South bank of Huaihe River, refugee camp!

He only drank a bowl of porridge all day today, and Xu Liu was already hungry, his chest pressed against his back.

His body was curled up on the haystack in the shack, looking up at the dark sky outside, his eyes dull.

The atmosphere in the entire refugee camp was quite silent. The victims who had become numb due to long-term hunger just curled up, lying or sitting.

If you can't move, don't move. If you can't move, don't speak. Try to reduce energy consumption as much as possible.

From a distance, it looks like long-dead corpses.

The prolonged hunger almost drained the last energy of these refugees.

Death, for them, follows them like a shadow.

Xu Liu's eyes were narrowed, his stomach was burning with hunger, and his limbs were even more sore and weak.

He wanted to close his eyes and sleep for a while, relying on sleep to relieve his hunger.

But the discomfort coming from his body prevented him from falling asleep no matter what.

Just as Xu Liu was turning over on the hay like a pancake, Li Zhu, a fellow villager, poked Xu Liu in the arm.

Xu Liu narrowed his eyes and turned to look at Li Zhu with doubtful eyes, as if asking him what he was doing?

Xu Liu was so hungry that he didn't want to speak at all.

Therefore, he has recently developed the skill of making pure eye contact.

Li Zhu licked his lips and whispered.

"I'm so hungry that I can't stand it anymore. Come on, let's go out and get some wild food."

But when he said this, Li Zhu's eyes were somewhat dodgey.

Hearing this, the expression on Xu Liu's face was quite astonished.

"What? Hunting for wild food? Is there still wild food near this refugee camp?"

As a large number of victims arrived on the south bank of the Huaihe River, not to mention game, even grass roots and tree bark had been stripped clean near the refugee camps.

Where else can we go hunting for wild food?

Li Zhu grinned and said.

"Just come with me!"

When Xu Liu heard this, his expression was a little startled, but he still nodded and said.

"All right!"

With the mentality of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, Xu Liu was going to follow Li Zhu to try. What if they could really find wild food to fill their stomachs?

The two left the shack and sneaked out of the refugee camp.

Li Zhu led the way and led Xu Liu into a dense forest.

However, the bark and leaves of the trees in this dense forest have long been stripped bare, leaving only a bare trunk.

There was only loose soil left on the ground, and all the grass roots and green leaves had been eaten away.

The whole forest was eerily silent.

The two walked into the dense forest. After walking a few steps, Xu Liu smelled a strange smell, like the smell of barbecue mixed with the smell of dead rats.

The moment Xu Liu smelled this smell, he seemed to remember something, stopped where he was, and then spoke.

"I...I'm not going!"

"You go alone..."

After the Yellow River burst, half of Henan was submerged by floods. People lost their homes and fled all the way.

Xu Liu really saw too many human tragedies along the way.

Just the incident of cannibalism happened not just once or twice.

The smell he smelled now gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity. He knew it was the smell of human flesh...

However, just as Xu Liu was about to turn around and leave, he felt a pain in the back of his head, his vision went dark, and he fell forward to the ground.

Behind him, a man with green eyes walked out.

The man grinned, bared his yellow teeth, and spoke.

"The sheep has entered the wolf's den, can I still ask you to run away?"

After saying this, the yellow-toothed man said to Li Zhu.

"Get the man on his back and follow me."

Seeing this, Li Zhu gritted his teeth, took a few steps forward, picked up Xu Liu on his back, and followed the yellow-toothed man into the depths of the dense forest.

Although Xu Liu was now so thin that there was almost only a handful of bones left, Li Zhu's body was also very weak due to long-term hunger.

It was really difficult for him to carry Xu Liu.


Xu Liuyou woke up quietly, and when he opened his eyes, what he saw was a skull with bloodshot eyes still remaining.

His eyes were filled with panic for a moment, and he was about to open his mouth to scream, but found that his mouth had been blocked with a rag.

He tried to struggle, but he was already tied into a rice dumpling.

Next to him, Li Zhuzheng swallowed his saliva and looked at him guiltily.

Next to a bonfire further away, several men were talking and laughing loudly. Among them, the big man with yellow teeth who knocked Xu Liu unconscious was sharpening his knife.

But in the bonfire in front of them, what was crackling and burning was not only wood, but also many white human bones...

"Huzi, have you sharpened your knife? I'm hungry!"

A man stood beside a large bare tree with his arms folded and asked.

The big man with yellow teeth picked up the knife from the whetstone, tested the blade with his thumb, then nodded and said.

"Okay, brother, please wait." The man with his arms crossed just nodded and said nothing more.

The big man with yellow teeth, Huzi, walked towards Xu Liu with a knife.

Seeing this, Xu Liu's eyes flashed with horror, and he struggled desperately, twisting on the ground like a maggot.

