Loud military songs resounded throughout the battlefield, and the morale of both armies was high.

Whether it is the headquarters soldiers of the Ming Army or the Eight Banners New Army of the Qing Army, they all have listed the most classic line infantry array.

The musketeers shouldered their muskets, held their heads high and marched forward to the sound of drums and trumpets.

At the same time, the roar of artillery on the battlefield also continued.

But it is obvious that the Ming army's artillery unilaterally suppressed the Qing army's artillery.

In the fierce battles in the past few days, the Qing army's artillery was destroyed, but the Ming army suffered very few losses.

The shells passed by at low altitude, smashed up a cloud of sand after landing, and then rolled and spun forward.

With a bang, a black solid artillery shell flew over and penetrated the Ming army's array.

The three Ming soldiers on this line were hit instantly, their limbs were broken, and they died tragically on the spot.

Even the smell of gunpowder smoke couldn't cover up the sour smell of internal organs on the battlefield.

The heavy artillery is still roaring, and the shells are flying wantonly.

The Qing army's Eight Banners New Army also had holes made in their array.

Both sides were advancing in formation despite the bombardment.

However, because the Ming army's artillery fire was sharper, the Qing army suffered much more casualties than the Ming army.

As time goes by, the distance between the arrays on both sides continues to shrink.

When the distance between the two sides was only a few hundred meters, both sides stood still in unison, and then raised their muskets.

The harsh brass whistle and the sound of waist drum sounded.

Then there was a loud shout from the junior officers.

"Prepare for the first salvo, reload!"


Snapped!clap clap!clap clap clap!

In front of the arrays on both sides, a neat row of gunpowder smoke spewed out almost simultaneously.

The gas produced by the detonation of the projectile by the gunpowder spurts out of the gun barrel and shoots towards the enemy in front of it.

"Second salvo!"


Immediately afterwards, the second round of volleys was fired.

Clouds of gunpowder smoke rose again on the battlefield, and dense projectiles flew freely.

The third round, the fourth round...

The musketeers on both sides were separated by a hundred meters and kept firing volleys.

The musketeers loaded the weapon mechanically, then raised their guns to fire.

However, when a breeze blew, it blew away the smoke on the battlefield.

Both sides were shocked to discover that their volleys had not caused much casualties to the other side.

After several rounds of volley fire, it sounded like a lively fight, but there were only a few lying bodies on the battlefield.

And the reason why this is so is very simple.

Because both sides were wearing armor, the Ming army's musketeers all wore single-sided breastplates and flying saucer helmets, and the Qing army wore heavy cotton armor.

A hundred meters away, it is difficult for the muskets from both sides to have an armor-piercing effect.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Jing'an narrowed his eyes, but still ordered.

"Let our musketeers use the stacking method to fire and continue to advance..."

Since armor cannot be broken at a distance of one hundred meters, the only option is to close the distance and fight again.

Eighty meters, fifty meters, sooner or later you will be able to enter the range that can break armor.

While the musketeers on both sides continued to press forward.

On the battlefield, the Qing army's cavalry moved.

A Qing army cavalry galloped on horseback, roaring towards the flank of the Ming army, preparing to respond to the battle on the frontal battlefield.

At the same time, the Ming Army's cavalry was also sent to the battlefield, roaring towards the Qing Army's cavalry, preparing to block the Qing Army's cavalry from attacking the Ming Army's flanks.

Moreover, the forward battalion of the Ming army and the green battalion of the Qing army also began to join the battlefield.

The two sides walked towards each other and started fighting in the wilderness outside Yangzhou City, with the shouts of killing shaking the sky.

Soon, the battle outside Yangzhou City entered a fever pitch.

Among them, the most tragic battle was the battle between the musketeers on both sides.

As the distance got closer, the casualty rate on both sides rose sharply, and the war became more cruel, with both sides constantly firing volleys of guns.

