip the porcelain bottle over and pour the blood into the pool of blood——"

Before Li Haomiao finished speaking, his eyes suddenly widened and his voice suddenly stopped. He finally realized something.

He hurriedly looked at the porcelain vase in Lin Feng's hand. Looking at the porcelain vase that had been removed from the mud and was completely white with no patterns, he lost his voice and said: "I understand, I finally understand!"

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Tell me about it?"

"There is no blood on the porcelain bottle!"

Li Haomiao looked at Lin Feng and said excitedly: "If the murderer really used a porcelain bottle to pour blood into the pool of blood, then it would be impossible not to have any blood stains on the bottle. But the porcelain bottle in front of him was completely white, except for a few sticky spots. Sticky rice and nothing else at all!”

"So...since there is no trace of blood on the bottle, there is no possibility that the murderer used it to contain blood! The murderer did not use it to fill blood here!"

Hearing Li Haomiao's excited words, everyone quickly looked at the porcelain bottle.

Sure enough, as Li Haomiao said, there was no trace of blood at all on the surface of the porcelain bottle.

Zeng He looked at the porcelain bottle, suddenly frowned, and said, "Is it possible that the murderer wiped off all the blood on the surface of the porcelain bottle?"

The censors at the Censorship Station are always so serious.

What Lin Feng was least afraid of was being more serious. He said: "Please see Zeng Yushi... there is glutinous rice on the surface of this porcelain bottle pointing to Cao Langzhong. If Cao Langzhong was the murderer, he would have noticed that he had to wipe off the blood on the bottle. How could you not notice the glutinous rice? How could you leave the glutinous rice pointing at you?"

"Not to mention that the blood stains stuck to the bottle have been wiped off, so is it possible for the glutinous rice stuck to it to remain on it?"

"So, either the glutinous rice and the blood stains disappear together, or they stay together... Only in this way is it consistent with normal logic."


Lin Feng raised the porcelain bottle in his hand, looked at the white porcelain bottle reflecting the firelight, and said slowly: "The porcelain bottle in front of me only has glutinous rice, but no blood... This is something that violates normal logic! So, the fact There can only be one thing...that is, it is not a temporary vessel used by the murderer to transport blood at all, it is a tool prepared by the murderer from the beginning to deceive us!"

Listening to Lin Feng's words, Zeng He's eyes couldn't help but widen. He thought seriously for a moment, then nodded heavily: "I see... I understand."

Lin Feng nodded: "Speaking of this, one of our previous inferences will be overturned." "What inference?" Zeng He asked hurriedly.

Lin Feng lowered his head and looked at the blood marks on the ground, and said slowly: "He had prepared the porcelain bottle a long time ago, and the blood was not poured temporarily. This means that he was not forced or had to use blood to frame other people, so that others Someone helped him reduce his suspicion!"

"That is to say, he had already planned to leave blood marks at the door and under everyone's feet. The blood marks on the floor of the study were no accident... He actually stepped on them deliberately. He just wanted to let us know... ...The murderer stepped on blood under his feet! In order to lead out the fact that the murderer used a vessel to bring out blood to frame other people...and lead to this porcelain bottle!"

Lin Feng took a deep breath and looked at everyone: "The so-called links are linked together, and one link is linked to the other. That's about it."

Listening to Lin Feng's words, Zeng He was stunned, and Cao Wenqing's eyes widened.

Even the officials of Dali Temple, such as Xiao Yu, were shocked at this moment.

They still remembered that the first thing Lin Feng said when he was putting out the fire was to prevent people from touching the blood marks on the ground, because they were important clues.

But now, they realized that the blood mark was not an important clue at all. It was the bait prepared by Qi Chengqiang from the beginning to lure them in!
Qi Chengqiang's scheme was so deep that he had them hooked from the very beginning!
Lin Feng looked at Qi Chengqiang and said slowly: "You are really smart, even the blood seal was done intentionally, but you succeed and fail in the porcelain vase... You have calculated everything, but you have only ignored that the porcelain vase itself should also Details stained with blood.”

Qi Chengqiang's pupils shrank violently, and his expression became ferocious.

He stared blankly at the porcelain bottle in Lin Feng's hand, his expression extremely gloomy.

