After everyone heard this, the expressions on everyone's faces changed.

It can be seen that everyone is aware of the seriousness of the matter.

Shi Bingren was the first to speak.

"General, since the war situation on the North and South fronts is urgent, do we need to deploy troops from Fuzhou City to reinforce the war on the North and South fronts?"

After hearing this, Kuilun lowered his head and fell into deep thought, considering the feasibility of sending troops from Fuzhou to reinforce the front line.

But after hearing the words, the deputy chief Tongse Lengtu opened his mouth and said.

"No! Never!"

"The number of troops garrisoned in Fuzhou City is already limited. The Eight Banners and the Green Battalion combined only number more than 10,000. If we transfer troops from Fuzhou to reinforce the front line, Fuzhou's city defense will be empty."

Of course, the reason why Se Leng Tu said this was not to prevent the Ming army from attacking Fuzhou by sea. With the traditional thinking of the mainland army, he never imagined that the Ming army could attack Fuzhou by sea.

The reason why Se Leng Tu expressed his stance like this was actually because the local gentry in Fuzhou took the opportunity to cause trouble after the Qing Dynasty transferred its troops out of Fuzhou.

Se Lengtu was well aware that the Qing Dynasty was unpopular in the south.

Fujian Governor Fu Gang heard this and expressed his stance.

"I cannot agree with what the Deputy Chief of Staff said. It is said in the military manual that the isolated city cannot be defended."

"We must not sit back and watch the frontline battle situation collapse without providing support."

"Once the defense lines of Jianning Prefecture, Funing Prefecture, and Xinghua Prefecture fall into the hands of Ming thieves, Fuzhou City will be heavily besieged by Ming thieves."

"By then, Fuzhou will be an isolated city!"

"That's why I believe that since the war on the northern and southern fronts is urgent, Fuzhou cannot sit idly by and ignore it."

"We must send troops for reinforcements!"

Fu Gang knew the situation in Fujian well.

He knew that once Fuzhou became an isolated city, it would be a matter of time before it fell.

If Fuzhou wants to hold on, it must first keep the north and south lines intact!

Huang Shijian on the side also expressed his stance.

"To report to the general, I feel that although the northern and southern fronts are in a critical situation, the situation can be maintained for the time being."

"It's better for the defenders in Fuzhou not to move lightly!"

"Lest the Fuzhou gentry break into chaos after the Fuzhou garrison is transferred!"

"Now in Fujian, there are many wealthy gentry people who are colluding with Ming thieves. We must guard against this!"

If it is said that Se Leng Tu's defense against the gentry was relatively vague, he did not explain the matter clearly.

But Huang Shijian made the matter clear directly!

As soon as Huang Shijian said this, everyone in the room fell silent.

Each and every one of them had seriousness visible to the naked eye.

Many things are like this. If you don't weigh it, you can't weigh more than three ounces. If you weigh it, you can't weigh a thousand pounds.

If you don't make it clear, everyone will just pretend to be confused.

But once you make it clear, you can no longer pretend not to see it.

And the reason why Se Lengtu didn't dare to make things clear, but Huang Shijian did.

This is actually because Se Leng Tu is a Manchu and Huang Shijian is a Han.

Se Lengtu was unwilling to allow himself, a Manchu, to lift the fig leaf of the Manchu-Han separation, and was unwilling to put the matter on the table.

The fear is that the existing contradictions between Manchu and Han within the Qing Dynasty will be further stimulated.

But Huang Shijian doesn’t care!

Although he is an old traitor from a family of traitors, he is still a Han.

As a Han Chinese, he came to lift this fig leaf, which was actually putting another layer of fig leaf on top of the fig leaf.

Because Huang Shijian is Han Chinese!

He could prove with facts that although some Han people betrayed the Qing Dynasty, there were also loyal people like him, Huang Shijian, who were loyal to the Qing Dynasty.

If this is the case, naturally there is no such thing as intensifying conflicts.

Naturally, this matter doesn't matter.

Whether to increase reinforcements for the frontline war, the current position is two to two. What to do, in the end, it depends on the position of General Kuilun of Fuzhou.

After hearing this, Kuilun did not express his position for a while, but continued to think about the pros and cons of this matter.

After a while, Quillen finally made up his mind and spoke.

"Fuzhou's military strength must not be touched lightly!"

