Chapter 266 Fukangan’s anger

As Jin Guangzu's order was issued, the North Korean reinforcements located in Yanshan began to head north.

Heading towards Pyongyang City!

Along the way, Jin Guangzu received urgent requests for help from Pyongyang several times.

His face also became increasingly anxious.

Jin Guangzu had a premonition that Pyongyang might be a dragon's pond and a tiger's den for them.


"General, the ferry of Datong River is twenty miles ahead. Our vanguard is preparing to cross the river."

A messenger rushed over and reported to Jin Guang Zuhui.

Upon hearing this, Jin Guangzu took a deep breath and made up his mind.

"Send the order, the army is ready to cross the river!"

"After crossing the river, immediately rush to Pyongyang's aid."

Not long after, on the banks of the Datong River, the dark Korean army began to prepare to cross the river.

Boats were sailing on the river, sending people off to the other side of the river and setting up pontoons at the same time.

The first ones sent to the other side of the river were almost all the elites of the North Korean army.

After these people crossed the river, they immediately set up defenses on the riverside and prepared to meet the following troops to cross the river.

Carefully guard against a possible mid-crossing attack by the Qing army.


Soon, Fukang'an received a report from the Qing army sentries on the banks of the Datong River.

"Reporting to the general, North Korean army reinforcements have arrived at the south bank of the Datong River and are starting to cross the river!"

The sentry rider knelt down in front of Fukang'an and opened his mouth to report.

Hearing this, Fukangan narrowed his eyes and immediately ordered.

"Let Sanzizhabu be ready to attack. As soon as the main force of North Korean reinforcements completes crossing the river, he will attack immediately to cut off the pontoon bridge and cut off its retreat."

When the sentry rider heard this, he beat Qian'er to retreat, and immediately went to deliver the order.

Fukangan turned around and ordered the messengers beside him.

"Send an order to Chatai and ask him to lead his troops to withdraw and repair in preparation for the North Korean reinforcements!"

The Qing army is preparing for the battle in full swing.

Jin Guangzu also led his troops to cross the river.

Seeing that the Qing army did not send troops to attack when they were crossing the river, Jin Guangzu was obviously relieved, but his heart was full of ominous premonitions.

Listening to the faint roar of heavy artillery coming from the distance, the expression on Jin Guangzu's face was uncertain.

But he still ordered.

"Send the order, the army is marching towards Pyongyang!"

The North Korean army received the military order and began to slowly move towards Pyongyang City.

However, not long after Jin Guangzu's main force left the pontoon, and even as soon as the rear army got off the pontoon, they heard the sound of horse hooves in the distance.

The sound of horseshoes hitting the ground is very obvious!

Jin Guangzu subconsciously turned his head in the direction of the sound.

I saw a burst of smoke and dust filling the air, and the Qing army's cavalry roared towards the pontoon bridge where the Korean army crossed the river.

Sanzizhabu rode on horseback and charged forward, enjoying the strong wind blowing in his face. His face was full of excitement and he shouted loudly.

"Brothers, kill!"

"Seize the pontoon bridge, wipe out all the Korean soldiers in front of you, and serve the Qing Dynasty!"

"Long live the Qing Dynasty! The Mongolian warriors are invincible!"


Qingqi Benz, very fast.

In just the blink of an eye, Sangzi Zabu led his troops and rushed to the bank of the Datong River, less than a kilometer away from the pontoon bridge.

Jin Guangzu's eyes were split when he saw this scene.

realized the seriousness of the matter.

The Qing army was obviously heading for the pontoon bridge they used to cross the river!

If the floating bridge is captured by the Qing army, then they will be trapped in the north of Datong River by the Qing army, but it will really be over!

"Return to support the pontoon bridge. Send the order. The main force of the army will return to support the pontoon bridge. The rear army will form a formation on the spot and prepare to meet the Qing cavalry."

"We must ensure the safety of the pontoon at all costs!"


The only thing that made Jin Guangzu feel lucky was that they had just crossed the river and were not far from the floating bridge.

The rear army has just stepped off the pontoon bridge and is still sorting out its queue.

Otherwise, even if they want to return to the floating bridge, they may not be able to make it in time!

Between heaven and earth, the sound of horse hooves came one after another, obviously getting closer and closer.

The Qing army under Sangzi Zabu was getting closer and closer to the pontoon bridge.

The troops sent by Jin Guangzu to back up the pontoon also arrived at the pontoon and began to form formations to meet the enemy.

Seeing this, Sangzi Zabu was not in a hurry, but just ordered in an orderly manner.

"Prepare to engage the enemy!"

"Let these Koreans see our Mongolian men's riding and shooting skills!"

Most of the soldiers and horses under Sangzizabu were Horqin cavalry.

