Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 314 The Supreme Emperor of North Korea

Well, as the saying goes, when you work, of course you have to do your job!

When Yongxuan heard the report from the people below, his face was slightly calm, and he looked puzzled.

He was a little confused. Judging from the current situation, the White Lotus Sect thieves had the upper hand in the Chengdu battle and suppressed the Qing soldiers and horses.

If this is the case, then why do they need to withdraw their troops at this time?

Doesn't this give the Qing Dynasty a chance to breathe?

The operations of the White Lotus Cult thieves were quite puzzling to Yongxuan.

Thinking about this, the expression on Yongxuan's face became uncertain.

"Mr. Governor, what should I do next?"

On the side, Sichuan Admiral Li Xianglu asked. When asking, Li Xianglu looked eager to try.

Yongxuan thought for a while and then spoke.

"When the White Lotus Cult thieves gained the upper hand, they suddenly chose to withdraw their troops. If I guess correctly, reinforcements from the Qing Dynasty should be arriving."

"Since the White Lotus Sect is going to withdraw, we, the Qing Dynasty, naturally cannot let it get its way."

"Send the order and immediately send our cavalry out of the city to harass the White Lotus Sect thieves who are retreating north and delay their retreat north."

"In order to delay the arrival of our army's reinforcements, we should encircle and annihilate the White Lotus Sect's thieves!"

Yongxuan said swornly.

He did not expect that the soldiers and horses of the Ming army would enter Sichuan and Shu. He thought that reinforcements from the Qing army had arrived, so he made this decision.

The Qing cavalry on the side were all in command, and Tashi Dele Daqian'er took the order.

"I will obey your orders!"

After saying this, he resigned and left, preparing to lead his cavalry out of the city to block the retreat of the White Lotus Cult Army to the north.


Accompanied by a heart-wrenching grinding sound, the Chengdu city gate opened wide.

The Qing cavalry troops filed out of the city and pursued the White Lotus Teaching Army, which was retreating north, in an attempt to delay the White Lotus Teaching Army's northward retreat.

There was a sound of horse hooves, and it seemed that the only sound left in the world was the sound of galloping horses.

Waves of smoke and dust swept across!

The Qing cavalry whistled and galloped.

Many people were galloping on their horses while taking out arrows and riding bows from their saddles, preparing to bend their bows and nock arrows, and use their riding fire to harass the White Lotus Teaching Army that was retreating north.

collapse! Bang bang!

The bowstring was released, and accompanied by a trembling sound like playing cotton, arrows were thrown into the sky, drawing a beautiful arc, and the arrows were shot towards the array of the White Lotus Teaching Army.

Phew! Phew!

Immediately, the sound of sharp arrows piercing flesh continued to sound, and many people fell to the ground while being hit by arrows.

Blood gushed out from the wound, staining the ground red.

A White Lotus sergeant had his throat pierced by an arrow. He lay on the ground, holding his throat and screaming in agony.

What's more, he was pricked into a hedgehog by the rain of arrows falling from the sky, and it was as if he had no breath.

In an instant, riots began to occur among the White Lotus Teaching Army, which was retreating northward in an orderly manner.

After Song Zhiqing received the report, he looked back at the Qing cavalry who came out of the city to harass them, and his teeth itched with hatred.

"Damn it, these Tatars are really shameless!"

"My Holy Cult soldiers have withdrawn northward and are ready to let them go, but they still refuse to give up. They take the initiative to catch up and seek death."

"You are really shameless!"

Gritting his teeth, Song Zhiqing ordered.

"Send the order and let our cavalry attack to prevent the Tatar cavalry from pursuing..."

Song Zhiqing was a little angry. Originally, he had planned to let the army camp in place, not leave at all, and cooperate with the incoming Ming army to attack Chengdu.

But he soon realized something was wrong. He has not given up yet and is not ready to join the Ming Dynasty now.

If he led his troops to stay under the city of Chengdu and waited for the main force of the Ming Dynasty to arrive, if they planned to annex him, wouldn't it be that he wouldn't even be able to escape?

Therefore, Song Zhiqing gave up this unrealistic idea and prepared to continue withdrawing troops.

As for the Tatars being arrogant?

Haha, it's okay to let them be arrogant for a while.

It won't be long before the main force of the Ming army will arrive in Chengdu. By then, he wants to see if the Tatars in Chengdu can still smile...


The cavalry of the White Lotus Sect attacked, and they once again rushed towards the Qing cavalry.

By daring to fight and fighting hard, and trading lives for lives, the Qing cavalry was held back.

The main force of the White Lotus Teaching Army also seized this opportunity and continued to withdraw northward.

How embarrassing!