"But the battle situation on the northern and southern fronts also requires support. If this is the case, the green battalion troops in Fuzhou City will be transferred out and used to reinforce the northern and southern fronts respectively..."

In the defense of Fuzhou City arranged by Kuilun, the green battalion soldiers were originally the soy sauce.

The main force still has to rely on Fuzhou Eight Banners to fight!

Since the battle situation on the northern and southern fronts is urgent, it doesn't hurt for Fuzhou to send some green battalion troops to reinforce.

As for the transfer of the Green Camp soldiers, will Fuzhou's city defense be empty?

The answer is yes!

But it's not too empty.

Because after the Battle of Jiangning, Kuilun realized the critical situation in Fujian and took it upon himself to expand the number of troops of the Eight Banners in Fuzhou.

Almost all the young men from the Eight Banners in Fuzhou were included in the army for training and organized into an army in the name of expanding auxiliary troops.

It can be said that all the people of the Eight Banners in Fuzhou are now soldiers. Including those in charge, every male of the right age in every household in the Eight Banners in Fuzhou has enlisted in the army.

Instead of having only one soldier per Eight Banner family like before.

In addition, Ding Zhuang of the Eight Banners who fled from Jiangning and Hangzhou was also included in Kuilun's recruitment.

So far, under Kuilun's operation, the number of Fuzhou Eight Banners soldiers has expanded several times, to nearly six to seven thousand.

In Kuilun's view, although six or seven thousand eight-banner soldiers may not be able to stop the Ming army's attack.

However, it was still possible to suppress the gentry rebellion and ensure the safety of Fuzhou when the Ming army was blocked from the north and south lines.

In addition, there is actually another advantage to sending out the Green Camp troops and leaving only the Eight Banners to garrison Fuzhou City.

That is, after the Green Camp is transferred, it can ensure that Fuzhou is united!

Nowadays, the Qing Dynasty's war situation in the south has deteriorated, and the generals of the Green Camp have betrayed themselves, and it has not happened twice that they defected to the establishment with their troops.

If the Green Camp stationed in Fuzhou follows the same example and surrenders at critical moments, then Fuzhou will be really in danger.

Therefore, Quillun actually didn't have much trust in the Green Camp soldiers.

But the Eight Banners is another story.

As we all know, the Eight Banners were the core supporters of the Qing Dynasty and the mortal enemy of the Ming thieves.

Although the Ming thieves' methods against the Eight Banners were not as brutal as the Qing Dynasty's massacre of the Ming thieves' clan, it was not much better.

Anyone can bring down the Ming Dynasty, but the Eight Banners will never do it!

In this case, using the Eight Banners to guard Fuzhou City can ensure the safety of Fuzhou to the greatest extent.

At the very least, Quillen didn't have to worry about someone on his side defecting to the enemy.

After everyone heard this, they all called Qian'er to take orders.

Immediately, they went to arrange the transfer of the green camp garrison in Fuzhou City to reinforce the battle on the north and south fronts.

On the second day, the green battalion soldiers who received the order set off towards Jianning Prefecture, Funing Prefecture, and Xinghua Prefecture...


In the second year of Xuanwu in the Ming Dynasty, at the end of June, off the coast of Fuzhou!

The night was dark, and the dark sea was dotted with stars.

But if you look carefully, you will find what kind of starlight is there.

They are obviously the mast lights of ships!

The mast lights are hung high on the mast, and they are densely connected. At a glance, it really gives people the feeling of stars spreading on the sea.

The scene is extremely spectacular!

The air was filled with the smell of sea. Although it was dark, the Ming fleet continued to move forward.

In the distance, at the end of the line of sight, the dark coastline is looming.

Zhu Jing'an stood on the deck, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he immediately waved his hand and gave the order.

"let's start!"

After Zhu Jing'an finished speaking, small boats were lowered on both sides of the Ming army's warships. The small boats were full of Ming soldiers, preparing to launch a surprise attack on Meihua Station, a coastal defense center in Fuzhou.

A soldier named Ming rowed the boat desperately and rushed towards the defense line of the coastline.

Everyone kept their voices down as much as possible. Apart from the sound of oars paddling, there was no movement on the vast sea.

In the dark night, the Ming army's night attack force was like a tiger hiding in the darkness, dormant, lurking, hiding its minions as much as possible...

Just waiting to launch a fatal blow to the prey!


