Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 268 The 8-Banner New Army Shows Its Might

While the artillery was firing, the Eight Banners New Army of the Qing Army also formed several rows of thin formations to kill, and under the command of the rhythm of the waist drum, they moved forward bit by bit.

On the southern battlefield, they suffered so many losses from the Ming army's shelling, and now the Qing army has a long memory.

We know that in the face of the enemy's superior artillery, the traditional cold weapon infantry array is a living target.

Therefore, the Eight Banners New Army adopted new tactics at the beginning of its establishment.

Thick and dense infantry arrays were no longer used on the battlefield, but thin formations lined up to shoot.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the Eight Banners New Army is a pure firearms force.

These Eight Banners new troops carried muskets on their shoulders, stepped forward, raised their chests and raised their heads, and their morale was very high.

Accompanied by a burst of chants, the formation of the Eight Banners New Army stood a hundred meters away from the Korean army, and then began to raise their guns and prepare to shoot.

Some foreign instructors stood in the formation of the Qing army, shouting and directing the battle in Chinese with a distinct accent.

"All hands on deck, ready to fire!"




The next moment, neat musket firing sounded.

The first row of Eight Banners new troops all pulled the triggers, and a neat row of smoke screens appeared in front of their array.

Thick volleys of projectiles were immediately fired at the North Korean soldiers in front of them.

In an instant, the North Korean soldiers on the opposite side fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the second row of musketeers stepped forward, raised their guns, aimed, and pulled the triggers in one go.

After a long period of hard training, the current Eight Banners New Army of the Qing Army is still at a good level.

It can be said that the platoon shooting is very impressive!

The situation on the battlefield was completely a unilateral abuse by the Qing army.

how to say!

The gap between the Qing Army's Eight Banners New Army and the Korean Army is manifold!

First of all, in terms of weapons, the muskets used by the Eight Banners New Army of the Qing Army were all flintlock muskets.

Since it is for the Eight Banners, the quality is guaranteed to a certain extent.

At the very least, it is not a problem to outperform the matchlock guns used by the Korean soldiers on the opposite side.

In addition, the new Eight Banners troops of the Qing army all wore cotton armor. Although the quality of the cotton armor they wore was not necessarily very good, it was not a problem to protect them from matchlock fire from a hundred meters away.

However, the North Korean soldiers only wore thin military uniforms, and almost no one wore armor. It could be said that they had no protection at all.

The gap between the two sides can be imagined.

The second is the gap in training between the two sides.

The Eight Banners New Army of the Qing Army were elites trained from the headquarters soldiers of the Ming Army, and their training standards were in line with those of the Ming Army's headquarters soldiers.

Basically, I did it every day!

Even if the level is not as good as that of the battle-hardened soldiers of the Ming Army headquarters, it is not much different.

From an objective point of view, the Qing court's Eight Banners New Army may have the ability to conduct large-scale field battles with the Ming army on the battlefield.

Although you may not win, you won't lose without the ability to fight back.

And what about the Korean soldiers on the opposite side?

To put it bluntly, their training intensity may not be comparable to that of the Manchu Green Camp.

It is actually conceivable what kind of scenes would happen if such two armies were to shoot each other on the battlefield.

Also, the new Eight Banners Army of the Qing Army entering the battlefield was a new force.

In the Battle of Pyongyang, the Qing Army's Eight Banners New Army was never put on the battlefield from beginning to end.

I was recharging my energy the whole time.

But the North Korean army is another story.

Since crossing the river, the Korean army has experienced the Qing army's Horqin light cavalry's cavalry harassment and cavalry charge, as well as the Sauron's heavy cavalry formation, and has long been beaten into a tired army.

After such an army collided head-on with the Eight Banners New Army, the most elite of the Qing army, the outcome is conceivable.

The Qing army had just fired five or six rounds of gunfire when the soldiers in the front row of the Korean army broke into an organized rout.

Seeing this scene, Fukang'an immediately ordered the Eight Banners New Army on the front line to seize the opportunity and launch a bayonet charge. The next moment, shouts of killing resounded across the battlefield.

The Eight Banners New Army of the Qing Army held bayonets and launched a bayonet charge.

With colorful cotton armor and sharp bayonets, the current Eight Banners New Army of the Qing Army has an elite momentum.

In one round of bayonet charge, they broke down the Korean army array in front of them, and began to sweep through the broken troops, driving the Korean army into the Datong River.

Fukangan was overjoyed when he saw this scene.

"Our army has won a great victory, so we should pursue it bravely and expand the results!"

"Command the troops to launch a full-line attack!"

Under Fukang'an's order, the Qing army launched a full-line offensive aggressively.

At the same time, Jin Guangzu finally made up his mind and spoke.

"Prepare to retreat!"

"We retreat to Datong Jiangnan to set up defenses!"

After pondering for a while, Jin Guangzu added.

"Let the Longhu Camp cross the river first!"

Yonghuying was not only the headquarters of Jin Guangzu, but also the garrison of the Korean monarch.

If Longhu Camp was annihilated by the Qing army in Datong Jiangbei, the impact would be huge!

The North Korean generals received the order and began to arrange operations in an orderly manner.

Someone increased troops on the front line in an attempt to stabilize the war situation.

Some people are preparing to cross the river and withdraw to Datong Jiangnan.

At this point, although the North Korean troops crossing the river are still resisting, the overall situation of the war has been decided, and there is no possibility of recurrence.

For the Qing army, they had already won the round of reinforcements in Pyongyang.

The next battle is nothing more than distinguishing small wins, medium wins, and big wins!


The sun sets!

A dense mass of dead bodies floated on the surface of the Datong River.

Almost all of them were soldiers of the North Korean Army.

The red sunset splashed on the river, dyeing it red.

It's hard to tell whether it's blood or the sunset.

After Jin Guangzu led the Longhu Camp to retreat to the south bank of the Datong River, the Korean army in the north of the river completely collapsed.

Large numbers of Korean troops began to surrender to the Qing army in an organized manner.

Those who were unwilling to surrender were driven down the Datong River by the Qing army and drowned alive in the river.

The archers and musketeers of the Qing army stood arrogantly on the shore, aiming at the Korean soldiers who fell into the water and shooting continuously, naming them one by one.

The water of the Datong River was soon dyed red with blood!

Jin Guangzu stood on the south bank of the Datong River, looking at the scene happening on the north bank, his eyes bloodshot.

Fukang'an also stood on the north bank of the Datong River, looking at the remnants of the Korean army on the south bank, with a gloomy expression.

Beside him, Sangzi Zabu stood with an uneasy look on his face, waiting for Fukangan's announcement.

Because Fukang'an's plan for this battle was to completely wipe out the Korean reinforcements.

But it was because of Sangzi Zabu that Fukang'an's plan failed.

Unable to annihilate all the North Korean troops who crossed the river, a considerable number of the elite North Korean troops fled back to the south bank of the Datong River.

How can this make Fukangan's face look good?

If it weren't for the concern that Sangji Zabu was the eldest son of King Doro of the Horqin tribe, Fukang'an would have ordered Sangji Zabu to be beheaded to correct military law.


That's all for today... (End of chapter)

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