Chapter 233 Elementary Education
In addition to restoring production, Lin Yao has also increased investment in education year by year, especially enlightenment education, which accounts for the largest proportion of investment.

As an enlightenment textbook for young children, the rebel army once considered using Zhao Ting's enlightenment textbook on Confucian classics, but was opposed by Lin Yao.

Lin Yao believed that such textbooks overemphasized the Confucian hierarchical concepts of loyalty, filial piety, loyalty, and loyalty, but the actions of later scholars showed that this was not feasible and did not meet the future development needs of the rebel army.

Therefore, Lin Yao asked Wu Yazi to be responsible for compiling the enlightenment textbooks for the rebel army. The brand-new elementary textbooks draw on the excellent moral qualities passed down through the ages and integrate the feelings of family and country.

Lin Yao was still very satisfied with this set of pure elementary school textbooks. Wu Yazi was worthy of being Tianlong's number one talent.

During the elementary school period, children should be taught to understand what good moral qualities are, and then develop them one by one later, instead of instilling a set of strict hierarchical concepts.

In addition, let these new generations understand the concept of family and country that Lin Yao understands.

The relationship between family and country should not be limited to the shackles of one family and one surname. Only when there is a country, there is a family. The two are interdependent. It is very important to understand this concept.

In connection with reality, Lin Yao also understood that in the feudal era, it was understandable for families to gather together for warmth, and that tyranny was more fierce than a tiger, which was no joke.

In a sinister society, a strong sense of family can still make the government fearful with the power of unity in the face of corrupt officials.

If it were one or two households, they would have been manipulated at will.

But everything has advantages and disadvantages, and the same is true for clan concepts. Lynching was abused, and the rebel army's local rights were infiltrated.

While thinking deeply, Lin Yao frowned when he saw the teaching environment of enlightenment education reported in the report.

He couldn't help but look at Gou Du, the third disciple of Su Xinghe, the general person in charge of education in the rebel army who was waiting not far away, and asked.

“Are all classrooms now thatched sheds?”

"Yes, General."

Gou Du nodded and seemed to be a very strict person. This was also the reason why he was entrusted with the important task by Lin Yao.

Education must be down-to-earth and there is no room for carelessness.

"When will this environment change? Letting every child attend class in a clean and bright classroom is the goal that we all strive for."

Lin Yao held the report document in his left hand and tapped the table slowly with his right hand.

"It is expected to change in two years. People's conditions have just improved a few days ago, but their attitudes have not yet changed.

After meeting the needs of food and clothing, we should save more money for emergencies instead of thinking about sending our children to school.

There are not enough students in some places, so more funds from the headquarters are invested in areas with more students, first with the majority and then with the minority. "

Gou Du heard the dissatisfaction in Lin Yao's tone, quickly stood up from his seat and explained.

"Then this has caused an imbalance in education in various places. I will adjust it as soon as possible and do a good job in publicity work, educational relations and future plans."

After hearing this, Lin Yao frowned, stood up, walked slowly for a few steps, and ordered in a firm tone.

"I will once again increase investment in education. Don't worry about money. Work hard to build it for me. Pens, ink, paper and inkstones, and classrooms that can protect from wind and rain. These are all must-haves. Don't let me down."

When Gou Du saw Lin Yao throwing coins away, the wonderful prospect described appeared in his mind, and the thinning hair on his forehead also started to beat.But after thinking about it, he said with some embarrassment: "General, now there are actions to resume production everywhere, and the Zhao and Song regime is eyeing it. We can still slow down on this aspect and concentrate on doing big things."

"You guys, how long have you learned this? You don't have to worry about this. As long as you lay a solid foundation in education, you will be able to benefit the future and benefit the present."

Lin Yao looked at his sincere face and laughed.

“With my support and everyone’s efforts, life will get better and better. Pens, inks, paper and inkstones will become daily necessities for everyone, and everyone can learn knowledge to enrich their lives.

In terms of education, schools need to cover every place. At the same time, we not only need wooden houses to shelter from wind and rain, but also schools built with reinforced concrete.
At that time, no matter whether it is strong winds that can lift people away or heavy snow that can crush houses, they will not be able to stop students from studying. "

What Lin Yao said was not words to deceive others. These were words and deeds that he always emphasized in the rebel army and implemented them step by step.

Moreover, the words contained implications that were not limited to the areas currently ruled by the rebels, but also looked at the entire Song court and even the radiating areas of the Central Plains dynasty.

But now the rebels need money everywhere, and food is the first need of the rulers. It is normal for Gou Du to have such thoughts.

At the same time, the rebel army led by Lin Yao has not yet fully controlled the entire population under its rule, and some fish have slipped through the net.

Based on the census and various data from previous lives, Lin Yao believed that the prosperous land of Song Ting he occupied had a total population of more than 1000 million.

Through this speculation, the rebel army speculated that there were more than 5000 million people living in the territory owned by the Song Dynasty.

However, the proportion of owner-peasants and small landowners among them has been shrinking year by year, and a large part of the people have become tenants.

These secluded houses provide the confidence for those scholars who spend all day listening to music and not doing anything productive.

These people live in dire straits, and most of the value they produce is absorbed by the landlords and gentry, which is equivalent to eating away at the life of a country - taxes.

Later in the Ming Dynasty, there was a world-wide funny incident of collecting a tax of 30 taels in the Jiangnan area where trade was prosperous.

There is no difference between the profit class in Song and Ming dynasties in terms of embezzlement of taxes, and they can be said to be of the same origin.

The only difference is that the Zhao and Song dynasties received more commercial taxes, while the Zhu Ming dynasty received mostly land taxes, and they accounted for a high proportion of tax revenue.

But it should be noted that scholars of the Ming Dynasty and above were able to claim land from landlords and were exempt from land tax. The two were mixed together under the drive of interests.

Then a phenomenon that is horrifying to think about occurred. Most of the pressure in the country was concentrated on the homesteaders and small landowners who controlled a small part of the land.

These people could not afford the affiliation fees or had no connections, but they had to bear most of the taxes of the Ming Dynasty and were always vigilant against natural and man-made disasters.

Lin Yao learned the lessons of previous dynasties and used more cruel methods to deal with these black sheep.

Under his guidance, the principle followed by the rebel army was to find out the landlords and squires with bad records, send them to meet Yama, and complete the task of rescuing tenants and hermits.

As for other powerful landlords with decent reputations, the rebels have not put too much energy into them for the time being.

Before the grassroots personnel are in place, it is best to keep everything as it is, which will cause the least harm to the people at the bottom.

(End of this chapter)

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