In the Plum Blossom Institute, several Green Battalion officers were shirtless and drinking with each other.

On the table in front of them, apart from the wine jar, there were pieces of Pai Gow.

When these people have nothing to do, they just like to get together and gamble.

The shouts kept ringing!

The room was filled with the aroma of wine and meat, as well as the smell of burning tobacco smoke, and was brightly lit.

Outside the room, there was another completely different scene.

Some Green Camp soldiers huddled at the base of the city wall, squinting and taking a nap.

More people gathered together and gambled with dice, shouting and shouting constantly.      Shangguan has his own way of playing, and Xiaobing has his own entertainment.

Since the Ming army was blocked by the Qing army on the north and south lines, Meihuasuo now belonged to the rear. Therefore, the Qing defenders in Meihuasuo were not very wary.

They still live the same drunken life as before.

Oh, that's actually not accurate.

In the past, they, the green camp soldiers, were often deducted from their military pay, and even did not have enough to eat, so they did not know how to drill.

To put it bluntly, just eat and wait to die!

And now due to the tense war situation, not only can the military salaries of these green camp soldiers be fully paid, but the superiors also reward them with wine and meat from time to time.

This can be regarded as a drunken dream!

To be honest, these Green Camp soldiers in Fujian Green Camp are actually quite grateful to the Ming Dynasty.

Because if it hadn't been for the rise of the Ming Dynasty, they, the Stinky Qiuba, would not be treated as they are today.

Lvying General Zhou Liang leaned against the wall of the Plum Blossom House, sipping the strong wine in the wine bag.

Feeling the pungency of the sweet potato burning across his throat, Zhou Liang's face wrinkled.

"Siha, the sweet potato roast made by Widow Qin is really exciting!"

As soon as Zhou Liang finished speaking, he saw a man on the side joked with a smirk on his face.

"Boss, which one is more exciting, the sweet potato roast or the Widow Qin?"

When everyone around heard this, they burst into laughter and started to tease Zhou Liang.

"Yes, Brother Liang, only you know whether Widow Qin is enthusiastic or not."

"That must be exciting. Otherwise, would our boss be able to go to Widow Qin's winery every day? But no one knows whether we go to the winery to drink or to do something else."


A group of Zhou Liang's subordinates laughed at him.

They all say that the Qing Dynasty established the Ming Dynasty, and this is true.

Like the guardsmen of the Ming Dynasty, the Green Camp soldiers of the Manchu Qing Dynasty also adopted the world military system.

Many officers and soldiers are friends who grew up together.

And Zhou Liang's character is also carefree, and he won't get angry over such trivial things.

Therefore, Zhou Liang's subordinates dared to joke with him.

"Liangzi, if you are really serious, you should quickly marry Widow Qin home and live a down-to-earth life."

"Although Widow Qin carries a small oil bottle, she is the housekeeper. It won't be a big deal for you to touch the widow's door every day. At worst, I will give up my old face and ask someone to help you find a matchmaker."

Even Wang He, a Qianzong on the side, also spoke.

Wang He and Zhou Liang's father have an old relationship, and he is Zhou Liang's uncle in terms of seniority.

Therefore, if Zhou Liang was really interested in Widow Qin, he wouldn't mind coming forward as a matchmaker.

Hearing this, Zhou Liang quickly waved his hands and said.

"What nonsense are you talking about? There is a guard behind your words. Madam Qin and I are innocent. You bastards, don't ruin Madam Qin's reputation."

After reprimanding his subordinates, Zhou Liang spoke to Wang He.

"Uncle Wang, let's discuss this matter again. Madam Qin's husband has been dead for less than three years. She is still in the period of filial piety. It is not appropriate to propose marriage. Let's wait until the three years are over."

Zhou Liang had actually hooked up with Widow Qin for a long time. Even before Widow Qin got married, the two of them started hooking up secretly.

It's a pity that Zhou Liang was just a big-headed soldier back then. Widow Qin's parents looked down on him and chose to beat him up.

Later, for a generous betrothal gift, when Zhou Liang left Fuzhou with the army to suppress bandits, he married Widow Qin to a butcher.

But coincidentally, not long after the two got married, the butcher encountered a bandit on his way out to provide door-to-door service.

Died tragically at the hands of bandits!

Although the thieves used my Qing Dynasty standard saber, who would care?

Then, Widow Qin hooked up with Zhou Liang again.

