Chapter 232 Construction Results
On the way, the strictly trained local guards had a head-to-head confrontation with the group of servants who were keeping the house and accompanying the master's family to bully men and women.

To be honest, comparing the two is simply insulting the achievements of the local guards under Lin Yao's rebel army system.

Just take weapons and equipment, both of which are not on the same level.

The former holds excellent standard weapons with the technical support of the rebel army and is of excellent quality.

The latter are weapons made by making farm tools, or they are smuggled Song Ting weapons. They are of average quality and may be stronger than ordinary farm tools.

Moreover, the local escorts were trained locally by officers from the rebel army.

The military department provides material support and officers strictly supervise it, so that the militiamen must receive training that is no less intense than that of the powerful feudal army.

The plan here comes from the Western Han Dynasty when all the people were soldiers and the re-creation of the imperial army system in the early Tang Dynasty, which provided certain military training and arming for the elite.

It facilitates a continuous blood transfusion to the army and enhances the war potential of the rebel army.

With this kind of intense training, even if the local guards are not yet at the level of elite soldiers, they still have a certain basis for tactical coordination and a strong body.

Those servants who rely on their personal prowess to fight, bully men and women have no physical advantage over the bodyguards.
In addition, the escort team has a large number of people and has the battle formation technique that the more people there are, the stronger it is. The result can be imagined.

Obviously there are no regular troops stationed here, only some militia organizations to maintain order, which looks weak in the eyes of the powerful landlords.

But as soon as Lin Yao gave the order, countless "rebellion troops" quickly gathered and rushed to the battlefield with weapons used in training, becoming a force to suppress opposition forces.

Those servants who were blinded by money, with their greed, died in this wrong choice.

The landowners and gentry were either beheaded or captured on the spot, and then gave them a gift package confiscated from their homes.

When doing this, the factory guards said they were professionals.

The auxiliary escort team would take out all the land deeds and deeds of sale found in their homes, and burn them to the ground in front of the local people.

In the fierce fire, countless yellow faces were reflected red, and the light of hope was ignited in these dead eyes, which was extremely dazzling.

"We follow General Lin's order. From today on, these land deeds and the deed of sale are all invalid. You can get a piece of land that is sufficient for your farming.
From today on, with your hard work, you will be able to live a life of adequate food and clothing.

The taxes of our rebel army are lower than those of previous dynasties. If people still starve to death, there are only three reasons: natural disasters, corrupt officials, and laziness.

Faced with these problems, our solution is to provide relief in natural disasters and kill all corrupt officials, but laziness is your choice. I hope you will not disappoint General Lin. "

The majority of the people looked with burning eyes at the senior generals of the rebel army who stood on the high platform and spoke. Listening to the words, they burst into tears and shouted.

"Long live General Lin!"

The eyes of these people embracing hope for the first time have an unspeakable brilliance.

A large part of them even thought that shouting like that could not express their inner excitement, so they turned around and faced Suzhou, knelt down and saluted.

Whether it was the senior leaders of the rebel army on the high platform or the soldiers maintaining order below the stage, there was a sense of recognition in their hearts, and their eyes became firmer.

A continuous fire burned away the demons and demons near Jiangning Mansion, and the squire forces were once again hit hard by the rebel army.

The wealthy businessmen involved could not escape the iron fist of justice, and their influence was swept away.

After eradicating these old forces, more power was left in a vacuum and was quickly controlled by Lin Yao's soldiers.

The land that the landlords and gentry usurped the people and brought countless blood was recaptured by the rebels.

The mountains above the heads of many tenant farmers were destroyed, they were rejoined by the rebels and received the land they deserved.In a few days, earth-shaking changes took place, and more people were reborn.

But this is only the first step towards success for this place, and there is still a long road of construction ahead.

This is also the key work direction of the rebel army in the future, to build well and consolidate the foundation of the rebel army's regime.

Lin Yao learned from the factory guard's information that things were different now.

In the past, the grassroots managers of the rebel army wanted to use one as two people, and it was impossible to have as many people as they do now.

These new members also have a certain cultural foundation and can withstand the test of higher-intensity tasks.

They are all ambitious young people from the rebel army who came here with a mission and play a role similar to seeds.

Responsible for local cultural literacy so that they know how to think and are not easily deceived by others.

Disseminate farming technology and scientifically improve the efficiency of food production.

Organize various traditional activities to increase people's cohesion.

In particular, this cohesion can make the people at the bottom believe in the future of the rebel army and be willing to work hard for it.

Take the Jianghuai management plan, it can be seen that people actively participated in it during the slack period.

Except for the initial construction area, Lin Yao's eyes lit up with the results reported from other areas that had been rescued early.

For these people, the current situation in these areas is like a paradise on earth compared to the days in the hands of powerful landlords in the Song Dynasty.

In the past, when they were barely surviving, having a full meal was like a dream to them, but now they have met the requirement of a full meal and even begun to pursue spiritual satisfaction.

Specifically speaking, these rural areas have gained more cultivated land through land expansion, the proportion of newborns is increasing year by year, and scientific methods have been used to reduce the mortality rate.

The policy of light corvee and low tax allowed these hard-working and capable farmers to accumulate food that was unimaginable in the past, and the phenomenon of starvation will no longer happen again.

Even if there is a sudden natural disaster, the rebel army's food reserves are far ahead of the times.

In the past, the rebel army expropriated farmers' grain at market prices, or at prices much higher than the market price.

Local governments receive grain reserves, farmers receive copper coins, and have the ability to reserve and consume, further revitalizing local economies.

Local road construction has also been implemented one by one, and the dirt roads from villages to the county have been replaced by reinforced concrete roads.

In fact, Lin Yao uses asphalt, but this requires an in-depth ability to use oil so as not to waste the blood of this industry. After all, asphalt is only an insignificant residue of oil.

With these reinforced concrete roads that can carry dozens of tons of weight, it can be said that as long as the quality is not cut corners, there will be no problems at all in 20 years.

This kind of road enhances the degree of economic exchanges between various places and greatly reduces the difficulty for farmers to travel to the county seat.

While it is convenient for villagers to go to the county town for consumption, villagers can also bring their raised poultry or some woven handicrafts to the county town for sale.

After making money, you can consider the education and literacy issues of your descendants, and you can try to send your children to the county school to study.

Lin Yao saw the changes in the people, and he was very satisfied with it.

(End of this chapter)

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