To be honest, the level of Horqin's cavalry is actually just that. Although they have good riding and shooting skills since they were young, their equipment is too poor.

The overall combat effectiveness is just that!

It may not be as good as the elite cavalry in the green camp.

However, even so, with the caliber of Horqin's cavalry, it is still easy to use them to deal with the Koreans.


Facing the approaching Qing cavalry, the Korean soldiers arrayed beside the pontoon to meet the enemy were obviously frightened, and the array inevitably wavered.

When infantry faces cavalry, the psychological pressure they face is too great!

Many North Korean soldiers holding shotguns had their trigger fingers trembling involuntarily.

The sound of horse hooves!

The Qing cavalry was getting closer and closer. The cavalry were riding on horseback, looking quite tall and majestic.

Facing the tall and mighty Qing cavalry, some Korean soldiers finally couldn't bear the pressure and pulled the trigger when the Qing cavalry was still hundreds of meters away from their array.

The lit match rope came into contact with the gunpowder in the medicine chamber, and the gunpowder exploded instantly. A cloud of gunpowder smoke was emitted from the muzzle, and the crisp sound of musket shooting sounded.

Snapped!clap clap!

The next moment, gunfire crackled into a mass.

Under the influence of herd mentality, many North Korean soldiers pulled the trigger one after another.

A row of smoke screens clearly appeared in front of the North Korean army's array.

However, because the distance was too far, and the North Korean soldiers were still firing indiscriminately, this round of shooting was not able to cause any damage to the oncoming Qing light cavalry.

Not even a single person from the Qing army was defeated!

The Qing cavalry were still galloping, and many of them picked up the bows slung next to their saddles, bent the bows and nocked arrows, and prepared to shoot on horseback. The cavalry is very fast, and the distance of a few hundred meters is only a blink of an eye.

Before the Korean soldiers could reload the matchlock guns in their hands, the Qing cavalry rushed up.

In front of the Korean army's formation, he reined in his horse, turned its head, and ran to the side.

But while turning the dock, the knight on horseback also bent his bow and arrows, and fired a hail of arrows at the North Korean soldiers who were loading their muskets.



Arrows rained down from the sky, and they could easily penetrate the uniforms of North Korean soldiers and then penetrate deeply into their bodies.

Although the cavalry bows used by the Qing cavalry were soft bows with low bow power, since the Korean army had no armor at all, the killing effect was still good.

A round of arrows rained down, and a large section of the Korean soldiers in the front row fell down.

Many people were covering their wounds hit by arrows and screaming in agony.

After the Qing cavalry fired a round of arrows, they began to distance themselves and made a large circle on the battlefield.

Be prepared to seize the opportunity and stick up for the next round of mounted shooting.

After the Qing army bypassed it, the musketeers on the Korean side finally completed loading.

But they still had the same old habit. Under the pressure and deterrence brought by the thousands of galloping horses of the Qing cavalry, they started shooting before the Qing cavalry could close up and enter the effective range.

Snapped!clap clap!

The sound of musket shooting continued.

The battlefield was filled with smoke, and almost all the Korean musketeers had emptied their muskets.

Seeing this, Sangji Zabu gave a decisive order.

"Come forward and shoot for the second round!"

The time it took for the North Korean musketeers to reload after firing was the opportunity that the Qing cavalry needed to seize to mount up and shoot.

On the battlefield, the sound of horse hooves still sounds!

The second round of cavalry shooting by the Qing army arrived as scheduled.

After waves of bow strings trembling, a large section of the front row of the Korean army fell down again.

Immediately, the Qing army's cavalry took advantage of the gap where the North Korean musketeers had not completed loading, and quickly opened the distance from the North Korean army's array.

They were prepared to wait for the North Korean musketeers to empty their muskets before they rushed forward to shoot on horseback.


Fukang'an looked at the battle situation by the Datong River from a distance, his expression not very good.

"What did this idiot Sanzizhabu do? Who let him shoot at the North Korean soldiers?"

"What is the mission I gave him? Has he forgotten all about it?!"

The task given by Fukang'an to Sangzi Zabu was to raid and cut off the pontoon bridge used by the North Korean army to cross the river.

Rather than shooting at the Koreans on the banks of the Datong River!

Don't look at the fact that Sangzi Zabu is now unilaterally abusing food. He relied on mounted shooting to kill a large number of North Korean soldiers at a very small cost of casualties.

But it didn't work!

On the battlefield, Jin Guangzu was quickly leading his troops back to aid the pontoon bridge. If Sangzi Zabu could not, he would cut off the pontoon bridge before Jin Guangzu returned to aid the pontoon bridge.

