A journey to the heavens starting from the Red Mansion

Chapter 221 Jinyi Guards Factory Guard

Chapter 221 Jinyi Guards Factory Guard
Dragon World.

Since the rebel army occupied the land of three roads, Liangzhe Road, Jiangnan East Road, and Fujian Road were connected into one area, Song Ting felt like it was in trouble, but could do nothing.

Lin Yao's attack in Jiangning Mansion and the consequences for the Song Dynasty for hundreds of years all broke out at the same time.

There are no soldiers or generals, and military strength is at its lowest point in history.If the rebel army had not followed Lin Yao's orders, they would have swallowed up the Song Dynasty long ago.

Even if he did not take action immediately, Lin Yao did not do nothing. On the two important roads of regulating people's livelihood and training the army, he opened up a third road and strengthened the intelligence department of the rebel army.

After all, Tianlong is a martial arts world. If the intelligence department is not extended, the deaf and mute rebels will lose control of the place.

When the time comes, the landlord class will be restored, or it may put on the guise of a rebel army and dominate.

He accepted all the benefits and let the rebels bear the bad reputation.

The intelligence department is divided into two parts. The internal headquarters is in Suzhou and the external headquarters is in Jiangning. The general person in charge is Wang Yuyan.

She directly selected people from the rebel army's reconnaissance system and became the backbone of the team.

With this as the core, we can quickly expand the number of intelligence troops and speed up the intelligence coverage area.

Under Lin Yao's influence, Wang Yuyan, Wu Yazi and others paid special attention to intelligence.

When there is not much difference in strength, or when they are directly crushed, intelligence can reduce the losses of the army and the people, and more efficiently take over the occupied places.

After capturing the place receiving the third route, the intelligence department of the rebel army made great contributions to escorting the rebel army.

In the ruled areas, the deep-rooted landlord rule was eliminated, allowing the rebels to fully possess land resources.

Using these land resources, coupled with powerful military power, they quickly gained the support of the masses oppressed by interest groups in Zhao and Song Dynasties.

In addition to Wang Yuyan, the general person in charge, the internal and external intelligence departments each have three deputies. These people are not allowed to appear in public, do things in a high profile, and focus on surprise.

They must not only be wary of targets from foreign enemies, but also from assassinations by corrupt elements in the rebel ranks.

These two teams are competing against Dongchang and Jinyiwei, and they are directly under Lin Yao.

It is parallel to the direct personal guard of Tianshan Lingjiu Palace, but it only has the power of arrest internally, but not the power of judgment.

In addition, Lin Yao also directly saved time and named them Factory Guard and Jinyi Guard.

Although factory guards and Jinyi guards are at the same level, they are equivalent to the number of people in an army.

However, the Jinyi Guards are different from the Factory Guards. The latter have the support of the rebel army and are at home in the territory. Even if there is a lack of grassroots and middle-level personnel, they are still far from being full.

However, the development of Jinyiwei, who is responsible for overseas affairs, is quite difficult.

Due to the isolation in ancient times and the lack of population circulation, Lin Yao's Jinyiwei was unable to mobilize too many people from the headquarters of Jiangning Prefecture.

Otherwise, a group of outsiders, local officials from Song Ting, and powerful landlords could easily destroy Jinyiwei's stronghold.

At this time, it is necessary to develop local people, which requires more energy.

Always face difficulties head-on, this is the spirit that Lin Yao passed on to Wang Yuyan.

Under this influence, when Jinyiwei was first established, it had five action groups with only a few hundred people.

The rapid expansion has now increased to twenty action groups, a full four times expansion.

The specific duties of these people are to collect overseas intelligence and lay the foundation for the rebel army's next actions.

Not only Zhao and Song Dynasty, but also future goals such as Liao Kingdom, Xixia, Dali, Goryeo, etc., carried out stepwise penetration from near to far.This means that the closer the rebels are, the deeper the penetration will be. Of course, Zhao Song will be the first to bear the brunt.

The duties of the factory guards are internal, one is on Zhejiang Road, one is on Jiangnan East Road, and one is on Fujian Road.

The main target is whether there are any violations of Lin Yao's regulations within the rebel army.

And when the key evidence is obtained, it is reported to the headquarters, and after receiving Wang Yuyan's instructions, it is captured early to reduce losses.

Lin Yao's factory guard is different from the famous "factory flower" in all the worlds.

I, the West Factory, will solve the cases that the East Factory cannot solve. I will take care of the things that the East Factory dare not take care of. I will take care of the things that the East Factory can handle, and I will take care of the things that the East Factory cannot handle even more.

Cut first and play later, the imperial power franchise.

But power cannot be underestimated, and it touches on the military aspect of the uprising.

Station clerk, restaurant chef, traveling businessman, teahouse shopkeeper, etc. are mainly professions that have a wide range of contacts and facilitate the collection of various information.

During the turbulent period when the rebel army changes its course, it is also the best time to expand its power.

Wang Yuyan used considerable energy, coupled with the secret assistance of Tianshan Tonglao, to weave a deep and unreachable network within various professional classes, and was always on guard against hidden corruption.

Lin Yao summarized the failure of countless peasant uprisings. In addition to the self-directed actions of various forces in the Eastern Han Dynasty, they eliminated small landlords and self-cultivated farmers, the backbone of the Han Dynasty, and obtained more land.

But they also almost stabbed themselves, but it was a pity that their innate shortcomings made "Thunder Help Me", a rebel of the times, fall.

Almost none of the others were defeated externally. They were all internally attrited, degraded, and then harvested by the regular army.

Previously, with the rise of the rebel army, the privileged classes in the country were wiped out on a large scale.

All the major forces in the Song Dynasty rushed to unite and even proposed to unite with the Liao Kingdom in the north and Xixia in the west to form a coalition and try their best to eliminate the rebels.

Of course, the contradictions among the three countries do not allow them to have any possibility of jointly sending troops.

As the rebel army stood still, they started large-scale construction in the Three Roads area and laid a solid foundation.

Without external crises, not to mention the Liao Kingdom and Xixia, even the internal forces in the Song court could not reach a consensus.

The struggle between the old and the new parties between Wang Anshi and Sima Guang is not over yet. Even though they have passed away, their respective successors are still fighting.

Before fighting against foreigners, we must first make peace. This is the truth pursued by those in power throughout the ages.

However, Wang Yuyan obtained a detailed list and was the key target of the rebel army.

Their influence touched every aspect of the Song Dynasty, and even some of their tails remained in the areas ruled by the rebels.

Especially the newly merged Jiangnan East Road and Fujian Road are limited by the lack of oil and water, but there are not many powerful forces.

After these people were exposed, they prevented these people from causing trouble in the decisive battle later. The rebel army basically had a solid rear area.

However, these departments have been established for a relatively short period of time and have no problems with loyalty. However, their quality is uneven and their work efficiency is low.

In order to improve efficiency, Lin Yao even used technological products from the Second World War to increase the upper limit of factory guards with these black technologies.

Sometimes internal enemies are more difficult to deal with than external enemies.

Especially this time, the efforts of those in power in the Song Court were completely out of the control of the rebels. Lin Yao frowned deeply when he learned what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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