Chapter 270 See the Blood

Seeing this scene, the members of the surrounding mission couldn't help but have worried looks on their faces.

"The King's Judgment!"

"Wang Yanshu, what's wrong with you?"

"Come quickly, Wang Yanshu has fainted, please go and ask for the doctor!"


Members of the mission kept saying hello.

Seeing this, several Ming soldiers guarding the county government office also realized the seriousness of the matter.

If North Korea's Li Cao Yanshu died in front of them, then none of them would be able to escape, and they would all suffer.

No one ends up well!

With worries in their hearts, these Ming soldiers hurriedly stepped forward to help. Some called the doctor to come and take a look, while others helped carry the fainted Wang Minhao to the shade.

The entire Shanghai County Government Office was in chaos.


Soon, Zhu Jing'an, who was inspecting the Shanghai County School, received the news that the North Korean envoy was fainting from heatstroke at the entrance of the Shanghai County Government Office.

Zhu Jing'an thought for a while, then turned to give instructions to Zhang Jin beside him.

"Zhang Jin, please take a few imperial doctors to take a look."

"Help Gu Gu take care of the North Korean mission, and improve the food, accommodation and benefits."

Since there was no accurate news from Cheng Yuan, Zhu Jing'an was still not ready to receive the North Korean delegation now.

However, this does not mean that Zhu Jing'an does not care about the North Korean mission.

Although the Ming Dynasty did not say that diplomacy was not a trivial matter these days, the Korean mission was after all the first vassal country mission to come to perform pilgrimage after the restoration of the Ming Dynasty.

You should pay some attention to it!

Zhang Jin heard this, clasped his fists and left.

Zhu Jing'an also had no intention of continuing to inspect the county school, but chose to return to the county government.

One is to wait for news from the Jin Yiwei, and the other is to wait for the Ming Navy's navy to arrive.

Calculating the time, Zhu Jing'an estimated that the Ming Navy Navy should soon arrive at the Shanghai Pier!


Wang Minhao woke up from his sleep, feeling a sense of fatigue and headache all over his body, making the expression on his face slightly painful.

A groan came from his throat.

Wang Minhao had just opened his eyes when he saw a member of the mission on the side speaking in surprise.

"woke up!"

"Wang Yanshu is awake!"

The next moment, a dense circle of people gathered around Wang Minhao's bed.

The expressions on these people's faces were full of worry.

"Jingshu, are you awake? How do you feel now? Are you feeling better?"

The deputy envoy of the mission pushed aside the crowd gathered around him and came forward to ask.

Wang Minhao waved his hand to disperse the crowd and said while rubbing his eyebrows.

"What's wrong with me?"

Seeing this, the deputy envoy came forward and said.

"Judgment, today I am waiting on my knees outside the Shanghai County Government Office to beg to see His Highness the Crown Prince of the Ming Dynasty. Perhaps the sun is too harsh and you have suffered from heatstroke."

"The doctor has already come to see you and prescribed a prescription. The medicine will be ready soon."

Wang Minhao took a deep breath and asked.

"Did the Ming Prince still not give the order to receive us?"

The deputy shook his head and spoke.

"Although His Royal Highness the Crown Prince did not show up, he sent a secretary-general beside him to look after you."

"He just left!"

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince still cares about us and the envoys."

When Wang Minhao heard this, he took a deep breath and said.

"It's difficult, it's difficult!"

"The situation in North Korea is very difficult now, and the Ming Dynasty is delaying to receive us. What should we do?"

The expression on Wang Minhao's face was full of worry.

The situation in North Korea was tense and they urgently needed reinforcements from the Ming Dynasty. However, the prince of the Ming Dynasty, who had a large number of soldiers, kept delaying the meeting. Wang Minhao didn't know who to tell about his worries.

Everyone was silent after hearing this.

The Prince of Ming Dynasty left them alone for a whole day and never received them. This actually explains the problem.

Suddenly, the deputy envoy spoke.

"Master Judge, why do you think the Ming Prince refuses to receive us?"

"Isn't it because North Korea is not respectful enough to Ming Dynasty?"

"We have already knelt down outside the county government office and asked for an audience. Isn't this still disrespectful?"

"Does the Ming Dynasty have to see blood before they are willing to receive me?"

Of course, when the deputy envoy saw blood, he did not mean to assassinate Zhu Jing'an.

Even if they borrowed ten of their courage, they would not dare to do such a thing.

Instead, he was preparing to commit suicide just as Zhu Jing'an envisaged...

Once someone dies, things get big!

Even under the pressure of public opinion, Zhu Jing'an could only receive them.

When Wang Minhao heard this, he raised his head and took a deep look at the deputy envoy, and spoke seriously.

"Go with peace of mind, North Korea will always remember your sacrifice..."

Deputy envoy:? ? ?

The deputy envoy is now stupid.

What the hell?