Dozens or hundreds of soldiers in the front row would fall almost in the blink of an eye.

On the battlefield on the front line, corpses were lying everywhere.

Both sides are gritting their teeth and persisting.

Although it was the first time that the Qing Dynasty's Eight Banners New Army fought against the Ming Army, they showed quite good combat effectiveness.

"Hold on! You must hold on!"

"For the Qing Dynasty and the Eight Banners, kill!"

"Don't be chaotic, hold your gun steady, let those Ming thieves see the power of our Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers of the Qing Dynasty, and let those Han people see the bloody nature of our bannermen..."

The roar of artillery continues!

Phew! Whoosh!

The sound of rockets piercing the air was heard, and each rocket rose into the air, crossing a parabola in the sky, and then fell towards the Qing cavalry galloping on the battlefield.

The next moment, an explosion sounded.

The rocket exploded, blooming in clusters of gorgeous flowers on the ground.

Amidst the explosion, the Qing army's cavalry was knocked off their backs and began to retreat.

The Ming cavalry seized the opportunity and launched a counterattack. A counterattack swept the Qing cavalry back.

But at this moment, on the frontal battlefield, the Sauron soldiers penetrated the left military formation of the Ming Army's forward camp, and swept the broken troops towards the Ming Army's center.

Seeing this, the Ming army's cavalry had no choice but to give up the opportunity to continue to expand their victory, and rode forward to reinforce the left-wing battlefield.

With the entry of the Ming army's cavalry, the Qing army's Sauron soldiers also received a head-on attack and had no choice but to retreat...

On the battlefield, the fighting became more and more fierce.

The Ming and Qing Dynasties saw each other going back and forth, resulting in heavy casualties.

The wind was howling, the flags were flying, and dark clouds suddenly appeared in the sky, as if it was going to rain...

The raindrops drifted away, and then it poured heavily.

On the battlefield, the firearms of both the Ming and Qing Dynasties misfired almost simultaneously.

Although the muskets on both sides are flintlock muskets, the flintlock muskets can only be used in rainy days at most. In the case of heavy rain, the flintlock muskets will definitely not be used.

At this time, a large fleet appeared on the Yangtze River.

On the mast of the ship, there were twelve-pointed sun and moon flags, and flags with clear characters on red backgrounds and black characters fluttering high.

However, those big flags became thicker and thicker after getting wet...

It's obvious that reinforcements from the Ming army have arrived!

Fengsheng turned his head and looked in the direction of the Yangtze River, with a hint of reluctance and happiness in his eyes.

But at this point, he knew that the Qing Dynasty had lost the battle of Yangzhou!

In order to preserve his strength, ordering the withdrawal of troops now is his best choice.

Of course Feng Sheng'e was not willing to give in.

Fortunately, it is raining now and the Ming army's firearms cannot be used. Otherwise, it will not be easy for the Qing army to withdraw from the battlefield.

Gritting his teeth, Fengsheng opened his mouth and ordered.

"Send the order, let the Mongolian cavalry of the outer vassal vassal suppress the Korean troops, and then the remaining troops will retreat in an orderly manner."

Here, the Korean soldiers are pure cannon fodder!

As for the Mongolian soldiers, it was actually okay. Although Fengsheng ordered them to be cut off from the rear, they were all cavalry and everyone had a horse.

Even if he leaves a little late, there is still a high probability that he can withdraw from the battlefield.

As Feng Sheng'e's order was issued, various departments of the Qing army began to adjust their deployment.

The New Eight Banners Army, which was originally shooting at the Ming Army's musketeers, was the first to receive the order and began to retreat in an orderly manner.

Seeing this, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty saw that although their muskets could no longer be fired, it did not prevent them from continuing to fight, intending to launch a bayonet charge to chase down the retreating Qing army and expand the results of the battle.

But just as they took action, they saw the Qing cavalry return to the battlefield.