That expression seemed to be completely unacceptable that he would make such a mistake!
This detail will be ignored!
Li Haomiao couldn't help but said: "So...Lin Sizheng, you already knew there was something wrong with the porcelain vase when we found it, and you already knew that the porcelain vase was a perjury used by the murderer to deceive us?"

When everyone heard this, they quickly looked at Lin Feng.

Even Qi Chengqiang was staring closely at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng chuckled and said: "I didn't think of this immediately. After all, the glutinous rice on the porcelain bottle and the clues that the medicine bottle pointed to the murderer's illness attracted my attention even more... I think the same is true for Mr. Xiao. If Mr. Xiao If these clues don’t draw all your attention away, you may be able to discover the lack of blood stains on the porcelain bottle in time.”

"But it didn't take long. When I focused on the porcelain bottle again, I realized the problem of blood stains."

"So I took advantage of the situation, and that's how the follow-up happened."

Listening to Lin Feng's words, the officials who were watching were all shocked.

In the past, they had only heard rumors about Lin Feng. They heard that Lin Feng was best at discovering the truth from the subtleties. They heard that Lin Feng was an expert in solving cases. As long as the prisoner made a mistake, even the smallest mistake would be seen through by Lin Feng at a glance... Before, they thought that this rumor had a lot of water and was really exaggerated. But when they saw it today, they realized that it was true!

Just because there was no blood on the porcelain bottle, Lin Feng was able to quickly deduce that the porcelain bottle was not physical evidence at all, but perjury. He was able to quickly see through Qi Chengqiang's conspiracy, and he used it to trick Qi Chengqiang, and finally let Zhao Shi Five caught him by surprise and easily captured Qi Chengqiang, who was not weak in martial arts!
This ability is really no worse than what was rumored. They even feel that the rumored evaluation of Lin Feng is a bit low!

After all, the rumors didn’t say that Lin Feng’s planning and calculation abilities were so strong!
Lin Feng looked at Qi Chengqiang and said with a smile: "Now, do you still think that I said that you are smart but you are mistaken for being smart? You are smart when you succeed and you are smart when you fail. Is it wrong?"

Qi Chengqiang's face was extremely ugly. He struggled to get up, but was so suppressed that he could not move at all.

He could only raise his neck, stare at Lin Feng, gritted his teeth and said: "Even if the porcelain bottle is not physical evidence, it does not prove that it is the forged porcelain bottle!"

When Lin Feng heard this, he shook his head and said calmly: "No! It can prove that this is your porcelain bottle."

"What!?" Qi Chengqiang was stunned.

Lin Feng knelt down and placed the porcelain bottle in front of Qi Chengqiang's eyes. He said, "Take a closer look. Apart from the sticky rice, are there any other traces on the surface of this porcelain bottle?"

"Other traces?"

Qi Chengqiang looked at the porcelain vase in confusion, but when his eyes fell clearly on the porcelain vase, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his whole body froze for an instant, completely stunned.

Seeing Qi Chengqiang's reaction, everyone's hearts moved.

Are there any clues on the porcelain bottle?

Looking at Qi Chengqiang's expression, he must have found the most important clue that can point to himself!

Lin Feng took Qi Chengqiang's expression into consideration, stood up again, faced everyone's curious and puzzled gazes, and said directly: "On the surface of the porcelain bottle, in addition to the glutinous rice, there are some bump marks, and they are very clear marks. "

"Signs of collision!?" Everyone was stunned.

Lin Feng touched these marks with his fingertips and said, "The bump marks are very new. It can be seen that these marks appeared not long ago."

"But when the murderer threw the porcelain vase down, he threw it on the soil under the flowers in the garden. The soil is soft, and it is impossible to knock the porcelain vase and leave such marks."

"So, it can be inferred that these marks were either accidentally knocked out by the murderer when he was wearing them, or they had already appeared before the murderer brought them."

Li Haomiao frowned and said, "What kind of situation would that be?"

Lin Feng raised his fingertips, pointed at a part of the porcelain bottle, and said, "Take a closer look here..."

When everyone heard this, they all rushed forward and carefully observed the place Lin Feng pointed at.