I said I wanted to see blood here, but I didn’t say I wanted to see my blood!

For this matter, wouldn't it be enough to casually kill two attachés of the mission and then arrange for them to report to the police with two identities?

As for really killing him as the deputy? !

But before the deputy could say anything, he only felt a force on his back, his body suddenly rushed forward, and he was pushed to the ground from behind.

Seeing this, the deputy was about to open his mouth to curse, but as soon as he opened his mouth, a smelly rag was stuffed into his mouth.

A sour smell goes straight into the nose! ! !

The next moment, the deputy commander felt a tightness on the back of his head, and someone pulled him up by his hair. His whole face was deformed.

The expression on his face was twisted with pain.

Wang Minhao rubbed his brows, climbed up from the bed, glanced at the subordinates who were holding down the deputy envoy, waved his hand and said.

"Send our deputy envoy Xuan Liang Mingzhi!"

In fact, it was not that Wang Minhao had never thought of killing two of the mission's attachés, and then assigning them an identity and reporting them.

Just after thinking about it, Wang Minhao gave up the idea.

The reason is also very simple.

Because this matter cannot be concealed, once the Ming Dynasty discovers the deception of the North Korean mission, Wang Minhao cannot afford this price, and North Korea cannot afford it either.

Therefore, Wang Minhao would rather say sorry to the deputy envoy than take the risk of deceiving the Ming Dynasty.

A piece of silk was taken out and was about to be put around the deputy envoy's neck.

The two guards of the mission came forward and started to pull the silk satin, one from the left and the other from the right.

As the two of them exerted force together, the silk satin tightened tighter and tighter. The deputy's face instantly turned red from suppressing it, and veins popped up on his forehead.

The capillaries in his eyes burst, and the deputy was strangled to the point of almost dying.

Just, at this time.

There was a sound of horse hoofbeats outside the post house. A Ming soldier went straight into the post house, knocked on the door of Wang Minhao and others' residence, and said. "Please prepare the envoy as soon as possible. His Highness the Crown Prince will summon you..."

Wang Minhao heard the sound outside, and was stunned for a moment. Then he saw the deputy envoy who was almost dying from being strangled by silk.

He quickly spoke to stop him.

"Let go, let go!"

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has finally summoned me to wait. The deputy minister no longer has to hang on to his ambitions..."

The silk around the deputy's neck was removed, and an obvious mark of strangulation appeared on his neck.

Pulling out the smelly rag that gagged his mouth, the deputy stared at Wang Minhao with a cannibalistic look.

Wang Minhao didn't show any timidity, he just looked directly at the envoy.

In the end, the deputy could not withstand the pressure, lowered his head, and became silent.

Seeing this, Wang Minhao waved his hand and said.

"Let's all get ready!"

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince finally summoned us, so we must not let anything go wrong again!"

"Otherwise, if the king is blamed for this, everyone will be miserable!"

Seeing this, everyone in the mission clasped their fists in response.


On the other side, Shanghai County Government.

Zhu Jing'an flipped through a thick stack of reports and couldn't help but look thoughtful.

In these reports, the current war situation in North Korea was explained in detail.

Pyongyang fell, and almost all the North Korean elite led by General Jin Guangzu of the Longhu Camp were annihilated in the north of Datong River.

Now, almost all of northern Korea has been reduced to a racecourse for the Qing army.

The latest news is that Fukang'an is leading his army south to attack Seoul.

As for what happens next, there is no word yet.

In other words, after the Battle of Pyongyang, North Korea's military power was almost defeated.

Even if the remaining armies are still organized, they cannot resist the Qing army's attack.

Seoul is afraid it will fall!

In this case, it is no wonder that the North Korean mission was so anxious to see him and wanted to ask Ming Dynasty to help North Korea restore the war situation.

Of course, Zhu Jing'an was actually overthinking this matter.

The North Korean mission has been floating on the sea for several months, and now it actually doesn’t know as much as Zhu Jing’an.

The reason why they were anxious to meet Zhu Jing'an was actually because they knew that North Korea would not be the opponent of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

Daming must come to an end!

As for how the battle ended, they actually didn't know.

His eyes were all black!

Zhu Jing'an put down the report in his hand, raised his head and asked.

"When will the North Korean mission arrive?"

After Zhang Jin heard this, he spoke.

"When I return to Your Highness, I have already sent someone to notify you. I think the North Korean envoy will arrive soon."

Zhu Jing'an nodded and began to think about the situation in North Korea, wondering whether it was necessary for Ming Dynasty to intervene.

In other words, would it be profitable for Ming Dynasty to intervene in the Korean War?

If it is profitable, it is not impossible for Ming Dynasty to intervene in the Korean War!

For example, the Ming Dynasty could reinforce some of the elites of North Korea, and then use these elites as the core to reorganize the North Korean army and fight the Qing army in North Korea.