Under the intimidation of the Qing army's cavalry, the Ming army's musketeers had no choice but to close their formation and stop the pursuit.

Of course, the Qing cavalry was only a deterrent and covered the retreat of its own infantry.

I didn't dare to really rush up to the Ming army's array!

The army is about to retreat. If they rush forward to risk their lives now, their death will be in vain.     That's not necessary, is it?

After the Eight Banners New Army withdrew from the battlefield, they began to withdraw towards the north.

As the Eight Banners New Army retreated, all parts of the Qing army began to panic.

Seeing this, all the Ming army's troops boosted their morale and moved forward with swords and guns brandished, preparing to expand the results of the battle.

On the side of the Qing army, the Korean soldiers were suppressed by the Mongolian soldiers from the outer vassals. They had no choice but to rush forward and die, blocking the pursuit of the Ming army.

The situation on the battlefield is getting more and more chaotic!

The heavy rain poured down, washing the ground, carrying the sand and blood on the ground towards the Yangtze River...

The smell of gunpowder smoke and blood gradually dissipated in the air.


Seeing this, Zhu Jing'an put down the telescope in his hand, exhaled heavily, and wiped the rain off his face. His face didn't look very good.

"Today's rain is unlucky, but the Qing army is really lucky..."

"Hey, the number of cavalry in our army is still too small. Otherwise, no one from the Qing army will be able to escape today."

If it were not for the threat of the Qing cavalry, the Ming army would definitely launch a full-scale pursuit now in order to kill the enemy to the greatest extent possible.

But now, although the Ming army has cavalry, it is suppressed by the Qing army's cavalry.

Self-protection is possible, but chasing the Qing army is by no means an easy task.

Taking a deep breath, Zhu Jing'an continued to speak.

"Send the order, quickly annihilate the Qing army's rear-end troops, and then clean up the battlefield!"

"Take your troops back to camp!"

After saying this, Zhu Jing'an looked towards the north.

After the Battle of Yangzhou, it was time for the Ming army to continue moving north.

By then, it is conservatively estimated that the Ming army will be able to capture Huainan and northern Anhui. If the war goes well, it is not impossible to take Huaibei under control and march directly into Shandong.


Feng Sheng'an was riding on horseback, his body rising and falling as the horse galloped.

The big sun hanging in the sky was slanting westward, setting little by little toward the horizon.

The heavy rain came and receded just as quickly. The dark clouds had dispersed, and the red sunset shone on the earth, dyeing the sky and the earth red.

Fengsheng Erle stopped his horse, his face full of fatigue.

The wet cotton armor on his body made him feel very uncomfortable.

He picked up the water bag and drank a sip for himself, took a deep breath, and spoke while untying his armor with the help of his attendants.

"Send the order and let all our army units camp and repair where they are..."

After running for most of the day, they finally got rid of the Ming army's pursuit. Feng Sheng'e immediately ordered the army to repair on the spot.

The moment a Qing soldier received the order to repair, he collapsed on the ground in the mud, breathing heavily.

Many people even lost their hats, and the patter of rain dripped down their braids on the ground.

Looking at their faces, you can tell that the physical strength of these Qing soldiers has long been drained.

If they didn't have the obsession to survive, they would have been lying on the ground unable to get up.

Feng Sheng'e ordered to summon the generals of the Qing army to discuss matters.

Not long after, Chatai, Edehai, Sangzizabu, Helin and other Qing generals gathered together and came to Fengsheng'e.

The faces of the generals were full of loneliness, and each one of them was covered in water stains, looking quite embarrassed.

Without him, the Qing Dynasty lost so miserably in the battle in Yangzhou City!

Almost all 50,000 Korean soldiers were lost on the battlefield.

The Eight Banners' new army fought against the Ming army for the first time and suffered thousands of losses.

Sauron's soldiers, Mongolia's outer vassal, and the green camps in various provinces all took advantage of the situation and suffered heavy losses. The blood of the Qing soldiers almost dyed the Yangtze River red.