Yongxuan stood at the top of Chengdu City, looking at the embarrassment of the White Lotus Teaching Army, and a smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

My heart is filled with the joy of successful revenge.

The grievances I felt from being suppressed and beaten by the White Lotus Cult Army were all gone.

However, at this moment, a sentry rider ran up to the horse road at the head of Chengdu City again.

This sentinel rider was dusty, his face and armor were stained with dust and blood, and he looked extremely embarrassed...

The sentry rider ran all the way to Yongxuan, turned over and dismounted.

"Your Majesty the Governor, urgent report from Chongqing!"

"The main force of the Ming army came out from Huguangxi and went up the river into Sichuan. Chongqing has fallen, and the main force of the Ming thieves is heading towards Chengdu..."

When Yongxuan heard this, the expression on his face obviously froze.

He immediately realized that it was no wonder that the White Lotus Cult thieves wanted to withdraw their troops when they clearly had the advantage.

It turns out that it’s not because reinforcements from the Qing Dynasty have arrived, but because the Ming thieves are coming!

What the hell...

After realizing this, the expression on Yongxuan's face was simply stunned, and immediately he looked panicked.

If he is allowed to lead the troops against the White Lotus Cult bandit army, then Yongxuan will be somewhat confident.

In his opinion, the quality of the White Lotus Sect's bandit army is just that. As long as his army is properly dispatched, he cannot say that the White Lotus Sect will be completely wiped out.

But there is definitely no problem in confronting him and stabilizing the front line.

But if you are facing a bright thief, it's a different story.

Since the Ming thieves raised their troops, the Qing Dynasty has basically not won against the Ming thieves.

After the Qing army faced the Ming army, even if the Ming army did nothing, they would subconsciously become timid.

The same is naturally true for Yongxuan. His fear towards the Ming army is self-evident.

Taking a deep breath, Yongxuan sighed with a solemn expression.

"The Ming thief has entered Sichuan... It's over, everything is over!"

Facing the menacing Ming army, Yongxuan really couldn't think of how to deal with it.

At this moment, the Sichuan Admiral Li Xianglu beside him spoke.

"My Lord Governor, the city of Chengdu is well-defended, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and there is sufficient food and grass. If our army relies on the city to defend it, Chengdu should be able to hold on for a long time."

"If our army's reinforcements can arrive as soon as possible and cooperate internally and externally, maybe the war situation can turn around."

"The top priority for our army now is to get the cavalry who are struggling with the White Lotus Cult thieves back to the city as soon as possible..."

Unlike Yongxuan, who lost his sense of proportion when he got anxious, Li Xianglu, a veteran, was still able to hold his own and come up with practical plans.

After Yongxuan heard this, he calmed down a little. Follow the instructions.

"Quick, send someone immediately to call our cavalry back to the city."

"Send more people to urge our army's reinforcements to speed up and arrive in Chengdu as soon as possible."

"Go and mobilize all the civilians in Chengdu to reinforce the city defense for the governor..."

In his eagerness, Yongxuan issued three military orders in succession.

After finishing speaking, he said to a soldier beside him.

"Immediately go to Guanzhong with the governor's personal letter and ask for help from Lao Fifteen. Please ask him to send troops to Sichuan to reinforce the war in Chengdu."

"Tell Lao Shiwu that together, you and I can definitely annihilate the Ming thieves in Sichuan and Shu."

"To achieve unparalleled achievements!"

Yongxuan knew that with the military strength of the three provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan, it was simply wishful thinking for him to hold Chengdu.

Therefore, he chose to send someone to ask for help from the northwest governor Lao Fifteen Yongyan, hoping that Yongyan could send troops to Sichuan to help him defend the city of Chengdu.

The troops that Yong Yan currently has at his disposal are the largest among the princes who were sent out to control the area.

In Yongxuan's opinion, if Old Fifteen Yongyan is willing to send troops to help, there is hope that Chengdu City can be defended.

After hearing this, the soldier Geshiha beat Qian'er and left, preparing to go to Guanzhong to ask for help.

Yongxuan stood at the top of the city of Chengdu, looking toward the east, his eyes full of solemnity.


North Korea, Jeju Island!

After the Ming Dynasty's North Korean fleet arrived in North Korea, its first battle was to capture Jeju Island.

Of course, it is not accurate to say that it is captured.

Because there are no Qing troops stationed on Jeju Island at all, only a group of Korean soldiers who surrendered to the Manchu Qing were stationed.

The only things that can have anything to do with the Qing Dynasty are the big banner with the Chinese character "Qing" and the bald men with money rat tail hair accessories.

After the Qing Dynasty occupied North Korea, it did not impose a hair-cutting order for all people in North Korea.