At this time, they discovered that what Lin Feng was pointing at was a relatively large piece of glutinous rice.

But there was only half of the glutinous rice left.

Lin Feng reminded: "Look at this glutinous rice. Only half of this glutinous rice is left, and the marks on its fracture are consistent with the marks on the bottle below it. What does this mean?"

Li Haomiao's eyes flashed and he said quickly: "It means it was destroyed together with the traces of the collision!"

Lin Feng nodded slightly and said, "Li Sicheng is right. It means that the grain of glutinous rice was destroyed together with the traces on the bottle and appeared at the same time."

"And if you look at these glutinous rice, the glutinous rice is still soft and sticky, and it has not yet dried. This means that the glutinous rice has not been stuck to the bottle for too long."

"And because the marks on the glutinous rice and the bottle body are the same, it means that the glutinous rice was stuck to the bottle body and then knocked... The murderer could not have been idle and deliberately knocked the marks on the glutinous rice and the bottle body, so it can be reasonably speculated... …This mark was not there before, but appeared after the murderer carried it on his body.”

"I think it should be like this... After the murderer glued the glutinous rice to the bottle, he filled the porcelain bottle, and then came to the banquet. However, the murderer didn't know that while he was on the way, the bottle and other hard Something bumped into the bottle, causing these marks to appear on the bottle."


Lin Feng looked at everyone and said: "You might as well think about it, among the three of them, Cao Langzhong, Qi Duwei and Zeng Yushi, who would come to the banquet, even in a very relaxed atmosphere, would have such things in their arms?" What about something very hard?"

After listening to Lin Feng's prompt, everyone frowned slightly and looked thoughtful.

Suddenly, Li Haomiao, a master of gossip, whose head turned quickly, his eyes lit up, and he said: "Cao Langzhong and Zeng Yushi are civil servants. When they come to the banquet, they dress lightly and generally do not bring any special hardness. thing."

"But Qi Chengqiang is a military general. He often goes in and out of the military camp... Uncle Xiaguan also often goes in and out of the military camp, so he told him some of the rules in the military camp. There is military law in the military camp. Entry and exit are not based on face, but on face. It’s a token!”

"Without the token, you can't enter or exit the military camp, or give orders to the soldiers... The token is very important, more important than life. Once lost, it will be a big deal! So even if it is very easy to attend a banquet, Captain Qi will definitely Don’t dare put it anywhere else, you must carry it with you!”


Li Haomiao couldn't help but look at Lin Feng and asked Lin Feng for confirmation: "Did this porcelain bottle be knocked out by a hard token?"

After everyone heard this, they all looked at Lin Feng.

Li Haomiao is a relative of Li Jing and is relatively close to Li Jing, so it is normal for him to think of these things quickly.

When Lin Feng saw everyone looking at him with expressions asking for confirmation, he smiled and said, "What are you doing? The person is right in front of you. If you search for it yourself, you'll know?"

Li Haomiao's eyes lit up and he was about to search.

Qi Chengqiang's expression changed, and he shouted: "I do carry the token with me, but it doesn't matter... All military generals will carry the token with them. This is a matter of course!"

"If you take this opportunity to frame me and accuse me of being a murderer because I did something normal, I will not accept it!"

Qi Chengqiang was still arguing. He admitted that he had brought the token, but he still did not admit that he had killed anyone.

Because he knew that even if the token was discovered, it would not be regarded as ironclad evidence. Lin Feng was still a little short of being completely responsible for the crime of murder.

Even though the difference is not much, it is not a perfect chain of evidence after all!
Qi Chengqiang has known Lin Feng, and he knows that Lin Feng is different from others. What Lin Feng pursues is the perfect solution to the case. Lin Feng will not be like other people, and the case is almost closed. Without a complete chain of evidence, and without enough ironclad evidence, Lin Feng will never do it. Case closed easily!

As expected, after hearing Qi Chengqiang's words, Lin Feng looked at him and said, "You really know me well... It seems that the people in your organization have begun to study me behind the scenes."

Qi Chengqiang tilted his head: "I don't know what you mean."

Lin Feng looked at Qi Chengqiang, who was still pretending to be stupid, and said slowly: "Do you really think that I don't have irrefutable evidence?"