Then, not long after, Widow Qin was diagnosed with Ximai and announced that she was pregnant with the butcher's posthumous child.

Although many people are talking about this!

But after that battle to suppress bandits, Zhou Liang was promoted from an ordinary soldier to the commander-in-chief based on his merits.

And the total size is also an official!

Although my status as a warrior in the Qing Dynasty is low, no matter how low the status is, officials and civilians are two different things.

This also made those people complain in private at most, and no one dared to really expose the matter.

Otherwise, if Zhou Liang takes revenge, how can they bear it?

Didn’t you see that the unlucky butcher had died at the hands of the bandits?

If the bandit can kill the butcher, can't he kill them?

Wang He was quite aware of Zhou Liang's affairs. Seeing Zhou Liang's attitude, he didn't force it, he just nodded and said.

"Okay, you can handle this matter yourself. If you need help, just tell your uncle!"

Zhou Liang nodded.

"Thank you, Uncle Wang."

After Zhou Liang said that, he took another sip of sweet potato roast, and imagined in his mind that in the future he would marry Widow Qin and live a happy and shameless life with Widow Qin.

After a while, he suddenly felt a need to pee. He patted his butt and stood up from the wall, ready to find a place to pee.

But the moment he stood up, he subconsciously glanced in the direction of the sea, and then he saw a scene that he would never forget.

On the wide sea surface, there are dots of firelight.

In the dark night, the ship as tall as a hill loomed, like a monster lurking in the darkness.

Small boats rowed across the sea, leaving obvious traces, and rushed towards the coast.

At this moment, Zhou Liang felt as if his throat was being strangled hard.

I wanted to shout loudly to warn the enemy of the attack, but I couldn't make a sound no matter what.

His body froze in place, and he could only watch helplessly as the enemy got closer and closer to the coastline.

After a long time, Wang He on the side finally noticed something strange about Zhou Liang, and stood up from the ground to investigate.

Then, his body froze in place.

The eyes looking towards the sea were full of shock and fear.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

"The enemy is attacking!"

Wang He forced himself to regain his composure and shouted at the top of his lungs.

Wang He's shout alerted the Qing defenders inside the Plum Blossom Institute.

Not long after, the harsh sound of gongs and drums rang through the Plum Blossom Institute, signaling the alarm.

But before the Qing garrison in the Plum Blossom Station could complete their battle preparations, they saw the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty completing the landing. With the squad and platoon as the basic unit, holding muskets with bayonets in their hands, they rushed towards the Plum Blossom Station.

The cry of killing resounded throughout the beach!

"Ten thousand victories, the Ming Dynasty will be victorious!"

"Drive out the Tartars and restore China."

"Kill! Kill the Tatars!"


The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty poured into the Plum Blossom Institute. The Qing army in the Plum Blossom Institute only had a slight contact with the Ming army and quickly collapsed.

Countless people dropped their weapons and turned around to run away.

Since he couldn't run away, he threw away the weapon in his hand and knelt on the ground to surrender to the Ming army.

Although the salary of these green camp soldiers has been improved a lot recently, and their training has been strictly controlled, their fighting ability and will are still the same.

When facing the Ming army, it is difficult to have the determination to fight to the end.

Especially now that they were still being raided. The Qing defenders at Meihuasuo were dispersed by the Ming army at the beginning. The soldiers could not find the generals, and they would not be able to find the soldiers.

It failed to cause any obvious obstacles to the Ming army at all!

After a moment, the flag of the Qing army flying on the plum blossom was lowered.

Instead, there was a large flag with black characters on a red background!


"Your Highness, our landing force has captured Plum Blossom Station."

"Killed thirty-two enemies, captured more than three hundred and forty, and annihilated nearly four hundred enemies. A great victory!"

A Ming army messenger came to Zhu Jing'an to report.

During the report, his face was full of joy that could not be concealed.

It was too easy for the Ming army to win this landing raid at Meihua Institute.

But that's fine. This battle of the Ming army was originally a cross-sea expedition. The army had been floating on the sea for more than half a month, and its morale was obviously low.

It would be best if we can get off to a good start in this first battle.

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, the expression on his face did not change, and he just nodded slightly.

"very good!"

"Please pass on the order. Our fleet continues to advance, preparing to capture Langqi Island and Changle County, and open the channel for our fleet to advance towards Fuzhou City..." (End of Chapter)

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