If the Ming Dynasty can use such an elite force to drag the Manchu Eight Banners New Army into the mire of the Korean War, the Ming Dynasty will make a bloody profit.

Of course, this is not easy!

The new Eight Banners Army of the Manchu Qing Dynasty are all elite. Even if the North Korean army has the help of the Ming Army in training, it will not be easy to hold them back.

Zhu Jing'an couldn't help but frown in thought, the expression on his face was uncertain for a while.

Just as he was thinking, an announcement sounded outside.

"Your Highness, the North Korean delegation has arrived!"

Zhu Jing'an came back to his senses, nodded and said.

"Bring people in!"

While speaking, Zhu Jing'an stretched out his hand to tidy up the table in front of him and put away some of the more sensitive documents.

Although the North Korean delegation came to see him, it was unlikely that they would come to him to offend, let alone see the documents on his desk.

But never be too cautious!

Zhu Jing'an didn't have to wait long. Following a burst of chaotic footsteps, the envoy, deputy envoy, and several important officials of the North Korean mission were searched and brought to Zhu Jing'an's residence.

As soon as the envoys entered the study, they all knelt down in front of Zhu Jing'an and spoke.

"Come down, foreign ministers, to pay homage to His Highness the Crown Prince of Ming Dynasty!"

After saying this, Wang Minhao and others knelt down in front of Zhu Jing'an and bowed one by one.

Seeing this, Zhu Jing'an forced a smile on his face and said.

"Haha, flat body, flat body!"

"Come here, give the envoy a seat!"

After everyone sat down, Zhu Jing'an asked.

"I wonder what the purpose of the envoy coming to Shanghai to ask for an audience is?"

"If North Korea wanted to make a pilgrimage to the Ming Dynasty, it should go to Guangzhou."

Zhu Jing'an's first sentence left a hook.

If the North Korean mission made any request that he did not want to agree to, Zhu Jing'an could shirk the matter on the grounds that he, a prince, could not make arbitrary decisions and had to make a decision from the court.

Seeing this, Wang Minhao stood up from his seat again, knelt on the ground, and spoke.

"Your Majesty the Crown Prince!"

"North Korea was a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty. First, Emperor Gao, the Taizu of the Ming Dynasty, personally bestowed the name of the country and conferred the title of king. Then, during the Japanese Rebellion in Renchen, Emperor Shenzong sent troops to Korea to help Korea expel the Japanese pirates, and the relationship was restored."

"To Ming Dynasty and North Korea, they are like brothers and fathers!"

"No one in North Korea dares to forget the kindness of such reconstruction."

"After Jiashen, even though the Central Plains fell, North Korea still dared not forget the kindness of rebuilding the Ming Dynasty. It set up a large press altar in Seoul to pay homage to the two late emperors Shenzong and Sizong. They paid stipends every year and the incense continued."

"Now that the Manchus have invaded, Korea is once again in danger of national subjugation. We also ask the Ming Dynasty to send heavenly troops to aid Korea in order to drive out the Tartars and rebuild the Korean nation."

"The whole nation is willing to serve as a barrier to the Ming Dynasty forever, to serve the Heavenly Dynasty, and to pay tribute year after year!"

"Please show mercy to His Majesty the Crown Prince!"

Wang Minhao spoke with tears in his eyes about the origins between the Ming Dynasty and North Korea, about Emperor Shenzong of the Ming Dynasty's kindness to North Korea in rebuilding it, and about North Korea's respect and nostalgia for the Celestial Kingdom.

Want to impress Zhu Jing'an, ask Zhu Jing'an to send troops to reinforce North Korea!

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, although he was curling his lips in his heart, his face also showed an expression of emotion.

North Korea is indeed respectful to the Ming Dynasty, at least it seems that way on the surface.

However, it is not only the Ming Dynasty that North Korea respects!

After the Manchus entered the country, North Korea also treated the Manchus as their biological fathers.

In the beginning, tribute was even required several times a year.

It was later that the Manchu emperor became fed up with the fact that North Korea was not taking enough advantage, and ordered North Korea not to pay tribute frequently, so North Korea's tribute to the Manchu Dynasty became once a year.

As for the big newspapers?

How to put it, the Japanese Rebellion occurred in Renchen and again in Dingyou, and the Japanese invaded Korea twice. The Ming Dynasty sent troops to help Korea resist the Japanese pirates. The border troops participating in the war suffered heavy losses, and the war expenses almost drained the Ming Dynasty's treasury.

Is it appropriate for North Korea to build a large newspaper altar to commemorate Wanli, the scapegoat?

Can such a favor without any expense be considered conscientious?

If North Korea really had a conscience, they should have sent troops to the Central Plains to help the Ming Dynasty fight against the Qing Dynasty when Jiashen was in crisis!

It's not just about building a large newspaper altar after the fall of the Ming Dynasty to hypocritically commemorate the lonely ghosts of the Ming Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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