Then Jin Guangzu might lead the main force of the Korean army through the pontoon and retreat to the south bank of the Datong River.

If this is the case, wouldn't it mean that Fukang'an, who had been preparing for such a long time to encircle the area and mobilize reinforcements under Pyongyang City, would be in vain?

If the plan to encircle Fukang'an for reinforcements and destroy the main force of the Korean army goes to waste, then even if Sangji Zabu bullies the Korean soldiers with mounted fire, no matter how good the casualty exchange ratio is, it will be meaningless!

Victory at the tactical level is far from making up for the consequences of strategic failure.

And this is also the reason why Fukang'an is dissatisfied with Sangzi Zabu.

Fukangan didn't hesitate at all, turned around and gave instructions to the messenger beside him.

"Go quickly and pass the order, ordering Sangji Zabu to immediately cut off the pontoon bridge used by the North Korean army to cross the river at all costs."

"If anything unexpected happens, I, the general, will be the only one to ask questions!"

When the ordering soldier heard this, he turned around and flew away to convey the order.

Seeing this, Fukangan did not relax.

Because, visible to the naked eye, the main force of the Korean army led by Jin Guangzu was getting closer and closer to the floating bridge.

If we look at current trends, the North Korean army is very likely to be able to save the pontoon bridge.

Then cross the pontoon and return to the other side of the river!

If this is the case, Fukang'an's strategic plan will be completely ruined.

Full of anxiety in his heart, Fukangan turned to the side and gave instructions to Edehai, the commander of Sauron's soldiers.

"Edehai, lead your troops to attack now, lead the Sauron troops directly to the Korean army's center, and delay the Korean army's return to support the pontoon..."

E Dehai heard this and said to Qian'er.

"The general's direction will be clear to you!"

Edehai is a member of Hailancha's clan. He once participated in several large-scale wars during the Qing Dynasty, including the suppression of the Hezhuo Rebellion, the Jinchuan and Jinchuan Rebellion, and the Qing Dynasty's conquest of Burma.

He can be regarded as one of the Qing Dynasty’s own people who has experienced the test!

After Hailancha was defeated on the battlefield, Odehai was supported by the Qing Dynasty and became the new commander of Sauron's army.

This time when the Qing Dynasty recruited troops from various ministries outside the customs, Odehai made great efforts.

E Dehai took the order and left. Not long after, he saw a group of heavy cavalry roaring out of battle and galloping towards the Datong River.

The momentum of the heavy cavalry galloping was quite terrifying, and the ground seemed to be shaking from being stepped on.

Seeing Sauron's soldiers attacking, Fukang'an did not relax, but turned around and gave instructions to the other generals.

"Send an order to all our military units to prepare for the entire army to be escorted for a decisive battle with the North Korean army crossing the river!"


On the other side, Sangzi Zabu was happily leading his troops and cavalry to kill the enemy, happily abusing vegetables.

But just when he was in the mood to fight, he suddenly received a military order from Fukangan to march.

When Sangzi Zabu heard this, the expression on his face seemed to be stagnant.

Suddenly he realized that his current behavior was indeed a bit indifferent.

The only thing that made Sanzizhabu feel fortunate was that under his several rounds of mounted fire, the array of the North Korean army in front of him was already shaky.

If he leads his troops to charge now, he can defeat the enemy at the minimum cost.

Since then, his efforts in leading troops on horseback and shooting before were not in vain.

Naturally, it seems that I am not so stupid anymore!

But just when Sangzizabu was about to order the cavalry to charge into the formation, he was preparing to drill through the Korean army's array and then cut off the pontoon bridge.

Jin Guangzu had already brought the main force of the Korean army back to the area near the floating bridge.

The Korean army array, which had been crumbling by Sanji Zabu's mounted fire, regained order after being supplemented by troops.

Seeing this, Sangzi Zabu's eyes darkened, and the expression on his face was so gloomy that it seemed like water could drip from his face.

However, when he thought of Fukang'an's military order, "If there is an accident, he is the only one to ask questions." Sanzizhabu could only grit his teeth and say.

"Go down with the order, charge into the formation, and let these Korean soldiers see the power of our Mongolian warriors!"

Although he knew that if he charged into battle now, his people would pay a huge price, and he might not be able to achieve victory.

But in order to give Fukang'an an explanation and prevent Fukang'an from engaging in military law, Sangzizabu could only grit his teeth and order the charge.

The Mongolian cavalry of Horqin's tribe received an order from their prince to charge into battle.

Although they had some doubts about the resumption of the strict North Korean army array, they felt that if they just rushed forward and used light cavalry to attack the strict infantry array, they would probably suffer heavy casualties.

But the prince's military order has come down, so they have to bite the bullet!

(End of this chapter)

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