If the casualties of their various units were added up, it would be almost 30,000 to 40,000.

In other words, the Qing army that went south to fight in Yangzhou turned in a total of 89,000 people outside Yangzhou City.

Even if most of the dead were cannon fodder like Korean soldiers, such a defeat would definitely be heartbreaking for the Qing army.

"In the Battle of Yangzhou, our Qing Dynasty was defeated miserably!"

"I think it won't be long before the Ming thieves will launch an attack on Huainan to expand their results."

"How should we, the Qing Dynasty, respond to this? Please feel free to speak out!"

When Feng Sheng'e said this, he had a look of pain on his face.

The whole person looked very depressed!

Now Feng Sheng'e was filled with guilt. He felt that he had failed so miserably this time and was really sorry for the emperor's trust and trust in him.

If the army had not needed him, the imperial envoy, to take charge, Feng Sheng'e would have even considered dying to atone for his sins.

Sanzizhab said.

"Sir, our army was preparing to fight the Ming army in Fengyang, so we focused on the defense of Fengyang."

"Now that the army has been defeated outside Yangzhou City, how about returning to Fengyang and relying on the strong city of Fengyang to protect ourselves?"

Sangzi Zabu is now a little scared of being beaten by the Ming army, so he wants to find a turtle shell and shrink down for some psychological comfort.

Fengyang City is his first choice now!

When Feng Sheng'e heard the words, he nodded slightly as if he was interested.

He Lin on the side also spoke.

"Sir, I also think Fengyang is good."

He Lin's statement gave Feng Sheng'e some confidence.

Fengsheng nodded and said.

"That's fine!"

"Send the order, and the army will recuperate on the spot overnight. It will set off immediately at dawn tomorrow and return to Fengyang to set up defenses."

When all the generals heard the words, they all attacked Qianer and responded to the chatter.

Then they went down to rest!

However, Fengshengquan couldn't rest yet.

He also needs to think about how to write a battle report for the battle outside Yangzhou City as soon as possible.

In other words, how should he give Qianlong an explanation...



After the Ming army won the Battle of Yangzhou, the news of the Qing army's defeat and retreat to the north was immediately sent to Nanjing by fast horse.

Zhu Jianzhuo, who was reviewing the memorial, couldn't help but slap the table and laugh after hearing the good news.


"God bless, God bless!"

"My Ming Dynasty will win this battle, and the restoration of the world will be at hand!"

Zhu Jianzhuo is in a really good mood now.

His face was filled with a smile from the bottom of his heart, and his whole body felt like he was in a state of ecstasy.

In front of him, the civil and military ministers of the Ming Dynasty also laughed heartily.

During this period of time, the situation in Jiangbei has been tense, and they are also very worried in Nanjing.

Who said that these people and the interests of Ming Dynasty are already deeply tied together.

If the Ming Dynasty were defeated, then these people would only have their families confiscated and their families exterminated.

Therefore, they cannot ignore the battle situation in Jiangbei!

Now, with the good news from Jiangbei, Ming Dynasty won the battle of Yangzhou, they can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Moreover, everyone can realize that after this battle, Ming Dynasty has finally gained a firm foothold.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the more than 200,000 people dispatched by the Manchu and Qing armies to attack Yangzhou this time were already using all their strength, but the Ming army was still able to win.

And it was a victory fought with open swords and open guns, a victory without any trace of moisture.

This means that in terms of hard power, the Manchu Qing Dynasty has now lost the ability to destroy the Ming Dynasty.

In this way, wouldn't it mean that Ming Dynasty has completely established its foothold?

After this battle, what Ming Dynasty needs to consider is no longer how to protect itself, but how to pursue death and rule the world!


ps: The first chapter is 4,000, the second chapter is 4,400, and today I updated it with 8,400 words. I really tried my best, so I have the audacity to ask for a monthly vote. (End of chapter)

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