Qi Chengqiang looked disbelieving: "If there was, you would have taken it out long ago."

Lin Feng shook his head and said meaningfully: "But I have indeed taken it out a long time ago."

"What?" Qi Chengqiang was stunned.

Lin Feng said calmly: "I just pointed it out, have you forgotten, that glutinous rice... it's half missing!"

Qi Chengqiang's expression suddenly changed, and his original expression of disbelief suddenly turned into powerlessness and despair.

Lin Feng looked at Qi Chengqiang's changed expression, half-smiling but not smiling: "Half of the glutinous rice is missing. Tell me, since it's not left on the porcelain vase, where else will it stick to?"

"Also, even the relatively hard porcelain vase has been bruised and has so many marks. Don't you think that the sticky rice stuck to the porcelain vase will be spared?"

He placed the porcelain vase in front of Qi Chengqiang again and turned it around, and said slowly: "Look carefully, is the amount of glutinous rice on it really the same as the amount you stuck on it? Is it really not less?"

Qi Chengqiang's pupils contracted violently, and his whole body tensed subconsciously, as if a lone wolf had encountered a natural enemy.

Lin Feng took in the change in Qi Chengqiang's expression and said slowly: "Indeed, it is reasonable for you to bring the token. I cannot assume that the porcelain bottle was bumped by your token just because you brought it."

"But what if your token also has sticky rice stuck on it?"

Lin Feng said meaningfully: "Do you still have an excuse to quibble?"

After hearing Lin Feng's words, Zhao Shishi said nothing and asked the guards to turn Qi Chengqiang over.

Then he quickly searched for Qi Chengqiang and soon found the token in Qi Chengqiang's arms.

Zhao Shiwu took out the token and handed it to Lin Feng: "Father, look..."

Lin Feng took the token and looked at the glutinous rice grains stuck on it. He smiled, raised the token, faced Cao Wenqing and others, and said, "Look, everyone, there are indeed glutinous rice grains on this token. "

No one needs to look carefully to see the glutinous rice grains very clearly.

Although the number of glutinous rice grains is not as large as that on the porcelain vase, it is still quite a lot.

“There are really sticky rice grains!”

"How could Lin Simasa's reasoning be wrong!?"

"The real culprit is indeed Qi Chengqiang!"

"Look how he can still quibble!"

The officials yelled angrily, some scolded Qi Chengqiang as a snake and a scorpion, some scolded Qi Chengqiang as scheming, some scolded Qi Chengqiang as a wolf-hearted person. Wang Qinyuan was obviously his benefactor, but he treated Wang Qinyuan like that.

Cao Wenqing looked at Qi Chengqiang, whose face was gloomy and could no longer utter any sophistry. He spat directly and said: "You deserve it! Qi Chengqiang, you have never thought about it... You want to use that porcelain bottle to frame me, but In the end, this porcelain bottle became the ironclad evidence that you were arrested! You are shooting yourself in the foot! You deserve it!"

Wang Hao's face was full of hatred. He looked at Qi Chengqiang and couldn't help but said: "Qi Chengqiang... my father is your benefactor!? He has helped you! Why are you so cruel and want to kill your father! Do you still have a conscience? ?"

Qi Chengqiang didn't care about the scolding of Cao Wenqing and others. Only Wang Hao's words made him speak: "I don't want to kill him, but he is seeking death himself, and I can't do anything about it!"

"And this general has a clear grudge... He touched something he shouldn't have touched, and I had to kill him! But after I killed him, I didn't throw him into the fire or destroy his body. It is the general’s kindness that he can be buried intact!”

"I am clear about my grudges and have a clear conscience!"

Wang Hao's eyes widened, as if he didn't expect Qi Chengqiang to say such nonsense. Is this how the grudges are clearly explained?

Lin Feng sneered: "You still know grace? If you really knew grace, why did you turn the knife after stabbing Wangji? Don't tell me, as a martial artist, you don't know that doing this will make Wangji It’s a hundred times more painful before death!?”

"You obviously have so many ways to make Wangji Zheng die easily, but you still use this method. You want to call it kindness. Is there any resentment in this world?"

