A journey to the heavens starting from the Red Mansion

Chapter 222 The deputy commander of Jin Yiwei, A'Zhu

Chapter 222 The deputy commander of Jin Yiwei, A'Zhu

There was nothing to do during this period. Lin Yao came to Tianlong World to observe the situation and see if he could harvest the horizontal push. At the same time, he presented Wang Yuyan and the others with fairy grass pills.

Before that, he had given it to his family members in the world of Red Mansions, as well as Saeko Busujima and others who had silently contributed in the world of Academy Apocalypse.

Busujima Saeko, who got the strange velvet Tongtenju, coupled with the previous accumulation, did not fall behind. It seems that she has reached another level, and the future is promising.

Closer to home, Lin Yao immediately commented on the factory guard's previous performance.

"It is indeed difficult to let your factory guards know about this in advance, but in our three-acre land of the rebel army, with the support of the army and the help of the radio station, we still cannot accurately control it.

Overall, it is far inferior to Jin Yiwei's achievements outside. You still have a lot to learn and a lot to improve on. "

After sorting out his thoughts, Lin Yao said seriously: "During the time when Jinyiwei was abroad, when the headquarters could not provide more support, and under the pursuit and interception of the powerful landlords, he continued to expand his intelligence network and obtained various precious information.

Isn't this situation more dangerous than the frontal battlefield?But instead they get the job done.To say that the situation is difficult, I think it is even more difficult for the Jinyiwei without the military support of the rebel army and the cooperation of civilian forces.

Your colleagues fought almost alone, and now their tentacles have spread to the four surrounding countries, which is beyond all our expectations. "

The three deputies of the factory guard had nothing to say about this. They were indeed far behind Jin Yiwei in this regard.

Even if there is Lin Yao's strong material support, such results cannot be achieved without a capable person.

Lin Yao saw the expressions of the three factory guard deputies and didn't care about anything. Instead, he looked at Wang Yuyan next to him and said softly: "Yuyan, where are A'Zhu and the others?"

Wang Yuyan thought for a moment and said: "We have arrived at Jiangning Mansion. It should not be far from Suzhou."

Lin Yao nodded. A'Zhu was one of Murong Fu's maids. She joined the rebel army thanks to Wang Yuyan's rescue.

In the past two years, A'Zhu's abilities have been recognized by everyone, and Jin Yiwei's power has expanded several times.

To say that the person with the strongest control among the intelligence agencies is undoubtedly Wang Yuyan.

Moving down the row, Jin Yiwei's strength surpassed that of the factory guards. Among Jin Yiwei's three deputies, Jin Yiwei has the best development and the strongest strength. That must be the part of Jin Yiwei's power controlled by A'Zhu.

As far as Wang Yuyan is concerned, she admires this sister A'Zhu very much.

In less than two years, by virtue of his extraordinary ability, he controlled 1/6 of the rebel army's intelligence force without anyone's help.

And on this basis, developing it and growing it is no less than developing it from scratch. Most of those people are people from the Song Dynasty.

These newly joined members soon became the core backbone of the Jinyi Guards and made great contributions to the layout of the rebel army.

Jin Yiwei was like a hard nail, firmly pierced into Xuchang Mansion, not far from Bianjing.

Although it is said that due to inherent shortcomings and internal party strife, Song Ting's war potential has dropped again and again. Lin Yao's original goal of letting Jin Yiwei join the latest formation of the Song Army was forced to fail.

However, A'Zhu showed his flexibility and went straight to Huanglong, establishing a sound intelligence department under the eyes of Bianjing.

At that time, Lin Yao was only the first to establish intelligence organizations like Jin Yiwei and Factory Guard that could easily get out of control.

At first, A'Zhu relied on his ability to disguise himself and led the personal guards, mainly the Lingjiu Palace, to combat various criminal activities, especially the heinous human trafficking.

Through various achievements, he entered Lin Yao's eyes.

These experiences have accumulated rich experience for A'Zhu.Through practice, I learned all kinds of knowledge about expanding the intelligence department and combating evil forces from Lin Yao and Wang Yuyan's personal teachings.

Don't choose people from the market. These people who are used to idleness often have some side jobs of trafficking.Young refugees are chosen as the main targets for development. These people are usually tenant farmers or homesteaders who have lost their land.

You don't need to pay a lot of money, just provide food and accommodation, and you can gain their initial trust.

These young people are the main labor force. The reason why they have become refugees now is that they still have the seeds of resistance in their hearts.

Unlike those old fritters who have had their backs broken, they can retreat again and again without even having a personal bottom line.

In Lin Yao's view, these young refugees who looked miserable were being severely beaten by another class.

If someone lends them a helping hand at this time, they will respond without hesitation, grab on and enter the new world.

After solving the problems of food, clothing, housing and transportation, you can win over people's hearts and gain loyalty with extremely high cost performance.

Then, in the big family of Jinyiwei, specialized personnel were used to open their hearts and speak out their pain.

And it is no surprise that they are all enemies of the royal family, corrupt officials, powerful landlords, and wealthy businessmen who have existed throughout thousands of years of history.

In the same experience of empathy, the Jinyiwei team has a sense of belonging.

Although A'Zhu was not the first to join the rebel army, her background and the rebel army are natural friends.

Coupled with the early crackdown on criminal organizations, she better understood the core essence of the rebel army and gained a lofty belief in her cause.

Let the world be free from crime, completely eliminate trafficking, and improve the quality of life.

It will no longer happen that families are forced to sell their daughters into wealthy mansions and brothels.

A'Zhu also knows a lot about the professional knowledge of intelligence collection, so he should start from some subtle angles.

Through money, he directly bribed some officials and obtained a serious status.

After spreading out, infiltrating into some inconspicuous positions, such as working as a helper in various stores, you also need the guarantee of someone with a certain credibility before you can do it.

Develop this humble position to train them to pay attention to what merchants say, capture useful information, make a summary at night, and report back after a period of time.

It's a well-organized process.

In this process, the old is used to introduce the new, making everyone literate, and in the process of gaining knowledge, thousands of years of ignorance are eliminated.

Relying on this method, coupled with abundant welfare, and comparing the class oppression within the Song Dynasty, any sensible person will know how to choose his allegiance.

In this beautiful situation where all the people are supported by their peers, a steady stream of blood pours into Jin Yiwei.

A'Zhu did not rush to tell all the information to these people, and do not use interests to test human nature. This is a sentence that Lin Yao has always adhered to, and it has deeply affected the rebel army.

But when the situation is clear, connecting all the branches with the core backbone will surely illuminate everything like a brocade garment.

However, although Xuchang is close to Bianjing and has certain geographical advantages, the other components of the Song Dynasty are deeply rooted, which has also brought great difficulty to A'zhu's work.

However, under the difficult situation, there is an advantage to be able to grasp Song Ting's actions more accurately.

(End of this chapter)

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