Huzi strode up to Xu Liu, held him down with one hand, and swung the knife with the other hand to stab him in the neck.

"Don't be afraid, young man. Don't be afraid. Don't struggle. I sharpen the knife very quickly. I guarantee that you will be over in no time. It won't hurt."

"If you struggle too much, I can't stab you with my knife accurately. Don't blame me if you suffer twice..."

When saying this, Huzi bared his big yellow teeth and licked his lips and teeth with his tongue from time to time. His expression looked quite ferocious.

When Xu Liu heard this, he struggled harder due to fear and survival instinct.

Seeing this, Hu Zi's eyes flashed fiercely, and he spoke to Li Zhu, who was standing blankly beside him, as if he couldn't bear to see this scene.

"Second pillar, come here and help me hold it down."

"This kid struggled so hard that I couldn't stab him with my knife."

When Li Zhu heard this, he said with a sad face.

"Hu...Brother Huzi, I...I don't dare!"

"I really don't dare!"

Hearing this, Hu Zi raised his head and glanced sideways at Li Zhu, took a disdainful sip, and then spoke.

"Fuck you!"

"Don't you dare to be your mother's size? Don't you eat less when you eat? You eat all the food, but you don't dare to kill people. Why are you pretending to be a great saint?"

"If you keep giving me a bad look, I'll eat you too today!"

While talking, several other men had already blocked Li Zhu's escape directions.

They all looked at him with a sneer.

Seeing this, Li Zhu smiled bitterly. Although his hands and feet were still trembling, he still walked forward and prepared to hold Xu Liu down.

However, at this moment, a burst of chaotic footsteps suddenly sounded outside the dense forest.

It was a harsh copper whistle!

"Stop, don't move!"

"Everyone, immediately put your hands on your head and squat down on the spot. Anyone who disobeys the order will be executed..."


Amidst the noise, a soldier named Ming rushed out of the dense forest and pinned the group of people to the ground with three strokes.

Huzi held the knife and tried to resist, but was hit in the face with the butt of the gun. He was immediately hit with a peach blossom in his eyes, and the knife in his hand was also released.

The leading Ming army officer He Ying glanced at the surrounding environment, his eyes flashed with anger, and he gritted his teeth and said.

"How dare you, how dare you people."

"Eating people, what's the moral code here!!"

This clearing in the dense forest is surrounded by densely packed white bones, and there are obvious remains of tooth marks on these white bones.

It’s clear what these people have done recently!

Huzi was pinned to the ground, but he still refused to be honest. He struggled to raise his head and spoke to He Ying, the leading officer.

"Hey...hehe, you ask me how dare you?"

"How the hell do you think I dare? I'm so hungry!"

"We are just a group of disaster victims. No one cares if we starve to death. A bowl of gruel every day is not enough to fill our teeth."

"You Qiuba eat three times a day, and your stomachs are so full. How can you understand what it feels like for us victims of the disaster to be hungry."

"When you're fucking pregnant, ask me how you dare!"

Zhu Jing'an always kept one sentence in mind, "If the victims starve to death, the Ming Dynasty will still be a Ming Dynasty. But if the soldiers starve, then the Ming Dynasty will perish."

Therefore, even if the refugee camp is short of food, Zhu Jing'an can at most cut off part of the food supply to the prisoner-of-war camp, but the food supply standards of the various departments of the Ming army have not changed.

That's why refugees like Huzi feel so unhappy.

Why should I be hungry while you all have enough to eat? This is not fair!

Huzi knew that once he and others were caught, they would definitely die.

Therefore, he risked his life and cursed at He Ying.

I thought I might as well have a good time before I die!

He Ying's face turned ugly when he heard this.

But he still spoke to the Ming soldiers on the side.

"Take everyone back to the camp. I will report to His Highness the Crown Prince and ask His Highness to make a decision..."


Zhu Jing'an was sitting behind the desk, writing something at the desk, and the pencil in his hand never stopped.

Under his pen, structural diagrams of steam locomotives appeared on the paper.

Just a few days ago, a burst of good news came from Nanjing. Daming's steam engine imitation research and development has produced results.

The finished product manufactured by Ming Dynasty craftsmen has the highest horsepower and heat energy conversion efficiency, which is even much better than the original European version, and has considerable practical value.

Now Nanjing has begun to prepare for the steam engine to be equipped with corresponding mechanical equipment such as looms, spinning machines, water pumps, etc., for practical experiments.

After learning the news, Zhu Jing'an was the first to think of steam trains and thought he might try it.

Then, he began to think about the manufacturing of steam locomotives.

I began to draw drawings of steam locomotives in my spare time.

As for how Zhu Jing'an could draw the drawings of a steam locomotive?

Don't ask, I just learned it from my ex-girlfriend. (End of chapter)

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