But those Korean soldiers who surrendered to the Manchu Qing could not escape.

Under the auspices of Heshen, almost all North Korean officials and the army appointed by the Manchu Qing Dynasty have become money rats.

As the saying goes, officials shave their heads but the people don't.

Well, when the Manchu Qing Dynasty first entered the customs and had not yet established a stable foothold, they also deceived the Han gentry in this way...

Then, you will understand everything!

Then, after the Ming army fleet arrived on Jeju Island, the North Korean garrison on Jeju Island showed little resistance and chose to cut off their braids and surrender.

The Ming army successfully controlled Jeju Island!

After the Ming army took control of Jeju Island, they began to direct prisoners of war to build water villages and docks on Jeju Island.

Prepare to operate Jeju Island as Ming Dynasty's advanced base in North Korea!

After the fleet arrived at Jeju Island, North Korean envoy Wang Minho began to write letters in preparation for contacting his former friends and colleagues.

Let’s discuss anti-Qing matters together!

The various departments of the Ming Army did not rest, preparing for battle while repairing.

Next, they will land at Inchon at the mouth of the Han River, and try to regain Seoul and revive North Korea's anti-Qing morale.


Seoul, North Korea Governor’s Yamen!

He Shen crossed his legs, folded his hands in his leather robe, sat on a rocking chair, and admired the snow scene in a corner pavilion.

On a small table in his hand, there was roasted golden-brown venison seasoned with cumin and chili, still steaming.

On the small red clay stove, a pot of rice wine was simmering.

Beside him, several thinly dressed maids shivered in the cold wind, but they only dared to stand very respectfully and did not dare to make any other movements.

Several of these maids only have one ear.

The other ear had been cut off because of a mistake.

Ever since He Shen was assassinated and lost an ear, his whole person has become extreme.

Whenever a servant makes a mistake, he often likes to cut off the person's ears as punishment.

When he was in the capital, there were many important people above He Shen, so he was somewhat restrained in his actions.

But in North Korea, Heshen, as the governor of North Korea appointed by the Qing Dynasty, was already the largest after the North Korean governor Fukang'an was transferred.

Therefore, He Shen couldn't help but expose his true nature.

After that, the maid and servant who served him really suffered a lot.

If you make the slightest mistake, your ears will be cut off and your tongue will be gouged out!

And these maids and servants have no way to do this. Although many of them are from wealthy families, no matter how noble their status is.

In front of Heshen, the Supreme Emperor of North Korea, he could only serve him respectfully.

In the face of punishment and corporal punishment, they can only bear it silently.

He was afraid that if he accidentally offended He Shen, He Shen would implicate their family in his anger.

Snowflakes were falling in flutters, and heavy snowflakes were falling. The scenery in the courtyard was covered with snow in front and back, and it was completely white.

He Shen opened his mouth, and the maid on the side picked up a piece of roasted golden venison and brought it to his mouth.

He Shen opened his mouth and swallowed, and the tenderness and peppery aroma of the venison exploded in his mouth.

In the heavy snow, He Shen took a sip of barbecue, a sip of warm wine, and closed his eyes slightly, enjoying the rare leisure.

However, at this moment, accompanied by a burst of chaotic footsteps, an attendant beside He Shen was seen walking quickly from the gravel road holding an umbrella.

The attendant came to He Shen, looked anxious, and spoke.

"Sir, something happened!"

When He Shen heard this, he said in a calm tone without opening his eyes.

"What happened again? Is there a rebellion?"

"Calm down, why are you panicking? There are still imperial troops stationed in Seoul, so the sky cannot fall."

Although Fukang'an took away most of the Eight Banners New Army stationed in North Korea when he was transferred out of North Korea, not all the Eight Banners New Army were taken away.

Today, there are still thousands of Eight Banners New Army troops stationed in North Korea, as well as a larger number of Green Camp soldiers.

Coupled with the Korean soldiers who surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, in He Shen's view, the current situation in North Korea is still very stable.

When the attendant heard this, his expression changed slightly, and he immediately spoke.

"Sir, it's not that there is a rebellion."

"But...but the Ming thieves sent troops to North Korea!"

Upon hearing this, He Shen's slightly squinted eyes widened instantly, and the original relaxation on his face disappeared.

All the wine in his mouth spurted out with a pop.

His face instantly became panicked.

He Shen could ignore the Korean rebellion, but he could not ignore the Ming army's invasion.

Although Heshen has not yet faced off against the Ming army.

But so many governors, important imperial ministers, elite main forces, and brave cavalry in the Qing Dynasty were defeated one after another at the hands of Ming thieves. This is already a good explanation! (End of chapter)

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