When Wang Hao heard this, his eyes suddenly turned red and he stared at Qi Chengqiang.

Qi Chengqiang opened his mouth, but seemed to be unable to think of anything to say, and finally tilted his head and stopped talking.

Lin Feng looked at Qi Chengqiang who was silent and said calmly: "Qi Chengqiang, there is actually one more thing that I haven't said yet... that is, even if I don't find you based on the traces on the small porcelain bottle, I still know that the murderer is you."

"What?" Qi Chengqiang was startled.

Everyone was stunned.

Lin Feng looked at Wang Qinyuan's body, with a look of nostalgia and a sigh, and said, "Wang Si Zheng has actually told us the identity of the murderer."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xiao Yu's eyes flashed, and he hurriedly said: "Zide, have you solved the mystery of Wang Sizheng's gestures?"

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at Wang Qinyuan's hands and the only clue Wang Qinyuan left for them before his death.

He took a deep breath and said slowly: "Wang Si is an experienced Dali Temple man. He will never do nothing when facing death. As long as he does not die immediately, he will definitely try his best to give us tips. "

"And those two gestures point to the identity of the murderer!"

As he spoke, Lin Feng imitated Wang Qinyuan's gestures and raised his hands.

He put his left hand together and his right hand into a fist, placing it in front of him.

"At first, when I saw Ojimasa's gesture, I was thinking of fifty."

"I thought that what Wangji was pointing to was the number fifty, but I couldn't figure out what this number meant no matter how hard I tried."

"Later, after confirming the identities of the three suspects, I suddenly realized... that my thinking was too complicated."

Lin Feng looked at everyone and said: "Qi Chengqiang acted very quickly. Wang Sizheng didn't have much time to react. He might have been on his deathbed at that time."

"So the clues that Wangji can think of in a very short period of time are definitely not too complicated, they are definitely very simple, and you can even know his intentions at a glance."

"Based on this, I finally figured out Ojimasa's intention... In fact, what Ojimasa left behind was not the number fifty at all, but a simple fist and palm."

When everyone listened to Lin Feng's words, their eyes became even more confused.

What can simple fists and palms represent?
What does it have to do with Qi Chengqiang?
Could it be that Qi Chengqiang is a martial artist with great boxing and kicking skills?
Just when everyone was confused and confused, they saw Lin Feng move.

Lin Feng slowly brought the fist and palm in front of him closer together, and finally they became close to each other. The palm of his left hand was close to the fist of his right hand.

This is—a fist-holding ceremony!

Because in the military camp, soldiers will hold their weapons tightly with their right hands, so when saluting, they often put the palm of their left hand against their right hand.

Slowly, it evolved into a fist-holding ceremony.

This is a kind of etiquette in the military camp, and later became the etiquette among warriors.

Therefore, when Lin Feng made a fist-cup salute, everyone was stunned on the spot. They stared at the fist-cup salute and the contact between the palms and fists. They all understood without Lin Feng saying anything. .

It turned out that Wang Qinyuan really used very simple and obvious gestures to tell them the identity of the murderer from the beginning - someone from the military camp!
Among the three, only Qi Chengqiang is a general in the army!
It's a pity that everyone present did not understand Wang Qinyuan's intention.

Wang Qinyuan's lifelong friendship with Cao Wenqing didn't understand, Zeng He's half-student friendship didn't understand, and even Wang Qinyuan's wife and son didn't understand.

Only Lin Feng, who did not have a close relationship with Wang Qinyuan but felt the care of his elders from Wang Qinyuan and took over Wang Qinyuan's position as the new head of Dali Temple, Lin Feng... understood.

The firelight shone on Lin Feng's body, dyeing Lin Feng's whole body red.

Wang Qinyuan was lying on the ground in a pool of blood, and Lin Feng was reflected in the firelight. Everyone looked at the standing and lying figure, thinking about the connection between Lin Feng and Wang Qinyuan, and a word appeared in their hearts for no reason.

--Passing the torch.

 Two words combined into one thousand words are given, and the case is basically over. However, this case is just the beginning of a big plot, which will be more exciting later!

  Finally, please give me monthly votes and recommendation votes!There are a little few recommendation votes, so I’m asking for votes!
(End of this chapter)

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